Makefile. Special chars - makefile

I have a question to this expression:
%.out: %.cpp Makefile
g++ $< -o $# -std=c++0x
What does it mean? I know, that it is defined target for *.o files but what does it mean %.cpp Makefile and $< and $#?
What is differenece between:
all: $(patsubst %.cpp, %.o, $(wildcard *.cpp))
$(patsubst %.cpp, %.o, $(wildcard *.cpp))
The second doesn't works.

For the first part of your question:
%.out: %.cpp Makefile
g++ $< -o $# -std=c++0x
This is a pattern rule, and means: "for all files with a .cpp extension, compile (if needed) a corresponding .out file using the command g++ $< -o $# -std=c++0x
In this line, $< is the prerequisite (the .cpp file) , $# is the name of the target (the .out file). See here.
The rule also adds the makefile itself as a prerequisite, which means that all the files will be rebuild (even if they are already compiled) when you issue a make target command, if you make changes to the makefile.
For the second part of the question, your are mixing two things. A make rule is made of three parts:
target: dependencies
The second one you show cannot work because there is no command. The line just produces a bunch of filenames, that your shell cannot understand.
The first one adds to the list of dependencies all the object files, whose names are deduced from all the .ccp files. But you are missing a command, so nothing should happen (unless you didn't give us the whole rule ?)
Edit: ouch, missed something, this rule actually should work fine, as make will evaluate all the prerequisite targets, thus call the pattern rule described above. I got confused by the fact that this structure is usually written like this:
targetname: $(OUTFILES)
#echo "- Done target $#"
with the variable defined above as:
OUTFILES = $(patsubst %.cpp, %.o, $(wildcard *.cpp))
or even as:
INFILES = $(wildcard *.cpp)
OUTFILES = $(patsubst %.cpp, %.o, $(INFILES))
I suggest you find a good make tutorial, or read the manual, you seem to have lots of concepts to learn...


Why is makefile exhibiting non-deterministic behaviour?

I have a makefile that is trying to do the following: identify all files under the current directory (all sub-directories included) with .c and .s extensions, for each one compile a non-linked object file and put it into a directory. All C files end up in objects/c, all assembly files end up in objects/ass.
The makefile always works as expected on the first execution (all commands are called in the right order) and no errors are produced.
However if I call make again, half of the time i get "nothing to be done for 'all'.". Which is what you would expect, since no files have been modified. But the other half of the time, make is selecting a random assembly file and compiling that file. That is to say,if I keep doing "make" I sometimes compile file1.s sometimes file2.s. and it keeps randomly swapping between the assembly files add infinitum (it never reaches a "nothing to be done") state.
How is make exhibitting non deterministic behaviour?
This is the smallest makefile I could make that reproduces the error:
SRC_C = $(wildcard *.c) $(wildcard **/*.c)
SRC_ASS = $(wildcard *.s) $(wildcard **/*.s)
OBJECTS_C = $(addprefix $(OBJECT_DIR)c/, $(notdir $(SRC_C:.c=.o)))
OBJECTS_ASS = $(addprefix $(OBJECT_DIR)ass/, $(notdir $(SRC_ASS:.s=.o)))
OBJECT_DIR = objects/
all: $(OBJECTS)
mkdir $#
arm-none-eabi-gcc -O0 -march=armv8-a $(wildcard */$(#F:.o=.c)) -nostartfiles -c -o $#
arm-none-eabi-as -march=armv8-a $(wildcard */$(#F:.o=.s)) -c -o $#
.PHONY: clean
rm -rf $(OBJECT_DIR)
You have many errors here.
The biggest is a conceptual one: By flattening all your object files into one directory, there's no way to express proper dependencies using pattern rules, so your object files do not really depend on their respective source files. I'd say: just don't do that! Having object directories is fine, but they should mirror the directory structure of the source tree.
Further errors:
directly depending on directories. This will not work as expected, directories should always be order-only dependencies, as already stated in the comments
Make doesn't support recursive wildcards -- if you really need that, you could write your own function or, assuming you're always building on *nix, just call find instead
Pattern rules for creating directories are not the best idea either -- I'd suggest to collect all needed directories in a variable and loop over that.
Stylistic improvements:
Assign variables that don't need deferred evaluation with :=
Assign variables influencing the build process with ?=, so the user can override them at the command line
Use "standard" variables like CC, AS, CROSS_COMPILE
declare all phony targets in .PHONY.
Your Makefile with these changes applied would look like this:
OBJECT_DIR ?= objects
SRC_C:= $(shell find -name \*.c)
SRC_ASS:= $(shell find -name \*.s)
OBJECTS_C:= $(addprefix $(C_OBJECT_DIR)/, $(SRC_C:.c=.o))
OBJECTS_ASS:= $(addprefix $(AS_OBJECT_DIR)/, $(SRC_ASS:.s=.o))
OUTDIRS:= $(sort $(dir $(OBJECTS)))
CROSS_COMPILE ?= arm-none-eabi-
CC ?= gcc
AS ?= as
CFLAGS ?= -O0 -march=armv8-a -nostartfiles
ASFLAGS ?= -march=armv8-a
all: $(OBJECTS)
$(foreach _dir,$#,mkdir -p $(_dir);)
$(C_OBJECT_DIR)/%.o: %.c | $(OUTDIRS)
$(CROSS_COMPILE)$(CC) -c -o $# $(CFLAGS) $<
$(AS_OBJECT_DIR)/%.o: %.s | $(OUTDIRS)
$(CROSS_COMPILE)$(AS) -c -o $# $(ASFLAGS) $<
rm -rf $(OBJECT_DIR)
.PHONY: all clean
Note there is one important thing missing: automatic dependencies. With this Makefile, each object file depends on its respective source file, but completely misses any headers included. For anything other than a simple toy, you should add that, google for "gnu make gcc automatic dependencies" or something similar (not the scope of this question).

filter function in Makefile

Is there a way to pick up the target name using automatic variable.
SOURCES = $(wildcard *.c)
dummytgt: $(OBJ)/tier.o
$(GCC) $(CFLAGS) -c $(filter $#,$(SOURCES)).c -o $#
I do not want to mention the filename as input but would want to use the filter function to get the .c file which is same as target name. make throws an error no input files
It's helpful to have a look at how make parses this:
SOURCES = $(wildcard *.c)
dummytgt: $(OBJ)/tier.o
$(GCC) $(CFLAGS) -c $(filter $#,$(SOURCES)).c -o $#
First off,
it will read the makefile, defining and expanding macros as it goes.
SOURCES = $(wildcard *.c) means that ${SOURCES} is a lazy variable with definition $(wildcard *.c).
Lazy? Yes, these recursive variables (as the make manual has it) only expand their right-hand side when they are themselves expanded.
Make needs the dependencies as it reads the file, so $(OBJ) is expanded.
Let's assume that the expansion of ${OBJ} is objs (say).
The shell command block remains as a single lazy variable.
It's important to note that these are not expanded until make decides that it wants to build dmmytgt.
You could have written this to exactly the same effect:
dummytgt: objs/tier.o
$(GCC) $(CFLAGS) -c $(filter $#,$(wildcard *.c)).c -o $#
For this fragment to work,
the file objs/tier.o must already exist.
Let's assume it does.
Make now has all it needs to build dummytgt (according to your makefile),
so now it expands the command block.
$(wildcard *.c) expands to 1.c 2.c (say).
$# is dummytgt
$(filter dummytgt,1.c 2.c) is of course empty (and always will be!)
${GCC} is gcc (say)
${CFLAGS} is empty (say)
Thus the shell gets
gcc -c .c -o dummytgt
Presumably gcc complains that there is no file called .c.
The resulting error stops make's execution.
A few thing not to like here:
$(wildcard ) is only for hacky one-liner makefiles IMHO.
dummytgt requires objs/tier.o, but its build instructions never reference it.
Your $(filter ) always expands to nothing.
$(filter $#.c,$(SOURCES))
But I don't see why you don't use
Or better still, make it a prerequisite.

Makefile - Pattern Rule as a dependency

I've ha makefile with following entries. Will the first rule depend on the secon rule ? So that it builds all the .o files from second files ?
$(PROG): *.o
$(LD) -o $(PROG) -c $< $(LFLAGS)
%.o : %.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $# -c $<
To be specific if i invoke 'make all' will it invoke the second rule if no *.o files were found ?
All other Variables have usual meaning .
No, that will not work. When you run your makefile for the first time, are there any .o files? No. So the expression *.o will expand to nothing.
Of course, your recipe for $(PROG) doesn't actually use any of the object files anyway, as written.
You can do something like this (although personally I prefer to simply list the files out by hand; it's not very common to create all new files so it's not much effort, and it's safer than just trying to grab every file in the directory):
SOURCES := $(wildcard *.c)
OBJECTS := $(SOURCES:%.c=%.o)

Makefile Dynamic Rules w/ No GNU-make Pattern

I have a set of .cpp files that I want to compile. These .cpp files are in a hierarchical directory structure. I want the corresponding .o files to all end up in one build folder.
Here's how I get GNU make to enumerate the files:
SRCS = \
$(wildcard $(CODE)/**/*.cpp) \
$(wildcard $(CODE)/AlgebraLibraries/**/*.cpp) \
$(wildcard $(CODE)/Calculator/Environments/**/*.cpp)
BARE_SRCS = $(notdir $(SRCS))
BARE_OBJS = $(BARE_SRCS:.cpp=.o)
OBJS = $(addprefix $(BUILD)/, $(BARE_OBJS))
Having done this, I have no idea how to create the rules that will create the .o files from the .cpp files. Intuitively, what I want to do is the following pseudocode:
for i=0, N do # <-- a for-loop!
$(OBJS)[i]: $(SRCS)[i] # <-- the rule!
$(CPP) -c $(SRCS)[i] -o $(OBJS)[i] # <-- the recipe
Of course, this is not valid GNU make code, but I trust you understand what it is here that I'm trying to do. The following will not work.
%.o: %.cpp
$(CPP) -c $< -o $#
This doesn't work, because GNU make is matching up the % signs, assuming that the .o files live along-side the .cpp files.
The alternative to all of this, which I know will work, but will be extremely tedious, is to enumerate all of the rules by-hand as explicit rules. There has to be a better way!
I've been researching GNU make's ability to generate rules, but there appears to be no way to do it without the built-in logic. It would be really nice if I could utilize some flow-control statements to generate the rules that I want to make. Is this asking too much of GNU-make?
In any case, is there a way to do what it is I'm trying to do with GNU make? If so, how?
This looks like a job for... several advanced Make tricks:
all: $(OBJS)
define ruletemp
$(patsubst %.cpp, $(BUILD)/%.o, $(notdir $(1))): $(1)
$$(CPP) -c $$< -o $$#
$(foreach src,$(SRCS),$(eval $(call ruletemp, $(src))))
If $(BUILD) is constant, you can always just do:
$(BUILD)/%.o: %.cpp
$(CPP) -c $< -o $#

Running Makefile targets

I am trying to 'fire' off the compilation by making all dependencies in a list of items, which are themselves targets.
From the answer (last, posted by Carl..) given in seems to suggest that something like this is possible.
Wildcard targets in a Makefile
all: $(OBJECTS)
OBJECTS = foo.o bar.o
bar.o: bar.c
#echo make $#
foo.o: foo.c
#echo make $#
.PHONY: all
My question is, when I run make I get the following, I cannot seem to get it to compile.
make: Nothing to be done for `all'.
Reverse the order of the first two lines, like so:
OBJECTS = foo.o bar.o
all: $(OBJECTS)
In your example, when Make gets to the all rule, OBJECTS has not yet been defined, so it resolves to this:
Make sees a rule with no commands and no prerequisites-- nothing to be done.
You can do something like
%.o: %.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $#
This means:
To make a .o file, we need a .c file with the same name ( represented by %). The command to make the .o file is the name of the C compiler $(CC), followed by any compiler flags $(CFLAGS), then -c, etc. $< is the name of the first prerequisite ($^ is the names of all prerequisites, if you want that), and $# is the name of the target.
