Xamarin.Android / MvvmCross : Navigation with MvxSpinner - xamarin

I have an issue with an Mvvmcross / Xamarin application in droid part.
I have made a "MvxSpinner menu" wich is bind on a list of couple
private List<CoupleIntString> _actions = new List<CoupleIntString>() {
new CoupleIntString(0,"Actions"),
new CoupleIntString(1, "Mail"),
new CoupleIntString(2,"Imprimer"),
new CoupleIntString(3, "Totaux"),
new CoupleIntString(4, "Fiche client")
public List<CoupleIntString> Actions {
get { return _actions; }
set {
_actions = value;
RaisePropertyChanged(() => Actions);
local:MvxBind="ItemsSource Actions;SelectedItem ActionSelected" />
When I select one item, I set the SelectedAction of my FirstViewModel and show the viewmodel I want to load.
public CoupleIntString ActionSelected {
set {
int xx = value.intPart;
switch (xx) {
case 1: //mail
case 2: //impression
case 3: //totaux
case 4: //impression
But, when i come back on the FirstViewModel, it automatically re-set the SelectedAction and go back to the second Viewmodel.
I have tried to set my SelectedAction to none in Init, ReloadState, Start, InitFromBundle and ReloadFromBundle but after all these calls, there is another one with the value I selected before and I don't know where it comes from.

I would propose to add a SelectedItem listener and set SelectedItem to 0.
var spinner = FindViewById<MvxSpinner>(Resource.Id.action_spinner);
spinner.ItemSelected += Spinner_ItemSelected;

MvvmCross has a SelectedItem target binding for MvxSpinner, you are almost right with your code. However, you need to use a command instead of a property for the SelectedItem binding to work:
private MvxCommand<CoupleIntString> _itemSelected;
public ICommand ItemSelected =>
_itemSelected = _itemSelected ??
(_itemSelected = new MvxCommand<CoupleIntString>(DoItemSelected));
private void DoItemSelected(CoupleIntString item)
ActionSelected = item;
Then make your binding look like:
local:MvxBind="ItemsSource Actions; SelectedItem ItemSelected"


Tornadofx: Trying to reload/refresh MainView

I've only really just started on Tornadofx and was having a bit of trouble trying to figure out how to reload a view so the controls in that view are refreshed.
Below is a simplified version of the code I'm working with. I've got a loop to generate radio-button controls based on strings in a list.
class MainView: View("MainView") {
override val root = vbox {
for(x in radioText) {
radiobutton(x, radioGroup) {
action {
radioSelected = this#radiobutton.text
button("Next") {
action {
// Reload View to update radiobuttons with new values
In the program I need to go through several sets of these radio buttons, and so the idea was that each time the user presses the "Next" button, the items in the radioText list would be updated to match the next set of radio-buttons. Then I was looking for a way to get the view to update with these new values.
I tried using openWindow() to open a new instance of the view, but then when I used close() to get rid of the previous instance and ended up closing both windows.
button("Next") {
action {
Any help with this would be much appreciated,
If I understood correctly, you are trying to have a list of string and generate radiobuttons with it. So, by adding the variables to your example, would be something like this:
class MainView: View("MainView") {
val radioText = ArrayList<String>()
var radioGroup : ToggleGroup by singleAssign()
lateinit var radioSelected : String
override val root = vbox {
radioGroup = togglegroup(){}
for(x in radioText) {
radiobutton(x,radioGroup) {
action {
radioSelected = text //You don't need this#radiobutton.text
button("Next") {
action {
// Reload View to update radiobuttons with new values
I thing is a better idea having your radiobutton created by a listview, wich would be updated by a observable list of string, like I do bellow:
class MainView2: View("MainView") {
// this is a list of observable string, so when the items on his list change
// the listview is updated
val radioText = FXCollections.observableArrayList<String>()
var radioGroup : ToggleGroup by singleAssign()
lateinit var radioSelected : String
override val root = vbox() {
prefWidth = 200.0
prefHeight = 300.0
radioGroup = togglegroup(){}
// Setting listview height dinamically
fixedCellSize = 25.0
// Generating the radiobutton acording to strings on radioText
cellFormat {
graphic = cache(it){
action {
radioSelected = text
button("Next") {
action {
Please let me know if there is something you don't understand on my aproach.

WPF Using of Frame

While I'm using frame in Mainwindow , initially i hide an item in Mainwindows.
When i pressed a button in frame Page1 , I want to make item in mainwindow as visible.But i can't do it.I tried to updatelayout() , refresh() functions but anything is changed.Anyone has a knowledge about this??
This code is in MainWindow
private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
müsteributton.IsEnabled = false;
string yer = "Pages/kullanicigiris.xaml";
frame1.Source = new Uri(yer, UriKind.Relative);
frame1.Margin = new Thickness(-175, 0, 0, 0);
This code is in kullanicigiris page
private void Dispatcher_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (i == 2)
frm1 = new MainWindow();
frm1.frame1 = null;
DependencyObject currParent = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(this);
while (currParent != null && frm1.frame1 == null)
frm1.frame1 = currParent as Frame;
currParent = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(currParent);
// Change the page of the frame.
if (frm1.frame1 != null)
frm1.frame1.Source = new Uri("Window1.xaml", UriKind.Relative);
frm1.müsteributton.IsEnabled = true;
You can define a DependencyProperty in the MainWindows.
<TextBlock x:Name="textBlock" Height="399" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="Show/ Hide" VerticalAlignment="Top" Visibility="{Binding SetVisibility, Mode=TwoWay,UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}"/>
public static readonly DependencyProperty SetVisibilityProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("SetVisibility", typeof(Visibility), typeof(Mainfreampage), new
PropertyMetadata(Visibility.Visible, null));
public Visibility SetVisibility
get { return (Visibility)GetValue(SetVisibilityProperty); }
set { SetValue(SetVisibilityProperty, value); }
In your page click event, you can use the following code find the MainWindows and change the DependencyProperty value.
var mw = Application.Current.Windows
.FirstOrDefault(window => window is Mainfreampage) as Mainfreampage;
mw.SetVisibility = Visibility.Hidden;
Your bug is here:
frm1 = new MainWindow();
You are creating a brand new window, and then making your changes in that window.
But: that's not the window the user's looking at!
Taking the approach you've embarked on, your frame code needs to keep track of the Window object it's actually being hosted in, and then use that reference for dealing with the update.
That said, that entire approach is flawed. The navigation should be modeled in a view model data structure, activated via an ICommand object, and optionally via timer (as you seem to be doing here). Frame source and button state can be manipulated through bindings to properties in your view model data structure.
But, at the end of the day, the code you've got should work fine, once you start using the correct Window object.

Xamarin children not being added

I have this annoying problem and I don't know how to solve this.
In Xamarin Forms, I'm trying to draw a dynamic layout, for this I load a list of elements (this works). Now i'm trying to display the label for it, so I loop through all the items and add a label for every item. The problem is that the page stays empty.
Yes I initialized the _layout variable as a StackLayout and I also made a ScrollView, then I set the scrollview's content to the _layout variable. But still my page stays empty. I can't share the actual code but I rewrote it using different names.
private void DrawItems()
var items = (List<Item>)_database.GetItems();
foreach(var item in items)
private void DrawItem(Item item)
private void AddLabel(Item item)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Text)) return;
var label = new Label
Text = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Number)) ? string.Format("{0}: {1}", item.Number, item.Text) : item.Text,
FontSize = Device.GetNamedSize(NamedSize.Small, typeof(Label))
For some weird reason, when I start debugging (put a break on var label ...) the label get's created but when I put a break on _layout.Children.Add(label), this never gets called.
When changing UI elements, you need to do it on the main thread.
Try this:
Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() =>
I've tried the following code, and it works for me. I'm using Xamarin.Forms
public class MyPage : ContentPage
StackLayout stack;
public MyPage()
var scroll = new ScrollView();
stack = new StackLayout();
var btn = new Button {Text = "Add Label"};
btn.Clicked += (sender, args) => stack.Children.Add(new Label {Text = "Test"});
scroll.Content = stack;
Content = scroll;
private async void AddLabelEverySecond()
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
await Task.Delay(1000);
stack.Children.Add(new Label { Text = "1 second" });
Is this applicable to your code? Maybe you could tell us where DrawItems is called from?

How do you switch pages in Xamarin.Forms?

How do you switch between pages in Xamarin Forms?
My main page is a ContentPage and I don't want to switch to something like a Tabbed Page.
I've been able to pseudo-do it by finding parents of the controls that should trigger the new page until I find the ContentPage and then swap out the Content with controls for a new page. But this seems really sloppy.
In the App class you can set the MainPage to a Navigation Page and set the root page to your ContentPage:
public App ()
// The root page of your application
MainPage = new NavigationPage( new FirstContentPage() );
Then in your first ContentPage call:
Navigation.PushAsync (new SecondContentPage ());
Xamarin.Forms supports multiple navigation hosts built-in:
NavigationPage, where the next page slide in,
TabbedPage, the one you don't like
CarouselPage, that allows for switching left and right to next/prev pages.
On top of this, all pages also supports PushModalAsync() which just push a new page on top of the existing one.
At the very end, if you want to make sure the user can't get back to the previous page (using a gesture or the back hardware button), you can keep the same Page displayed and replace its Content.
The suggested options of replacing the root page works as well, but you'll have to handle that differently for each platform.
If your project has been set up as a PCL forms project (and very likely as Shared Forms as well but I haven't tried that) there is a class App.cs that looks like this:
public class App
public static Page GetMainPage ()
AuditorDB.Model.Extensions.AutoTimestamp = true;
return new NavigationPage (new LoginPage ());
you can modify the GetMainPage method to return a new TabbedPaged or some other page you have defined in the project
From there on you can add commands or event handlers to execute code and do
// to show OtherPage and be able to go back
Navigation.PushAsync(new OtherPage());
// to show AnotherPage and not have a Back button
Navigation.PushModalAsync(new AnotherPage());
// to go back one step on the navigation stack
Push a new page onto the stack, then remove the current page. This results in a switch.
item.Tapped += async (sender, e) => {
await Navigation.PushAsync (new SecondPage ());
You need to be in a Navigation Page first:
MainPage = NavigationPage(new FirstPage());
Switching content isn't ideal as you have just one big page and one set of page events like OnAppearing ect.
If you do not want to go the previous page i.e. do not let the user go back to the login screen once authorization is done, then you can use;
App.Current.MainPage = new HomePage();
If you want to enable back functionality, just use
Navigation.PushModalAsync(new HomePage())
Seems like this thread is very popular and it will be sad not to mention here that there is an alternative way - ViewModel First Navigation. Most of the MVVM frameworks out there using it, however if you want to understand what it is about, continue reading.
All the official Xamarin.Forms documentation is demonstrating a simple, yet slightly not MVVM pure solution. That is because the Page(View) should know nothing about the ViewModel and vice versa. Here is a great example of this violation:
// C# version
public partial class MyPage : ContentPage
public MyPage()
// Violation
this.BindingContext = new MyViewModel();
// XAML version
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Violation -->
<viewmodels:MyViewModel />
If you have a 2 pages application this approach might be good for you. However if you are working on a big enterprise solution you better go with a ViewModel First Navigation approach. It is slightly more complicated but much cleaner approach that allow you to navigate between ViewModels instead of navigation between Pages(Views). One of the advantages beside clear separation of concerns is that you could easily pass parameters to the next ViewModel or execute an async initialization code right after navigation. Now to details.
(I will try to simplify all the code examples as much as possible).
1. First of all we need a place where we could register all our objects and optionally define their lifetime. For this matter we can use an IOC container, you can choose one yourself. In this example I will use Autofac(it is one of the fastest available). We can keep a reference to it in the App so it will be available globally (not a good idea, but needed for simplification):
public class DependencyResolver
static IContainer container;
public DependencyResolver(params Module[] modules)
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
if (modules != null)
foreach (var module in modules)
container = builder.Build();
public T Resolve<T>() => container.Resolve<T>();
public object Resolve(Type type) => container.Resolve(type);
public partial class App : Application
public DependencyResolver DependencyResolver { get; }
// Pass here platform specific dependencies
public App(Module platformIocModule)
DependencyResolver = new DependencyResolver(platformIocModule, new IocModule());
MainPage = new WelcomeView();
/* The rest of the code ... */
2.We will need an object responsible for retrieving a Page (View) for a specific ViewModel and vice versa. The second case might be useful in case of setting the root/main page of the app. For that we should agree on a simple convention that all the ViewModels should be in ViewModels directory and Pages(Views) should be in the Views directory. In other words ViewModels should live in [MyApp].ViewModels namespace and Pages(Views) in [MyApp].Views namespace. In addition to that we should agree that WelcomeView(Page) should have a WelcomeViewModel and etc. Here is a code example of a mapper:
public class TypeMapperService
public Type MapViewModelToView(Type viewModelType)
var viewName = viewModelType.FullName.Replace("Model", string.Empty);
var viewAssemblyName = GetTypeAssemblyName(viewModelType);
var viewTypeName = GenerateTypeName("{0}, {1}", viewName, viewAssemblyName);
return Type.GetType(viewTypeName);
public Type MapViewToViewModel(Type viewType)
var viewModelName = viewType.FullName.Replace(".Views.", ".ViewModels.");
var viewModelAssemblyName = GetTypeAssemblyName(viewType);
var viewTypeModelName = GenerateTypeName("{0}Model, {1}", viewModelName, viewModelAssemblyName);
return Type.GetType(viewTypeModelName);
string GetTypeAssemblyName(Type type) => type.GetTypeInfo().Assembly.FullName;
string GenerateTypeName(string format, string typeName, string assemblyName) =>
string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, format, typeName, assemblyName);
3.For the case of setting a root page we will need sort of ViewModelLocator that will set the BindingContext automatically:
public static class ViewModelLocator
public static readonly BindableProperty AutoWireViewModelProperty =
BindableProperty.CreateAttached("AutoWireViewModel", typeof(bool), typeof(ViewModelLocator), default(bool), propertyChanged: OnAutoWireViewModelChanged);
public static bool GetAutoWireViewModel(BindableObject bindable) =>
public static void SetAutoWireViewModel(BindableObject bindable, bool value) =>
bindable.SetValue(AutoWireViewModelProperty, value);
static ITypeMapperService mapper = (Application.Current as App).DependencyResolver.Resolve<ITypeMapperService>();
static void OnAutoWireViewModelChanged(BindableObject bindable, object oldValue, object newValue)
var view = bindable as Element;
var viewType = view.GetType();
var viewModelType = mapper.MapViewToViewModel(viewType);
var viewModel = (Application.Current as App).DependencyResolver.Resolve(viewModelType);
view.BindingContext = viewModel;
// Usage example
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
4.Finally we will need a NavigationService that will support ViewModel First Navigation approach:
public class NavigationService
TypeMapperService mapperService { get; }
public NavigationService(TypeMapperService mapperService)
this.mapperService = mapperService;
protected Page CreatePage(Type viewModelType)
Type pageType = mapperService.MapViewModelToView(viewModelType);
if (pageType == null)
throw new Exception($"Cannot locate page type for {viewModelType}");
return Activator.CreateInstance(pageType) as Page;
protected Page GetCurrentPage()
var mainPage = Application.Current.MainPage;
if (mainPage is MasterDetailPage)
return ((MasterDetailPage)mainPage).Detail;
// TabbedPage : MultiPage<Page>
// CarouselPage : MultiPage<ContentPage>
if (mainPage is TabbedPage || mainPage is CarouselPage)
return ((MultiPage<Page>)mainPage).CurrentPage;
return mainPage;
public Task PushAsync(Page page, bool animated = true)
var navigationPage = Application.Current.MainPage as NavigationPage;
return navigationPage.PushAsync(page, animated);
public Task PopAsync(bool animated = true)
var mainPage = Application.Current.MainPage as NavigationPage;
return mainPage.Navigation.PopAsync(animated);
public Task PushModalAsync<TViewModel>(object parameter = null, bool animated = true) where TViewModel : BaseViewModel =>
InternalPushModalAsync(typeof(TViewModel), animated, parameter);
public Task PopModalAsync(bool animated = true)
var mainPage = GetCurrentPage();
if (mainPage != null)
return mainPage.Navigation.PopModalAsync(animated);
throw new Exception("Current page is null.");
async Task InternalPushModalAsync(Type viewModelType, bool animated, object parameter)
var page = CreatePage(viewModelType);
var currentNavigationPage = GetCurrentPage();
if (currentNavigationPage != null)
await currentNavigationPage.Navigation.PushModalAsync(page, animated);
throw new Exception("Current page is null.");
await (page.BindingContext as BaseViewModel).InitializeAsync(parameter);
As you may see there is a BaseViewModel - abstract base class for all the ViewModels where you can define methods like InitializeAsync that will get executed right after the navigation. And here is an example of navigation:
public class WelcomeViewModel : BaseViewModel
public ICommand NewGameCmd { get; }
public ICommand TopScoreCmd { get; }
public ICommand AboutCmd { get; }
public WelcomeViewModel(INavigationService navigation) : base(navigation)
NewGameCmd = new Command(async () => await Navigation.PushModalAsync<GameViewModel>());
TopScoreCmd = new Command(async () => await navigation.PushModalAsync<TopScoreViewModel>());
AboutCmd = new Command(async () => await navigation.PushModalAsync<AboutViewModel>());
As you understand this approach is more complicated, harder to debug and might be confusing. However there are many advantages plus you actually don't have to implement it yourself since most of the MVVM frameworks support it out of the box. The code example that is demonstrated here is available on github. There are plenty of good articles about ViewModel First Navigation approach and there is a free Enterprise Application Patterns using Xamarin.Forms eBook which is explaining this and many other interesting topics in detail.
By using the PushAsync() method you can push and PopModalAsync() you can pop pages to and from the navigation stack. In my code example below I have a Navigation page (Root Page) and from this page I push a content page that is a login page once I am complete with my login page I pop back to the root page
~~~ Navigation can be thought of as a last-in, first-out stack of Page objects.To move from one page to another an application will push a new page onto this stack. To return back to the previous page the application will pop the current page from the stack. This navigation in Xamarin.Forms is handled by the INavigation interface
Xamarin.Forms has a NavigationPage class that implements this interface and will manage the stack of Pages. The NavigationPage class will also add a navigation bar to the top of the screen that displays a title and will also have a platform appropriate Back button that will return to the previous page. The following code shows how to wrap a NavigationPage around the first page in an application:
Reference to content listed above and a link you should review for more information on Xamarin Forms, see the Navigation section:
public class MainActivity : AndroidActivity
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle)
Xamarin.Forms.Forms.Init(this, bundle);
// Set our view from the "main" layout resource
static Page BuildView()
var mainNav = new NavigationPage(new RootPage());
return mainNav;
public class RootPage : ContentPage
async void ShowLoginDialog()
var page = new LoginPage();
await Navigation.PushModalAsync(page);
//Removed code for simplicity only the pop is displayed
private async void AuthenticationResult(bool isValid)
await navigation.PopModalAsync();
In App.Xaml.Cs:
MainPage = new NavigationPage( new YourPage());
When you wish to navigate from YourPage to the next page you do:
await Navigation.PushAsync(new YourSecondPage());
You can read more about Xamarin Forms navigation here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/xamarin/xamarin-forms/app-fundamentals/navigation/hierarchical
Microsoft has quite good docs on this.
There is also the newer concept of the Shell. It allows for a new way of structuring your application and simplifies navigation in some cases.
Intro: https://devblogs.microsoft.com/xamarin/shell-xamarin-forms-4-0-getting-started/
Video on basics of Shell: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0y1bUAcOjZY&t=3112s
Docs: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/xamarin/xamarin-forms/app-fundamentals/shell/
((App)App.Current).ChangeScreen(new Map());
Create this method inside App.xaml.cs:
public void ChangeScreen(Page page)
MainPage = page;
In Xamarin we have page called NavigationPage. It holds stack of ContentPages.
NavigationPage has method like PushAsync() and PopAsync(). PushAsync add a page at the top of the stack, at that time that page will become the currently active page. PopAsync() method remove the page from the top of the stack.
In App.Xaml.Cs set like.
MainPage = new NavigationPage( new YourPage());
From YourPage you await Navigation.PushAsync(new newPage()); this method will add newPage at the top of the stack. At this time newPage will be currently active page.
One page to another page navigation in Xamarin.forms using Navigation property Below sample code
void addClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
//var createEmp = (Employee)BindingContext;
Employee emp = new Employee();
emp.Address = AddressEntry.Text;
this.Navigation.PushAsync(new EmployeeDetails());
this.Navigation.PushModalAsync(new EmployeeDetails());
To navigate one page to another page with in view cell Below code Xamrian.forms
private async void BtnEdit_Clicked1(object sender, EventArgs e)
await App.Current.MainPage.Navigation.PushModalAsync(new EmployeeRegistration(empid));
Example like below
public class OptionsViewCell : ViewCell
int empid;
Button btnEdit;
public OptionsViewCell()
protected override void OnBindingContextChanged()
if (this.BindingContext == null)
dynamic obj = BindingContext;
empid = Convert.ToInt32(obj.Eid);
var lblname = new Label
BackgroundColor = Color.Lime,
Text = obj.Ename,
var lblAddress = new Label
BackgroundColor = Color.Yellow,
Text = obj.Address,
var lblphonenumber = new Label
BackgroundColor = Color.Pink,
Text = obj.phonenumber,
var lblemail = new Label
BackgroundColor = Color.Purple,
Text = obj.email,
var lbleid = new Label
BackgroundColor = Color.Silver,
Text = (empid).ToString(),
//var lbleid = new Label
// BackgroundColor = Color.Silver,
// // HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.CenterAndExpand
//lbleid.SetBinding(Label.TextProperty, "Eid");
Button btnDelete = new Button
BackgroundColor = Color.Gray,
Text = "Delete",
//WidthRequest = 15,
//HeightRequest = 20,
TextColor = Color.Red,
HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.EndAndExpand,
btnDelete.Clicked += BtnDelete_Clicked;
//btnDelete.PropertyChanged += BtnDelete_PropertyChanged;
btnEdit = new Button
BackgroundColor = Color.Gray,
Text = "Edit",
TextColor = Color.Green,
// lbleid.SetBinding(Label.TextProperty, "Eid");
btnEdit.Clicked += BtnEdit_Clicked1; ;
//btnEdit.Clicked += async (s, e) =>{
// await App.Current.MainPage.Navigation.PushModalAsync(new EmployeeRegistration());
View = new StackLayout()
Orientation = StackOrientation.Horizontal,
BackgroundColor = Color.White,
Children = { lbleid, lblname, lblAddress, lblemail, lblphonenumber, btnDelete, btnEdit },
private async void BtnEdit_Clicked1(object sender, EventArgs e)
await App.Current.MainPage.Navigation.PushModalAsync(new EmployeeRegistration(empid));
private void BtnDelete_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
// var eid = Convert.ToInt32(empid);
// var item = (Xamarin.Forms.Button)sender;
int eid = empid;
After PushAsync use PopAsync (with this) to remove current page.
await Navigation.PushAsync(new YourSecondPage());
XAML page add this
<ToolbarItem Text="Next" Order="Primary"
on the CS page
async void Handle_Activated(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
await App.Navigator.PushAsync(new PAGE());

Windows phone user control change pivot selecteditem

I created my own UserControl, I added Button to it. Also I have Pivot where I added this UserControl. How can I change Pivot selecteditem in Button_Click event in my UserControl.
Binding binding = new Binding("SelectedIndex");
binding.Source = historyControls[i].SelectedIndex;
Pivot_Second.SetBinding(Pivot.SelectedIndexProperty, binding);
void Button_Click()
SelectedIndex = desiredindex;
Make a property
private int _SelectedIndex;
public int SelectedIndex
return _SelectedIndex;
_SelectedIndex = value;
then bind this property with selected index of your pivot.
I hope it will work.
