how to use batch file to open many batch file - windows

I use start.bat to call multiple other batch files. I don't know how to do it right.
cd "C:\Users\server\Desktop\MAG8000_CSV\MAG8000_606402H016"
call mergingcsv.bat
I use this code and it works on my start.bat. It calls my mergingcsv.bat.
What do I need to call many mergingcsv.bat?
I need to open 41 mergingcsv.bat whereby each is in a separate folder.
When I do it like this
cd "C:\Users\server\Desktop\MAG8000_CSV\MAG8000_606402H016"
call mergingcsv.bat
cd "C:\Users\server\Desktop\MAG8000_CSV\MAG8000_606302H016"
call mergingcsv2.bat
cd "C:\Users\server\Desktop\MAG8000_CSV\MAG8000_606202H016"
call mergingcsv3.bat
cd "C:\Users\server\Desktop\MAG8000_CSV\MAG8000_606102H016"
call mergingcsv4.bat
after the first call it pauses and I need to click to continue:
And how to make it automated?

Try this commented batch code for StartMergingCsv.bat:
#echo off
rem Store full path of current directory on stack. Might be removed
rem if there is no need to restore the current directory after
rem processing all the batch files for merging CSV files.
rem For each subdirectory in C:\Users\server\Desktop\MAG8000_CSV
rem check if the subdirectory contains at least 1 mergingcsv*.bat.
rem If this condition is true, change the current directory to the
rem subdirectory containing the mergingcsv*.bat file(s) and call
rem each batch file matching this file name pattern.
for /D %%F in ("C:\Users\server\Desktop\MAG8000_CSV\*") do (
if exist "%%F\mergingcsv*.bat" (
cd /D "%%F"
echo Merging CSV files in directory %%F ...
for %%B in ("%%F\mergingcsv*.bat") do call "%%B"
rem Restore initial current directory from stack. Might be removed, see above.
Don't use start.bat as name for your batch file because START is a Windows standard command which you would replace by your batch file with name start.bat.
There should be no pause between each call of a batch file, except the mergingcsv*.bat contains a command like PAUSE which waits for a key press. mergingcsv*.bat should also not contain command EXIT without parameter /B as otherwise command processor would be exited and therefore there is no return to StartMergingCsv.bat.
For understanding the used commands and how they work, open a command prompt window, execute there the following commands, and read entirely all help pages displayed for each command very carefully.
call /?
cd /?
echo /?
for /?
if /?
pushd /?
popd /?
rem /?
Run in command prompt window also:
exit /?
pause /?
start /?


Batch: How to set variable in a nested for-loop and re-use it outside of it (enabledelayedexpansion does not work)

I have a batch inside a folder whose goal is to execute all the batch files located in its sub-folders and evaluate their errorlevel. If at least one of them is equal to 1, the main batch will return an exit code equal to 1. This does not mean that the main batch have to exit with the first errorlevel equal to 1: all the sub-batch files must be executed anyway.
EDIT: all the sub-batch files return an exit code equal to 1 if they fail or equal to 0 if they pass (they are all batch files for testing purpose I wrote myself).
Problem: the exit_code variable never changes outside the loops.
I found similar problems here on SO (and a very similar one: Counting in a FOR loop using Windows Batch script) but they didn't help (probably I didn't understand... I don't know, I'm new to batch scripting).
Thanks in advance.
#echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set exit_code=0
for /D %%s in (.\*) do (
echo ******************** %%~ns ********************
cd %%s
for %%f in (.\*.bat) do (
echo calling %%f
call %%f
if errorlevel 1 (
set exit_code=1
cd ..
echo !exit_code!
exit /B !exit_code!
Let us assume the current directory on starting the main batch file is C:\Temp\Test containing following folders and files:
Development & Test
Development & Test.bat
Hello World!
Hello World!.bat
Batch file Development & Test.bat contains just the line:
#dir ..\Development & Test
Batch file Hello World!.bat contains just the line:
#echo Hello World!
Batch file VersionInfo.bat contains just the line:
Batch file main.bat contains following lines:
#echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion
set "exit_code=0"
for /D %%I in ("%~dp0*") do (
echo ******************** %%~nxI ********************
for %%J in ("%%I\*.bat") do (
echo Calling %%J
pushd "%%I"
call "%%J"
if errorlevel 1 set "exit_code=1"
echo Exit code is: %exit_code%
endlocal & exit /B %exit_code%
A command prompt is opened in which next the following command lines are executed manually one after the other:
echo Errorlevel is: %errorlevel%
ren "C:\Temp\Test\Development & Test\Development & Test.bat" "Development & Test.cmd"
echo Errorlevel is: %errorlevel%
The first execution of Main.bat results in exit with value 1 as it can be seen in command prompt window on the line:
Errorlevel is: 1
The reason is the wrong coded dir command with the directory name not enclosed in double quotes resulting in interpreting Test as command to execute. For that reason the dir command line results in following error output:
Volume in drive C is TEMP
Volume Serial Number is 14F0-265D
Directory of C:\Temp\Test
File Not Found
'Test' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
The exit code of this batch file is not 0 due to the error and for that reason the condition if errorlevel 1 is true and set "exit_code=1" is executed already on first executed batch file.
The processing of the other two batch files always end with 0 as exit code.
The command ren is used to change the file extension of Development & Test.bat to have the batch file next with name Development & Test.cmd resulting in ignoring it by main.bat. The second execution of Main.bat results in exit with 0 as it can be seen on the line:
Errorlevel is: 0
Please read the following pages for the reasons on all the code changes:
Syntax error in one of two almost-identical batch scripts: ")" cannot be processed syntactically here
change directory command cd ..not working in batch file after npm install
DosTips forum topic: ECHO. FAILS to give text or blank line - Instead use ECHO/
Why is no string output with 'echo %var%' after using 'set var = text' on command line?
How does the Windows Command Interpreter (CMD.EXE) parse scripts?
What are the ERRORLEVEL values set by internal cmd.exe commands?
Which cmd.exe internal commands clear the ERRORLEVEL to 0 upon success?
Single line with multiple commands using Windows batch file
Summary of the changes:
Delayed expansion is not enabled in Main.bat as not required here to process also correct directory and file names containing an exclamation mark like C:\Temp\Test\Hello World!\Hello World!.bat.
I and J are used as loop variables instead of s and f because of the latter two letters could be misinterpreted as loop variable modifiers in some cases. Therefore it is better to avoid the letters which have a special meaning for command for on referencing the loop variables.
%~dp0 is used instead of .\ to make sure that the batch file searches for non-hidden subdirectories in the directory of the batch file independent on what is the current directory on starting the batch file. This expression references drive and path of argument 0 which is the full path of currently executed batch file Main.bat. The referenced path of the batch file always ends with a backslash and for that reason %~dp0 is concatenated with * without an additional backslash.
Directory and file name arguments are enclosed in double quotes to work also for names containing a space or one of these characters &()[]{}^=;!'+,`~. %%~nxI and %%J in the two echo command lines are not enclosed in double quotes as not necessary as long as delayed expansion is not enabled. The batch file makes sure that this is not the case for Main.bat.
The usage of "%~dp0*" instead of just .\* in first FOR loop results in getting assigned to loop variable I the directory names with full path never ending with a backslash. The usage of "%%I\*.bat" makes sure to get assigned to loop variable J the full qualified file name of a non-hidden batch file. It is in general better to use full qualified directory/file names wherever possible. This helps also quite often on errors.
The two cd commands are replaced by pushd and popd and moved inside the inner FOR loop. Then it does not matter if a called batch file works only with current directory being the directory of the called batch file or works independent on current directory like Main.bat. Further it does not longer matter if a called batch file changes the current directory as with popd the initial current directory on starting Main.bat is restored as current directory which could be the directory in which files are stored to be processed by the called batch files. The usage of pushd and popd makes this batch file also working on being stored on a network resource and Main.bat is started with its UNC path.
The most important modification is on last command line:
endlocal & exit /B %exit_code%
This command line is first parsed by Windows command processor cmd.exe with replacing %exit_code% by current value of environment variable exit_code defined inside the local environment setup with setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion. So the command line becomes either
endlocal & exit /B 0
endlocal & exit /B 1
Then Windows command processor executes command endlocal to restore the previous environment defined outside Main.bat which results in exit_code no longer defined if not defined in initial execution environment. Then the command exit with option /B to exit just processing of batch file Main.bat is executed with returning 0 or 1 to the parent process which is cmd.exe which assigns the exit code to variable errorlevel.
Well, there is one issue left with the batch file code of Main.bat. A called batch file could modify the value of environment variable exit_code of Main.bat on using the same environment variable without definition of a local environment by using command setlocal. The solution would be to use additionally the commands setlocal before and endlocal after calling a batch file.
#echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion
set "exit_code=0"
for /D %%I in ("%~dp0*") do (
echo ******************** %%~nxI ********************
for %%J in ("%%I\*.bat") do (
echo Calling %%J
pushd "%%I"
call "%%J"
if errorlevel 1 set "exit_code=1"
echo Exit code is: %exit_code%
endlocal & exit /B %exit_code%
The command endlocal does not modify errorlevel.
For understanding the used commands and how they work, open a command prompt window, execute there the following commands, and read entirely all help pages displayed for each command very carefully.
call /?
cls /?
echo /?
endlocal /?
for /?
if /?
popd /?
pushd /?
set /?
setlocal /?

batch xcopy only files that are not present in destination

- Game files/
-> file1.whatever
-> file2.whatever
-> file3.whatever
-> Launcher.exe
- Game files/
-> file1.whatever (the moded file)
-> Launcher.exe (the moded launcher)
I made a mod on a game and i want to create an installer for people to play my game.
In order to preventing backup problems (if the player want to revert to vanilla) i will put the mod folder aside the game folder.
The mod folder contain only the "moded files" and in want to make a batch that will copy file from the game folder that are not already present in the destination (even if there are not the same)
Is this right :
xcopy "../TheGame" "../TheGameModed" /q /s /e
There is a documentation here but i didn't find what i'm looking for :
I found only this :
/U Copies only files that already exist in destination.
But i need the opposite (Copies only files that doesn't exist in destination)
P.S. : When the batch copy files, it ask me if i want to overwrite or not, and since i have only few filesit is not so hard to type n few times. But the mod will be deleted if someone type y (that would be bad) and maybe next mod will contain more files :[
Perhaps ROBOCOPY can't be used because the game updating batch file should work also on Windows XP. In this case the following batch file could be perhaps used working on Windows NT4 and all later Windows versions:
#echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion
pushd "%~dp0"
for /F "delims=" %%I in ('dir "TheGame\*" /A-D /B /S 2^>nul') do call :CopyFile "%%I"
set "SourcePath=%~dp1"
set "TargetPath=%SourcePath:\TheGame\=\TheGameModed\%"
if not exist "%TargetPath%%~nx1" %SystemRoot%\System32\xcopy.exe "%~1" "%TargetPath%" /C /I /Q >nul
goto :EOF
The batch file first creates a local environment.
Next it pushes path of current directory on stack and sets the directory of the batch file as current directory. It is expected by this batch file being stored in the directory containing the subdirectories TheGame and TheGameModed.
Then command DIR is executed to output
the names of just all files because of /A-D (attribute not directory)
with name of file only because of /B (bare format)
in specified directory TheGame and all subdirectories because of /S
and with full path also because of /S.
This DIR command line is executed in a separate command process started by FOR in background with cmd.exe /C which captures everything written by this command process respectively by DIR to handle STDOUT.
Read the Microsoft article about Using Command Redirection Operators for an explanation of 2>nul. The redirection operator > must be escaped with caret character ^ on FOR command line to be interpreted as literal character when Windows command interpreter processes this command line before executing command FOR which executes DIR command line with using a separate command process started in background.
The FOR option delims= disables the standard behavior of splitting up each non empty line not starting with a semicolon into strings using space/tab as delimiter. In other words each file name with file extension and full path is assigned to loop variable I.
The name of each file with file extension and full path is passed to a subroutine called CopyFile.
The subroutine first assigns just path of source file found in TheGame directory tree to environment variable SourcePath. Next a string substitution is used to replace in this path TheGame by TheGameModed with including the directory separators on both side for more accuracy.
After having target path for current file in TheGame directory tree it is checked next if a file with that name in that path exists already in TheGameModed directory tree.
If the file does not exist, command XCOPY is used to copy this single file to TheGameModed with automatically creating the entire directory tree if that is necessary. This directory creation feature of XCOPY is the main reason for using XCOPY instead of COPY.
After processing all files in TheGame directory tree, the initial current directory is restored from stack as well as the initial environment before exiting current command process independent on calling hierarchy and how the command process was started initially.
The commands POPD and ENDLOCAL would not be really necessary with exit being the next line. I recommend usually to use exit /B or goto :EOF instead of EXIT, but goto :EOF fails if command extensions are not enabled and we can't be 100% sure that the command extensions are enabled on starting the batch file although by default command extensions are enabled on Windows.
For understanding the used commands and how they work, open a command prompt window, execute there the following commands, and read entirely all help pages displayed for each command very carefully.
call /?
echo /?
endlocal /?
exit /?
goto /?
if /?
popd /?
pushd /?
set /?
setlocal /?
xcopy /?

How to process 2 FOR loops after each other in batch?

My problem is that two FOR loops are working separately, but don't want to work one after another.
The goal is:
The first loop creates XML files and only when the creation has already been done the second loop starts and counts the size of created XML files and writes it into .txt file.
#echo off
Setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for /f %%a in ('dir /b /s C:\Users\NekhayenkoO\test\') do (
echo Verarbeite %%~na
jhove -m PDF-hul -h xml -o C:\Users\NekhayenkoO\outputxml\%%~na.xml %%a
for /f %%i in ('dir /b /s C:\Users\NekhayenkoO\outputxml\') do (
echo %%~ni %%~zi >> C:\Users\NekhayenkoO\outputxml\size.txt
This question can be answered easily when knowing what jhove is.
So I searched in world wide web for jhove, found very quickly the homepage JHOVE | JSTOR/Harvard Object Validation Environment and downloaded also from SourceForge project page of JHOVE.
All this was done by me to find out that jhove is a Java application which is executed on Linux and perhaps also on Mac using the shell script jhove and on Windows the batch file jhove.bat for making it easier to use by users.
So Windows command interpreter searches in current directory and next in all directories specified in environment variable PATH for a file matching the file name pattern jhove.* having a file extension listed in environment variable PATHEXT because jhove.bat is specified without file extension and without path in the batch file.
But the execution of a batch file from within a batch file without usage of command CALL results in script execution of current batch file being continued in the other executed batch file without ever returning back to the current batch file.
For that reason Windows command interpreter runs into jhove.bat on first file found in directory C:\Users\NekhayenkoO\test and never comes back.
This behavior can be easily watched by using two simple batch files stored for example in C:\Temp.
#echo off
cd /D "%~dp0"
for %%I in (*.bat) do Test2.bat "%%I"
echo %~n0: Leaving %~f0
#echo %~n0: Arguments are: %*
#echo %~n0: Leaving %~f0
On running from within a command prompt window C:\Temp\Test1.bat the output is:
Test2: Arguments are: "Test1.bat"
Test2: Leaving C:\Temp\Test2.bat
The processing of Test1.bat was continued on Test2.bat without coming back to Test1.bat.
Now Test1.bat is modified to by inserting command CALL after do.
#echo off
cd /D "%~dp0"
for %%I in (*.bat) do call Test2.bat "%%I"
echo Leaving %~f0
The output on running Test1.bat from within command prompt window is now:
Test2: Arguments are: "Test1.bat"
Test2: Leaving C:\Temp\Test2.bat
Test2: Arguments are: "Test2.bat"
Test2: Leaving C:\Temp\Test2.bat
Test1: Leaving C:\Temp\Test1.bat
Batch file Test1.bat calls now batch file Test2.bat and therefore the FOR loop is really executed on all *.bat files found in directory of the two batch files.
Therefore the solution is using command CALL as suggested already by Squashman:
#echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for /f %%a in ('dir /b /s "%USERPROFILE%\test\" 2^>nul') do (
echo Verarbeite %%~na
call jhove.bat -m PDF-hul -h xml -o "%USERPROFILE%\outputxml\%%~na.xml" "%%a"
for /f %%i in ('dir /b /s "%USERPROFILE%\outputxml\" 2^>nul') do (
echo %%~ni %%~zi>>"%USERPROFILE%\outputxml\size.txt"
A reference to environment variable USERPROFILE is used instead of C:\Users\NekhayenkoO.
All file names are enclosed in double quotes in case of any file found in the directory contains a space character or any other special character which requires enclosing in double quotes.
And last 2>nul is added which redirects the error message output to handle STDERR by command DIR on not finding any file to device NUL to suppress it. The redirection operator > must be escaped here with ^ to be interpreted on execution of command DIR and not as wrong placed redirection operator on parsing already the command FOR.
For understanding the used commands and how they work, open a command prompt window, execute there the following commands, and read entirely all help pages displayed for each command very carefully.
call /?
cd /?
dir /?
echo /?
for /?
And read also the Microsoft article Using command redirection operators.
You need to use the START command with the /WAIT flag when you launch an external application.
I believe it would look something like this:
START /WAIT jhove -m PDF-hul -h xml -o C:\Users\NekhayenkoO\outputxml\%%~na.xml %%a
That should cause the batch file to pause and wait for the external application to finish before proceeding.

Batch file for loop executes on one machine only

I have written the following .bat file, and it runs perfectly on my Windows 2000 machine, but will not run on my Windows 7 or Windows XP machines. Basically it just loops through the current directory and runs a checksum program which returns the checksum. The output of the program is saved to a text file and then formatted to remove the checksum of the output file.
#Echo Off
for /r %%f in (*.txt) do crc32sum.exe %%f >> all_checksums.txt
ren all_checksums.txt old.txt
findstr /v /e /c:"all_checksums.txt" old.txt > all_checksums.txt
del old.txt
When I run this file on my Win2k PC with a bunch of text files and the crc32sum.exe in a folder, it outputs the file. On other machines it outputs a blank file. I turned Echo on and kept only the for loop line and found that the output from executing the crc32sum.exe is nothing. If you manually run the crc32sum.exe file it outputs the checksum no problem.
Any ideas as to how to fix this?
EDIT: Here is a link to the software:
EDIT2: New development, it seems that the file works if the path of the folder has no spaces in it i.e. C:\temp or C:\inetpub\ftproot or C:\users\admin\Desktop\temp. Does anyone know how I can make this work with paths that have spaces? %%~f doesnt work it says unexpected.
Try this modified batch code which worked on Windows XP SP3 x86:
#echo off
goto CheckOutput
rem Command DEL does not terminate with an exit code greater 0
rem if the deletion of a file failed. Therefore the output to
rem stderr must be evaluated to find out if deletion was
rem successful or (for a single file) the file existence is
rem checked once again. For details read on Stack Overflow
rem the answer
rem The deletion of the file was successful if file created
rem from output message has size 0 and therefore the temp
rem file can be deleted and calculation of the CRC32 sums
rem can be started.
del /F "all_checksums.txt" >nul 2>"%TEMP%\DelErrorMessage.tmp"
for %%E in ("%TEMP%\DelErrorMessage.tmp") do set "FileSize=%%~zE"
if "%FileSize%" == "0" (
set "FileSize="
del "%TEMP%\DelErrorMessage.tmp"
goto CalcCRC32
set "FileSize="
echo %~nx0: Failed to delete file %CD%\all_checksums.txt
type "%TEMP%\DelErrorMessage.tmp"
del "%TEMP%\DelErrorMessage.tmp"
echo Is this file opened in an application?
set "Retry=N"
set /P "Retry=Retry (N/Y)? "
if /I "%Retry%" == "Y" (
set "Retry="
goto CheckOutput
set "Retry="
goto :EOF
if exist "all_checksums.txt" goto DeleteOutput
for /R %%F in (*.txt) do (
if /I not "%%F" == "%CD%\all_checksums.txt" (
crc32sum.exe "%%F" >>"all_checksums.txt"
The output file in current directory is deleted if already existing from a previous run. Extra code is added to verify if deletion was successful and informing the user about a failed deletion with giving the user the possibility to retry after closing the file in an application if that is the reason why deletion failed.
The FOR command searches because of option /R recursive in current directory and all its subdirectories for files with extension txt. The name of each found file with full path always without double quotes is hold in loop variable F for any text file found in current directory or any subdirectory.
The CRC32 sum is calculated by 32-bit console application crc32sum in current directory for all text files found with the exception of the output file all_checksums.txt in current directory. The output of this small application is redirected into file all_checksums.txt with appending the single output line to this file.
It is necessary to enclose the file name with path in double quotes because even with no *.txt file containing a space character or one of the special characters &()[]{}^=;!'+,`~ in its name, the path of the file could contain a space or one of those characters.
For the files
C:\Temp\test 1.txt
C:\Temp\test 2.txt
C:\Temp\Test x\test4.txt
C:\Temp\Test x\test5.txt
the file C:\Temp\all_checksums.txt contains after batch execution:
f44271ac *test 1.txt
624cbdf9 *test 2.txt
7ce469eb *test_3.txt
cbf43926 *123-9.txt
352441c2 *abc.txt
0d4a1185 *hello.txt
38e6c41a *hellon.txt
1b4289fa *test4.txt
f44271ac *test5.txt
For understanding the used commands and how they work, open a command prompt window, execute there the following commands, and read entirely all help pages displayed for each command very carefully.
cls /?
del /?
echo /?
for /?
goto /?
if /?
rem /?
set /?
type /?
One of the help pages output on running for /? informs about %~I, %~fI, %~dI, %~pI, %~nI, %~xI, %~sI, %~aI, %~tI, %~zI.
Using in a batch file f (in lower case) as loop variable and referencing it with %%~f is a syntax error as command processor expects next the loop variable. %%~ff would be right, but could be different to %%~fI (name of a file/folder with full path and extension without quotes) in comparison to %%~I (string without surrounding quotes).
It is not advisable to use (those) small letters as loop variable. It is better to use upper case letters or character # as loop variable. The loop variable and also those modifiers are case sensitive while nearly everything else in a batch file is case insensitive.

Batch script to execute some commands in each sub-folder

I need to write a script to work in Windows, that when executed will run a command in some of sub-directories, but unfortunately I have never done anything in batch, and I don't know where to start.
With the example structure of folders:
I want the script to enter the specified folders (e.g. only 'one' and 'four') and then run some command inside every child directories of that folders.
If you could provide any help, maybe some basic tutorial or just names of the commands I will need, I would be very grateful.
You can tell the batch to iterate directories:
for /d %i in (C:\temp\*) do ( cd "%i" & *enter your command here* )
Use a percent sign when run directly on the command line, two when run from a batch
In a batch this would look something like this:
#echo off
set back=%cd%
for /d %%i in (C:\temp\*) do (
cd "%%i"
echo current directory:
cd %back%
Put the commands you need in the lines between ( and ).
If you replace C:\temp\ with %1 you can tell the batch to take the value of the directory from the first parameter when you call it.
Depending of the amount of directories you then either call the batch for each directory or read them from a list:
for /f %i in (paths.lst) do call yourbatch %i
The paths.lstwill look like this:
All of this is written from memory, so you might need to add some quotations marks ;-)
Please note that this will only process the first level of directories, that means no child folders of a selected child folder.
You should take a look at this. The command you are looking for is FOR /R. Looks something like this:
FOR /R "C:\SomePath\" %%F IN (.) DO (
some command
I like answer of Marged that has been defined as BEST answer (I vote up), but this answer has a big inconvenience.
When DOS command between ( and ) contains some errors, the error message returned by DOS is not very explicit.
For information, this message is
) was unexpected at this time.
To avoid this situation, I propose the following solution :
#echo off
pushd .
for /d %%i in (.\WorkingTime\*.txt) do call :$DoSomething "%%i"
exit /B
echo current directory: %1
cd %1
echo current directory: %cd%
cd ..
exit /B
The FOR loop call $DoSomething "method" for each directory found passing DIR-NAME has a parameter. Caution: doublequote are passed to %1 parameter in $DoSomething method.
The exit /B command is used to indicate END of method and not END of script.
The result on my PC where I have 2 folders in c:\Temp folder is
D:\#Atos\Prestations>call test.bat
current directory: ".\New folder"
current directory: D:\#Atos\Prestations\New folder
current directory: ".\WorkingTime"
current directory: D:\#Atos\Prestations\WorkingTime
Press any key to continue . . .
Caution: in Margeds answer, usage of cd "%%i" is incorrect when folder is relative (folder with . or ..).
Why, because the script goto first folder and when it is in first folder it request to goto second folder FROM first folder !
On Windows 10 and later, it should be like this:
#echo off
for /D %%G in ("C:\MyFolderToLookIn\*") DO (
echo %%~nxG
This will show the name of each folder in "C:\MyFolderToLookIn". Double quotes are required.
If you want to show full path of the folder, change echo %%~nxG with echo %%G
