How do I reset Iterm to default? - macos

I accidentally installed a zshrc script from this link But it completely ruined my current bash_profile and bashrc. I think it's using the zsh login shell on top of my terminal and iTerm. And now ,I have no idea on how to remove it.
I tried removing the from preferences. But it still hasn't worked.
Any suggestions? I really need help.


How to create terminal shortcuts (ssh shortcuts) on Mac OS Catalina (zsh)

Can't find many resources on this. With Mac OS Catalina, the default shell switched from bash to zsh.
I want to edit .zshrc so I can add some ssh shortcuts (and avoid having to copy/paste my ssh command from a text file every morning). I can't find .zshrc anywhere. Do I have to create it? Am I headed in the wrong direction? Any help appreciated.
.zshrc should be under /Users/username/
Try ls -a in terminal if you haven't to show hidden files. If .zshrc isn't there, you need to make one.

Zsh Terminal not registering changes made to zshrc

I wanted to change the theme of my oh my zsh terminal in the .zshrc-file. When I tried to do that it didn't register and gave me an Error-message which I wasn't able to reproduce. Now I just have this weird Lock in my Terminal. Does somebody knows what it means / how I can get rid of it?
Zsh Terminal Screenshot

Catch-22 UNIX Shell Zsh

I was fooling around with .zshrc files, and now I am locked out of my terminal with "No such shell function 'accept-line'".
It would be easy to just go and undo the change in the .zshrc file, but my terminal autoloads into zsh, so there is no way to edit the dotfile.
I have looked all around for a way to edit hidden files in El Capitan, but to no avail.
From your mention of 'El Capitan' I infer that you might be on OS X and using If so, please add a tag for that, or state that clearly.
If so, you could duplicate a Terminal profile in the preferences and under Settings->Shell / Startup set e.g. /bin/bash as the command and untick "run inside shell". That should give you a bash which will ignore .zshrc.
Otherwise, look for similar settings in your terminal emulator. Most should have such a setting somewhere.

Accidently quit updating ZSH in the middle and can't type any commands

I was upgrading everything in homebrew and zsh was upgrading and I was cycling through my open applications and accidentally closed iterm during the update. Now I can't open iterm and when I open the terminal I get the following error message:
login: /usr/local/bin/zsh: No such file or directory
I am not sure how I can switch back to bash until I correctly update zsh. I also can't type a single command in either iterm or termianl which makes sense (there's no zsh file). How can I finish upgrading zsh correctly or switch back to bash?
I have done a good amount of research and can't find someone having a similar issue.
Any guidance to how to solve this issue would be much appreciated, I currently can't do any of the development work I need to do.
Found this on Apple's suport site. Basically, you want to launch Terminal and go into Preferences. Change Shells open with from Default login shell to a valid shell (I recommend /bin/bash or even /bin/sh just to get you working again).
Once you can access your shell session, you can restore zsh.
Here's the full article...

Can't seem to change default editor in OSX Lion terminal

I can't seem to change the default bash editor in OSX Lion terminal.
I've tried setting:
export EDITOR='<editor symlink with parameter>'
in both ~/.bashrc & ~/.bash_profile . The symlink is subl, and the parameter is -w.
from the prompt it is:
subl -w
I have restarted terminal after each but every time I enter:
it opens TextWrangler (not the editor I've set). I've tried opening the symlink from the command line with no problem. I realize that I should probably just get used to typing the symlink, but the anal side of me wants to know why I can't set the default editor.
Any help with this trivial problem would be appreciated, thanks in advance!
I'm not even sure what edit command is. i don't have in on my Mac OS X Lion. Whatever it is, sounds like it ignores the EDITOR env variable and uses your MacOS X application settings.
What you want can be accomplished with the alias shell command though:
alias edit=/path/to/vim
