Spring boot JPA without Spring data - spring

I'm gradually introducing Spring Boot to a Spring JPA project. My intent was to first introduce Spring Boot, than at some later stage Spring Data, but I was not able to find any examples (nor a suitable starter) that uses Spring Boot + JPA without Spring Data.
How come? Is there any benefit of introducing Spring Boot to Spring JPA project, without Spring Data, or does it make sense only with Spring Data in place.
Any article link or example code would be helpfull and appreciated, thanks
More context
I'm working with a live project so every change introduces risk. We're discussing of moving from XML to JAVA based configuration, and I'm advocating adopting Spring Boot at a same time, but I lack persuasive selling points.
Personally, I want to include Spring Boot on all layers to boost future productivity, but I need to argue better the direct immediate benefits of using it in our Service/DAO module which is at the moment based on Spring/JPA/Hibernate with the good old manual CRUD implementations.
So I need selling points for using Spring Boot on a persistence layer, but ones that span beyond Spring Data (e.g. configuration gains, maintenance, testing...anything)

As folks have said above, there is no Spring Boot JPA. It's either Spring Boot Data JPA, or JPA on its own.
The immediate benefits that I could think of:
With Spring Data JPA you don't write the Dao layer. For all CRUD operations, the CrudRepository interface gives you all you need. When that is not enough, all you have to use is the #Query annotation to fine-tune your SQLs
Configuration by convention. For example, with Spring Boot, just having the H2 dependency in the classpath gets Spring to use the H2 in-memory database, gives you Datasource configuration and transaction management (only at the JPA repository level) by default
Ability to create micro-services. With Spring Boot, you can create micro services that can be deployed and run on a number of boxes with java -jar ...
You can enable annotation-based transaction with one simple annotation: #EnableTransactionManagement
Java configuration over XML. This advantage is not to be underestimated
A lot less code (the DAO layer) means also a lot less maintenance
The native ability to provide a RESTful API around data: https://spring.io/guides/gs/accessing-data-rest/
It all depends where your company is heading for. If they want to deliver business value faster and move towards more a DevOps operating model, then the above advantages should be enough selling points for any organisation

Spring wiht JPA (for example Hibernate) but without Spring-Data-Jpa means that you direct interact with the JPA Entity manager and. Typical you use it to implement your own DAO from it and use the #Respository annotation.
public class UserDao {
#PersistenceContext EntityManager em;
public User findUserByLogin(Sting login) {
Even if there is no starter project, you could use a Spring-Data-JPA project, and implement the Repository in this old fashion style. (And then you could show how simple it become when you just write Spring-Data-JPA interfaces)

As far as I known, spring-boot means more convenient not any independent business feature.
In other words, spring-boot helps you to start, configure your application in some automatically way. But you can do that without spring-boot with your own specific configuration.
So, you are going to use spring-boot in your application means you are going to use spring-boot's auto configuration feature with your original application.
Actually, Spring JPA implemented in spring-data-jpa is what you are looking for not spring-boot. Of course, spring-boot can simplify your work dramatically.


Difference between Apache Open JPA and Spring JPA

I would like to know what's the key difference between Apache Open JPA and Spring JPA.
Spring already has a mature JPA for dealing with all kinds of Java persistence but still saw few projects in my company where they uses Apache Open JPA.
Can we integrate Apache Open JPA with Spring. Also like to know what are key benefits of Open JPA.
for example ElasticPath uses Spring but for JPA they uses Apache Open JPA
First: There is no Spring JPA.
There is spring-orm which is one of the many artifacts published by the Spring Framework. It contains classes dealing with JPA and it's main implementations (Hibernate and EclipsLink) in order to integrate them into the rest of the framework. Most Spring users rarely deal with it directly.
You are probably thinking of Spring Data JPA which offers repositories implemented with JPA, which in turn offer many ways to declare queries: Query derivation from method names, named queries based on method names, annotated queries, query by example, specifications ... It is part of the Spring Data project, which offers similar features with many different persistence technologies (JPA, MongoDb, Couchbase, Elasticsearch, Jdbc, Redis, Ldap ...). Spring Data JPA uses spring-orm
Since it got mentioned a couple of times now it is time to explain JPA: JPA stands for Java Persistence API and is an API which can and is implemented by multiple vendors. Hibernate is the most popular implementation, EclipseLink is the reference implementation and Apache Open JPA is another one.
Spring Data JPA (and spring-orm) are (mostly) based on JPA and therefore you should be able to use Apache Open JPA with it. But development of Open JPA was so slow in recent years that the Spring Data Team dropped OpenJPA from the JPA implementations it tests against.
To get a feeling for the development speed, you might look at the releases from the last three years (2019-2021):
Hibernate: 32 (not counting alpha and beta releases)
EclipseLink: 12 (not counting Milestone and release candidates)
OpenJPA: 4
As for the benefits of Apache Open JPA, I consider that an opinion question and therefore off topic for SO. But since people in your company seem to use it, I suggest asking them why they chose Open JPA over the other implementations.

Spring Boot Spring Data JPA - Don't scan for Implemented classes

I've noticed in our spring boot projects that during start up, spring seems to scan the classpaths for an implemented version of each of our DAOs.
We don't currently have implementations of our DAOs. We just extend the JPARepository and let spring data create the daos for us.
Is there any way to tell spring boot not to search for the implementations? We think it may help shave some time off of our start up times.

Is Spring Data JPA a JPA implementation?

I am trying to "really" understand Spring Framework. I have got some fair understanding of Spring Core (DI), and Spring MVC.
For data part, I am now focussing on Spring Data JPA. As I understand, JPA is a standard specification, for which there are multiple implementations, Hibernate being the famous one.
Now, when I started Spring Data JPA, I was under the impression that Spring Data JPA is an independent implementation of JPA specification. It turned out that I am wrong.
If I understood correctly, Spring Data JPA is an abstraction layer provided by Spring, which internally uses other JPA provider (Example Hibernate), so typically it is like this:
Application ---> Spring Data JPA --> Hiberate --> JDBC ----> DB
Is my understanding correct? If so isn't Spring Data JPA misleading? It is NOT a JPA provider in itself, it is just an abstraction layer, which works on top of other JPA provider.
I am not sure if I really understand Spring framework or it is a complex framework altogether?
Can anyone please help me understand it?
I don't think it's misnamed (disclaimer: I am the project lead). All Spring Data projects list the store or API they're based on in their name. Spring Data JPA is basically Spring Data for JPA, just like Spring Data MongoDB is Spring Data for MongoDB, just like Spring Batch is Spring for batch applications, Spring Integration is Spring for integration projects.
Do correct your dependency graph for JPA:
Application -> Spring Data JPA -> JPA <- Hibernate -> JDBC -> DataSource
-> — uses
<- — implements
The same for MongoDB:
Application -> Spring Data MongoDB -> MongoDB Java driver -> MongoDB
etc. I'd still be interested where exactly you got the impression that Spring Data JPA is an implementation of JPA as neither the project page nor the reference documentation state that anywhere. In fact, especially the project page is very explicit about what functionality the project provides. Also, it might help to study the description of the umbrella project, which tries to set some fundamental context for all the modules contained in it.

Difference between Spring and Spring Boot

There are many people who advised me to use Spring Boot instead of Spring to develop REST web services.
I want to know what exactly the difference between the two is?
In short
Spring Boot reduces the need to write a lot of configuration and boilerplate code.
It has an opinionated view on Spring Platform and third-party libraries so you can get started with minimum effort.
Easy to create standalone applications with embedded Tomcat/Jetty/Undertow.
Provides metrics, health checks, and externalized configuration.
You can read more here http://projects.spring.io/spring-boot/
Unfortunately and I mean this out of personal frustration with Spring boot, I have yet to see any real quantified list, where the differences are explicitly outlined.
There is only qualifications such as the rubbish sentence "...opinionated view..." which are bandied about.
What is clear, is that SpringBoot has wrapped up groups of Spring annotations into its own set of annotations, implicitly.
Further obfuscating, and making the need for anyone starting out in SpringBoot to have to commit to memory what a particular SpringBoot annotation represents.
My reply therefore is of no quantifiable benefit to the original question, which is analogous to that of the SpringBoot authors.
Those behind Spring IMO deliberately set-out to obfuscate, which reflects the obtuseness of their JavaDoc and API's (see SpringBatch API's as an example, if you think I am flaming) that makes one wonder the value of their open-source ethos.
My quest for figuring out SpringBoot continues.
Update. 22-08-2022
Read this (https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/html/using.html#using.auto-configuration) and you will figure out for yourself what "opinionated" means.
There are over 140 Config classes that Springboot can use for this opinionated view, depending on what is on your classpath.
yes, on your classpath.
Finally and bizzarely, the annotation #SpringBootApplication is a configuration annotation as it includes it.
Go figure :=)
Basically, Spring Boot is an opinionated instance of a Spring application.
Spring Boot is a rapid application development platform. It uses various components of Spring, but has additional niceties like the ability to package your application as a runnable jar, which includes an embedded tomcat (or jetty) server. Additionally, Spring Boot contains a LOT of auto-configuration for you (the opinionated part), where it will pick and choose what to create based on what classes/beans are available or missing.
I would echo their sentiment that if you are going to use Spring I can't think of any reasons to do it without Spring Boot.
Spring Boot is opinionated view of Spring Framework projects.Let's analyse it through one program taken from Spring Boot Documentation.
public class Example {
String home() {
return "Hello World!";
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
SpringApplication.run(Example.class, args);
It's a very basic REST API and you need to add Spring-boot-starter-web in your POM.xml for the same. Since you have added starter-web dependency, the annotation
#EnableAutoConfiguration guesses that you want to develop a web application and sets up Spring accordingly.
Spring Boot auto-configuration attempts to automatically configure your Spring application based on the jar dependencies that you have added. For example, if HSQLDB is on your classpath, and you have not manually configured any database connection beans, then Spring Boot auto-configures an in-memory database.
It's opinionated like maven. Maven creates a project structure for you which it thinks is the general pattern of projects like it adds src/main/java folder or resource folder for you.
Spring boot helps in faster development. It has many starter projects that helps you get going quite faster. It also includes many non functional features like: embedded servers, security, metrics, health checks etc. In short, it makes, spring based application development easier with minimally invading code(Less configuration files, less no of annotations).
Reference: https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current-SNAPSHOT/reference/htmlsingle/#boot-documentation-about
For developing common Spring applications or starting to learn Spring, I think using Spring Boot would be recommended. It considerably eases the job, is production ready and is rapidly being widely adopted.
Spring Boot is supposedly opinionated, i.e. it heavily advocates a certain style of rapid development, but it is designed well enough to accommodate exceptions to the rule, if you will. In short, it is a convention over configuration methodology that is willing to understand your need to break convention when warranted
For Spring Framework, you need to configure your project using XML configuration or Java configuration.
But for Spring Boot, these are preconfigured according to Spring team's view for rapid development. That is why Spring Boot is said to be an "opinionated view" of Spring Framework. It follows Convention over Configuration design paradigm.
Note: These configurations include view resolvers for MVC, transaction managers, way of locating container managed beans (Spring beans) and many more. And of course you can override any of these preconfigurations according to your need.
Spring Boot supports embedded servlet containers like Tomcat, Jetty or Undertow to create standalone applications, which Spring Framework doesn't.
Spring eliminate boilerplate code.
Spring-boot eliminates boilerplate configurations.

Spring Hibernate Connection through AOP standalone application

I am trying to develop Annotation based Spring Hibernate standalone application to connect to DB. I've gone through the some blogs and wondered like we should not make use of hibernateTemplate becoz coupling your application tightly to the spring framework. For this reason, Spring recommends that HibernateTemplate no longer be used.Further more my requirement is changed to Spring Hibernate with AOP using Declarative Transaction management.I am new to AOP concepts. Can any one please give an example on Spring Hibernate Connection through AOP. That would be a great help to me.
Thanks in advance.
If you are looking for exemples of project structures, you may want to use maven archetypes which provide you an already working Spring + Hibernate or Spring + JPA configuration.
They may provide you also a web layer (or not) but you can remove it if you want.
To try that, install maven and type:
mvn archetype:generate
By the way, I don't think using HibernateTemplate is a big deal. Many people still use it. But you'd better inject the Hibernate session factory and use contextual sessions with getCurrentSession()
I'd use JPA instead of plain Hibernate. You can of course use Hibernate as a provider. I guess that you know how to run Spring container in standalone application. Just follow the steps from documentation here. Use LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean. Then read about transaction management.
There is a new feature that lets you start JPA without persistence.xml file. Read here.
If you still want to use plain Hibernate follow the docs.
