Difference how to access the promise - rxjs

Is there a difference between
var source1 = Rx.Observable.of(42);
const oneSubscription = source1.subscribe({
next: x => console.log(x)
var source2 = Rx.Observable.of(42);
source2.forEach(x => console.log(x));
I thought that to create a promise you have to subscribe for it first.
But in case of source2 the thing is just working without subscribing.
May be someone ca explain.

That is because forEach internally subscribes as well.
* Subscribes an o to the observable sequence.
* #param {Mixed} [oOrOnNext] The object that is to receive notifications or an action to invoke for each element in the observable sequence.
* #param {Function} [onError] Action to invoke upon exceptional termination of the observable sequence.
* #param {Function} [onCompleted] Action to invoke upon graceful termination of the observable sequence.
* #returns {Diposable} A disposable handling the subscriptions and unsubscriptions.
forEach(observer: IObserver<T>): IDisposable;


Subject-like RxJS Observable that transparently pipes through flatMap

When using Dependency injection in Angular I often need to subscribe to an observable that I haven't yet created!
I often end up using something like this:
// create behavior subject OF Observable<number>
const subject = new BehaviorSubject<Observable<number>>(EMPTY);
// subscribe to it, using flatMap such as to 'unwrap' the observable stream
const unwrappedSubject = subject.pipe(flatMap((x: number) => x));
unwrappedSubject.subscribe(s => console.log(s));
// now actually create the observable stream
const tim = timer(1000, 1000);
// set it into the subject
This uses flatMap to 'unwrap' the observable contained in the subject.
This works fine, but frankly it always feels 'icky'.
What I really want is something like this, where the consumer of the subject treats the instance of the Subject as Observable<number> without having to pipe it every usage.
const subject = new UnwrappingBehaviorSubject<number>(EMPTY);
subject.subscribe((x: number) => console.log(x));
// this could use 'next', but that doesn't feel quite right
subject.setSource(timer(1000, 1000));
I'm aware that I could subscribe to the timer and hook it up directly to the subject, but I also want to avoid an explicit subscribe call because that complicates the responsibility of unsubscribing.
timer(1000, 1000).subscribe(subject);
Is there a nice way to achieve this?
The Subject.ts and BehaviorSubject.ts source files get more complicated than I expected. I'm scared I'll end up with horrible memory leaks if I try to fork it.
I think this would be another way to solve it:
export class FooComponent {
private futureObservable$ = new Observable(subscriber => {
// 'Saving' the subscriber for when the observable is ready.
this.futureObservableSubscriber = subscriber;
// The returned function will be invoked when the below mentioned subject instance
// won't have any subscribers(after it had at least one).
return () => this.futureObservableSubscription.unsubscribe();
// You can mimic the Subject behavior from your initial solution with the
// help of the `share` operator. What it essentially does it to *place*
// a Subject instance here and if multiple subscriptions occur, this Subject instance
// will keep track of all of them.
// Also, when the first subscriber is registered, the observable source(the Observable constructor's callback)
// will be invoked.
private futureObservableSubscriber = null;
// We're using a subscription so that it's easier to collect subscriptions to this observable.
// It's also easier to unsubscribe from all of them at once.
private futureObservableSubscription = new Subscription();
constructor (/* ... */) {};
ngOnInit () {
// If you're using `share`, you're safe to have multiple subscribers.
// Otherwise, the Observable's callback(i.e `subscriber => {...}`) will be called multiple times.
futureObservable$.subscribe(/* ... */);
futureObservable$.subscribe(/* ... */);
whenObservableReady () {
const tim = timer(1000, 1000);
// Here we're adding the subscription so that is unsubscribed when the main observable
// is unsubscribed. This part can be found in the returned function from the Observable's callback.
Indeed, a possible downside is that you'll have to explicitly subscribe, e.g in the whenObservableReady method.
With this approach you can also have different sources:
whenAnotherObservableReady () {
// If you omit this, it should mean that you will have multiple sources at the same time.
const tim2 = timer(5000, 5000);
private cleanUpCrtSubscription () {
// Removing the subscription created from the current observable(`tim`).
this.futureObservableSubscription = new Subscription();

RxJS Is Observer and Subscriber the same thing?

From this documentation:
RxJS introduces Observables, a new Push system for JavaScript. An Observable is a Producer of multiple values, "pushing" them to Observers (Consumers).
Subscribing to an Observable is analogous to calling a Function.
To invoke an Observable we should call the subscribe() function from the Observable object itself and pass the observer as the consumer of the data delivered by the observable like:
observable.subscribe( { /*this is an observer*/ } );
Also this documentation says:
What is an Observer? An Observer is a consumer of values delivered by an Observable. Observers are simply a set of callbacks, one for each type of notification delivered by the Observable: next, error, and complete. The following is an example of a typical Observer object:
On the other hand the first documentation says:
The Observable constructor takes one argument: the subscribe function.
The following example creates an Observable to emit the string 'hi' every second to a subscriber.
import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
const observable = new Observable(function subscribe(subscriber) {
const id = setInterval(() => {
}, 1000);
When calling observable.subscribe with an Observer, the function subscribe in new Observable(function subscribe(subscriber) {...}) is run for that given subscriber. Each call to observable.subscribe triggers its own independent setup for that given subscriber.
So the entity Subscriber is just the argument passed into the subscribe function when creating a new Observable? If not who is the subscriber?
Are Observers and Subscribers the same entity? as mentioned in this documentation
Why isn't the code that invokes observable.subscribe({observer as call backs}) the subscriber of the observable? Like the consumer of a function's return value is the code that makes the function call.
const observer = {
next: v => /* code for next callback*/,
error: err => /* code for error callback*/,
complete: () => /* code for completion callback*/
const subscription = {
unsubscribe: () => /* code for unsubscribe callback */
const observable1 = from([1,2,3,4,5]);
const observable2 = of(1,2,3,4,5);
const observable3 = new Observable(observer => {
return { // return a subscription
unsubscribe: () => /* code for unsubscribe callback */
Subscribe and use the Returned Subscription
// Store a subscription
const subscription = observable3.subscribe(observer);
// Invoke the unsubscribe callback defined by the observable.
Okay. Then What is a Subscriber?
[Subscriber] Implements the Observer interface and extends the Subscription class. While the Observer is the public API for consuming the values of an Observable, all Observers get converted to a Subscriber... Subscriber is a common type in RxJS, and crucial for implementing operators, but it is rarely used as a public API.
Are observers and subscribers the same thing? Kind of, yes? Depends on how concretely you ask the question.
Consider this:
next: v => /* code for next callback */
v => /* code for next callback */
The first is an object with only one observer property defined. The second is simply a lambda function. They both end up generating basically the same subscriber.

rxjs: why the stream emit twice when another stream use take(1)

When I use take(1), it will console.log twice 1, like below code:
const a$ = new BehaviorSubject(1).pipe(publishReplay(1), refCount());
a$.subscribe((v) => console.log(v)); // emit twice (1 1)
But when I remove take(1) or remove publishReplay(1), refCount(), it follow my expected (only one 1 console.log).
const a$ = new BehaviorSubject(1).pipe(publishReplay(1), refCount());
a$.subscribe((v) => console.log(v)); // emit 1
// or
const a$ = new BehaviorSubject(1);
a$.subscribe((v) => console.log(v)); // emit 1
Version: rxjs 6.5.2
Let's first have a look at how publishReplay is defined:
const subject = new ReplaySubject<T>(bufferSize, windowTime, scheduler);
return (source: Observable<T>) => multicast(() => subject, selector!)(source) as ConnectableObservable<R>;
multicast() will return a ConnectableObservable, which is an observable that exposes the connect method. Used in conjunction with refCount, the source will be subscribed when the first subscriber registers and will automatically unsubscribe from the source when there are no more active subscribers. The multicasting behavior is achieved by placing a Subject(or any kind of subject) between the data consumers and the data producer.
() => subject implies that the same subject instance will be used every time the source will be subscribed, which is an important aspect as to why you're getting that behavior.
const src$ = (new BehaviorSubject(1)).pipe(
publishReplay(1), refCount() // 1 1
Let's see what would be the flow of the above snippet:
Since it's the first subscriber, the source(the BehaviorSubject) will be subscribed. When this happens, it will emit 1, which will have to go through the ReplaySubject in use. Then, the subject will pass along that value to its subscribers(e.g take(1)). But because you're using publishReplay(1)(1 indicates the bufferSize), that value will be cached by that subject.
The way refCount works is that it first subscribes to the Subject in use, and then to the source:
const refCounter = new RefCountSubscriber(subscriber, connectable);
// Subscribe to the subject in use
const subscription = connectable.subscribe(refCounter);
if (!refCounter.closed) {
// Subscribe to the source
(<any> refCounter).connection = connectable.connect();
Incidentally, here's what happens on connectable.subscribe:
_subscribe(subscriber: Subscriber<T>) {
return this.getSubject().subscribe(subscriber);
Since the subject is a ReplaySubject, it will send the cached values to its newly registered subscriber(hence the first 1). Then, because there were no subscribers before(due to take(1), which completes after the first emission), the source will be unsubscribed again, which should explain why you're getting the second 1.
If you'd like to get only one 1 value, you can achieve this by making sure that every time the source is subscribed, a different subject will be used:
const src$ = (new BehaviorSubject(1)).pipe(
shareReplay({ bufferSize:1, refCount: true }) // 1

RxJS 5 Timed Cache

I am trying to get time expiry cache to work for an observable that abstracts a "request-response", using postMessage and message events on the window.
The remote window expects a message getItemList and replies to it with a message of type {type: 'itemList', data: []}.
I would like to model the itemList$ observable in such a way that it caches the last result for 3 seconds, so that no new requests are made during that time, however, I cannot think of a way to achieve that in an elegant (read, one observable – no subjects) and succint manner.
Here is the example in code:
const remote = someIframe.contentWindow;
const getPayload = message => message.data;
const ofType = type => message => message.type === type;
// all messages coming in from the remote iframe
const messages$ = Observable.fromEvent(window, 'message')
// the observable of (cached) items
const itemList$ = Observable.defer(() => {
console.log('sending request');
// sending a request here, should happen once every 3 seconds at most
// listening to remote messages with the type `itemList`
return messages$
.cache(1, 3000);
* Always returns a promise of the list of items
* #returns {Promise<T>}
function getItemList() {
return itemList$
// poll every second
setInterval(() => {
.then(response => console.log('got response', response));
}, 1000);
I am aware of the (very similar) question, but I am wondering if anyone can come up with a solution without explicit subjects.
Thank you in advance!
I believe you are looking for the rxjs operator throttle:
Documentation on rxjs github repo
Returns an Observable that emits only the first item emitted by the
source Observable during sequential time windows of a specified
Basically, if you would like to wait until the inputs have quieted for a certain period of time before taking action, you want to debounce.
If you do not want to wait at all, but do not wish to make more than 1 query within a specific amount of time, you will want to throttle. From your use case, I think you want to throttle

What is the difference between Rx.Observable subscribe and forEach

After creating an Observable like so
var source = Rx.Observable.create(function(observer) {...});
What is the difference between subscribe
source.subscribe(function(x) {});
and forEach
source.forEach(function(x) {});
In the ES7 spec, which RxJS 5.0 follows (but RxJS 4.0 does not), the two are NOT the same.
public subscribe(observerOrNext: Observer | Function, error: Function, complete: Function): Subscription
Observable.subscribe is where you will do most of your true Observable handling. It returns a subscription token, which you can use to cancel your subscription. This is important when you do not know the duration of the events/sequence you have subscribed to, or if you may need to stop listening before a known duration.
public forEach(next: Function, PromiseCtor?: PromiseConstructor): Promise
Observable.forEach returns a promise that will either resolve or reject when the Observable completes or errors. It is intended to clarify situations where you are processing an observable sequence of bounded/finite duration in a more 'synchronous' manner, such as collating all the incoming values and then presenting once, by handling the promise.
Effectively, you can act on each value, as well as error and completion events either way. So the most significant functional difference is the inability to cancel a promise.
I just review the latest code available, technically the code of foreach is actually calling subscribe in RxScala, RxJS, and RxJava. It doesn't seems a big different. They now have a return type allowing user to have an way for stopping a subscription or similar.
When I work on the RxJava earlier version, the subscribe has a subscription return, and forEach is just a void. Which you may see some different answer due to the changes.
* Subscribes to the [[Observable]] and receives notifications for each element.
* Alias to `subscribe(T => Unit)`.
* $noDefaultScheduler
* #param onNext function to execute for each item.
* #throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if `onNext` is null
* #throws rx.exceptions.OnErrorNotImplementedException if the [[Observable]] tries to call `onError`
* #since 0.19
* #see ReactiveX operators documentation: Subscribe
def foreach(onNext: T => Unit): Unit = {
def subscribe(onNext: T => Unit): Subscription = {
* Subscribes an o to the observable sequence.
* #param {Mixed} [oOrOnNext] The object that is to receive notifications or an action to invoke for each element in the observable sequence.
* #param {Function} [onError] Action to invoke upon exceptional termination of the observable sequence.
* #param {Function} [onCompleted] Action to invoke upon graceful termination of the observable sequence.
* #returns {Disposable} A disposable handling the subscriptions and unsubscriptions.
observableProto.subscribe = observableProto.forEach = function (oOrOnNext, onError, onCompleted) {
return this._subscribe(typeof oOrOnNext === 'object' ?
oOrOnNext :
observerCreate(oOrOnNext, onError, onCompleted));
* Subscribes to the {#link Observable} and receives notifications for each element.
* <p>
* Alias to {#link #subscribe(Action1)}
* <dl>
* <dt><b>Scheduler:</b></dt>
* <dd>{#code forEach} does not operate by default on a particular {#link Scheduler}.</dd>
* </dl>
* #param onNext
* {#link Action1} to execute for each item.
* #throws IllegalArgumentException
* if {#code onNext} is null
* #throws OnErrorNotImplementedException
* if the Observable calls {#code onError}
* #see ReactiveX operators documentation: Subscribe
public final void forEach(final Action1<? super T> onNext) {
public final Disposable forEach(Consumer<? super T> onNext) {
return subscribe(onNext);
