representation of gene and chromosomes in genetic algorithm - genetic-algorithm

I'm fairly new to genetic algorithm and would like to ask one question. All the resources on genetic algorithm I came across talked about using binary number or real number to represent gene. I'm working on itinerary generator that makes use of genetic algorithm. Normally, itinerary consists of point of interests, but mine is made up of cities that is represented by a binary string. Each bit position encodes information such as if the city has museums or not, or if it has car rental service or not. For example, if the city has a car rental, bit position that represents car rental service will be set to 1. The number of cities consist in an itinerary is determined by the duration of stay. So, in terms of genetic algorithm representation, each itinerary represents a chromosome and city represents gene. I haven't seen that kind of representation in any resources that I have read(each gene is a binary string and each chromosome is made up of multiple binary strings.). So I would like to know if I'm on the right track or not.
Edit : So for crossover, it'd be between multiple bit strings. For mutation, it's basically replacing an existing city with another city from the population.

It looks like you could represent it as a string of integers, each of the integer being the integer representation of the binary number that describes the city. Than you are good to go - crossover is just crossover and mutation you described as changing a city (i.e. one number) to another one.

The representation of your chromosome can be anything. Having it represented as a bit string is convenient, easy to understand, and easy to manipulate if you have something that can already manipulate bit strings.
But it could be anything. Usually it's a collection of some data type (or several different ones put together).
What representation you choose will influence how it mutates and what the shape of the fitness landscape is.


How to represent the behavior of an individual in an evolution simulation using binary valued genes?

Although I understand how to use binary valued genes(i.e. genes represented by binary strings) to represent characteristics like the color or speed of an individual in a genetic algorithm. I don't really understand how to represent an individual's behavior, such as its inclination to go after food, run away from predators, or the general strategies an individual undertakes.

Normalization of a multi-dimensional space, what algorithm is this?

I'm not a trained statistician so I apologize for the incorrect usage of some words. I'm just trying to get some good results from the Weka Nearest Neighbor algorithms. I'll use some redundancy in my explanation as a means to try to get the concept across:
Is there a way to normalize a multi-dimensional space so that the distances between any two instances are always proportional to the effect on the dependent variable?
In other words I have a statistical data set and I want to use a "nearest neighbor" algorithm to find instances that are most similar to a specified test instance. Unfortunately my initial results are useless because two attributes that are very close in value weakly correlated to the dependent variable would incorrectly bias the distance calculation.
For example let's say you're trying to find the nearest-neighbor of a given car based on a database of cars: make, model, year, color, engine size, number of doors. We know intuitively that the make, model, and year have a bigger effect on price than the number of doors. So a car with identical color, door count, may not be the nearest neighbor to a car with different color/doors but same make/model/year. What algorithm(s) can be used to appropriately set the weights of each independent variable in the Nearest Neighbor distance calculation so that the distance will be statistically proportional (correlated, whatever) to the dependent variable?
Application: This can be used for a more accurate "show me products similar to this other product" on shopping websites. Back to the car example, this would have cars of same make and model bubbling up to the top, with year used as a tie-breaker, and then within cars of the same year, it might sort the ones with the same number of cylinders (4 or 6) ahead of the ones with the same number of doors (2 or 4). I'm looking for an algorithmic way to derive something similar to the weights that I know intuitively (make >> model >> year >> engine >> doors) and actually assign numerical values to them to be used in the nearest-neighbor search for similar cars.
A more specific example:
Data set:
now find cars similar to:
in this limited example, it would match the Green,Toyota,4-cylinder ahead of the Blue,Honda,6-cylinder because the two brands are statistically almost interchangeable and cylinder is a stronger determinant of price rather than color. BMW would match lower because that brand tends to double the price, i.e. placing the item a larger distance.
Final note: the prices are available during training of the algorithm, but not during calculation.
Possible you should look at Solr/Lucene for this aim. Solr provides a similarity search based field value frequency and it already has functionality MoreLikeThis for find similar items.
Maybe nearest neighbor is not a good algorithm for this case? As you want to classify discrete values it can become quite hard to define reasonable distances. I think an C4.5-like algorithm may better suit the application you describe. On each step the algorithm would optimize the information entropy, thus you will always select the feature that gives you the most information.
Found something in the IEEE website. The algorithm is called DKNDAW ("dynamic k-nearest-neighbor with distance and attribute weighted"). I couldn't locate the actual paper (probably needs a paid subscription). This looks very promising assuming that the attribute weights are computed by the algorithm itself.

Choosing parents to crossover in genetic algorithms?

First of all, this is a part of a homework.
I am trying to implement a genetic algorithm. I am confused about selecting parents to crossover.
In my notes (obviously something is wrong) this is what is done as example;
Pc (possibility of crossover) * population size = estimated chromosome count to crossover (if not even, round to one of closest even)
Choose a random number in range [0,1] for every chromosome and if this number is smaller then Pc, choose this chromosome for a crossover pair.
But when second step applied, chosen chromosome count is equals to result found in first step. Which is not always guaranteed because of randomness.
So this does not make any sense. I searched for selecting parents for crossover but all i found is crossover techniques (one-point, cut and slice etc.) and how to crossover between chosen parents (i do not have a problem with these). I just don't know which chromosomesi should choose for crossover. Any suggestions or simple example?
You can implement it like this:
For every new child you decide if it will result from crossover by random probability. If yes, then you select two parents, eg. through roulette wheel selection or tournament selection. The two parents make a child, then you mutate it with mutation probability and add it to the next generation. If no, then you select only one "parent" clone it, mutate it with probability and add it to the next population.
Some other observations I noted and that I like to comment. I often read the word "chromosomes" when it should be individual. You hardly ever select chromosomes, but full individuals. A chromosome is just one part of a solution. That may be nitpicking, but a solution is not a chromosome. A solution is an individual that consists of several chromosomes which consist of genes which show their expression in the form of alleles. Often an individual has only one chromosome, but it's still not okay to mix terms.
Also I noted that you tagged genetic programming which is basically only a special type of a genetic algorithm. In GP you consider trees as a chromosome which can represent mathematical formulas or computer programs. Your question does not seem to be about GP though.
This is very late answer, but hoping it will help someone in the future. Even if two chromosomes are not paired (and produced children), they goes to the next generation (without crossover) but after some mutation (subject to probability again). And on the other hand, if two chromosomes paired, then they produce two children (replacing the original two parents) for the next generation. So, that's why the no of chromosomes remain same in two generations.

Can i have a variable length chromosome in JGAP?

Im using JGAP to generate testvectors for a schematic. I got maximum coverage of a single testvector by setting the genes of a chromosome to be bits . Now i need to get a 100% coverage with minimum number of testvectors.
If i design each gene to be a testvector, id need to calculate a fitness function based on the number of genes and total coverage and id also need to evolve both chromosome length and each testvectors(genes) bits ..
is it even possible to have a variable length chromosome?
Are there any standard designs for this type of tasks?
Sounds a bit similar to the vehicle routing problem (VRP). There the solution is often encoded as a list of lists. Each list represents the tour for a vehicle and all together they represent a solution to the problem.
I assume you could encode it in a similar way. Consider each point that you want to cover as a customer that you want to visit and consider each vehicle to be a "testvector". You want to cover all points (as typically in a VRP solution you want to visit all customers), but you want to cover them with a minimum number of vehicles (=testvectors).
What are the specific constraints of your problem? I assume you have some kind of limit on which points you can cover in a certain testvector.

How to apply the Levenshtein distance to a set of target strings?

Let TARGET be a set of strings that I expect to be spoken.
Let SOURCE be the set of strings returned by a speech recognizer (that is, the possible sentences that it has heard).
I need a way to choose a string from TARGET. I read about the Levenshtein distance and the Damerau-Levenshtein distance, which basically returns the distance between a source string and a target string, that is the number of changes needed to transform the source string into the target string.
But, how can I apply this algorithm to a set of target strings?
I thought I'd use the following method:
For each string that belongs to TARGET, I calculate the distance from each string in SOURCE. In this way we obtain an m-by-n matrix, where n is the cardinality of SOURCE and n is the cardinality of TARGET. We could say that the i-th row represents the similarity of the sentences detected by the speech recognizer with respect to the i-th target.
Calculating the average of the values ​​on each row, you can obtain the average distance between the i-th target and the output of the speech recognizer. Let's call it average_on_row(i), where i is the row index.
Finally, for each row, I calculate the standard deviation of all values in the row. For each row, I also perform the sum of all the standard deviations. The result is a column vector, in which each element (Let's call it stadard_deviation_sum(i)) refers to a string of TARGET.
The string which is associated with the shortest stadard_deviation_sum could be the sentence pronounced by the user. Could be considered the correct method I used? Or are there other methods?
Obviously, too high values ​​indicate that the sentence pronounced by the user probably does not belong to TARGET.
I'm not an expert but your proposal does not make sense. First of all, in practice I'd expect the cardinality of TARGET to be very large if not infinite. Second, I don't believe the Levensthein distance or some similar similarity metric will be useful.
If :
you could really define SOURCE and TARGET sets,
all strings in SOURCE were equally probable,
all strings in TARGET were equally probable,
the strings in SOURCE and TARGET consisted of not characters but phonemes,
then I believe your best bet would be to find the pair p in SOURCE, q in TARGET such that distance(p,q) is minimum. Since especially you cannot guarantee the equal-probability part, I think you should think about the problem from scratch, do some research and make a completely different design. The usual methodology for speech recognition is the use Hidden Markov models. I would start from there.
Answer to your comment: Choose whichever is more probable. If you don't consider probabilities, it is hopeless.
[Suppose the following example is on phonemes, not characters]
Suppose the recognized word the "chees". Target set is "cheese", "chess". You must calculate P(cheese|chees) and P(chess|chees) What I'm trying to say is that not every substitution is equiprobable. If you will model probabilities as distances between strings, then at least you must allow that for example d("c","s") < d("c","q") . (It is common to confuse c and s letters but it is not common to confuse c and q) Adapting the distance calculation algorithm is easy, coming with good values for all pairs is difficult.
Also you must somehow estimate P(cheese|context) and P(chess|context) If we are talking about board games chess is more probable. If we are talking about dairy products cheese is more probable. This is why you'll need large amounts of data to come up with such estimates. This is also why Hidden Markov Models are good for this kind of problem.
You need to calculate these probabilities first: probability of insertion, deletion and substitution. Then use log of these probabilities as penalties for each operation.
In a "context independent" situation, if pi is probability of insertion, pd is probability of deletion and ps probability of substitution, the probability of observing the same symbol is pp=1-ps-pd.
In this case use log(pi/pp/k), log(pd/pp) and log(ps/pp/(k-1)) as penalties for insertion, deletion and substitution respectively, where k is the number of symbols in the system.
Essentially if you use this distance measure between a source and target you get log probability of observing that target given the source. If you have a bunch of training data (i.e. source-target pairs) choose some initial estimates for these probabilities, align source-target pairs and re-estimate these probabilities (AKA EM strategy).
You can start with one set of probabilities and assume context independence. Later you can assume some kind of clustering among the contexts (eg. assume there are k different sets of letters whose substitution rate is different...).
