How to execute commands in docker container as part of bash shell script - bash

I would like to write a bash script that automates the following:
Get inside running container
docker exec -it CONTAINER_NAME /bin/bash
Execute some commands:
cat /dev/null > /usr/local/tomcat/logs/app.log
The problematic part is when docker exec is executed. The new shell is created, but the other commands are not executed.
Is there a way to solve it?

You can use heredoc with docker exec command:
docker exec -i CONTAINER_NAME bash <<'EOF'
cat /dev/null > /usr/local/tomcat/logs/app.log
To use variables:
then use as:
docker exec -i CONTAINER_NAME bash <<EOF
cat /dev/null > "$logname"

You can simply launch
docker exec -it container_id cat /dev/null > /usr/local/tomcat/logs/app.log


run a shell script inside the pod

I am trying to write a single line command to run a shell script which is inside the pod
getting a shell for a running container:
kubectl exec -it test-pod -c test-container -- /bin/bash
directory in the container:
cd test/bin
script inside the bin:
how do I write all this in a single command?
kubectl exec -it test-pod -c test-container -- sh /full/path/to/the/
kubectl exec -it test-pod -c test-container -- /bin/bash -c "/path/to/"

How to execute a shell script as input on an interactive bash pod in Kubernetes?

I have a shell script like:
while true; do
echo '1'
I can deploy a bash pod in Kubernetes like:
kubectl run my-shell --rm -it --image bash -- bash
Now, I want to execute the script on bash. How can I pass as input to bash? Something like
kubectl run my-shell --rm -it --image bash -- /bin/bash -c <
Just drop the -t to kubectl run (because you're reading from stdin, not a terminal) and the -c from bash (because you're passing the script on stdin, not as an argument):
$ kubectl run my-shell --rm -i --image -- bash <
If you don't see a command prompt, try pressing enter.

Running docker from bash script

I am using a tool (gatk) distributed as a docker image and try to use its commands in a shell script.
I run the docker in detached mode.
sudo docker run --name my_container -d -v ~/test:/gatk/data -it broadinstitute/gatk:
Then I run the commands from shell script
docker exec my_container gatk command1
docker exec my_container gatk command2
command2 needs input from command1 so I use wait, but still command2 is executed before command 1 is finished.
I also tried
docker exec my_container gatk command1
docker wait my_container
docker exec my_container gatk command2
but then the script does not continue running after command1 is completed.
I managed to solve it. The problem was is that when I ran docker exec I did not define it to receive input from the shell. Adding -i flag to docker exec solved the problem. Here is the full solution.
I start docker in detached mode
sudo docker run --name my_container -d -v ~/test:/gatk/data -it broadinstitute/gatk:
Now I can close the terminal, the docker container is up and running and I can use it in a new terminal.
I generate a bash script called with the following code.
docker exec -i my_container gatk command1
docker exec -i my_container gatk command2
I run the script, disown it and close the terminal.
You can run both commands in a single shot:
docker run image /bin/bash -c "gatk command1 && gatk command2"

How to run a bash terminal in a Docker container along with additional commands?

To run a bash terminal in a Docker container I can run the following:
$ docker exec -it <container> /bin/bash
However, I want to execute a command in the container automatically. For example, if I want to open a bash terminal in the container and create a file I would expect to run something like:
docker exec -it <container> /bin/bash -c "touch foo.txt"
However, this doesn't work... Is there a simple way to achieve this? Of course, I could type the command after opening the container, but I want to open a bash terminal and run a command at the same time.
You can run your touch command and then spawn another shell :
docker exec -it <container> /bin/bash -c "touch foo.txt; exec bash"
Works perfectly fine for me
~# docker run -tid --rm --name test ubuntu:20.04
~# docker exec -it test /bin/bash -c "touch /foo.txt"
~# docker exec -it test /bin/bash
root#b6b0efbb13be:/# ls -ltr foo.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Mar 7 05:35 foo.txt
Easy solution:
docker exec -it <container> touch foo.txt
You can verify
docker exec -it <container> ls
This was tested with alpine image.
Remember that in docker images there is a entrypoint and a command. Now we are editing the command of the default entrypoint for alpine, via docker exec
It depends of the entrypoint if env variablers are load or not, $PATH ..., so other images maybe you need to write /bin/touch or /usr/bin/ls
Good luck!
When you run docker exec -it <container> /bin/bash -c "touch foo.txt", container sends 0 exit code so that it means the task is done and you'll be returned to your host.
When you run docker exec -it <container /bin/bash, bash shell is not terminated until you explicitly type exit or use CTRL+D in bash environment. bash is continuously running.
This is why when you run the second command, it goes to bash, runs your command (touches) and then exits.

Docker run bash --init-file

I'm trying to create an alias to help debug my docker containers.
I discovered bash accepts a --init-file option which ought to let us run some commands before passing over to interactive mode.
So I thought I could do
docker-bash() {
docker run --rm -it "$1" bash --init-file <(echo "ls; pwd")
But those commands don't appear to be running:
% docker-bash c7460dfcab50
Is it an escaping issue or.. what's going on?
bash --init-file <(echo "ls; pwd")
Alone in a terminal on my host machine works as expected (runs the command starts a new bash instance).
In points:
The <(...) is a bash extension process subtitution.
From the manual above: Process substitution is supported on systems that support named pipes (FIFOs) or the /dev/fd method of naming open files..
The process substitution works like this:
bash creates a fifo in /tmp or creates a new file descriptor in /dev/fd.
The filename, either the /tmp/.something or /dev/fd/<number> is substituted for <(...) when command is executed.
So for example echo <(echo 1) outputs /dev/fd/63.
Docker works by creating a new environment that is separated from the host. That means that:
Processes inside docker do not inherit file descriptors from the host process:
So /dev/fd/* files are not inherited.
Processes inside docker are accessing isolated filesystem tree.
So processes can't access /tmp/* files from the host.
So summarizing docker run -ti --rm alpine cat <(echo 1) will not work, because the filename substituted by <(...) is not available from docker environment.
An easy workaround would be to just:
docker run -ti --rm alpine sh -c 'ls; pwd; exec sh'
Or use a temporary file:
echo "ls; pwd" > /tmp/tempfile
docker run -v /tmp/tempfile:/tmp/tempfile bash bash --init-file /tmp/tempfile
For my use-case I wanted to set an alias which won't persist if we re-exec the shell. However, aliases can be written to ~/.bashrc which will be reloaded on the subsequent exec. Ergo,
docker-bash() {
docker run --rm -it "$1" bash -c $'set -o xtrace; echo "alias ll=\'ls -lAhtrF --color=always\'" >> ~/.bashrc; exec "$0"'
Works. --rm should clean up any files we create anyway if I understand properly how docker works.
Or perhaps this is a nicer way to write it:
docker-bash() {
read -r -d '' BASHRC << EOM
alias ll='ls -lAhtrF --color=always'
docker run --rm -it "$1" bash -c "echo \"$BASHRC\" >> ~/.bashrc; exec \"\$0\""
