I created a scene;
How can I get it by id(name)?
Like jquery(#test)?
In three.js doc,I just find the scene.getObjectById() to get children obj.
There is a getObjectByName method for this here in the Object3D class.
And here it is also mentioned in the documentation.
Both the getObjectByName and the getObjectById methods are to find children objects inside a parent object. A scene doesn't have a parent so finding scene by id or finding scene by name doesn't make much sense...
I'm using three.js library to work with 3d models (mostly .glb but it shouldn't matter)
The idea is to import a 3d model that contains groups and meshes. I want to be able to move meshes between already existing groups within a model without changing the visual representation of the model.
Piece of my code is below. movedInternal is
movedMesh.matrixWorldNeedsUpdate = true; // not sure if it's needed
let meshPosition = new THREE.Vector3();
movedMesh.position.set(meshPosition.x, meshPosition.y, meshPosition.z);
And this is not working. Mesh changes its global position because new parent’s position is not the same as previous parent position, but I expect it to stay where it was but change its local position considering new parent’s position.
What do I do wrong?
I think you need to update the movedMesh's world matrix after you change its parents. When you .remove() then .add(), it doesn't know that its parents have been updated (Three.js usually does it when you're rendering, but this is happening before the next frame render).
let meshPosition = new THREE.Vector3();
// Here it needs to re-learn its new coordinates
movedMesh.position.set(meshPosition.x, meshPosition.y, meshPosition.z);
I've been searching for this solution since a week and haven't been able to tackle the exact problem. Though my question is diferent but has same scenario, I would like to give a solution for those, looking for it.
I have a 3D object with different child meshes, and i want to replace one of my child mesh with another 3D model.
Below code snippet:
replacementMesh is a new 3D object, meshToReplace is the child mesh that needs to be replaced.
// Copy the transformation matrix from obj1 to obj2
// Update obj2's position, rotation, and scale to match the transformation matrix
I am very bad at three.js - but I believe I have cobbled together a basic raycast on a set of objects, to select the object of interest.
I am now trying to have OrbitControls.js focus the target vector on that object, i.e., once selected, be able to orbit around that object. I have tried a few variations, where some lead to what appears to be an empty (or out of camera range) scene.
where obj is the raycast object and controls is the OrbitControl instance.
The quick(?) question: how do you set the orbit center of three.js OrbitControl given an object from a raycast?
It turns out that the fbx model on raycast seemed to return one of its child objects in the child object's coordinate system (though the material coloring seemed to color the whole object). Setting it to the parent seems to have solved it.
Check to see if it's a child object or child segment that is returning the same local coordinate
for controls.target setting, the vector3 is an object that needs to be copied .copy (thanks #WestLangley)
Currently, I am trying to dive deeper into grouped objects or better hierachic ordered objects. However I got a strange issue with the position and the visibility of a object3D and childs of those.
So i have a set of objects, a light source with is the main object so far, and a few spheres for example, which are childs of the the main object.
The problem is, that child objects, which are positioned behind another object ( siblings ) ( from the camera view ) are visible. And all childs objects appear infront of the main object while those actually positioned behind the main object.
Sadly i can't reproduce this in a codePen so i had to take some pictures of the scene, many apologies for that.
In the pictures, the camera rotates clockwise around the light source (main object to the left).
So basically what I am doing is:
mObj = new THREE.Object3D();
mObj.add(new THREE.Mesh(someGeometry, someMaterial);
cObj = new THREE.Object3D();
cObj.add(new THREE.Mesh(someGeometry, someMaterial);
Is that related to the object hierachic order or something else?
The second more negligible issue is, that on one of my pc's, those parts of objects which are dark (because of no lighting), generate those strange black/grey faces, which i cant explain. Maybe Graphicscard/driver or something?
What's the distance between these objects? It could be a floating point rounding issue. I've run into it myself.
If it's so, and you're getting flickering models, you'll need to keep your camera and the active model at the origin, and move the universe around you to keep precision in the important places (near the player).
In threejs, LOD objects created with clone() method show all levels of details at once.
If i have two LODs, named LOD1 & LOD2, if LOD2 is a clone of the first and that both are updated in the render loop, then LOD1 will behave as expected. But LOD2 will yet display an instance of all level meshes at the nearest distance, and add an other instance of those mesh if it is the current one.
Did i miss something or is it an issue ?
Until next revision it can be solved by removing or commenting
THREE.Object3D.prototype.clone.call( this, object );
I don't know if it is a bug: I can't find nothing simillar on github bug/issue tracking or stackoverflow either.
The problem is that when I import an object with children objects with OBJMTLloader, the position and rotation appears to be set to 0 on the children.
The parent object has correct positioning data.
I assume this is not the correct behaviour. How I can know the position of every children of the object?
Thank you in advance,
I think that is the limitation of the OBJ format itself:
Try using Collada or GLtF instead.