Apply custom theme to Odoo app - themes

I am new to odoo, know only how to create and update modules and apps but have no idea about theming my modules
I have create my own app from scratch (depends on base only) and now I need to customize its look, something like changing colors, fonts and menus positions and behavior, all I have found while searching is to create a module based on website module and customize it, and frankly I have no idea how my module will get the changes I can made on the theme module?
I need step by step tutorial about this which is suite to what I know in Odoo

For theme reference you can visit these Links:
Customize a theme
New theme For Odoo Website
ODOO Official Doc
Slide Share PPt By ODOO
This may help in your case.
Regarding : "how to get my normal menus and its elements represented in the website"
Below i am posting the code snippet for adding the menu in website:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<data noupdate="1">
<record id="menu_my_menu" model="">
<field name="name">MyMenu</field>
<field name="url">/MyMenuControllerUrl</field>
<field name="parent_id" ref="website.main_menu"/>
<field name="sequence" type="int">20</field>
Here /MyMenuControllerUrl is the url of controller which render your template .
I hope this may help you.


Magento 2 - Create a theme - display products issue

After installing Magento 2 with composer and importing sample data, I would like to create a new theme. I'm following the frontend developer guide but when I apply my new theme, I can't see any of my products in categories. The left menu with filters is still here but no products are displayed.
Any solution for me please ?
PS: Sorry for my english...:)
Here are my files
<theme xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:Config/etc/theme.xsd">
<preview_image></preview_image> <!-- the path to your theme's preview image -->
no products
Edit :
I found that the problem is related to /etc/view.xml
<images module="Magento_Catalog">
<image id="category_page_grid" type="small_image">
When I delete this file, all products are displayed correctly.
I have just copied the documentation example, I don't understand what I did wrong...
The luma theme is built with 'cms' features. They are defined in the backend in
Content -> Widgets
For example the widget "Home Page". To use the same "Home Page" widget with your custom theme you have to add a new one with the same parameter from the luma "Home Page" widget except the "Design Package/Theme" parameter, which is now your custom theme.
In general the widgets are linked to a theme name.
I had the same problem, the issue was the /etc/view.xml file on my custom theme.
I deleted the file and worked fine.

CastVideo-Android sample using forked ShowcaseView project library not working with multiple Icons in ActionBar

I'm creating a cast-enabled application using the CastVideos-android sample project as a reference.
Version 1.2 of the CastVideos-android sample uses this forked version of the ShowcaseView library to display a very nice looking overlay to highlight the cast button.
This is great and helps developers satisfy the Cast Sender-App UI requirements, but this forked version of the ShowcaseView library doesn't play well with apps that may use multiple icons in the ActionBar.
For example, when adding a SearchView-type item to the ActionBar the ShowcaseView bugs-out.
The result is below and the steps to replicate this behavior are below the screenshot :
Steps to replicate:
Include the v7-appcompat as a library project in the CastVideo-android project.
Change the res/menu/main.xml in the CastVideo-android project to look like the following (adding an ActionView of type SearchView to the ActionBar) :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<menu xmlns:android=""
xmlns:compat="" >
I'm using the latest version of the v7-appcompat library.
I suspect the culprit to be how the ActionBarViewWrapper.getMediaRouterButtonView() method (found in com.github.amlcurran.showcaseview.targets) is finding the MediaRouterButton via reflection, but can't seem to understand how to find the MediaRouterButton if there are multiple icons items in the ActionBar.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
The forked project has been updated to handle this case. Thanks for reporting the issue. Once I hear from you (or anyone else) that it works as expected, I will submit a pull request to Alex.

Inheriting android style framework for UI?

I am reading a design presentation to try and learn some more about android UI. On slide 17, it explains to inherit styles.
The developer then says to "Use the framework" and access styles to style your UI. For example, he uses
<style name="MyTheme" parent="android:Theme.Holo.light" />
for sdk versions 11+ in the styles.xml folder. And in the manifest he then sets the theme to "MyTheme". After, he says to reference styles from the current theme, such as
... />
However, this gives an error that says missing styles. So I researched this and instead found a different way of implementing this as
which gave me an error saying the resource is not public.
So my question is, how can I organize my style.xml, manifest, and layouts to implement android styles like the ones above? What do I need to check to be able to access these styles? Where can I learn about proper organization of these folders and style inheritance? I have tried reading documentation on the android website, but cannot find much help anywhere else. Any advice on where to find other sources on sample code on proper ways to design UI are welcome as well. Thanks for any help.

joomla falang add translation for ignite gallery

As i am new to joomla i don't get any idea how to make translations work as they are ment to work...... Currently i am trying to add translation to ignite gallery component using this xml file to specify what to translate
"<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<falang type="contentelement">
<name>Ignite Gallery v1.0 Main</name>
<author>Matthew Thomson</author>
<description>Ignite Gallery v1.0 Main</description>
<table name="igallery">
<field type="referenceid" name="id" translate="0">ID</field>
<field type="titletext" name="name" translate="1">Name</field>
<field type="htmltext" name="menu_description" translate="1">Menu Description</field>
<field type="htmltext" name="gallery_description" translate="1">Gallery Description</field>
<field type="text" name="alias" translate="0">Alias</field>
The problem now is that it translates from English to Russian but when i try to translate from Russian to English falang overwrites the main language with russian.
It would be nice if you could explain me why......
I am not trying to translate gallery itselve i am trying to translate images name, description and menu description using that xml file
Considering you have installed joomla's Russian language package on your website:
go to your website root folder
locate languages folder
go to en-GB folder
find en-GB.com_ignitegallery.ini (or whatever your component name is)
copy it inside ru-RU folder in the languages folder
change it's name to ru-RU.com_ignitegallery.ini
open it
translate it
Now all you need is to change your website's language to Russian.

How can I add an icon in a SharePoint document library template?

i want to insert a image in a sharepoint document library template.
It should appear when I click Site Settings -> More Options -> in the Library selection.
I tried to manipulate the manifest.xml - File with the ImageUrl-Tag and it didn't help.
Is it possible? I've searched for many days an can't find anything.
You want to add a preview image to a custom SharePoint document library you created, correct?
I'm assuming you have created a list template (specifically a document library template). In the elements.xml of that template you have the Image attribute which represents the preview image.
Here is an example elements.xml for a custom document library:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<Elements xmlns="">
DisplayName="My List"
The document library will be shown with the image located at /_layouts/images/itdl.png as its preview image. You said you tried settings the ImageUrl attribute - this doesn't exist for a list template, though it would exist when you were creating a web template (see this SO post).
