How to refactor dynamic languages safely? - refactoring

For example I decided to fuse two classes. The problem with JS or LUA is that it gets very hard to find implicit problems, for example it shows you a error only when your runtime actually executes the piece of code you are trying to implement. The advantage of strict languages like Haxe or C++ is that your code won't compile until you fix everything.
Does anyone know what are the best practices for refactoring dynamic languages?

The problem isn't really specific to "refactoring".
It is that "it (the dynamic language interpreter) shows you a error only when your runtime actually executes the piece of code which is wrong (and sometimes not even then)". This is probably the major defect of dynamic languages.
What is needed is a tool that can reason deeply about your code to decide statically, where practical, if executing it might produce a runtime error or a useless computation. Such tools are pretty hard to find.
The discussion here is instructive: Programming Language Properties that facilitate refactoring?


Is there an easy way to replace a deprecated method call in Xcode?

So iOS 6 deprecates presentModalViewController:animated: and dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:, and it replaces them with presentViewController:animated:completion: and dismissViewControllerAnimated:completion:, respectively. I suppose I could use find-replace to update my app, although it would be awkward with the present* methods, since the controller to be presented is different every time. I know I could handle that situation with a regex, but I don't feel comfortable enough with regex to try using it with my 1000+-files-big app.
So I'm wondering: Does Xcode have some magic "update deprecated methods" command or something? I mean, I've described my particular situation above, but in general, deprecations come around with every OS release. Is there a better way to update an app than simply to use find-replace?
You might be interested in Program Transformation Systems.
These are tools that can automatically modify source code, using pattern-directed source-to-source transformations ("if you see this source-level pattern, replace it by that source-level pattern") that operate on code structures rather than text. Done properly, these transformations can be reliable and semantically correct, and they're a lot easier to write than low-level procedural code that navigates and smashes nanoscopic actual tree structures.
It is not the case that using such tools is easy; such tools have to know how to parse the language of interest into compiler data structures, (e.g., ObjectiveC), process the patterns, and regenerate compilable source code from the modified structures. Even with the basic transformation engine, somebody needs to carefully define parsers (and unparsers!) for the dialects of the languages of interest. And it takes time to learn how to use such a even if you have such parsers/unparsers. This is worth it if the changes you need to make are "regular" (in the program transformation sense, not the regexp sense) and widespread (as yours seem to be).
Our DMS Software Reengineering toolkit has an ObjectiveC front end, and can carry out such transformations.
no there is no magic like that

Scala dynamic class management

I would like to know if the following is possible in Scala (but I think the question can be applied also to Java):
Create a Scala file dynamically (ok, no problem here)
Compile it (I don't think this would be a real problem)
Load/Unload the new class dynamically
Aside from knowing if dynamic code loading/reloading is possible (it's possible in Java so I think it's feasible also in Scala) I would like also to know the implication of this in terms of performance degradation (I could have many many classes, with no name clash but really many of them!).
P.S.: I know other questions about class loading in Scala exist, but I haven't been able to find an answer about performance!
Yes, everything you want to do is certainly possible. You might like to take a look at ScalaMock, which is an example of creating Scala source code dynamically. And at SBT which is an example of calling the compiler from code. And then there are many different systems that load classes dynamically - look at the documentation for loadLibrary as a starting point.
But, depending on what you want to achieve, you might like to look at Scala Macros instead. They provide the same kind of flexibility as you would get by generating source code and then compiling it, but without many of the downsides of that approach. The original version of ScalaMock used to work by generating source code, but I'm in the process of moving to using macros instead.
It's all possible in Scala, as is clearly demonstrated by the REPL. It's even going to be relatively easy with Scala 2.10.

fortran 'call' vs 'include'

I see that Fortran has 'call' and 'include' statements. what is the difference between the two? Does the .i filetype have some significance?
include 'somefile.i'
call 'somesubroutine.f'
INCLUDE statement lets you include source from some other file, as if it was in the file in which the statement is located. Its usefulness in organizing code is somewhat dubious, but some swear by it.
In F77 it was a common extension (from MIL-STD 1971, I believe), in F90 it made it into the Standard.
Filetypes have no significance. As the matter of fact, in fortran most filetypes (even the more common ones as f77, f90 and such) have no significance. Most compilers merely use them to automatically "detect" and differentiate free form from fixed form source code, but they also allow for other.
CALL statement is used for calling subroutines. It is of the form CALL subroutine_name(list-of-arguments). Subroutines are one of the more simple ways of structuring and dividing your program into logical sub-units.
But this is all relatively basic, and covered in every Fortran tutorial out there. Some are better, some are worse. A few good starting points for learners would be the Wikipedia page (not perfect, but not that bad either), FortranWiki and two books. One IRO-bot already mentioned, other would be Chapman's Fortran 95/2003 for scientists and engineers. It is generally considered more suitable for beginners, having an easy going approach and a plethora of practical examples, while Metcalf is aiming to be more of a reference book as well.
In general, file extensions don't have special meaning for the compiler. You can include any file, not just .i. Common extension for Fortran source files is .inc though.
include statement literally inserts a specified file into the source code.
call statement is very different, and it is used to call a Fortran subroutine.
These are very basic concepts. Before all, you should look up an introductory Fortran tutorial online (just try googleing it). Or get one of several great books on Fortran programming, e.g. Metcalf and Reid.

Is Automatic Refactoring Possible in Dynamic Languages?

Perhaps I am limited by my experience with dynamic languages (Ruby on Netbeans and Groovy on Eclipse), but it seems to me that the nature of dynamic languages makes it impossible to refactor (renaming methods, classes, pushing-up, pulling-down, etc.) automatically.
Is it possible to refactor AUTOMATICALLY in any dynamic language (with any IDE/tool)? I am especially interested in Ruby, Python and Groovy, and how the refactoring compares to the 100% automatic refactoring available in all Java IDEs.
Given that automatic refactoring was invented in a dynamic language (Smalltalk), I would have to say "Yes".
In particular, John Brant, Don Roberts and Ralph Johnson developed the Refactoring Browser which is one of the core tools in, for instance, Squeak.
My Google-fu is weak today, but you could try find this paper: Don Roberts, John Brant, and Ralph Johnson, A Refactoring Tool for Smalltalk, "The Theory and Practice of Object Systems", (3) 4, 1997.
Smalltalk does not declare any types. The Refactoring Browser has successfully performed correct refactorings in commercial code since 1995 and is incorporated in nearly all current Smalltalk IDE's. - Don Roberts
Automatic Refactoring was invented in Smalltalk, a highly dynamic language.
And it works like a charm ever since.
You can try yourself in a free Smalltalk version (for instance
In a dynamic language you can also script refactorings yourself or query the
system. Simple example to get the number of Test classes:
TestCase allSubclasses size
I have wondered the same thing. I'm not a compiler/interpreter writer, but I think the answer will be that it is impossible to get it perfect. However, you can get it correct in most cases.
First, I'm going to change the name "dynamic" language to "interpreted" language which is what I think of with Ruby, Javascript, etc. Interpreted languages tend to take advantage of run-time capabilities.
For instance, most scripting languages allow the following
-- pseudo-code but you get the idea
I just "ran" a string! You would have to refactor that string also. And will a be a variable or does this language allow you to print the character a without quotes if there is no variable a?
I want to believe this kind of coding is probably the exception and that you will get good refactoring almost all of the time. Unfortunately it seems that when I look through libraries for scripting languages, they get into such exceptions normally and maybe even base their architecture on them.
Or to up the ante a bit:
def functionThatAssumesInputWillCreateX(input)
def functionWithUnknownParms( ... )
At least when you refactor Java, and change a variable from int to string, you get errors in all the places that were expecting the int still:
String wasInt;
out = 3 + wasInt;
With interpreted languages you will probably not see this until run-time.
Ditto the points about the Refactoring is highly effective in Smalltalk. However, I imagine there are certain types of refactoring that would be impossible without type information (whether obtain by explicit type annotation in the language or through some form of type inferencing in a dynamic language is irrelevant). One example: when renaming a method in Smalltalk, it will rename all implementors and senders of that method, which most often is just fine, but is sometimes undesirable. If you had type information on variables, you could scope the rename to just the implementors in the current class hierarchy and all senders when the message is being sent to a variable declared to be of a type in that hierarchy (however, I could imagine scenarios where even with type declaration, that would break down and produce undesirable results).

What tools for migrating programs from a platform A to B

As a pet project, I was thinking about writing a program to migrate applications written in a language A into a language B.
A and B would be object-oriented languages. I suppose it is a very hard task : mapping language constructs that are alike is doable, but mapping libraries concepts will be a very long task.
I was wondering what tools to use, I know this has to do with compilation, but I'm a bit afraid to use Lex and Yacc and all that stuff.
I was thinking of maybe using the Eclipse Modeling Framework, which would help me write models (of application code) transformations in a readable form.
But first I would have to write parsers for creating the models (and also create the metamodel from the language grammar).
Are there tools that exist that would make my task easier?
You can use special transformation tools/languages for that TXL or Stratego/XT.
Also you can have a look and easily try Java to Python and Java to Tcl migrating projects made by me with TXL.
You are right about mapping library concepts. It is rather hard and long task. There are two ways here:
Fully migrate the class library from language A to B
Migrate classes/functions from language A to the corresponding concepts in language B
The approach you will choose depends on your goals and time/resources available. Also in many cases you wont be doing a general A->B migration which will cover all possible cases, you will need just to convert some project/library/etc. so you will see in your particular cases what is better to do with classes/libraries.
I think this is almost impossibly hard, especially as a personal project. But if you are going to do it, don't make life even more difficult for yourself by trying to come up with a general solution. Choose two specific real-life programming languages ind investigate the possibities of converting between them. I think you will be shocked by the number of problems and issues this will expose.
There are some tools for direct migration for some combinations of A and B.
There are a variety of reverse engineering and code generation tools for different languages and platforms. It's fairly rare to see reverse engineering tools which capture all the semantics of the source language, and the semantics of UML are not well defined ( since it's designed to map to different implementation languages, it itself doesn't define a complete execution model for its behavioural representations ), so you're unlikely to be able to reverse engineer and generate code between tools. You may find one tool that does full reverse engineering and full code generation for your A and B languages, and so may be able to get somewhere.
In general you don't use the same idioms on different platforms, so you're more likely to get something which emulates A code on B rather than something which corresponds to a native B solution.
If you want to use Java as the source language(that language you try to convert) than you might use Checkstyle AST(its used to write Rules). It gives you tree structure with every operation done in the source code. This will be much more easier than writing your own paser or using regex.
You can run from checkstyle-4.4.jar to launch Swing GUI that parse Java Source Code.
Based on your comment
I'm not sure yet, but I think the source language/framework would be Java/Swing and the target some RIA language like Flex or a Javascript/Ajax framework. – Alain Michel 3 hours ago
Google Web Toolkit might be worth a look.
See this answer: What kinds of patterns could I enforce on the code to make it easier to translate to another programming language?
