Declare an lldb summary-string for a sized string type - debugging

I would like to have a formatter for the buildin string type of the nim language, but somehow I fail at providing it. Nim compilis to c, and the c representation of the string type you see here:
#if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__) || defined(_MSC_VER)
# define SEQ_DECL_SIZE /* empty is correct! */
# define SEQ_DECL_SIZE 1000000
typedef char NIM_CHAR;
typedef long long int NI64;
typedef NI64 NI;
struct TGenericSeq {NI len; NI reserved; };
struct NimStringDesc {TGenericSeq Sup; NIM_CHAR data[SEQ_DECL_SIZE]; };
and here is the output of what I have tried in the lldb session:
(lldb) frame variable *longstring
(NimStringDesc) *longstring = {
Sup = (len = 9, reserved = 15)
data = {}
(lldb) frame variable longstring->data
(NIM_CHAR []) longstring->data = {}
(lldb) type summary add --summary-string "${&var[0]%s}" "NIM_CHAR []"
(lldb) frame variable longstring->data
(NIM_CHAR []) longstring->data = {}
(lldb) type summary add --summary-string "${var%s}" "NIM_CHAR *"
(lldb) frame variable longstring->data
(NIM_CHAR []) longstring->data = {}
(lldb) frame variable &longstring->data[0]
(NIM_CHAR *) &[0] = 0x00007ffff7f3a060 "9 - 3 - 2"
(lldb) frame variable *longstring
(lldb) type summary add --summary-string "${}" "NimStringDesc"
(lldb) frame variable *longstring
(NimStringDesc) *longstring = NIM_CHAR [] # 0x7ffff7f3a060
(lldb) type summary add --summary-string "${&[0]%s}" "NimStringDesc"
(lldb) frame variable *longstring
(NimStringDesc) *longstring = {
Sup = (len = 9, reserved = 15)
data = {}
I simply can't manage, that the output will just be data interpreted as a '\0' terminated c-string

The summary string syntax you've tried is (by design) not as syntax rich as C.
And since you're using a zero-sized array, I don't think we have any magic provision to treat that as a pointer-to string. You might want to file a bug about it, but in this case, it's arguable whether it would help you. Since your string is length-encoded it doesn't really need to be zero-terminated, and that is the only hint LLDB would understand out of the box to know when to stop reading out of a pointer-to characters.
In your case, you're going to have to resort to Python formatters
The things you need are:
the memory location of the string buffer
the length of the string buffer
a process to read memory out of
This is a very small Python snippet that does it - I'll give you enhancement suggestions as well, but let's start with the basics:
def NimStringSummary(valobj,stuff):
l = valobj.GetChildMemberWithName('Sup').GetChildMemberWithName('len').GetValueAsUnsigned(0)
s = valobj.GetChildMemberWithName('data').AddressOf()
return '"%s"'% valobj.process.ReadMemory(s.GetValueAsUnsigned(0),l,lldb.SBError())
As you can see, first of all it reads the value of the length field;
then it reads the address-of the data buffer; then it uses the process that the value comes from to read the string content, and returns it in quotes
Now, this is a proof of concept. If you used it in production, you'd quickly run into a few issues:
What if your string buffer hasn't been initialized yet, and it says the size of the buffer is 20 gigabytes? You're going to have to limit the size of the data you're willing to read. For string-like types it has builtin knowledge of (char*, std::string, Swift.String, ...) LLDB prints out the truncated buffer followed by ..., e.g.
(const char*) buffer = "myBufferIsVeryLong"...
What if the pointer to the data is invalid? You should check that s.GetValueAsUnsigned(0) isn't actually zero - if it is you might want to print an error message like "null buffer".
Also, here I just passed an SBError that I then ignore - it would be better to pass one and then check it
All in all, you'd end up with something like:
import lldb
import os
def NimStringSummary(valobj,stuff):
l = valobj.GetChildMemberWithName('Sup').GetChildMemberWithName('len').GetValueAsUnsigned(0)
if l == 0: return '""'
if l > 1024: l = 1024
s = valobj.GetChildMemberWithName('data').AddressOf()
addr = s.GetValueAsUnsigned(0)
if addr == 0: return '<null buffer>'
err = lldb.SBError()
buf = valobj.process.ReadMemory(s.GetValueAsUnsigned(0),l,err)
if err.Fail(): return '<error: %s>' % str(err)
return '"%s"' % buf
def __lldb_init_module(debugger, internal_dict):
debugger.HandleCommand("type summary add NimStringDesc -F %s.NimStringSummary" % os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(__file__))[0])
The one extra trick is the __lldb_init_module function - this function is automatically called by LLDB whenever you 'command script import' a python file. This will allow you to add the 'command script import ' to your ~/.lldbinit file and automatically get the formatter to be picked up in all debug sessions
Hope this helps!


Calling the GetUserName WinAPI function with a mutable string doesn't populate the string

This appears to partially work but I cannot get the string value to print
pub fn test() {
let mut buf: Vec<u16> = vec![0; 64];
let mut sz: DWORD = 0;
unsafe {
advapi32::GetUserNameW(buf.as_mut_ptr(), &mut sz);
let str1 = OsString::from_wide(&buf).into_string().unwrap();
println!("Here: {} {}", sz, str1);
Here: 10
When I expect it to also print
Here: 10 <username>
As a test, the C version
TCHAR buf[100];
GetUserName(buf, &sz);
seems to populate buf fine.
You should re-read the API documentation for GetUserName to recall how the arguments work:
lpnSize [in, out]
On input, this variable specifies the size of the
lpBuffer buffer, in TCHARs. On output, the variable receives the
number of TCHARs copied to the buffer, including the terminating null
character. If lpBuffer is too small, the function fails and
GetLastError returns ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER. This parameter
receives the required buffer size, including the terminating null
On input: caller tells the API how many spaces the buffer has.
On success: API tells the caller how many spaces were used.
On failure: API tells the caller how many spaces were needed.
C version
This has a fixed-size stack-allocated array of 100 TCHARs.
This code is broken and unsafe because sz is uninitialized. This allows the API to write an undefined number of characters to a buffer that's only 100 long. If the username is over 100 characters, you've just introduced a security hole into your program.
Rust version
The Rust code is broken in a much better way. sz is set to zero, which means "you may write zero entries of data", so it writes zero entries. Thus, the Vec buffer is full of zeros and the resulting string is empty. The buffer is reported too small to receive the username, so GetUserNameW sets sz to the number of characters that the buffer needs to have allocated.
What to do
One "fix" would be to set sz to the length of your array. However, this is likely to have over- or under-allocated the buffer.
If you are ok with a truncated string (and I'm not sure if TCHAR strings can be split arbitrarily, I know UTF-8 cannot), then it would be better to use a fixed-size array like the C code.
If you want to more appropriately allocate memory to call this type of WinAPI function, see What is the right way to allocate data to pass to an FFI call?.
extern crate advapi32;
extern crate winapi;
use std::ptr;
fn get_user_name() -> String {
unsafe {
let mut size = 0;
let retval = advapi32::GetUserNameW(ptr::null_mut(), &mut size);
assert_eq!(retval, 0, "Should have failed");
let mut username = Vec::with_capacity(size as usize);
let retval = advapi32::GetUserNameW(username.as_mut_ptr(), &mut size);
assert_ne!(retval, 0, "Perform better error handling");
assert!((size as usize) <= username.capacity());
username.set_len(size as usize);
// Beware: This leaves the trailing NUL character in the final string,
// you may want to remove it!
fn main() {
println!("{:?}", get_user_name()); // "IEUser\u{0}"

How to replace read function for procfs entry that returned EOF and byte count read both?

I am working on updating our kernel drivers to work with linux kernel 4.4.0 on Ubuntu 16.0.4. The drivers last worked with linux kernel 3.9.2.
In one of the modules, we have a procfs entries created to read/write the on-board fan monitoring values. Fan monitoring is used to read/write the CPU or GPU temperature/modulation,etc. values.
The module is using the following api to create procfs entries:
struct proc_dir_entry *create_proc_entry(const char *name, umode_t
mode,struct proc_dir_entry *parent);
Something like:
struct proc_dir_entry * proc_entry =
proc_entry->read_proc = read_proc;
proc_entry->write_proc = write_proc;
Now, the read_proc is implemented something in this way:
static int read_value(char *buf, char **start, off_t offset, int count, int *eof, void *data) {
int len = 0;
int idx = (int)data;
if(idx == TEMP_FANCTL)
len = sprintf (buf, "%d.%02d\n", fmon_readings[idx] / TEMP_SAMPLES,
fmon_readings[idx] % TEMP_SAMPLES * 100 / TEMP_SAMPLES);
else if(idx == TEMP_CPU) {
int i;
len = sprintf (buf, "%d", fmon_readings[idx]);
for( i=0; i < FCTL_MAX_CPUS && fmon_cpu_temps[i]; i++ ) {
len += sprintf (buf+len, " CPU%d=%d",i,fmon_cpu_temps[i]);
len += sprintf (buf+len, "\n");
else if(idx >= 0 && idx < READINGS_MAX)
len = sprintf (buf, "%d\n", fmon_readings[idx]);
*eof = 1;
return len;
This read function definitely assumes that the user has provided enough buffer space to store the temperature value. This is correctly handled in userspace program. Also, for every call to this function the read value is in totality and therefore there is no support/need for subsequent reads for same temperature value.
Plus, if I use "cat" program on this procfs entry from shell, the 'cat' program correctly displays the value. This is supported, I think, by the setting of EOF to true and returning read bytes count.
New linux kernels do not support this API anymore.
My question is:
How can I change this API to new procfs API structure keeping the functionality same as: every read should return the value, program 'cat' should also work fine and not go into infinite loop ?
The primary user interface for read files on Linux is read(2). Its pair in kernel space is .read function in struct file_operations.
Every other mechanism for read file in kernel space (read_proc, seq_file, etc.) is actually an (parametrized) implementation of .read function.
The only way for kernel to return EOF indicator to user space is returning 0 as number of bytes read.
Even read_proc implementation you have for 3.9 kernel actually implements eof flag as returning 0 on next invocation. And cat actually perfoms the second invocation of read for find that file is end.
(Moreover, cat performs more than 2 invocations of read: first with 1 as count, second with count equal to page size minus 1, and the last with remaining count.)
The simplest way for "one-shot" read implementation is using seq_file in single_open() mode.

Can a breakpoint display the contents of "const unsigned char* variable"?

I'm on the trail of why the contents of a TXT record in a Bonjour service discovery is sometimes being incompletely interpreted, and I've reached a point where it would be really useful to have a breakpoint print out the contents of an unsigned char in a callback (I've tried NSLog, but using NSLog in a threaded callback can get really tricky).
The callback function is defined this way:
static void resolveCallback(DNSServiceRef sdRef, DNSServiceFlags flags, uint32_t interfaceIndex, DNSServiceErrorType errorCode,
const char* fullname, const char* hosttarget, uint16_t port, uint16_t txtLen,
const unsigned char* txtRecord, void* context) {
So I'm interested in the txtRecord
Right now my breakpoint is using:
memory read --size 4 --format x --count 4 `txtRecord`
But that's only because that was an example on the example page ;-) It's certainly showing data that I expect to be there, partially.
Do I have to apply informed knowledge of the length or can the breakpoint be coded such that it uses the length that is present? I'm thinking that instead of "hard coding" the two 4s in the example there ought to be a way to wrap in other read instructions inside back ticks like I did with the variable name.
Looking at I thought I'd try a format of C instead of x but that prints out series of dots which must mean I picked a wrong format or something.
I just tried
memory read `txtRecord`
and that's almost exactly what I wanted to see as it gives:
0x1c5dd884: 10 65 6e 30 3d 31 39 32 2e 31 36 38 2e 31 2e 33 .en0=
0x1c5dd894: 36 0a 70 6f 72 74 3d 35 30 32 37 38 00 00 00 00 6.port=50278....
This looks really close:
memory read `txtRecord` --format C
0x1d0c6974: .en0=
If that's the best I can get, I guess I can deal with the length bytes in front of each of the two strings in that txtRecord.
I'm asking this question because I'd like to display the actual and correct values... the bug is that sometimes the IP address comes back wrong, losing the frontmost 1, other times the port comes back "short" (in network byte order) with non-numeric characters at the end, like "502¿" instead of "50278" (in this example run).
My initial response to this question, while informative, was not complete. I originally thought the problem being reported was just about printing a c-string array of type unsigned char * where the default formatters (char *) weren't being used. That answer comes first. Then comes the answer about how to print this (somewhat unique) array of pascal strings data that the program is actually dealing with.
First answer: lldb knows how to handle the char * well; it's the unsigned char * bit that is making it behave a little worse than usual. e.g. if txtRecord were a const char *,
(lldb) p txtRecord
(const char *) $0 = 0x0000000100000f51 ".en0="
You can copy the type summary lldb has built in for char * for unsigned char *. type summary list lists all of the built in type summaries; copying lldb-179.5's summaries for char *:
(lldb) type summary add -p -C false -s ${var%s} 'unsigned char *'
(lldb) type summary add -p -C false -s ${var%s} 'const unsigned char *'
(lldb) fr va txtRecord
(const unsigned char *) txtRecord = 0x0000000100000f51 ".en0="
(lldb) p txtRecord
(const unsigned char *) $2 = 0x0000000100000f51 ".en0="
Of course you can put these in your ~/.lldbinit file and they'll be picked up by Xcode et al from now on.
Second answer: To print the array of pascal strings that this is actually using, you'll need to create a python function. It will take two arguments, the size of the pascal string buffer (txtLen) and the address of the start of the buffer (txtRecord). Create a python file like (I like to put these in a directory I made, ~/lldb) and load it into your lldb via the ~/.lldbinit file so you have the command available:
command script import ~/lldb/
The python script is a little long; I'm sure someone more familiar with python could express this more concisely. There's also a bunch of error handling which adds bulk. But the main idea is to take two parameters: the size of the buffer and the pointer to the buffer. The user will express these with variable names like pstrarray txtLen txtRecord, in which case you could look up the variables in the current frame, but they might also want to use an acutal expression like pstrarray sizeof(str) str. So we need to pass these parameters through the expression evaluation engine to get them down to an integer size and a pointer address. Then we read the memory out of the process and print the strings.
import lldb
import shlex
import optparse
def pstrarray(debugger, command, result, dict):
command_args = shlex.split(command)
parser = create_pstrarray_options()
(options, args) = parser.parse_args(command_args)
if debugger and debugger.GetSelectedTarget() and debugger.GetSelectedTarget().GetProcess():
process = debugger.GetSelectedTarget().GetProcess()
if len(args) < 2:
print "Usage: pstrarray size-of-buffer pointer-to-array-of-pascal-strings"
if process.GetSelectedThread() and process.GetSelectedThread().GetSelectedFrame():
frame = process.GetSelectedThread().GetSelectedFrame()
size_of_buffer_sbval = frame.EvaluateExpression (args[0])
if not size_of_buffer_sbval.IsValid() or size_of_buffer_sbval.GetValueAsUnsigned (lldb.LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS) == lldb.LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS:
print 'Could not evaluate "%s" down to an integral value' % args[0]
size_of_buffer = size_of_buffer_sbval.GetValueAsUnsigned ()
address_of_buffer_sbval = frame.EvaluateExpression (args[1])
if not address_of_buffer_sbval.IsValid():
print 'could not evaluate "%s" down to a pointer value' % args[1]
address_of_buffer = address_of_buffer_sbval.GetValueAsUnsigned (lldb.LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS)
# If the expression eval didn't give us an integer value, try it again with an & prepended.
if address_of_buffer == lldb.LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS:
address_of_buffer_sbval = frame.EvaluateExpression ('&%s' % args[1])
if address_of_buffer_sbval.IsValid():
address_of_buffer = address_of_buffer_sbval.GetValueAsUnsigned (lldb.LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS)
if address_of_buffer == lldb.LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS:
print 'could not evaluate "%s" down to a pointer value' % args[1]
err = lldb.SBError()
pascal_string_buffer = process.ReadMemory (address_of_buffer, size_of_buffer, err)
if (err.Fail()):
print 'Failed to read memory at address 0x%x' % address_of_buffer
pascal_string_array = bytearray(pascal_string_buffer, 'ascii')
index = 0
while index < size_of_buffer:
length = ord(pascal_string_buffer[index])
print "%s" % pascal_string_array[index+1:index+1+length]
index = index + length + 1
def create_pstrarray_options():
usage = "usage: %prog"
description='''print an buffer which has an array of pascal strings in it'''
parser = optparse.OptionParser(description=description, prog='pstrarray',usage=usage)
return parser
def __lldb_init_module (debugger, dict):
parser = create_pstrarray_options()
pstrarray.__doc__ = parser.format_help()
debugger.HandleCommand('command script add -f %s.pstrarray pstrarray' % __name__)
and an example program to run this on:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
int main ()
unsigned char str[] = {16,'e','n','0','=','1','9','2','.','1','6','8','.','1','.','3','6',
uint8_t *p = str;
while (p < str + sizeof (str))
int len = *p++;
char buf[len + 1];
strlcpy (buf, (char*) p, len + 1);
puts (buf);
p += len;
puts ("done"); // break here
and in use:
(lldb) br s -p break
Breakpoint 1: where = a.out`main + 231 at a.c:17, address = 0x0000000100000ed7
(lldb) r
Process 74549 launched: '/private/tmp/a.out' (x86_64)
Process 74549 stopped
* thread #1: tid = 0x1c03, 0x0000000100000ed7 a.out`main + 231 at a.c:17, stop reason = breakpoint 1.1
#0: 0x0000000100000ed7 a.out`main + 231 at a.c:17
14 puts (buf);
15 p += len;
16 }
-> 17 puts ("done"); // break here
18 }
(lldb) pstrarray sizeof(str) str
While it's cool that it's possible to do this in lldb, it's not as smooth as we'd like to see. If the size of the buffer and the address of the buffer were contained in a single object, struct PStringArray {uint16_t size; uint8_t *addr;}, that would work much better. You could define a type summary formatter for all variables of type struct PStringArray and no special commands would be required. You'd still need to write a python function, but it could get all the information it needed out of the object directly so it would disappear into the lldb type format system. You could just write (lldb) p strs and the custom formatter function would be called on strs to print all the strings in there.

How to create a string on the heap in D?

I'm writing a trie in D and I want each trie object have a pointer to some data, which has a non-NULL value if the node is a terminal node in the trie, and NULL otherwise. The type of the data is undetermined until the trie is created (in C this would be done with a void *, but I plan to do it with a template), which is one of the reasons why pointers to heap objects are desirable.
This requires me to eventually create my data on the heap, at which point it can be pointed to by the trie node. Experimenting, it seems like new performs this task, much as it does in C++. However for some reason, this fails with strings. The following code works:
import std.stdio;
void main() {
string *a;
string b = "hello";
a = &b;
writefln("b = %s, a = %s, *a = %s", b, a, *a);
b = hello, a = 7FFF5C60D8B0, *a = hello
However, this fails:
import std.stdio;
void main() {
string *a;
a = new string();
writefln("a = %s, *a = %s", a, *a);
test.d(5): Error: new can only create structs, dynamic arrays or class objects, not string's
What gives? How can I create strings on the heap?
P.S. If anyone writing the D compiler is reading this, the apostrophe in "string's" is a grammatical error.
Strings are always allocated on the heap. This is the same for any other dynamic array (T[], string is only an alias to type immutable(char)[]).
If you need only one pointer there are two ways to do it:
auto str = "some immutable(char) array";
auto ptr1 = &str; // return pointer to reference to string (immutable(char)[]*)
auto ptr2 = str.ptr; // return pointer to first element in string (char*)
If you need pointer to empty string, use this:
auto ptr = &"";
Remember that you can't change value of any single character in string (because they are immutable). If you want to operate on characters in string use this:
auto mutableString1 = cast(char[])"Convert to mutable."; // shouldn't be used
// or
auto mutableString2 = "Convert to mutable.".dup; // T[].dup returns mutable duplicate of array
Generally you should avoid pointers unless you absolutely know what are you doing.
From memory point of view any pointer take 4B (8B for x64 machines) of memory, but if you are using pointers to arrays then, if pointer is not null, there are 12B (+ data in array) of memory in use. 4B if from pointer and 8B are from reference to array, because array references are set of two pointers. One to first and one to last element in array.
Remember that string is just immutable(char)[]. So you don't need pointers since string is already a dynamic array.
As for creating them, you just do new char[X], not new string.
The string contents are on the heap already because strings are dynamic arrays. However, in your case, it is better to use a char dynamic array instead as you require mutability.
import std.stdio;
void main() {
char[] a = null; // redundant as dynamic arrays are initialized to null
writefln("a = \"%s\", a.ptr = %s", a, a.ptr); // prints: a = "", a.ptr = null
a = "hello".dup; // dup is required because a is mutable
writefln("a = \"%s\", a.ptr = %s", a, a.ptr); // prints: a = "hello", a.ptr = 7F3146469FF0
Note that you don't actually hold the array's contents, but a slice of it. The array is handled by the runtime and it is allocated on the heap.
A good reading on the subject is this article
If you can only use exactly one pointer and you don't want to use the suggestions in Marmyst's answer (&str in his example creates a reference to the stack which you might not want, str.ptr loses information about the strings length as D strings are not always zero terminated) you can do this:
Remeber that you can think of D arrays (and therefore strings) as a struct with a data pointer and length member:
struct ArraySlice(T)
T* ptr;
size_t length;
So when dealing with an array the array's content is always on the heap, but the ptr/length combined type is a value type and therefore usually kept on the stack. I don't know why the compiler doesn't allow you to create that value type on the heap using new, but you can always do it manually:
import core.memory;
import std.stdio;
string* ptr;
void alloc()
ptr = cast(string*)GC.malloc(string.sizeof);
*ptr = "Hello World!";
void main()
writefln("ptr=%s, ptr.ptr=%s, ptr.length=%s, *ptr=%s", ptr, ptr.ptr, ptr.length, *ptr);

View array in LLDB: equivalent of GDB's '#' operator in Xcode 4.1

I would like to view an array of elements pointed to by a pointer. In GDB this can be done by treating the pointed memory as an artificial array of a given length using the operator '#' as
*pointer # length
where length is the number of elements I want to view.
The above syntax does not work in LLDB supplied with Xcode 4.1.
Is there any way how to accomplish the above in LLDB?
There are two ways to do this in lldb.
Most commonly, you use the parray lldb command which takes a COUNT and an EXPRESSION; EXPRESSION is evaluated and should result in a pointer to memory. lldb will then print COUNT items of that type at that address. e.g.
parray 10 ptr
where ptr is of type int *.
Alternatively, it can be done by casting the pointer to a pointer-to-array.
For example, if you have a int* ptr, and you want to view it as an array of ten integers, you can do
p *(int(*)[10])ptr
Because it relies only on standard C features, this method works without any plugins or special settings. It likewise works with other debuggers like GDB or CDB, even though they also have specialized syntaxes for printing arrays.
Starting with the lldb in Xcode 8.0, there is a new built-in parray command. So you can say:
(lldb) parray <COUNT> <EXPRESSION>
to print the memory pointed to by the result of the EXPRESSION as an array of COUNT elements of the type pointed to by the expression.
If the count is stored in a variable available in the current frame, then remember you can do:
(lldb) parray `count_variable` pointer_to_malloced_array
That's a general lldb feature, any command-line argument in lldb surrounded in backticks gets evaluated as an expression that returns an integer, and then the integer gets substituted for the argument before command execution.
The only way I found was via a Python scripting module:
""" File: """
import lldb
import shlex
def parray(debugger, command, result, dict):
args = shlex.split(command)
va = lldb.frame.FindVariable(args[0])
for i in range(0, int(args[1])):
print va.GetChildAtIndex(i, 0, 1)
Define a command "parray" in lldb:
(lldb) command script import /path/to/
(lldb) command script add --function parray.parray parray
Now you can use "parray variable length":
(lldb) parray a 5
(double) *a = 0
(double) [1] = 0
(double) [2] = 1.14468
(double) [3] = 2.28936
(double) [4] = 3.43404
With Xcode 4.5.1 (which may or may not help you now), you can do this in the lldb console:
(lldb) type summary add -s "${var[0-63]}" "float *"
(lldb) frame variable pointer
(float *) pointer = 0x000000010ba92950 [0.0,1.0,2.0,3.0, ... ,63.0]
This example assumes that 'pointer' is an array of 64 floats: float pointer[64];
It doesn't seem to be supported yet.
You could use the memory read function (memory read / x), like
(lldb) memory read -ff -c10 `test`
to print a float ten times from that pointer. This should be the same functionality as gdb's #.
Starting with Martin R answer I improved it as follow:
If the pointer is not a simple variable, e.g.:
struct {
int* at;
size_t size;
} a;
Then "parray 5" fails.
I fixed this by replacing "FindVariable" with "GetValueForVariablePath".
Now what if the elements in your array are aggregates, e.g.:
struct {
struct { float x; float y; }* at;
size_t size;
} a;
Then "parray 5" prints:>x,>y,[2],[3],[4] because GetChildAtIndex() returns members of aggregates.
I fixed this by resolving "" + "[" + str(i) + "]" inside the loop instead of resolving "" and then retrieving its children.
Added an optional "first" argument (Usage: parray [FIRST] COUNT), which is useful when you have a huge number of elements.
Made it do the "command script add -f parray.parray parray" at init
Here is my modified version:
import lldb
import shlex
def parray(debugger, command, result, dict):
args = shlex.split(command)
if len(args) == 2:
count = int(args[1])
indices = range(count)
elif len(args) == 3:
first = int(args[1]), count = int(args[2])
indices = range(first, first + count)
print 'Usage: parray ARRAY [FIRST] COUNT'
for i in indices:
print lldb.frame.GetValueForVariablePath(args[0] + "[" + str(i) + "]")
def __lldb_init_module(debugger, internal_dict):
debugger.HandleCommand('command script add -f parray.parray parray')
I tried to add a comment but that wasn't great for posting a full answer so I made my own answer. This solves the problem with getting "No Value". You need to get the current frame as I believe lldb.frame is set at module import time so it doesn't have the current frame when you stop at a breakpoint if you load the module from .lldbinit. The other version would work if you import or reloaded the script when you stopped at the breakpoint. The version below should always work.
import lldb
import shlex
#lldb.command('parray', 'command script add -f parray.parray parray')
def parray(debugger, command, result, dict):
target = debugger.GetSelectedTarget()
process = target.GetProcess()
thread = process.GetSelectedThread()
frame = thread.GetSelectedFrame()
args = shlex.split(command)
if len(args) == 2:
count = int(args[1])
indices = range(count)
elif len(args) == 3:
first = int(args[1])
count = int(args[2])
indices = range(first, first + count)
print 'Usage: parray ARRAY [FIRST] COUNT'
for i in indices:
print frame.GetValueForVariablePath(args[0] + "[" + str(i) + "]")
To inspect variables you can use the frame variable command (fr v is the shortest unique prefix) which has a -Z flag which does exactly what you want:
(lldb) fr v buffer -Z5
(int64_t *) buffer = 0x000000010950c000 {
(int64_t) [0] = 0
(int64_t) [1] = 0
(int64_t) [2] = 0
(int64_t) [3] = 0
(int64_t) [4] = 0
unfortunately expression does not support that flag
Well at that point, you may as well write your own custom C function and invoke it with:
call (int)myprint(args)
