Calculate farthest point of every point - algorithm

Suppose we have two sets of points, say A and B (both of size O(n)) in the plane. Can we find farthest pair of points each being in A & B in O(n) time?

No, you can not calculate the furthest point for each point in O(n). The best you can obtain is O(n log n) with a 2-d tree. You can do this with a technique, similar to finding a closest point.
Read a more detailed answer here where I show a couple of other approaches to solve a similar problem.


Most isolated point on 2d map - algorithm

I have a set of points, and need to know which one has the farthest euclidean distance from any other points.
I want to improve this from O(n^2)
Now guys i've heard about Kd trees for solution, BUT
KD Trees doesn't provide nearest distance if the point 'x' is already present in Kd tree. And there is no implementation for it to remove.
You can do this by ignoring self in "nearest search algo" and "where we set root/parent" initially to begin search
given n points Pi, 1 <= i <= n:
build kd-tree (with an O(n) median of median algorithm this is O(n log n))
for all points Pi: find second closest point (closest point will be point itself), compute distance and remember Pi if the distance is a new minimum; this is O(n log n) again.
Alltogether this is an O(n log n) algorithm.
I assume that you want to find the point that maximises the distance to the nearest neighbour. Like a small island in the south pacific being 1100 miles away from the nearest land.
Well, you should be nowhere near O (n^2). Say you have a million points. Divide the points into a 1000 x 1000 grid. To find the nearest point, you would only have to examine the nine neigbouring grids, so you are far below O (n^2). If a grid contains lots of points, they will be close together so you can remove them from the search quickly.

How to find the smallest N dimensional simplex from a set of points that contains a given point?

I've looked all over google and stack but haven't found an answer to this problem yet. I keep finding results relating to the simplex method or results for finding the smallest arbitrary simplex (i.e. the vertices are not constrained). Neither can I think of an analytical solution.
Given a set of N-dimensional points, M, and an arbitrary N-dimensional point, q, how do I find the smallest N-dimensional simplex, S, that contains q as an interior point if the vertices of S must be in M? I'm sure I could solve it with an optimization, but I'd like an analytical solution if possible. A deterministic algorithm would be ok, as well.
I was originally using a K nearest neighbors approach, but then I realized it's possible that the N+1 nearest neighbors to q won't necessarily create a simplex that contains q.
Thanks in advance for any assistance provided.
I think you can do this is O(N^2) using an iterative process very similar to K-NN, but perhaps there is a more efficient way. This should return the minimum simplex in terms of the number of vertices.
For each coordinate i in q, we can iterate through all elements of M, comparing the q_i and m_i. We will select the two points in M which give us the min positive difference and min negative difference. If we repeat this process for every coordinate, then we should have our min set S.
Am I understanding the problem correctly?

Calculate the maximum distance between vectors in an array

Assume we have an array that holds n vectors. We want to calculate the maximum euclidean distance between those vectors.
The easiest (naive?) approach would be to iterate the array and for each vector calculate its distance with the all subsequent vectors and then find the maximum.
This algorithm, however, would grow (n-1)! with respect to the size of the array.
Is there any other more efficient approach to this problem?
Your computation of the naive algorithm's complexity is wonky, it should be O(n(n-1)/2), which reduces to O(n^2). Computing the distance between two vectors is O(k) where k is the number of elements in the vector; this still gives a complexity well below O(n!).
Complexity is O(N^2 * K) for brute force algorithm (K is number of elem in vector). But we can do better by knowing that in euclidean space for points A,B and C:
|AB| + |AC| >= |BC|
Algorithm should be something like this:
If max distance found so far is MAX and for a |AB| there is a point C, such that distance |AC| and |CB| already computed and MAX > |AC|+|CB|, then we can skip calculation for |AB|.
It is difficult to tell complexity of this algorithm, but my gut feeling tells me it is not far from O(N*log(N)*K)
This question has been here before, see How to find two most distant points?
And the answer is: is can be done in less than O(n^2) in Euclidean space. See also
So suppose you have a pair of points A and B. Consider the hypersphere that have A and B at the north and south pole respectively. Could any point C contained in the hypersphere be farther from A than B?
Further suppose we partition the pointset into sqrt(N) hyperboxes with sqrt(N) points each. For any pair of hyperboxes, we can calculate in k time the maximum distance possible between any two points of the infinite set of points contained within them - by simply calculating the distance between their furthest corners. If we already have a candidate better than this we can discard all pairs of points from those hyperboxes.

Checking if point set triangle subdivision is a triangulation

I've been studying Delaunay triangulation (not a homework) and I thought about the following problem : given a set of points S on plane (with cardinality of n) and a set of triangles T (should be with the cardinality of n-2) — how to determine if the triangles set T form a Delaunay triangulation DT(S)?
The first problem is that Delaunay triangulation is not unique, so rebuilding it for the points set again and comparing to the triangles set won't give us the answer. In addition, optimal Delaunay triangulation algorithms are rather hard to implement (however, using libraries like CGAL would have been okay).
Suppose we know how to check if the triangles set is a triangulation (not necessarily Delaunay). Then we should use the definition of a Delanuay triangulation: for every triangle t in triangulation, no point in S is strictly inside the circumference of t. This leads us to the following methods:
The trivial approach. Just iterate over T, compute the circumference and iterate over S, checking if point is inside the circumference. However, this takes O(n^2) time, which is not very optimal.
The enchanted approach. Again, iterate over T and compute the circumference. If any point s in inside the circumference, it means that its distance to the circumference center is less than the radius. Using nearest neighbour searching structures over S, we will speed up our algorithm. For instance, simple kd-tree structure leads us to O(n log n) algorithm in average and O(n sqrt(n)) in the worst case.
Does anyone have an idea of something simpler?
Now let's return to the problem of checking if T is a triangulation at all. Trivial pre-requirements like equality of S and the set of triangles' vertices can be performed no faster than O(n log n). What is left — to check that every two triangles in T intersect in a common face, or not at all.
Again, we could do this by iterating over T and again over T, checking for intersection, but this is O(n^2) algorithm.
Let's think about what «triangles t1 and t2 intersect» mean? They intersect if their edges intersect or if one triangle is completely lies in another. The problem of intersecting all the edges can be solved at O(n log n) time using Bentley-Ottmann algorithm (the worst case is O((n + k) log n), where k is the count of intersections, but we can stop the algorithm at the moment we find the first intersection). Also we didn't recognize the case of one triangle completely containing another, but I believe we can modify Bentley-Ottmann algorithm to maintain triangles crossing the sweep line instead of segments, which as I said, yields us O(n log n) algorithm. However, it is really complex to implement.
I've thought about iterative algorithm — let's maintain the structure of non-intersecting (or only intersecting by edge) triangles (it should be something very similar to kd-tree). Then we try to add the next triangle t: first check if any of t's vertices is already in one of the triangles — then we got an intersection. Otherwise, add t to the structure. However, if we want O(log n) or O(sqrt(n)) time for search and add queries, we have to balance this structure's height, which is too hard even for kd-trees.
So, does anyone know any simple solution to this problem?
There is a Delaunay lemma : "If every edge in a triangulation K of S is locally Delaunay then K is the Delaunay triangulation of S". Maybe this could help in situation from paragraph 1 of your question, where you are certain that K is some triangulation of S. Dunno the computational complexity of this approach though.

What is the fastest way to detect two points in 2D space with biggest distance between them?

I need to get two points that have biggest distance between.
The easiest method is to compute distance between each of them, but that solution would have an quadratic complexity.
So i'm looking for any faster solution.
How about:
1 Determine the convex hull of the set of points.
2 Find the longest distance between points on the hull.
That should allow you to ignore all points not on the hull when checking for distance.
To elaborate on rossom's answer:
Find the convex hull of the points which can be found in O(n log n) time with an algorithm like Graham's Scan or O(n log h) time with other algorithm's which I assume are harder to implement
Start at a point, say A, and loop through the other points to find the one furthest from it, say B.
Advance A to the next point and advance B until it is furthest from A again. If this distance is larger than the one in part 2, store it as the largest. Repeat until you have looped through all points A in the set
Parts 2 and 3 take amortized O(n) time and therefore the overall algorithm takes O(n log n) or O(n log h) time depending on how much time you can be bothered spending on implementing convex hull.
This is great and all but if you only have a few thousand points (like you said), O(n^2) should work fine (unless you're executing it many times).
