ErrorException in mycontroller on line 137 Undefined offset: 2 - laravel-5

I am getting this exception: Undefined offset: 2 when inserting a multidimensional array in the database. This is my loop at which the error is pointing at:
$order_details = [];
for($i= 0; $i < count($product); $i++){
$order_details[] = [
'order_id' => $orders->id,
'product_id' => $product['product_id'][$i],
'quantity' => $product['quantity'][$i],
'unit_price' => $product['price'][$i],
'amount' => $product['amount'][$i],
When I echo my array seems to look fine:
Array ( [product_id] => Array ( [0] => 7 [1] => 1 ) [quantity] => Array ( [0] => 2 [1] => 1 ) [price] => Array ( [0] => 200.00 [1] => 700.00 ) [amount] => Array ( [0] => 400 [1] => 700 ) )
The undefined offset value alternates depending on how many items from the shopping cart are passed to the loop. For example if there are 3 items the error is set to Undefined offset:3
Its like I cannot find out the real mole. I have searched the web I have not managed any way out.
Any assistance Kindly. what May I doing wrong?

The errors you are getting are about not having an element with index of count($product).
You should just use:
for($i= 0; $i <count($product)-1; $i++)
This way you loop will be fine.

That's kind of an odd array structure. You'd have a much easier time working with the data if you rearranged it like this so you have an item per product:
$products = [
'product_id' => 7,
'quantity' => 2,
'price' => 200.00,
'amount' => 400
'product_id' => 1,
'quantity' => 1,
'price' => 700.00,
'amount' => 700
Then you can just foreach over the products.
The fix for your problem though is this for($i= 0; $i <= count($product); $i++)


How to sum array values and add total at the end in the same array

Good Afternoon,
Hello, i am new to coding and Laravel and working on home project as a self leaner. i stuck at array sum where i want to make the sum of values in array and add the same sum at the end of tjat array itself.
array:7 [▼
"2022-12-04" => array:9 [▼
"startdate" => "2022-12-04"
"Stotalbmilk" => "29.00"
"Stotala2milk" => "22.50"
"Stotaljmilk" => "20.00"
"Stotalmilk" => "71.50"
"Dtotalbmilk" => "40.00"
"Dtotala2milk" => "0.00"
"Dtotaljmilk" => "0.00"
"Dtotalmilk" => "40.00"
in the above array i am to add "TOTAL" at he bottom which value will be addition of 2 values ( "Stotalmilk" and "Dtotalmilk" ). Expected array will be
array:7 [▼
"2022-12-04" => array:9 [▼
"startdate" => "2022-12-04"
"Stotalbmilk" => "29.00"
"Stotala2milk" => "22.50"
"Stotaljmilk" => "20.00"
**"Stotalmilk" => "71.50"**
"Dtotalbmilk" => "40.00"
"Dtotala2milk" => "0.00"
"Dtotaljmilk" => "0.00"
**"Dtotalmilk" => "40.00"**
**"TOTAL" => "111.50"**
hope i properly explain my question and sorry for poor english.
Thanks in advance
So if your array have many dates with data, you can do something like:
$result = [];
foreach ($array as $date => $amounts) {
$total = (float) $amounts['Stotalmilk'] + (float) $amounts['Dtotalmilk'];
$amounts['TOTAL'] = number_format($total, 2, '.');
$result[$date] = $amounts;

Laravel Collection with groupby, count and sum

I'm struggling to get a groupby on a collection to work - I'm not getting the concept just yet.
I'm pulling a collection of results from a table for a player the eloquent collection will have data like this:
['player_id'=>1, 'opposition_id'=>10, 'result'=>'won', 'points'=>2],
['player_id'=>1, 'opposition_id'=>11, 'result'=>'lost', 'points'=>0],
['player_id'=>1, 'opposition_id'=>12, 'result'=>'lost', 'points'=>0],
['player_id'=>1, 'opposition_id'=>10, 'result'=>'won', 'points'=>2],
['player_id'=>1, 'opposition_id'=>11, 'result'=>'lost', 'points'=>0],
['player_id'=>1, 'opposition_id'=>10, 'result'=>'lost', 'points'=>0],
['player_id'=>1, 'opposition_id'=>12, 'result'=>'won', 'points'=>2],
I want to be able to groupBy('opposition_id') and then give me a count of results in total, total won, total lost and sum of points to end up with a collection like this:
['opposition_id'=>10, 'results'=>3, 'won'=>2, 'lost'=>1, 'points'=>4],
['opposition_id'=>11, 'results'=>2, 'won'=>0, 'lost'=>2, 'points'=>0],
['opposition_id'=>10, 'results'=>2, 'won'=>1, 'lost'=>1, 'points'=>2]
I'm trying to avoid going back to the database to do this as I already have the results from previous activity.
How can I do this using Laravel collection methods, So far all I have is:
$stats = $results->groupBy('opposition_id');
I've looked at map() but do not yet understand that method to work through a solution
Can anyone point me in the right direction please.
Happy to go back to the database if needed but assumed I could do this with the collection I already have rather than create another query. Solutions I've found on here all appear to be providing a solution in the query
Thank you
Take a look here, working code with explanation in comments.
// make a collection
$c = collect(
['player_id' => 1, 'opposition_id' => 10, 'result' => 'won', 'points' => 2],
['player_id' => 1, 'opposition_id' => 11, 'result' => 'lost', 'points' => 0],
['player_id' => 1, 'opposition_id' => 12, 'result' => 'lost', 'points' => 0],
['player_id' => 1, 'opposition_id' => 10, 'result' => 'won', 'points' => 2],
['player_id' => 1, 'opposition_id' => 11, 'result' => 'lost', 'points' => 0],
['player_id' => 1, 'opposition_id' => 10, 'result' => 'lost', 'points' => 0],
['player_id' => 1, 'opposition_id' => 12, 'result' => 'won', 'points' => 2]
// this only splits the rows into groups without any thing else.
// $groups will be a collection, it's keys are 'opposition_id' and it's values collections of rows with the same opposition_id.
$groups = $c->groupBy('opposition_id');
// we will use map to cumulate each group of rows into single row.
// $group is a collection of rows that has the same opposition_id.
$groupwithcount = $groups->map(function ($group) {
return [
'opposition_id' => $group->first()['opposition_id'], // opposition_id is constant inside the same group, so just take the first or whatever.
'points' => $group->sum('points'),
'won' => $group->where('result', 'won')->count(),
'lost' => $group->where('result', 'lost')->count(),
// if you don't like to take the first opposition_id you can use mapWithKeys:
$groupwithcount = $groups->mapWithKeys(function ($group, $key) {
return [
$key =>
'opposition_id' => $key, // $key is what we grouped by, it'll be constant by each group of rows
'points' => $group->sum('points'),
'won' => $group->where('result', 'won')->count(),
'lost' => $group->where('result', 'lost')->count(),
// here $groupwithcount will give you objects/arrays keyed by opposition_id:
10 => ["opposition_id" => 10,"points" => 4,"won" => 2,"lost" => 1]
11 => ["opposition_id" => 11,"points" => 0,"won" => 0,"lost" => 2]
12 => ["opposition_id" => 12,"points" => 2,"won" => 1,"lost" => 1]
// if you use $groupwithcount->values() it'll reset the keys to 0 based sequence as usual:
0 => ["opposition_id" => 10,"points" => 4,"won" => 2,"lost" => 1]
1 => ["opposition_id" => 11,"points" => 0,"won" => 0,"lost" => 2]
2 => ["opposition_id" => 12,"points" => 2,"won" => 1,"lost" => 1]

ElasticSearch Aggregation Past _source

I am trying to get a list of all possible article groups. My Product array example is like so:
[8] => Array
[_index] => product_index
[_type] => product_51_DEU
[_id] => AV7mxnScT3P3M-G9u9aK
[_score] => 1
[_source] => Array
[artikelnummer] => G123456
[produktname] => My Cool Name Here
[artikeltext] => BLA
[produktgruppe] => Car Products
[anwendungsbezeichnung] => Wash Products
[lieferant] => Turtle
My PHP search parameter looks like this:
$mainMenuParams = [
'index' => 'product_index',
'type' => 'product_51_DEU',
'body' => [
'aggs' => [
'_SOURCE' => [
'terms' => [
'field' => '_source.produktgruppe'
$listProduktGroup = $GLOBALS["client"]->search($mainMenuParams);
I get an answer but there are no aggregations. I have tried many combinations, but none seem to work. Anyone have any idea where this is wrong? I want to see an aggregation with an output of all of the possible [produktgruppe]. There are 10 Groups in all, but it would be nice to see this in the results and then maybe even a count of all products in each group.
If I do the exact same query on "_types" I get accurate results.

Getting data from Laravel Collection

I realize this is a dumb question, but I can't find an answer for it. I am missing some understanding around how collections work
I am querying a google places API for information about a location
$response = GooglePlaces::textSearch('10 Downing Street', $optionnalParameters);
This works and gives me a response, which I can var_export:
'items' =>
array (
'html_attributions' =>
array (
'results' =>
'items' =>
array (
0 =>
array (
'formatted_address' => '10 Downing St, London SW1A 2AA, United Kingdom',
'geometry' =>
array (
'location' =>
array (
'lat' => 51.503363499999999,
'lng' => -0.12762480000000001,
'viewport' =>
array (
'northeast' =>
array (
'lat' => 51.503432400000001,
'lng' => -0.12551999999999999,
'southwest' =>
array (
'lat' => 51.503156800000014,
'lng' => -0.12832640000000001,
'icon' => '',
'id' => 'ffd85a3e543406e34703ee947c73ef54f5e167fe',
'name' => '10 Downing Street',
'photos' =>
array (
0 =>
array (
'height' => 2534,
'html_attributions' =>
array (
0 => 'Christopher Chan',
'photo_reference' => 'CoQBdwAAAHdqDNRUhalI7Ko_YXqckWM5M7I1IeD0xXOvjnxruS4BYCFnt99lCEy5xQJh7XtTvGTfZbKlnVhbxaJ_OloLxaPyoInqIpgRY-3LyB3Q70tDX3izeraFEM4Bw-ExmRzz6h18iMQlKb0DoDXnW26uO4RR-7YFjPNi6M0y5D7cmrl9EhAmI7GerM-TXpKD3BVVTtOWGhQZotS0ZNI2nK9G7jXxDEyvoQ5IxQ',
'width' => 3801,
'place_id' => 'ChIJRxzRQcUEdkgRGVaKyzmkgvg',
'rating' => 3.3999999999999999,
'reference' => 'CmRSAAAAh-Drhh9G_EW3azxZSikW_jR-ZjI2lhZTw6MfWqh9EiTaCEy4uW2okv_g6QfaKoupoeDu3DpfS6MjIvUvp6cc2uAoLlyH9NbkMrnQg9q3ED3R91OejmAScjRhe8G47kJ1EhD_oYVFakm4n6I27j-8iN6oGhQVH6rv1t6uGQBVVOqy1fCAB17JOg',
'types' =>
array (
0 => 'point_of_interest',
1 => 'establishment',
'status' => 'OK',
I want to get the formatted_address element from the collection. it appears under the results element, that in turn has a collection under it with elements Items,0,formatted_address.
when i start trying to 'walk down' to the element i require I get index not found for Items
so essentially, how am I supposed to interact with collections? i have tried google but most the links tell me about the extra functions that collections provide and not how to get data from it
any help greatly appreciated.
I think explains what you are missing. You want to call
on your Collection to return the underlying array represented by the collection.
Than you can access fields in the returned array.

Magento solr search - how to add custom field to product search index

I have enterprise magento 1.10 and I need to add custom field to solr index in order to to have better search results. This custom field should contain category names for indexed product.
I need to know which part of magento I need to amend. I modified method Enterprise_Search_Model_Resource_Index::_getCatalogCategoryData which actualy produces some category related data but my new field doesnt appear in message to sorl.
Have I miss something?
Also I have some notes here, maybe it would someone help
My output of rewrited Enterprise_Search_Model_Resource_Index::_getCatalogCategoryData, and I need category_name_level_* in solr.
[result] => Array
[12227] => Array
[#categories] => Array
[0] => 2
[3] => 3235
[7] => 2765
[10] => 6672
[#show_in_categories] => Array
[1] => 6671
[2] => 6670
[4] => 3224
[5] => 3199
[6] => 3191
[8] => 2761
[9] => 2760
[#position_category_2] => 1
[#position_category_6671] => 120000
[#position_category_6670] => 120000
[#position_category_3235] => 0
[#position_category_3224] => 150000
[#position_category_3199] => 150000
[#position_category_3191] => 120000
[#position_category_2765] => 1
[#position_category_2761] => 250001
[#position_category_2760] => 250001
[#position_category_6672] => 0
[#visibility] => 4
[#category_name_level_1] => Array
[0] => BCC Root Category
[#category_name_level_4] => Array
[0] => Huishouden
[1] => Top wasmachines
[2] => Accessoires wasmachine
[#category_name_level_3] => Array
[0] => Beste Koop Shop
[1] => Top
[2] => Wasmachine
[#category_name_level_2] => Array
[0] => Acties
[1] => Speciale informatie pagina's
[2] => Huishouden
[#category_name_level_5] => Array
[0] => Wasmachines
Thanks a lot,
I found a solution
class Xyz_Solrsearch_Model_Resource_Engine extends Enterprise_Search_Model_Resource_Engine {
public function __construct()
$this->_advancedDynamicIndexFields[] = '#category_name_level_';
