Slow SSH & Firezilla OSX - macos

Im having a bizzare issue with my Macbook pro running el capitan 10.11.3 (15D21) where if i try to SSH or use FTP like firezilla, i can connect to the ip addresses but at a snails pace.
SSH, when connected in terminal the typing is slow, changing directories is slow and sometimes itll stall and then type out after ive pressed keys.
FTP with firezilla is the same using SFTP, connecting is slow and loading folers is slow but the download speeds are quick as hell
any ideas?

Figured it out,
Turns out the work network over wifi was hating my laptop so switched to wired


How can I start IntelliJ IDEA remotely as an X Windows application, if the server is Mac?

I had success to start it, but through a Docker container, ugly but works.
The setup is, old mac with good keyboard = X server.
The new mac with broken keys: X11Forwarding yes.
On the server I tried idea, it starts only on the server. No in bin.
Downloading a container with linux, setting its DISPLAY, and IntelliJ starts on the other mac.
Can something be done so that the nice IntelliJ app starts on another mac?
I tried remoting (screen sharing, team viewer) and they are too slow to react, even on LAN (the trackpad is the problem, the screen itself and keyboard are snappy).
Also with Docker it is a bit tricky to keep it alive, commit it, be careful not to loose the state (even if the projects are mounted on volumes with host).
Are you aware of a Linux VirtualBox that would be suitable to install Java, Scala & IntelliJ ? Ubuntu? Debian? Rethorical question, I guess either can work. Port forwarding for X11. Somehow I would need 2 forwardings, or maybe it would work the way Docker works, maybe both are bridges and see in the LAN. The Docker container sure seems to directly see the other IP.
Indeed only an OS that communicates over X protocol, such as Linux can be used (via Docker container, Virtual Machine, etc). MacOS uses VNC as protocol.

AFP and Time Machine stopped working on QNAP HS-251+

Time Machine and AFP have stopped working. I think it may have happened at the firmware update before last but cannot confirm that.
I have an HS-251+ w/ firmware version
I have macOS 10.14.5 and QNAP.
When I try connect to the NAS using Finder (Go > Connect to Server > "afp://NAS1" > Connect) I receive an error: "There was a problem connecting to the server NAS1. The server may not exist or is not available. ...etc"
I can no longer see the server in Finder side panel, but if I click Network I can see it only if I turn on Windows Networking.
On a linux workstation I can see all the NFS mounts fine.
Time Machine can no longer find NAS1 to back up either.
I am completely stumped as to how to fix this.
QNAP Support confirmed this is a bug.
I was able to confirm that it only happens if you create additional shares - then time Machine stops working. You delete the shares and time machine can see the Nas again.

QEMU for Win7 hosting Debian : no more able to connect to the network

I'm fighting strongly against a problem that is making me crazy.
I’m extensively using QEMU over a Win7 64bits machine for running different Linux VMs (Debian, Raspbian).
In the past I configured the network following the QEMU instructions using the OpenVPN TAP device and network bridge in Win7 : it ran perfectly and the Linux machine was able to connect the “real world” networks, internet and so on.
In the last few days, on the contrary, this nice behavior stops working. The Windows situation is unmodified (the OpenVPN TAP driver settings are the same, the bridge is still there, when the bridge is active Windows still see the network, the TAP driver becomes “busy” when the QEMU VM starts as usual, the QEMU startup scripts are still the same…), but the emulated Linux system (whatever image I use) is unable to connect the network.
The “eth0” interface is active but unable to get the IP address from the DHCP and also using fixed IP address doesn’t solve the problem, since the IP address is not seen by the “real” network.
I have tried to uninstall and reinstall again the OpenVPN TAP driver, to downgrade Win QEMU to the previous version, but no way !
The only change that I made in the HOST configuration has been to install GNS3 (with its own TAP driver), but without including the QEMU VM in any GNS3 network.
Does anybody have suggestions regarding what kind of checks I have to do on QEMU in order to solve the problem ?
Any help will be appreciated
Ugo Poddine
I was finally able to get out.
I was forced to restore a previous system image : all attempts to uninstall and reinstall the OpenVPN TAP driver were useless.
The problem is probably due to the update of the OpenVPN TAP driver : with the v. no problem, but updating to the 9.21.1 seems to have generated the problem.
I'm now able to use again QEMU and GNS3 in network.
But what a strange case !

How to connect remotely from Windows to Mac from LAN

Basically what I want to do is write iOS code on Xcode from my Windows PC which is connected to my Macbookpro. I tried a lot of applications for this and most of them connect through the internet and have screen action delays. Some of the other applications have a problem with sending mac commands from my windows keyboard.
- Fast LAN connection
- Ability to pass mac shortcuts
- Responsive
- Hopefully free
- Hopefully copy paste data between computers
to state the obvious,so we are on the same page. the LAN is your Local Area Network, and the parameters of your LAN are defined by the Coverage area of your Modem's Wifi Range and the amount of Ethernet Hard Wire Connections, if you are trying to connect to a Mac on your LAN From a Windows Machine on the same LAN, That is not referred to as REMOTE CONNECTION, That is referred to as LOCAL NETWORKING, Connecting Remotely, or Remote Connection is when you connect From a Remote LAN or one that is not Your Personal LAN, and you use that LAN to Connect to a Computer on your LAN, that's remote connection, Hence, your connecting remotely, so.. Are you using Your LAN to achieve this and your having lag issues, or a you trying to do it remotely, if your trying to Remote Connect and your having trouble with Software, because i know it can be a pain, You should have mentioned what you have already tried, But.. Windows Remote Desktop Connection is buggy, i wouldn't recommend it, the way to go use to be TeamViewer as a free solution, then they Stopped the Free thing and started charging, Other Options were CrossLoop, it's good, but sometimes slow, Try if you haven't already, Most of the Good option are Paid, i rate Bomgar to be the highest, because your accessing Remotely via way of a Remote Box that is not technically inside the parameters of your LAN, hence more secure. LogMeIn is a good one
but as far as free is concerned, and to get the results you want, there is not much out there, obviously the idea is that they want you to buy the full versions, i'll do some research for you, but.. is it possible for you to provide a list of what you have already experimented with thus far, so i don't double handle. thanks

TeamViewer or VNC on slow network?

I have slow network, slow probably because of the tools to filter the traffic and because we run VPN, so sometimes when i run TeamViewer on one PC from the network, i get ID and PW and try to connect from PC out of the network it just accepts ID and PW and hangs, doesnt show anything, i think this is because the network is too slow right ?
So i am wondering would VNC be better solution ? I know that VNC is slow even if you run it on fast LAN network, but i think its slow because its protocol is made like that, other than that i think it will be more reliable than TeamViewer ?
Also suggest me "best" VNC server and client.
Other suggestions are welcome as well.
Thanks in advance.
Teamviewer has been quite buggy for me, and a little heavy on the CPU, specially when using it in non-Windows machines. Hamachi, however, has worked well for me in the past.
I recommend that you use Hamachi to set up a virtual "VPN", and then use the built-in client/servers for remote desktop access. In Ubuntu, use the standard screen sharing, that uses a VNC server/client; in Windows, use remote desktop connection from Microsoft, and on the Mac, use the standard Desktop Sharing service (which is a VPN service/server, but only seems to work perfectly with Apple clients).
