Building a base 2 exponent calculator in Prolog - prolog

I is 2.0**E,
E is log(I)/log(2).
I am trying to use Prolog to compute either the power 2 was raised to 'I' or 2 raised to the 'E' power equals 'I'. I am extremely new to this language and from my understanding it infers the answer based on the information provided.
-->I = 8.0.
-->ERROR: is/2: Arguments are not sufficiently instantiated
-->ERROR: is/2: Arguments are not sufficiently instantiated
I'm confused why I have to provide a float in the first circumstance to get the correct answer and why Prolog is unable to infer the answer from the second circumstance at all.

What you have there is a conjunction. In Prolog, a conjunction a, b means:
Evaluate a, and if it succeeds, evaluate b.
You are trying to do something else, maybe:
Try a, and if it doesn't succeed, try b.
The first thing you should consider is using library(clpr), if it is available in your Prolog implementation.
With SWI-Prolog:
?- use_module(library(clpr)).
?- {I = 2^3}.
I = 8.0 ;
?- {8 = 2^E}.
E = 3.0 ;
You literally have no problem any more.
If this is not an option, you need to do something along these lines:
log2(I, E) :-
( number(I)
-> E is /* expression here, now that I is a number */
; number(E)
-> I is /* expression here, now that E is a number */
; /* what do you do if both are variables? */
Note that X is Expr will work even if Expr is an expression and not a number. If you want to allow this, then you need to maybe try eval(Expr) first and catch the error or something along these lines.


Prolog - subsitution and evaluation

Hello good people of programming .
Logic programming is always fascinating compare to imperative programming.
As pursuing unknown of logic programming, there is some problems encountering arithmetic expressions.
Here is the code I have done so far.
number_atom(N) :-
(number(N) -> functor(N, _, _); functor(N, _, _), atom(N)).
arithmeticAdd_expression(N, _Var, _Val, N) :-
arithmeticAdd_expression(X+Y, Var, Val, R) :-
arithmeticAdd_expression(X, Var, Val, RX),
arithmeticAdd_expression(Y, Var, Val, RY),
(number(RX), number(RY) -> R is RX + RY; R = RX + RY).
Taking add operation as example:
arithmeticAdd_expression(Expression, Variable, Value, Result)
?- arithmeticAdd_expression(a+10, a, 1, Result).
?- Result = 11;
?- Result = a + 10.
?- arithmeticAdd_expression(a+10, b, 1, Result).
?- Result = a + 10.
What I would like to achieve is that
if the atom(s) in the Expression can only be substituted by given Variable and value, then Result is the number only like the example shown above(Result = 11). Else, the Result is the Expression itself only. My problem with the code is somewhere there, I just could figure it out. So, Please someone can help me? Thank you.
An important attraction of logic programming over, say, functional programming is that you can often use the same code in multiple directions.
This means that you can ask not only for a particular result if the inputs are given, but also ask how solutions look like in general.
However, for this to work, you have to put some thought into the way you represent your data. For example, in your case, any term in your expression that is still a logical variable may denote either a given number or an atom that should be interpreted differently than a plain number or an addition of two other terms. This is called a defaulty representation because you have to decide what a variable should denote by default, and there is no way to restrict its meaning to only one of the possible cases.
Therefore, I suggest first of all to change the representation so that you can symbolically distinguish the two cases. For example, to represent expressions in your case, let us adopt the convention that:
atoms are denoted by the wrapper a/1
numbers are denoted by the wrapper n/1.
and as is already the case, (+)/2 shall denote addition of two expressions.
So, a defaulty term like b+10 shall now be written as: a(b)+n(10). Note the use of the wrappers a/1 and n/1 to make clear which case we are dealing with. Such a representation is called clean. The wrappers are arbitrarily (though mnemonically) chosen, and we could have used completely different wrappers such as atom/1 and number/1, or atm/1 and nmb/1. The key property is only that we can now symbolically distinguish different cases by virtue of their outermost functor and arity.
Now the key advantage: Using such a convention, we can write for example: a(X)+n(Y). This is a generalization of the earlier term. However, it carries a lot more information than only X+Y, because in the latter case, we have lost track of what these variables stand for, while in the former case, this distinction is still available.
Now, assuming that this convention is used in expressions, it becomes straight-forward to describe the different cases:
expression_result(n(N), _, _, n(N)).
expression_result(a(A), A, N, n(N)).
expression_result(a(A), Var, _, a(A)) :-
dif(A, Var).
expression_result(X+Y, Var, Val, R) :-
expression_result(X, Var, Val, RX),
expression_result(Y, Var, Val, RY),
addition(RX, RY, R).
addition(n(X), n(Y), n(Z)) :- Z #= X + Y.
addition(a(X), Y, a(X)+Y).
addition(X, a(Y), X+a(Y)).
Note that we can now use pattern matching to distinguish the cases. No more if-then-elses, and no more atom/1 or number/1 tests are necessary.
Your test cases work as expected:
?- expression_result(a(a)+n(10), a, 1, Result).
Result = n(11) ;
?- expression_result(a(a)+n(10), b, 1, Result).
Result = a(a)+n(10) ;
And now the key advantage: With such a pure program (please see logical-purity for more information), we can also ask "What do results look like in general?"
?- expression_result(Expr, Var, N, R).
Expr = R, R = n(_1174) ;
Expr = a(Var),
R = n(N) ;
Expr = R, R = a(_1698),
dif(_1698, Var) ;
Expr = n(_1852)+n(_1856),
R = n(_1896),
_1852+_1856#=_1896 ;
Expr = n(_2090)+a(Var),
R = n(_2134),
_2090+N#=_2134 .
Here, I have used logical variables for all arguments, and I get quite general answers from this program. This is why I have used clpfd constraints for declarative integer arithmetic.
Thus, your immediate issue can be readily solved by using a clean representation, and using the code above.
Only one very small challenge remains: Maybe you actually want to use a defaulty representation such as c+10 (instead of a(c)+n(10)). The task you are then facing is to convert the defaulty representation to a clean one, for example via a predicate defaulty_clean/2. I leave this as an easy exercise. Once you have a clean representation, you can use the code above without changes.

Setting types of unbound variables in Prolog

I'm trying to find a way to set the type of a variable before it has been bound to a value. Unfortunately, the integer/1 predicate cannot be used for this purpose:
%This goal fails if Int is an unbound variable.
get_first_int(Int,List) :-
I wrote a predicate called is_int that attempts to check the type in advance, but it does not work as I expected. It allows the variable to be bound to an atom instead of an integer:
:- initialization(main).
%This prints 'a' instead of 1.
main :- get_first_int(Int,[a,b,c,1]),writeln(Int).
get_first_int(Int,List) :-
is_integer(A) :- integer(A);var(A).
Is it still possible to set the type of a variable that is not yet bound to a value?
In SWI-Prolog I have used when/2 for similar situations. I really don't know if it is a good idea, it definitely feels like a hack, but I guess it is good enough if you just want to say "this variable can only become X" where X is integer, or number, or atom and so on.
will_be_integer(X) :- when(nonvar(X), integer(X)).
and then:
?- will_be_integer(X), member(X, [a,b,c,1]).
X = 1.
But I have the feeling that almost always you can figure out a less hacky way to achieve the same. For example, why not just write:
?- member(X, [a,b,c,1]), integer(X).
Specific constraints for integers
In addition to what Boris said, I have a recommendation for the particular case of integers: Consider using CLP(FD) constraints to express that a variable must be of type integer. To express only this quite general requirement, you can post a CLP(FD) constraint that necessarily holds for all integers.
For example:
?- X in inf..sup.
X in inf..sup.
From this point onwards, X can only be instantiated to an integer. Everything else will yield a type error.
For example:
?- X in inf..sup, X = 3.
X = 3.
?- X in inf..sup, X = a.
ERROR: Type error: `integer' expected, found `a' (an atom)
Declaratively, you can always replace a type error with silent failure, since no possible additional instantiation can make the program succeed if this error arises.
Thus, in case you prefer silent failure over this type error, you can obtain it with catch/3:
?- X in inf..sup, catch(X = a, error(type_error(integer,_),_), false).
CLP(FD) constraints are tailor-made for integers, and let you express also further requirements for this specific domain in a convenient way.
Case-specific advice
Let us consider your specific example of get_first_int/2. First, let us rename it to list_first_integer/3 so that it is clear what each argument is, and also to indicate that we fully intend to use it in several directions, not just to "get", but also to test and ideally to generate lists and integers that are in this relation.
Second, note that this predicate is rather messy, since it impurely depends on the instantiation of the list and integer, a property which cannot be expressed in first-order logic but rather depends on something outside of this logic. If we accept this, then one quite straight-forward way to do what you primarily want is to write it as:
list_first_integer(Ls, I) :-
once((member(I0, Ls), integer(I0))),
I = I0.
This works as long as the list is sufficiently instantiated, which implicitly seems to be the case in your examples, but definitely need not be the case in general. For example, with fully instantiated lists, we get:
?- list_first_integer([a,b,c], I).
?- list_first_integer([a,b,c,4], I).
I = 4.
?- list_first_integer([a,b,c,4], 3).
In contrast, if the list is not sufficiently instantiated, then we have the following major problems:
?- list_first_integer(Ls, I).
and further:
?- list_first_integer([X,Y,Z], I).
even though a more specific instantiation succeeds:
?- X = 0, list_first_integer([X,Y,Z], I).
X = I, I = 0.
Core problem: Defaulty representation
The core problem is that you are reasoning here about defaulty terms: A list element that is still a variable may either be instantiated to an integer or to any other term in the future. A clean way out is to design your data representation to symbolically distinguish the possible cases. For example, let us use the wrapper i/1 to denote an integer, and o/1 to denote any other kind of term. With this representation, we can write:
list_first_integer([i(I)|_], I).
list_first_integer([o(_)|Ls], I) :-
list_first_integer(Ls, I).
Now, we get correct results:
?- list_first_integer([X,Y,Z], I).
X = i(I) ;
X = o(_12702),
Y = i(I) ;
X = o(_12702),
Y = o(_12706),
Z = i(I) ;
?- X = i(0), list_first_integer([X,Y,Z], I).
X = i(0),
I = 0 ;
And the other examples also still work, if we only use the clean data representation:
?- list_first_integer([o(a),o(b),o(c)], I).
?- list_first_integer([o(a),o(b),o(c),i(4)], I).
I = 4 ;
?- list_first_integer([o(a),o(b),o(c),i(4)], 3).
The most general query now allows us to generate solutions:
?- list_first_integer(Ls, I).
Ls = [i(I)|_16880] ;
Ls = [o(_16884), i(I)|_16890] ;
Ls = [o(_16884), o(_16894), i(I)|_16900] ;
Ls = [o(_16884), o(_16894), o(_16904), i(I)|_16910] ;
The price you have to pay for this generality lies in these symbolic wrappers. As you seem to care about correctness and also about generality of your code, I consider this a bargain in comparison to more error prone defaulty approaches.
Note that CLP(FD) constraints can be naturally used together with a clean representation. For example, to benefit from more finely grained type errors as explained above, you can write:
list_first_integer([i(I)|_], I) :- I in inf..sup.
list_first_integer([o(_)|Ls], I) :-
list_first_integer(Ls, I).
Now, you get:
?- list_first_integer([i(a)], I).
ERROR: Type error: `integer' expected, found `a' (an atom)
Initially, you may be faced with a defaulty representation. In my experience, a good approach is to convert it to a clean representation as soon as you can, for the sake of the remainder of your program in which you can then distinguish all cases symbolically in such a way that no ambiguity remains.

Prolog Error: Out of Local Stack in factorial

I'm trying to make a factorial code in prolog but am getting error of out of local stack, that is, it is stuck in infinite loop. I can't understand how.
Here is my code:
fact(X,Y):- X\==0, A=X-1, fact(A,Z), Y=X*Z.
Where am I going wrong?
It is the A=X-1, and later the Y=X*Z. The great thing about the Prolog top level is that you can easily try out what your code does:
?- A = X-1.
A = X-1.
?- A = 5-1.
A = 5-1.
Apparently, Prolog is mocking us :). The = operator is used for unification; if you want to do arithmetic, you must use is/2:
?- is(A, -(5, 1)).
A = 4.
usually written as:
?- A is 5-1.
A = 4.
This just to show you that an expression is a term, and is evaluates the term in its second argument:
?- Expr = X-1, X = 3, Result is Expr.
Expr = 3-1,
X = 3,
Result = 2.
To your definition for factorial: it should work if you fix the arithmetic. Note that it would be cleaner if the condition for X at the beginning says X > 1 instead of X \== 0: what does your current program do for fact(1,F), and how many answers do you get?

What does the bitwise negation operator(\) do in prolog?

I have to implement some functions, one of which is f= ~p/\~q.
I have the following :
p(a). p(b).
q(a). q(b). q(c).
I found the function as:
When I verify it ( f(X). , f(a). , f(b). , f(c). ) it always returns false.
Shouldn't it return true for c since c is not of type p?
Thank you!
(\)/1 is an evaluable functor for bitwise complement. If you use it directly in an argument, it is only an uninterpreted functor. Evaluation is only performed with (is)/2, (>)/2 and other comparison operators.
In all current Prolog implementations you get:
?- X is \ 1.
X = -2.
Fine print: An ISO conforming system is free to define the value for \. That is, it is free, whether it uses 2's complement or another representation. However, there are only systems that use 2's complement.
Your implementation of that formula seems flawed.
You are required about f : (not p) and (not q)
A restricted negation is available in Prolog, using operator (\+)/1, and conjunction (X and Y) is expressed by comma i.e. (,)/2.
Semicolon i.e. (;)/2 means or, as for instance in the following test, that shows your initial assumption about f(c) is also wrong.
?- forall(member(X,[a,b,c,d]),(f(X)->writeln(y);writeln(n))).
(of course, after f/1 has been translated correctly)

Simple boolean expression testing

| ?- [user].
compiling user for byte code...
formula_0(P, Q):- (P; Q), \+ P.
user compiled, 2 lines read - 768 bytes written, 37208 ms
| ?- formula_0(P, Q).
uncaught exception: error(instantiation_error,formula_0/2)
All I basically want to do is to ask is the set of expressions {P or Q, ~P} satisfiable?
But the error message is not helping here...
PS. The answer should be "yes", this formula is satisfied when P = false and Q = true.
The reason you get an instantiation error is that too little is known about P and Q to say anything about them at the time they are used as goals. You are right that when you ask for example:
?- G.
then G = true is a solution that makes the query succeed. But so is for example G = (a=a) because a=a is also true. Since it is not possible to enumerate all goals G that succeed, you get an instantiation error. But notice for example that when you explicitly give a binding, you get the result you expect:
?- G = true, G.
G = true.
So, you should provide a set of values you are interested in:
?- maplist(boolean, [P,Q]), formula(P, Q).
and define for example:
to obtain concrete solutions. Or use constraints, which let you constrain the domain of variables before using them.
EDIT: Since there was some discussion about this, I go into more detail. The main question that arose is: Why does the query
?- Q.
not succeed with the sole solution
Q = true.
since obviously, true succeeds and is thus a valid solution? Answer: There are other possible answers as well, since true is not the only goal that succeeds. For example, the conjunction (true,true) succeeds as well. Suppose now that Q = true were the only solution to the above query, then it would be the case that:
?- Q, Q = (true, true).
fails (since dif(true, (true,true)) is itself true), but simply exchanging the goals like
?- Q = (true,true), Q.
succeeds because otherwise ?- true, true would also have to fail and that cannot be the case. This would violate commutativity of conjunction already for the most basic predicate (unification).
Note that while true and (true,true) both succeed when executed as goals, they are obviously different terms and cannot replace each other in general. Similarly, the term append([], [], []) is different from the term true, although both succeed when executed as goals. You therefore get an instantiation error, since too little is known about Q in a query like ?- Q. to give useful results.
Use clpb for constraint logic programming over Booleans.
:- use_module(library(clpb)).
Sample query:
?- sat((P+Q) * ~P).
P = 0, Q = 1. % succeeds deterministically
Gnu Prolog supports the 'naked variable' call, a syntactic feature that allows to write code like you show in formula_0/2. But when it come to executing it, variables must be bound !
| ?- P.
uncaught exception: error(instantiation_error,top_level/0)
| ?- P=write(1), P.
P = write(1)
then just use callables:
| ?- formula_0(fail,true).
