Why won't this Scheme function compile? - scheme

I have this scheme function that I'm supposed to run lists of integers on but I have no idea what the error means. The error states: "if: expected a question and two answers, but found 4 parts in: (if(null? list) '() (cons (+ 1 (car list)) (f(cdr list)))). What is missing from this function and what on earth does '() do? Thanks! I've never used Scheme before.
(define (f list)
(if (null? list)
(cons (+ 1 (car list)) (f (cdr list)))))

The character you are using to quote the empty list is the right quotation mark ’, U+2019. Your code works fine if you use the ascii apostrophe ', U+0027
(define (f list)
(if (null? list)
(cons (+ 1 (car list)) (f (cdr list)))))

You used the wrong quote (maybe a copy paste error?).
Use ' not ’.


What's wrong with my syntax? Trying to see if a list contains all unique elements in Scheme

(define (all-different? L)
(null? L)
(member (car L) (cdr L))
(all-different? (cdr L))
There are a couple of misplaced brackets, and the indentation is... inexistent. Try this, and notice the standard way to indent Scheme code and the places where we usually open and close the brackets - this will help you a lot to find bugs:
(define (all-different? L)
(if (null? L)
(if (member (car L) (cdr L))
(all-different? (cdr L)))))
Remember, in Scheme a pair of () brackets means: "apply this procedure with parameters". So you have to be very careful, don't go surrounding everything with ().

How to check if first and last element in a list are identical (Language: Scheme)

I am writing a program in Scheme and having difficulty with this one part. Below is an example to make my question clear
(endsmatch lst) should return #t if the first element in the list is the same as the last element in the list and return #f otherwise.
For example:
(endsmatch '(s t u v w x y z)) should return: #f
(endsmatch (LIST 'j 'k 'l 'm 'n 'o 'j)) should return: #t
Here is what I have so far (just error handling). The main issue I am having is solving this recursively. I understand there are easier solutions that are not recursive but I need to solve this using recursion.
My code so far:
(define (endsmatch lst)
(if (not(list? lst))
"USAGE: (endsmatch [list])"
(if (or (null? lst)
(= (length lst) 1))
(equal? ((car lst)) (endsmatch(car lst)))
I believe my code starting at "(equal? " is where it is broken and doesn't work. This is also where I believe recursion will take place. Any help is appreciated!
Easiest way is to use a (recursive) helper function to do the looping:
(define (endsmatch lst)
(define (helper no1 lst)
(if (null? (cdr lst))
(equal? no1 (car lst))
(helper no1 (cdr lst))))
(if (or (not (list? lst)) (null? lst))
"USAGE: (endsmatch [list])"
(helper (car lst) lst)))
The reason I pass lst and not (cdr lst) as the second argument in the last line is so that it also works for 1-element lists.
I tend to use KISS when programming. aka. "Keep it simple, stupid!"
With that regard I would have oped for:
(define (ends-match? lst)
(or (null? lst)
(equal? (car lst)
(last lst))))
Now last we can define like this:
(define (last lst)
(foldl (lambda (e a) e) last lst))
It's not perfect. It should signal an error if you pass an empty list, but in the ends-match? you check for this and thus it's not a problem.

Scheme getting last element in list

Im trying to write a simple scheme function that returns the last element of a list. My function looks like it should work, but I managed to fail on something:
(define (last_element l)(
(cond (null? (cdr l)) (car l))
(last_element (cdr l))
(last_element '(1 2 3)) should return 3
DrRacket keeps on giving me the errors:
mcdr: contract violation
expected: mpair?
given: ()
Since (null? '()) is true, I don't get why this doesn't work.
This is a function I think I will need for a homework assignment (writing the function last-element is not the assignment), and the instructions say that I cannot use the built-in function reverse, so I can't just do (car (reverse l))
How do I fix this function?
Your syntax is totally wrong. You have an extra set of parentheses around the body of the function, not enough around the cond clauses, and your recursive case isn't even within the cond, so it gets done whether the test succeeds or fails. The following procedure should work:
(define (last_element l)
(cond ((null? (cdr l)) (car l))
(else (last_element (cdr l)))))
Just to add: in professional-level Racket, the last function is a part of the racket/list library.
you can retrieve the last element of a list by calling
(define (lastElem list) (car (reverse list)))
or, recursively using if built-in
(define (last list)
(if (zero? (length (cdr list)))
(car list)
(last (cdr list))))
You can also do it like this.First find the lenght of a list by cdring it down.Then use list-ref x which gives the x element of the list.
For example list-ref yourlistsname 0 gives the first element (basically car of the list.)And (list-ref
yourlistsname (- length 1)) gives the last element of the list.

scheme - equal function with lists

I wrote this program:
(define find-combination
{lambda (a b)
(if (eq? ((quotient (car a) (car b)) (quotient (car (cdr a)) (car (cdr b)))))
(display "1*v1" + ((quotient (car a) (car b))*"v2"))
(display "0*v1" + "0*v2"))})
(find-combination (list 2 2) (list 2 1))
a and b are two lists. Its give me the next problem: procedure application: expected procedure, given: 1; arguments were: 2.
I didn't get what is the problem. Someone can help me? Thank u.
First of all you have too much brackets after eq? - what you wrote means evaluating (quotient (car a) (car b)) and treating it as a function with argument (quotient (car (cdr a)) (car (cdr b))). The error means that first thing was evaluated to 1 and your interpreter expected it to be a procedure, not an integer. This line should be:
(if (eq? (quotient (car a) (car b)) (quotient (car (cdr a)) (car (cdr b))))
or even:
(if (eq? (quotient (car a) (car b)) (quotient (cadr a) (cadr b)))
Apart from that, lines with display calls are wrong - Scheme doesn't have an infix notation, so + and * are out of place.
First of all you have a set of curly braces in your code(the one before lambda)
Also you have another set of paranthesis around the parameters you passed to eq?
It should be something like this:
(eq? (quotient (car a) (car b)) (quotient (car (cdr a)) (car (cdr b))))
In Scheme and Racket, parentheses change the meaning of things.
is a number, but
is a call to 1 as a function... but 1 is a number, not a function, so this will cause the error you describe.
Your use of curly braces is also a little unsettling to me.

Scheme Deep reverse function

I am doing a scheme program which takes in a list and then reverse it. So far it works for simple list, which does not contain any sublist, but when I test it for a list contains sublist, it fails. Please help me where is wrong with it.
Here is the code:
(define deep-reverse
(lambda (L)
((empty? L) '())
(else (append (deep-reverse (rest L)) (list (first L)))))))
(define (deeprev L)
(if (null? L) '()
(if (list? (car L))
(if (chek (car L)) (append (deeprev (cdr L)) (list (reverse (car L))))
(append (deeprev (cdr L)) (list (deeprev (car L)))))
(append (deeprev (cdr L)) (list (car L))))))
First of all, you are using undefined Scheme functions. I am going to work off the following assumptions:
empty? is null?
rest is cdr
first is car
Your code works by taking the first element in a list and adding it to another list. However, that first element of a list can be a list itself. You need to test to see if the element that you're working on is atomic or a list. If it's a list, then you call deep-reverse recursively.
If you would like to see code appended to this, leave a comment.
