Developing alphabetical scrolling in ionic framework - scroll

I am new to ionic framework and is designing a scrolling list based on alphabetical ordering.Most of the matter available are related to android and ios but nothing substantial for ionic..

Navneet Anand, You can a list with ng-repat and use the "order by" function to sort the list in alphabetical order.
Example :
Use Ionic Item for list with orderBy tag :
<ion-item collection-repeat="item in main.items | orderBy:'toString()'">
Full example code :
I think it will help you to create a list with alphabetical ordering.


Increase performance of ionic app

I created ionic app but its performance is too slow on android devices.
How can I increase performance of my app?
I have used list item, side menu and not performing any animation or transition.
See, there are number of ways to improve performance of any ionic application.
I am facing the same thing and I did some research on google and I found very helping documents.
Some performance improvement techniques of them are as follows
Use Track by
track by is used to avoid useless DOM manipulation when using
Change your code from that:
ng-repeat="user in users"
ng-repeat="user in users track by"
(if users have a unique id) or
ng-repeat="user in users track by $index"
if they don’t. $index is added by ng-repeat to each elements of your collection.
Use Loggers
Use loggers instead of console.log which decreases performance
Use optimized Loops
Try to use cached for loop as possible as you can instead of angular
Use Native scrolling
Use native scrolling instead of JS scrolling.
Native scrolling can be enabled using overflow-scroll=”true” on your ion-content or using the $ionicConfigProvider provider:
angular.module('yourModule').config(function($ionicConfigProvider) {
There are many more tips given in following links. Please refer them.
Try this:
collection-repeat="user in users track by $index"
You can use collection-repeat to boost the scroll speed.

how to use search bars with core data?

How do you use search bars with core data?
I have the search bar appearing above the tableview but currently it is not working
I need to be able to search through a list of meals
I'm quite new to xcode so if u could give details answers such as which method to put code etc it would be greatly appreciated
follow this tutorial
core data search tutorial
you can also check my git project, I just done use search bar with core data:
if you have questions about the project ask me and I will try to answer you (I am new too).

Section View in Windows8 Listview?

How can i implement a Section View(like in IOS) in Windows8 ListView ?
I want to break down the Listview into different Sections.
Any Directions ?
ListViews have a property called groupDataSource that lets you define how the items are grouped. You might want to look at the Grid App template in Visual Studio, which has data already set up in this way. You can also take a look at this tutorial:
If you want any more info, you will have to be a bit more specific with your line of questioning.
In my Netflix post on I tried to show grouping in its simplest form. When you have a JS array, you simply make a Binding.List out of it and then you just call createGrouped sending it two lambda functions telling it how to group. Then like #Paul said, you'll get those different sections automatically in your ListView. Hope that helps.

Drag&Drop list that sets model properties based on order?

I'm trying to implement a list of items on a web page in which each item on the list is reorder-able via drag and drop. The current placement of an item within the list should set an 'interest' property on the item's model.
I've never built anything like this before and not really sure where to start or what approach to take. Any guidance would be very helpful!
You can use acts_as_list gem to simplify reorder process at backend, and jQuery.sortable at frontend
I found this walkthrough which was very helpful:

UI Automation Verify for finding AutomationId of elements

I am trying to automate testing an application written in C++.
I use UI Automation:
I used UIAVerify to find automationIds of some elements but some elements are showing as disabled(grayed-out) in the tool.
Does it mean interactions for some elements are not automatable? How to automate interaction for an element which does not have a AutomationId value?
EDIT : I am trying to use automation to click on a control that has ControlType.Custom and has Name property set for it. Is there a way to do this? I tried these two ways, both fail:
method 1:
//using framework white
var button = window.Get(SearchCriteria.ByControlType(ControlType.Custom).AndByText ("<Name Property>"));
method 2:
//using Automation Framework
aeCtrl = aeParentPanel.FindFirst(TreeScope.Children,
new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.NameProperty, "<Name Property>"));
From the "How To Use UI Verify" Word .doc file that's linked to from the UIA Verify page on codeplex:
Note A dimmed (unavailable) node in the Automation Elements Tree indicates that the element is a member of the UI Automation Raw View but does not meet the conditions necessary to be considered a member of either the Content View or Control View. However, the element can still be tested from Visual UI Automation Verify. For more information, see the UI Automation Tree Overview.
What this basically means is that these elements are 'chrome' items, they are things like menu bars or scrollbars, rather than content such as list items. They are still there and can be tested.
Not every element has an AutomationID. It's really up to the developer to set these as appropriate for use in testing. In some cases, they come from the underlying framework: for example, for Win32 controls, the Control ID - if present - is used to generate the AutomationID. In WPF, you have to set the deverloper has to assign it via the AutomationProperties.AutomationId Attached Property.
Typically its only set for controls in dialogs, and is used to distinguish between them. Items within a control - eg. items within a list box - are usually identified by their Name instead (or Value, for other controls). This is especially the case with items that are generated from an external source - such as a list containing filenames - since there's no reasonable way AutomationIDs could be assigned in advance there.
