how to assign shards which are actual unassigned? - elasticsearch

Problem: I've started five elasticsearch nodes, but only 66,84 % of the Data is in kibana available. When I check the cluster health with localhost:9200/_cluster/health?pretty=true I've got the following informations: {
"cluster_name" : "A2A",
"status" : "red",
"timed_out" : false,
"number_of_nodes" : 5,
"number_of_data_nodes" : 4,
"active_primary_shards" : 612,
"active_shards" : 613,
"relocating_shards" : 0,
"initializing_shards" : 0,
"unassigned_shards" : 304,
"delayed_unassigned_shards" : 0,
"number_of_pending_tasks" : 0,
"number_of_in_flight_fetch" : 0,
"task_max_waiting_in_queue_millis" : 0,
"active_shards_percent_as_number" : 66.8484187568157
And also all my indices are red, except of the kibana index.
Small Part:
red open logstash-2015.11.08 5 0 47256 668 50.5mb 50.5mb
red open logstash-2015.11.09 5 0 46540 1205 50.4mb 50.4mb
red open logstash-2015.11.06 5 0 65645 579 69.2mb 69.2mb
red open logstash-2015.11.07 5 0 62733 674 66.4mb 66.4mb
green open .kibana 1 1 2 0 19.7kb 9.8kb
red open logstash-2015.11.11 5 0 49254 1272 53mb 53mb
red open logstash-2015.11.12 5 0 50885 466 53.6mb 53.6mb
red open logstash-2015.11.10 5 0 49174 1288 52.6mb 52.6mb
red open logstash-2016.04.12 5 0 92508 585 104.8mb 104.8mb
red open logstash-2016.04.13 5 0 95120 279 107.2mb 107.2mb
I've tried to fix the problem with curl -XPUT 'localhost:9200/_settings' -d ' {"index.routing.allocation.disable_allocation": false}' but it doesn't work!
So has anyone of you some ideas how to assign my shards?
And when you need some other infos please ask and I will try to offer you the data:

Have you seen this answer?
You could also try restarting elasticsearch first: service elasticsearch restart.
Otherwise, just try reallocating the shards manually (as your indices have 5 shards, run the command with the shard flag 0, 1, 2, .. 5):
curl -XPOST -d '{ "commands" : [ {
"allocate" : {
"index" : "logstash-2015.11.08",
"shard" : 0,
"node" : "SOME_NODE_HERE",
} ] }' http://localhost:9200/_cluster/reroute?pretty`
You can check the nodes with unassigned shards using: curl -s localhost:9200/_cat/shards | grep UNASS

if shards are stuck in unallocated they can be manually allocated. For example:
curl -XPOST 'localhost:9200/_cluster/reroute' -d '{
"commands": [{
"allocate": {
"index": "logstash-2015.11.07",
"shard": 5,
"node": "Frederick Slade",
"allow_primary": 1
See the Cluster Reroute documentation, including warnings on the use of allow_primary.


ElasticSearch (cURL REST API request) not giving results expected

I use this command, which should match all documents:
curl -XGET 'localhost:9200/users/_search?pretty' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'
"query": { "match_all": {} }
I get this response:
"took" : 0,
"timed_out" : false,
"_shards" : {
"total" : 5,
"successful" : 5,
"skipped" : 0,
"failed" : 0
"hits" : {
"total" : 0,
"max_score" : null,
"hits" : [ ]
But I'm 99.9% sure I have documents on that index. If I am right, why isn't it showing the matches? If I am wrong, how can I confirm this?
You should be able to determine what's happening if you know (a) where all your documents are being stored and (b) what the server thinks the 'users' index actually is.
For the first question, you can hit the _cat/indices endpoint to see how many documents you have in each index (the "docs.count" column):
$curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/_cat/indices?v'
health status index pri rep docs.count docs.deleted store.size
green open query 1 0 0 0 159b 159b
green open some_index 1 0 54 0 24.7kb 24.7kb
green open autocomplete 1 0 0 0 159b 159b
green open test_index 2 0 10065 4824 7.9mb 7.9mb
For the second question, check the aliases defined on your server. It's possible that "users" has been defined as an alias to an index that doesn't have any documents, or it's possible that a filtered alias has been defined on that index with a filter that is excluding all of your documents (many aliases have date-related filters that will exclude all documents outside of a very specific date range). To check for the presence of aliases you can use
$curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/_aliases?pretty=true'

Elasticsearch doesn't allow to allocate unassigned shard

I have an ES cluster of 2 nodes. As I restarted nodes the cluster status is yellow as some of the shards are unassigned. I've tried to google and the common solution is to reroute unassigned shards. Unfortunately, it doesn't work for me.
curl localhost:9200/_cluster/health?pretty=true
"cluster_name" : "infra",
"status" : "yellow",
"timed_out" : false,
"number_of_nodes" : 2,
"number_of_data_nodes" : 2,
"active_primary_shards" : 34,
"active_shards" : 68,
"relocating_shards" : 0,
"initializing_shards" : 0,
"unassigned_shards" : 31,
"delayed_unassigned_shards" : 0,
"number_of_pending_tasks" : 0,
"number_of_in_flight_fetch" : 0,
"task_max_waiting_in_queue_millis" : 0,
"active_shards_percent_as_number" : 68.68686868686868
curl localhost:9200/_cluster/settings?pretty
"persistent" : { },
"transient" : {
"cluster" : {
"routing" : {
"allocation" : {
"enable" : "all"
curl localhost:9200/_cat/indices?v
health status index pri rep docs.count docs.deleted store.size
yellow open logstash-log-2016.05.13 5 2 88314 0 300.5mb 150.2mb
yellow open logstash-log-2016.05.12 5 2 254450 0 833.9mb 416.9mb
yellow open .kibana 1 2 3 0 47.8kb 25.2kb
green open .marvel-es-data-1 1 1 3 0 8.7kb 4.3kb
yellow open logstash-log-2016.05.11 5 2 313095 0 709.1mb 354.6mb
yellow open logstash-log-2016.05.10 5 2 613744 0 1gb 520.2mb
green open .marvel-es-1-2016.05.18 1 1 88720 495 89.9mb 45mb
green open .marvel-es-1-2016.05.17 1 1 69430 492 59.4mb 29.7mb
yellow open logstash-log-2016.05.17 5 2 188924 0 518.2mb 259mb
yellow open logstash-log-2016.05.18 5 2 226775 0 683.7mb 366.1mb
curl -XPOST 'localhost:9200/_cluster/reroute?pretty' -d '{
"commands": [
"allocate": {
"index": "logstash-log-2016.05.13",
"shard": 3,
"node": "elasticsearch-mon-1",
"allow_primary": true
"error" : {
"root_cause" : [ {
"type" : "illegal_argument_exception",
"reason" : "[allocate] allocation of [logstash-log-2016.05.13][3] on node {elasticsearch-mon-1}{K-J8WKyZRB6bE4031kHkKA}{}{} is not allowed, reason: [YES(allocation disabling is ignored)][NO(shard cannot be allocated on same node [K-J8WKyZRB6bE4031kHkKA] it already exists on)][YES(no allocation awareness enabled)][YES(allocation disabling is ignored)][YES(target node version [2.3.2] is same or newer than source node version [2.3.2])][YES(primary is already active)][YES(total shard limit disabled: [index: -1, cluster: -1] <= 0)][YES(shard not primary or relocation disabled)][YES(node passes include/exclude/require filters)][YES(enough disk for shard on node, free: [25.4gb])][YES(below shard recovery limit of [2])]"
} ],
"type" : "illegal_argument_exception",
"reason" : "[allocate] allocation of [logstash-log-2016.05.13][3] on node {elasticsearch-mon-1}{K-J8WKyZRB6bE4031kHkKA}{}{} is not allowed, reason: [YES(allocation disabling is ignored)][NO(shard cannot be allocated on same node [K-J8WKyZRB6bE4031kHkKA] it already exists on)][YES(no allocation awareness enabled)][YES(allocation disabling is ignored)][YES(target node version [2.3.2] is same or newer than source node version [2.3.2])][YES(primary is already active)][YES(total shard limit disabled: [index: -1, cluster: -1] <= 0)][YES(shard not primary or relocation disabled)][YES(node passes include/exclude/require filters)][YES(enough disk for shard on node, free: [25.4gb])][YES(below shard recovery limit of [2])]"
"status" : 400
curl -XPOST 'localhost:9200/_cluster/reroute?pretty' -d '{
"commands": [
"allocate": {
"index": "logstash-log-2016.05.13",
"shard": 3,
"node": "elasticsearch-mon-2",
"allow_primary": true
"error" : {
"root_cause" : [ {
"type" : "illegal_argument_exception",
"reason" : "[allocate] allocation of [logstash-log-2016.05.13][3] on node {elasticsearch-mon-2}{Rxgq2aWPSVC0pvUW2vBgHA}{}{} is not allowed, reason: [YES(allocation disabling is ignored)][NO(shard cannot be allocated on same node [Rxgq2aWPSVC0pvUW2vBgHA] it already exists on)][YES(no allocation awareness enabled)][YES(allocation disabling is ignored)][YES(target node version [2.3.2] is same or newer than source node version [2.3.2])][YES(primary is already active)][YES(total shard limit disabled: [index: -1, cluster: -1] <= 0)][YES(shard not primary or relocation disabled)][YES(node passes include/exclude/require filters)][YES(enough disk for shard on node, free: [25.4gb])][YES(below shard recovery limit of [2])]"
} ],
"type" : "illegal_argument_exception",
"reason" : "[allocate] allocation of [logstash-log-2016.05.13][3] on node {elasticsearch-mon-2}{Rxgq2aWPSVC0pvUW2vBgHA}{}{} is not allowed, reason: [YES(allocation disabling is ignored)][NO(shard cannot be allocated on same node [Rxgq2aWPSVC0pvUW2vBgHA] it already exists on)][YES(no allocation awareness enabled)][YES(allocation disabling is ignored)][YES(target node version [2.3.2] is same or newer than source node version [2.3.2])][YES(primary is already active)][YES(total shard limit disabled: [index: -1, cluster: -1] <= 0)][YES(shard not primary or relocation disabled)][YES(node passes include/exclude/require filters)][YES(enough disk for shard on node, free: [25.4gb])][YES(below shard recovery limit of [2])]"
"status" : 400
So it fails and doesn't make any change. Shards are still in unassigned state.
Thank you.
curl localhost:9200/_cat/shards
logstash-log-2016.05.13 2 p STARTED 17706 31.6mb elasticsearch-mon-2
logstash-log-2016.05.13 2 r STARTED 17706 31.5mb elasticsearch-mon-1
logstash-log-2016.05.13 2 r UNASSIGNED
logstash-log-2016.05.13 4 p STARTED 17698 31.6mb elasticsearch-mon-2
logstash-log-2016.05.13 4 r STARTED 17698 31.4mb elasticsearch-mon-1
logstash-log-2016.05.13 4 r UNASSIGNED
For all the indices that are yellow you have configured 2 replicas:
health status index pri rep
yellow open logstash-log-2016.05.13 5 2
yellow open logstash-log-2016.05.12 5 2
yellow open .kibana 1 2
yellow open logstash-log-2016.05.11 5 2
yellow open logstash-log-2016.05.10 5 2
yellow open logstash-log-2016.05.17 5 2
yellow open logstash-log-2016.05.18 5 2
2 replicas on two nodes cluster is impossible. You need a third node for all the replicas to be assigned.
Or, decrease the number of replicas:
PUT /logstash-log-*,.kibana/_settings
"index": {
"number_of_replicas": 1
Had same problem with version 5.1.2
I tried below option and it worked out.
curl -XPUT 'localhost:9200/_cluster/settings' -d
'{ "transient":
{ "cluster.routing.allocation.enable" : "all" }
After this it automatically allocated shards.

Elasticsearch cluster health: yellow (131 of 262) unassigned shards

I'm very new to Elasticsearch and try to use it for analyze of data from Suricata IPS. Head plugin shows me this: yellow (131 of 262) unassigned shards
also getting this:
$ curl -XGET
"cluster_name" : "elasticsearch_brew",
"status" : "yellow",
"timed_out" : false,
"number_of_nodes" : 1,
"number_of_data_nodes" : 1,
"active_primary_shards" : 131,
"active_shards" : 131,
"relocating_shards" : 0,
"initializing_shards" : 0,
"unassigned_shards" : 131,
"number_of_pending_tasks" : 0,
"number_of_in_flight_fetch" : 0
How to get rid of those unassigned shards? And also Kibana says me this from time to time:
Error: Bad Gateway
at respond (https://www.server.kibana/index.js?_b=:85279:15)
at checkRespForFailure (https://www.server.kibana/index.js?_b=:85247:7)
at https://www.server.kibana/index.js?_b=:83885:7
at wrappedErrback (https://www.server.kibana/index.js?_b=:20902:78)
at wrappedErrback (https://www.server.kibana/index.js?_b=:20902:78)
at wrappedErrback (https://www.server.kibana/index.js?_b=:20902:78)
at https://www.server.kibana/index.js?_b=:21035:76
at Scope.$eval (https://www.server.kibana/index.js?_b=:22022:28)
at Scope.$digest (https://www.server.kibana/index.js?_b=:21834:31)
at Scope.$apply (https://www.server.kibana/index.js?_b=:22126:24)
I don't know if these problems connected to each other... Could please anyone help me to get it work. Thank you very much!
A cluster with only one node and indices that have one replica will always be yellow.
yellow is not a bad thing, the cluster works perfectly fine. The downside is it doesn't have the copies of the shards active.
You can have a green cluster if youbset the number of replicas to 0 or you add a second node to the cluster.
But, as I said, there is no problem if you have a yellow cluster.
Setting number of replicas to 0, cluster wide (all indices):
curl -XPUT "http://localhost:9200/_settings" -d'
"number_of_replicas" : 0

How to remove nodes from a ES cluster does one remve nodes from ES?
I had 4 nodes, wanted to remove three.
On the node I wanted to keep I ran the below:
curl -XPUT localhost:9200/_cluster/settings -d '{"transient" : {"cluster.routing.allocation.exclude._ip" : ""}}';echo
curl -XPUT localhost:9200/_cluster/settings -d '{"transient" : {"cluster.routing.allocation.exclude._ip" : ""}}';echo
curl -XPUT localhost:9200/_cluster/settings -d '{"transient" : {"cluster.routing.allocation.exclude._ip" : ""}}';echo
Now my cluster health looks like this:
curl localhost:9200/_cluster/health?pretty=true
"cluster_name" : "elasticsearch",
"status" : "red",
"timed_out" : false,
"number_of_nodes" : 1,
"number_of_data_nodes" : 1,
"active_primary_shards" : 2,
"active_shards" : 2,
"relocating_shards" : 0,
"initializing_shards" : 0,
"unassigned_shards" : 8
How do I fix? What is the proper method for removing nodes?
Thank god this was in dev...
Your decommission was good with cluster.routing.allocation.exclude._ip !
The problem you got is that you don't give time for shards to move, each time, to the remained nodes.
You can replay the same commands, one by one, but with paying attention to the migrating shards with some monitoring plug-ins as ElasticHQ or Kopf

Get rid of unassigned shard

I've an ELK stack with two ElasticSearch nodes running and the cluster state turned red due to some unassigned shards which I can't get rid of. Looking up the unassigned shard, resp. the incomplete index with:
# curl -s elastic01.local:9200/_cat/shards | grep "logstash-2014.09.29"
logstash-2014.09.29 4 p STARTED 745489 481.3mb Crimson and the Raven
logstash-2014.09.29 4 r STARTED 745489 481.3mb Glenn Talbot
logstash-2014.09.29 0 p STARTED 781110 502.3mb Crimson and the Raven
logstash-2014.09.29 0 r STARTED 781110 502.3mb Glenn Talbot
logstash-2014.09.29 3 p INITIALIZING Crimson and the Raven
logstash-2014.09.29 3 r UNASSIGNED
logstash-2014.09.29 1 p STARTED 762991 490.1mb Crimson and the Raven
logstash-2014.09.29 1 r STARTED 762991 490.1mb Glenn Talbot
logstash-2014.09.29 2 p STARTED 761811 491.3mb Crimson and the Raven
logstash-2014.09.29 2 r STARTED 761811 491.3mb Glenn Talbot
My attempt to assign the shard to the other node fails:
curl XPOST -s 'http://elastic01.local:9200/_cluster/reroute?pretty=true' -d '{
"commands" : [ {
"allocate" : {
"index" : "logstash-2014.09.29",
"shard" : 3 ,
"node" : "Glenn Talbot",
"allow_primary" : 1
NO(primary shard is not yet active)]
I can't really seem to find an API to push the shard states any further. How could I proceed here?
Just for a complete picture, that what the system health looks like:
"cluster_name" : "logstash_es",
"status" : "red",
"timed_out" : false,
"number_of_nodes" : 2,
"number_of_data_nodes" : 2,
"active_primary_shards" : 114,
"active_shards" : 228,
"relocating_shards" : 0,
"initializing_shards" : 1,
"unassigned_shards" : 1
Thank you for your time and help
I actually ran into this situation with ElasticSearch 1.5 just the other day. After initially getting the same error, I simply repeated the /_cluster/reroute request the next day for lack of other ideas, and it worked, and it put the cluster back into a green state immediately.
