PowerBI / DAX - Row wise division by measure - dax

I am a heavy user of R who is trying to port some basic calculations to Power BI but unable to get DAX to perform vector/rowwise division.
For example, with this dataset:
Category Value
-------- -----
A 1
A 2
B 3
C 4
I have created a measure: Value Sum = SUM(Table[Value])
and I would like to create a third column: Value Share = Value / Value Sum to get:
Category Value Value Share
-------- ----- -----------
A 1 0.1
A 2 0.2
B 3 0.3
C 4 0.4
The equivalent in R would be :
table$Value.Share = table$value/Value.Sum
I have tried: Value Share = [Value] / [Value Sum] but I ended up with 1s in all Value Share rows. Tried SUMX and CALCULATETABLE functions but I believe I am missing something fundamental. Can anyone help?

Sure! If you're starting out with DAX, I can highly recommend to view one of the video lectures of Alberto Cairo / Marco Russo like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=klQAZLr5vxA, because your question (and all of DAX difficulty) is primarily about contexts.
As for your question, I think you're looking for
=[Value]/CALCULATE(SUM([Value]); ALL(TableName))
Of course, you can replace SUM([Value]) with a measure name too.
See also http://www.daxpatterns.com/cumulative-total/

try this formula: divide([value],sum([value]))
SNAP of DAX formula


SUMIF with date range for specific column

I've been trying to find an answer for this, but haven't succeeded - I need to sum a column for a specified date range, as long as my rowname matches the reference sheet's column name.
Date John Matt
07/01/19 1 2
07/02/19 1 2
07/03/19 2 1
07/04/19 1 1
07/05/19 3 3
07/06/19 1 2
07/07/19 1 1
07/08/19 5 9
07/09/19 9 2
1 07/01
2 07/07
3 Week1
4 John 10
5 Matt 12
Have to work in google sheets, and I tried using SUMPRODUCT which told me I can't multiply texts and I tried SUMIFS which let me know I can't have different array arguments - failed efforts were similar to below,
This might work:
But you'll need to specify how many rows down you need it to go. In my formula, it looks down till 100 rows.
To change the number of rows, you need to change the number in three places:
Reference_Sheet!A$2:A$100," ... in two places
To briefly explain what is going on:
look for the person's name in row 1 using match
Use address and indirect to build the address of cells to add
and then sumIfs() based on dates.
"where A >= date '"&TEXT(F$1, "yyyy-mm-dd")&"'
and A <= date '"&TEXT(F$2, "yyyy-mm-dd")&"'", 1)),
"where Col1 = '"&$E4&"'", 0))

How to find the maximum value from a column satisfying two or more IF conditions in DAX

I am a newbie to Power BI and DAX.
I have a dataset as attached. I need to find the maximum value for each person for each week. I have written the formula in Excel.
How can I convert it to DAX or write the same formula in Power BI? I tried the DAX Code as below, But it did not work(ALLEXCEPT Function expects table).
Weekly Maximum =
CALCULATE ( MAX ( PT[Value] ), ALLEXCEPT ( PT, PT[person], PT[Week],
PT[category] ==1 ) )
Once I calculate this, then I need to calculate the Expected value for each week, that has the maximum value of the previous week * 2.85, as shown in the screenshot. How can I put the previous week's maximum value for this week?
Any corrections/solutions, please?
The Max Value for Category 1 can be written like this:
ALLEXCEPT(PT, PT[Person], PT[Week]),
PT[Category] = 1)
(The Category filter doesn't go inside ALLEXCEPT().)
For your Expected Value column, you can do something similar:
= CALCULATE(2.85 * MAX(PT[Value]),
PT[Category] = 1,
PT[Week] = EARLIER(PT[Week]) - 1)
(The EARLIER function gives you the value for the row you are in. The name refers to the earlier row context.)

Expressions and Filters SSRS

I have a few things I am struggling with so hopefully I can ask all at once ?
I am using VS 2010 and I think with Vb.net to build reports, I use databases from Sql - I am mainly using matrix tables
I have a report that is multiple tables in one but not sure how to set/define to still show the tables that has no data ? So currently if there is a blank one it messes up the full report look ?
In another scenario how can I use an expression/custom code to filter out items in one row - in a calculation for example if I only want to sum 3 items of 5 etc
How can I work out % of a row or coloumn based on criteria or filters so if total items is 30 and item 1 is 5 the % of will be 17% and all items will total to 100%
How can I work out growth of the row/column so if year 1 is 50 and year 2 is 60 the growth/variance will be 20%
There are some issues with the expressions:
=IIF(Fields!Total_Amount__Excl_VAT_.Value = 0
OR Fields!Total_Amount__Excl_VAT_.Value = "", 0, Sum(Fields!Total_Amount__Excl_VAT_.Value))
The SUM should be around the IIF:
=SUM(IIF(Fields!Total_Amount__Excl_VAT_.Value = 0
OR Fields!Total_Amount__Excl_VAT_.Value = "", 0, Fields!Total_Amount__Excl_VAT_.Value))
The same issue for
=IIF(Fields!Total_Amount__Excl_VAT_.Value = 0
OR Fields!Total_Amount__Excl_VAT_.Value = "",0,Sum(Fields!Total_Amount__Excl_VAT_.Value))
Should Be:
=SUM(IIF(Fields!Total_Amount__Excl_VAT_.Value = 0
OR Fields!Total_Amount__Excl_VAT_.Value = "", 0, Fields!Total_Amount__Excl_VAT_.Value))
The growth formula looks correct - are you getting a different result than expected?

Create No to nearest Decimal in filemaker calculation

I have database where i am calculating the shipping cost. The logic of shipping cost is such way that it is calculated every 500gm. I have price list according to different weight but when i am using calculation taking the weight from user for example 1.4 i am unable to get it to next calculative weight of 1.5 , .7 to 1.0 , 1.7 to 2.0 how to achieve this?
Try this (substitute myNumber to get a different result):
Let (
myNumberInt = INT(myNumber);
myNumberFr = myNumber - myNumberInt;
myNumberFr = Case ( myNumberFr =0;0;myNumberFr >0.5 ; 1;0.5 );
result = myNumberInt + myNumberFr
You can wrap it in a custom function, in case you need to change it later throughout the system.
I am sure there is a better mathematical formula, but this should get you started
The Problem is fixed.
I have price list according to weight slab in different table.
I used the Country code with Zone id to track prices for particular weight slab prices provided by the courier company.
The price list for e.g. is in such way :-
Zone 1 .5Kg 100Yuan 1.0Kg 120 yuan etc etc , there goes till 20Kg in some case at max.
so when i input the weight in weight field for e.g. 13.5kg i use this weight / .5 which gives me a value 27 , the reason i use to divide the weight with .5 is for example if i input the weight to 13.8 kg i get 27.6 there upon i embed this in ceiling function in calculation field which gives me value of 28 which i can use to calculate the next price slab in the price list which is for every 500Gms +- .
Once i get this done i use this in script which does the job of going to particular layout to search the zone and the prices and retrieving those data to original layout to show the desired result.

Count amount separately depends on field value in Crystal Report VS2010

I am a beginner for Crystal report. I do not know how to work with formula editor.
My question is,
Table Name - Expenses
Field Name - Date, Purpose(Text), Less(Boolean), Amount(Double)
I want to count Less(Yes) Amount separately and Less(No) Amount separately. How to count this.
Please help me..
You will need two formulas:
Formula will show 1 for each record that has Less = True:
if less = True then 1
else 0
Formula 2 will show 1 for each record that has Less = False:
if less = False then 1
else 0
Now put those two formulas in your detail section and then do a sum on each one in your group footer. You can suppress the formulas in the detail section if you don't want to see them.
Hope that helps,
