How to build wxShapeFramework with CodeBlock - codeblocks

If you used to use wxShapeFramework, please help me to build it on Windows 10 with CodeBlock, Thanks.

In a terminal, change to the build directory of your wxSF installation and type create_build_files.bat. Press Enter then select 1) for a Code::Blocks project.
This should create the workspace file in the build directory and project files for each of the samples in their respective directories.


Gradle path error when running "meteor add-platform android"

I am using windows 10 and attempting to use meteor to create a test app.
When I run the meteor add-platform android command, I get the output shown below.
I have set the Android_home variable and I can see a gradle folder in my Android Studio directory at C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\plugins\gradle.
What is the path that I need to update and how do I do it? Do I need to create a Gradle_Home variable ?
Any suggestions would be appreciated !
Current code output :
Download the latest Gradle distribution
Create a new directory C:\Gradle with File Explorer.
Open a second File Explorer window and go to the directory where the Gradle distribution was downloaded. Double-click the ZIP archive to expose the content. Drag the content folder gradle-6.4.1 to your newly created C:\Gradle folder.
Alternatively you can unpack the Gradle distribution ZIP into C:\Gradle using an archiver tool of your choice.
Configure your system environment
In File Explorer right-click on the This PC (or Computer) icon, then click Properties -> Advanced System Settings -> Environmental Variables.
Under System Variables select Path, then click Edit. Add an entry for C:\Gradle\gradle-6.4.1\bin Click OK to save.
Verify your installation
Open a console (or a Windows command prompt) and run gradle -v to run gradle and display the version, e.g.:
You must close and open again your terminal if changes doesn't get reflected.

unable to open executable Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/ myAppTests.xctest/MyApp For AppTests': No such file or directory

I get an error when I'm trying to build my App saying that Xcode is unable to find some file (xctest files i believe).
FYI: I recently changed the name of the project from the sidebar in Xcode and it asked me if wanted to update the name of all the other files as well and I said yes so it probably has something to do with that.
Anyone ever experienced that?
It's a very nominal error. To solve the error:
Clean the project
Delete the derived data
Can I safely delete contents of Xcode Derived data folder?
Delete "XCTest.Framework" file from Project Navigator > Targets >
'Project Name' > Build Phases
Try cmd + shift + K to clean

Why am I getting an Error 1309 : Error reading from file..... when attempting to use a .msi generated by InstallShield in VS 2013?

Error 1309 : Error reading from file.....
I am using VS2013 - with latest download of InstallShield Limited Edition
From VS2013 -> Solution Explorer -> Installshield Project -> Uninstall/Install: everything is fine.
If I run the installer file (right click .msi file->uninstall/install) from the directory it is compiled in everything is fine.
If I copy the .msi file anywhere else I get the above error UNLESS I copy the 'program files' directory that is also created in the DISK1 folder of installshield project.
I thought this was all supposed to be packaged into 1 file (isn't that the purpose of InstallShield?)
This question was originally posted on the flexera forum, but no one seems to be responding to questions on that forum:
Any thoughts on how to fix this?
I have solved it. When you have your InstallShield LE project ready to Build, Go into Build, Configuration Manager and change the build to SingleImage. Next do a Build. When you navigate the folders to where the CD_ROM folder is, you will see a new folder called SingleImage. As you go through that you will find the single MSI file that contains all folders. No more issues with Error 1309.
Hope that helps.
You should also ensure that the 254 character limit for the files' local url is not exceeded

Visual Studio Custom Build Default Directory Incorrect

My Visual Studio 2013 Custom Build Tool step is failing because the directory in which the step is being executed is not the directory where the project file is (which was by default the case up until recently). I can patch it by adding a cd command to the start of the step to change to the project directory but I was wondering if anyone could tell me
how this directory path is set
how to change it.
The build always assumes the project directory as 'base' directory.
This gives msbuild a set location (Builds to bin\debug is a subfolder off 'Base', reference hint paths and a lot more besides).
I would just change the execute of your tool to be reference based (i.e ....\tool.exe or similar) or make use of the path environment variables ($(OutDir),$(TargetPath),$(ProjectPath),$(TargetDir) etc).
Another option that I make use of is to have a batch file called 'post.bat' that has the necessary steps to execute a custom tool. This is then placed in the project folder and added to the project as an artefact.
Without knowing exactly where your custom tool resides relative to the project (or solution) or what the 'working directory' requirements of the custom tool are I cannot suggest more.

How to tell Visual Studio or to pickup a file and deploy it to the bin directory after build?

I do have few config files and dll files that are needed in order to run the final product and I want to instruct visual studio build to pick them up.
So far it was easy to add them to the project but I wasn't able to identify the correct mix of properties that I need to setup for these files, in order to get the files inside the bin directory (target).
Note: the term deploy here doed not refer to the after build deployment, that would be a custom task anyway.
So far I see these options:
Excluded from Build: No
Content: Yes
Item Type: contains a list of ~20 options but none of them sounds like something that would work. I already tried most of them.
Select the project that requires the configuration file and right click on it and then select Properties.
Go to the Build Events tab and type in the Post-Build event command line something like the following
copy pathfiletocopy $(ProjectDir)$(OutDir)
now you could check the Copy Only on Successful Build option.
Of course you need to adapt the command line to your liking.
You can also press the button Edit Post-build and see a list of predefined macros that refers to specific informations related to your projects and solution. You could also insert other CMD shell commands like IF $(ConfigurationName) == "Release" to execute commands only when you compile for release instead of debug (for example running an obfuscator)
