vb6 Windows Service Issue - vb6

I have a vb6 Windows Service which i am trying to migrate it to 2008 from 2003 server and getting the below error,
"Windows could not start the Service-03 service on Local Computer.
Error 1053: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion."
Is that i have to install anything to run vb6 windows service applications on windows server 2008 ?

If you start the executable directly by doubleclicking the EXE (bypassing the Windows service handling) you will get popups if there's some ressources missing.

There can be many reasons for this, your service should hace a log where you can investigate further.
Take a look at windows events, there could be more information about the problem.


Delphi Rio application doesn't start on Windows 2003 Server (Missing d2d1.dll)

Since the Delphi Rio 10.3.3 update (before: Delphi Seattle) my application has not been started on a Windows 2003 server.
Error message like: The application could not be started because d2d1.dll was not found. Reinstalling the application can fix the problem.
I have copied the file d2d1.dll from my PC to the Windows 2003 Server. The following error message appears: The application or DLL d2d1.dll is not a valid Windows file. Check this with the installation chain.
Then I tried to register the DLL via CMD as follows: regscr32 / i d2d1.dll
Error message: d2d1.dll is not an executable file and is not a registration tool that is registered for this file type.
Any ideas? (I know that Windows 2003 Server is very old and nasty but I need any solution)
EDIT: A simple Hello World Application works.

Should I use a windows service?

Hi I have a console app which I need to start up when Windows Server 2012 starts and without needing to login. I've done a bit of research and people advise a windows service is the correct approach, however the links are quite old and I wanted to confirm this is still the case, or indeed correct at all. Cheers.
Yes, Windows Service is still the most popular way to write and run servers and or a 'daemon' in Windows OS.
Depending on what your application is doing, you might have other options though, e.g. hosting an application in IIS (Microsoft's Web server application in Windows Server).
More recently, Microsoft has been working with Docker to also allow the use of containerized application deployments, which is available in new versions of Windows Server (Windows Server 2016).
Here are a few resources for more reading:
For .NET developers: Walkthrough: Creating a Windows Service Application in the Component Designer
Not just for .NET developers: Quick Start: Windows Containers on Windows Server

How-to download Windows Process Activation Service (WAS)

I'm getting an error when I try to start an Application Pool in IIS7.
The error is called Service WAS was not found on computer'.'.'
I then googled "download Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) and I can't seem to find away to download it.
I'm running this on AWS on a remote desktop from my Windows 7 OS.
It is included in Windows and no additional download is needed.
You need to open Turn Windows features on or off in Control Panel and install it from there.

debugging windows service: breakpoint will not currently be hit

I have attached the process for my windows service which is running/started on my machine. In vs.net 2010 I have a few breakbpoints set in my service, but each of them says?:
'break point will not currently be hit'
what is the easiest way to get the debugging for windows services happening?
This is the correct way to debug the windows service but you should be sure that the files of the windows service are updated. I mean that whenever you build the windows service project you should stop the service, replace the windows service exe and the related dlls and then restart the windows service.

Windows 7 - Enable Network DTC Access

I have a Visual Studio 2010 Windows Forms application in which I start a transaction using the TransactionScope class. I then Receive a message from a Sql Server Broker Services message queue, which works fine. I next try to call a stored procedure from the same database with a call to my data access layer which is a Visual Studio dataset (xsd file). When I make this second call to the database I get the following error message:
The MSDTC transaction manager was unable to pull the transaction from the source transaction manager due to communication problems. Possible causes are: a firewall is present and it doesn't have an exception for the MSDTC process, the two machines cannot find each other by their NetBIOS names, or the support for network transactions is not enabled for one of the two transaction managers. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8004D02B).
I've seen several posts on the web that talk about Enabling DTC access through dcomcnfg.exe, and allowing DTC to communicate through Windows Firewall. I've done those things, and am still having this problem. I know our remote database server is setup to Enable DTC access, because we are using similar transactions in other projects built with Visual Studio 2008 on Windows XP and Vista. I think there is something specific about Windows 7 and Visual Studio 2010 causing this problem, but haven't been able to find out what it is. Can anyone help with this problem?
I just saw a post on the web from another programmer having this problem (http://www.pcreview.co.uk/forums/thread-3977150.php), he says it works fine on Windows 7 - x86, but gets this error on Windows 7 - x64. I'm running the x64 version of Windows 7, does anyone know if there are problems with MSDTC on Windows 7 - 64 bit version?
It turned out that I was leaving a database connection open in my Receive call to the SQL Server Service Broker, then trying to make a new connection to my data access layer. That was causing the problem, the fix turned out to be to close the first connection before opening the second one.
