PROLOG Logic Programm - Addition of 2x2 matrix - matrix

I am new to PROLOG and am trying some simple exercises to familiarize myself with it. However I am stuck in making an addition of 2x2matrix with another, more specifically lists within lists.
This is my code, the output using SWI-Prolog is False, and I have no idea why. Any help is appreciated!
matrixAdd([X],[Y],[S]) :- S is X + Y.
matrixAdd([[H|A],[I|B]],[[J|C],[K|D]],[[S1|Sum1],[S2|Sum2]]) :-
S1 = H + J,
S2 = I + K,

?- A = 2 + 3.
A = 2+3.
?- A = 2 + 3, A == 5.
?- A = 2 + 3, A = 5.
?- A is 2 + 3, A =:= 10/2.
A = 5.
?- A is 2 + 3, A = 10/2.
Figure out why you get each of these answers.
Furthermore, think about how you want to represent your matrix. Does it need to be a nested list? For example, it could be something like matrix(dim(2,2), [1,2,3,4]). Then, adding two matrices would be as easy as:
matrix_sum(matrix(D, V1), matrix(D, V2), matrix(D, Sum)) :-
maplist(add, V1, V2, Sum).
add(X, Y, Sum) :-
Sum is X + Y.
(You could get fancy and use a constraint library for the add operation. For example, with library(clpr) you could write {Sum = X+Y} and use the same predicate for addition and for subtraction.)
This uses unification in the head to make sure that the two matrices have the same dimensions, while the maplist take care of V1 and V2 being the same length.
Or you prefer a list of lists. Then, figure out the general predicate that adds lists of lists together (see the other answer!). Now you have a weird mix where you kind of know the magnitude of one dimension in advance, but still attempt to traverse the other dimension. As your code is at the moment, it is your base case that always fails. It should be:
(so many lists!) and without any body. Try replacing it in your original code and see what happens.

You first need to know the following:
There is a difference between = and is/2
Check your list syntax [Head|Tail] is different from [Element1,Element2]
Unification of [X] will only work when you pass a list with exactly 1 element. Just like [[A,B],[C,D]] will only match a 2 by 2 matrix. (Note that the elements A,B,.. could be lists as well in that case)
For you hardcode solution, fixing all these issues should work, but I want to leave that to you for now.
matrixAddHardcode([[A1,A2],[A3,A4]],[[B1,B2],[B3,B4]],[[S1,S2],[S3,S4]]) :-
S1 is A1 + B1,
S2 is A2 + B2,
S3 is A3 + B3,
S4 is A4 + B4.
Solution for any X by Y
matrixAddFix([L1|T1],[L2|T2],[S1|TS]) :-
listSum([H1|T1],[H2|T2],[S1|TS]) :-
S1 is H1+H2,


Prolog Loops until True

I'm pretty new to Prolog but I'm trying to get this program to give me the first set of twin primes that appears either at or above N.
twins(M) :-
M2 is M + 2,
twin_prime(M, M2),
write(' '),
M3 is M + 1,
However, I'm not completely sure how to go about getting it to loop and repeat until it's true. I've tried using the repeat/0 predicate but I just get stuck in an infinite loop. Does anyone have any tips I could try? I'm pretty new to Prolog.
You're on the right track using tail recursion and #Jake Mitchell's solution works swell. But here are some tips that might help clarify a few basic concepts in Prolog:
First, it seems like your predicate twins/1 is actually defining a relationship between 2 numbers, namely, the two twin primes. Since Prolog is great for writing very clear, declarative, relational programs, you might make the predicate more precise and explicit by making it twin_primes/2. (That this should be a binary predicate is also pretty clear from your name for the predicate, since one thing cannot be twins...)
One nice bonus of explicitly working with a binary predicate when describing binary relations is that we no longer have to fuss with IO operations to display our results. We'll simply be able to query twin_primes(X,Y) and have the results returned as Prolog reports back on viable values of X and Y.
Second, and more importantly, your current definition of twins/1 wants to describe a disjunction: "twins(M) is true if M and M + 2 are both prime or if M3 is M + 3 and twins(M3) is true". The basic way of expressing disjunctions like this is by writing multiple clauses. A single clause of the form <Head> :- <Body> declares that the Head is true if all the statements composing the Body are true. Several clauses with the same head, like <Head> :- <Body1>. <Head> :- <Body2>. ..., declare that Head is true if Body1 is true or if Body2 is true. (Note that a series of clauses defining rules for a predicate are evaluated sequentially, from top to bottom. This is pretty important, since it introduces non-declarative elements into the foundations of our programs, and it can be exploited to achieve certain results.)
In fact, you are only a small step from declaring a second rule for twins/1. You just tried putting both clause-bodies under the same head instance. Prolog requires the redundant measure of declaring two different rules in cases like this. Your code should be fine (assuming your definition of twin_prime/2 works), if you just change it like so:
twins(M) :-
M2 is M + 2,
twin_prime(M, M2),
write(' '),
twins(M) :-
\+twin_prime(M, M2), %% `\+` means "not"
M3 is M + 1,
Note that if you take advantage of Prolog's back-tracking, you often don't actually need to effect loops through tail recursion. For example, here's an alternative approach, taking into account some of what I advised previously and using a quick (but not as in "efficient" or "fast") and dirty predicate for generating primes:
prime(P) :-
N is (P // 2 + 1),
forall(between(2,N,Divisor), \+(0 is P mod Divisor)).
twin_primes(P1, P2) :-
P2 is P1 + 2,
twin_primes/2 gets a prime number from prime/1, then calculates P2 and checks if it is prime. Since prime/1 will generate an infinite number of primes on backtracking, twin_primes/2 will just keep asking it for numbers until it finds a satisfactory solution. Note that, if called with two free variables, this twin_primes/2 will generate twin primes:
?- twin_primes(P1, P2).
P1 = 3,
P2 = 5 ;
P1 = 5,
P2 = 7 ;
P1 = 11,
P2 = 13 ;
P1 = 17,
P2 = 19 ;
P1 = 29,
P2 = 31 ;
But it will also verify if two numbers are twin primes if queried with specific values, or give you the twin of a prime, if it exists, if you give a value for P1 but leave P2 free:
?- twin_primes(3,Y). Y = 5.
There's a handy if-then-else operator that works well for this.
next_twin(N) :-
A is N+1,
B is N+2,
(twin_prime(N,B) ->
write(' '),
And a quick test:
?- next_twin(5).
5 7
?- next_twin(6).
11 13

Combining two numbers in prolog

Kindly, could you help me in the following:
I am writing a Prolog program that takes two numbers digits then combine them as one number, for example:
Num1: 5
Num2: 1
Then the new number is 51.
Assume V1 is the first number digit and V2 is the second number digit. I want to combine V1 and V2 then multiply the new number with V3, so my question is how I can do it?
calculateR(R, E, V1, V2, V3, V4):-
R is V1 V2 * V3,
E is R * V4.
Your help is appreciated.
Here is another solution that is based on the idea of #aBathologist and that relies on ISO predicates only, and does not dependent on SWI's idiosyncratic modifications and extensions. Nor does it have most probably unwanted solutions like calculateR('0x1',1,1,17). nor calculateR(1.0e+30,0,1,1.0e+300). Nor does it create unnecessary temporary atoms.
So the idea is to restrict the definition to decimal numbers:
digit_digit_number(D1, D2, N) :-
number_chars(D1, [Ch1]),
number_chars(D2, [Ch2]),
number_chars(N, [Ch1,Ch2]).
Here is a version which better clarifies the relational nature of Prolog - using library(clpfd) which is available in many Prolog systems (SICStus, SWI, B, GNU, YAP). It is essentially the same program as the one with (is)/2 except that I added further redundant constraints that permit the system to ensure termination in more general cases, too:
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
digits_radix_number(Ds, R, N) :-
digits_radix_numberd(Ds, R, 0,N).
digits_radix_numberd([], _, N,N).
digits_radix_numberd([D|Ds], R, N0,N) :-
D #>= 0, D #< R,
R #> 0,
N0 #=< N,
N1 #= D+N0*R,
digits_radix_numberd(Ds, R, N1,N).
Here are some uses:
?- digits_radix_number([1,4,2],10,N).
N = 142.
?- digits_radix_number([1,4,2],R,142).
R = 10.
?- digits_radix_number([1,4,2],R,N).
R in 5..sup, 4+R#=_A, _A*R#=_B, _A in 9..sup, N#>=_A,
N in 47..sup, 2+_B#=N, _B in 45..sup.
That last query asks for all possible radices that represent [1,4,2] as a number. As you can see, not anything can be represented that way. The radix has to be 5 or larger which is not surprising given the digit 4, and the number itself has to be at least 47.
Let's say we want to get a value between 1450..1500, what radix do we need to do that?
?- digits_radix_number([1,4,2],R,N), N in 1450..1500.
R in 33..40, 4+R#=_A, _A*R#=_B, _A in 37..44,
N in 1450..1500, 2+_B#=N, _B in 1448..1498.
Gnah, again gibberish. This answer contains many extra equations that have to hold. Prolog essentially says: Oh yes, there is a solution, provided all this fine print is true. Do the math yourself!
But let's face it: It is better if Prolog gives such hard-to-swallow answer than if it would say Yes.
Fortunately there are ways to remove such extra conditions. One of the simplest is called "labeling", where Prolog will "try out" value after value:
?- digits_radix_number([1,4,2],R,N), N in 1450..1500, labeling([],[N]).
That is clear response now! There is no solution. All these extra conditions where essentially false, like all that fine print in your insurance policy...
Here's another question: Given the radix and the value, what are the required digits?
?- digits_radix_number(D,10,142).
D = [1,4,2]
; D = [0,1,4,2]
; D = [0,0,1,4,2]
; D = [0,0,0,1,4,2]
; D = [0,0,0,0,1,4,2]
; ... .
So that query can never terminate, because 00142 is the same number as 142. Just as 007 is agent number 7.
Here is a straight-forward solution that should work in any Prolog close to ISO:
digits_radix_to_number(Ds, R, N) :-
digits_radix_to_number(Ds, R, 0,N).
digits_radix_to_number([], _, N,N).
digits_radix_to_number([D|Ds], R, N0,N) :-
N1 is D+N0*R,
digits_radix_to_number(Ds, R, N1,N).
?- digits_radix_to_number([1,4,2],10,R).
R = 142.
Edit: In a comment, #false pointed out that this answer is SWI-Prolog specific.
You can achieve your desired goal by treating the numerals as atoms and concatenating them, and then converting the resultant atom into a number.
I'll use atom_concat/3 to combine the two numerals. In this predicate, the third argument with be the combination of atoms in its first and second arguments. E.g.,
?- atom_concat(blingo, dingo, X).
X = blingodingo.
Note that, when you do this with two numerals, the result is an atom not a number. This is indicated by the single quotes enclosing the the result:
?- atom_concat(5, 1, X).
X = '51'.
But 51 \= '51' and we cannot multiply an atom by number. We can use atom_number/2 to convert this atom into a number:
?- atom_number('51', X).
X = 51.
That's all there is to it! Your predicate might look like this:
calculateR(No1, No2, Multiplier, Result) :-
atom_concat(No1, No2, NewNoAtom),
atom_number(NewNoAtom, NewNo),
Result is NewNo * Multiplier.
Usage example:
?- calculateR(5, 1, 3, X).
X = 153.
Of course, you'll need more if you want to prompt the user for input.
I expect #Wouter Beek's answer is more efficient, since it doesn't rely on converting the numbers to and from atoms, but just uses the assumption that each numeral is a single digit to determine the resulting number based on their position. E.g., if 5 is in the 10s place and 1 is in the 1s place, then the combination of 5 and 1 will be 5 * 10 + 1 * 1. The answer I suggest here will work with multiple digit numerals, e.g., in calculateR(12, 345, 3, Result), Result is 1234 * 3. Depending on what you're after this may or may not be a desired result.
If you know the radix of the numbers involved (and the radix is the same for all the numbers involved), then you can use the reverse index of the individual numbers in order to calculate their positional summation.
:- use_module(library(aggregate)).
:- use_module(library(lists)).
digits_to_number(Numbers1, Radix, PositionalSummation):-
reverse(Numbers1, Numbers2),
nth0(Position, Numbers2, Number),
PartOfNumber is Number * Radix ^ Position
Examples of use:
?- digits_to_number([5,1], 10, N).
N = 51.
?- digits_to_number([5,1], 16, N).
N = 81.
(The code sample is mainly intended to bring the idea across. Notice that I use aggregate_all/3 from SWI-Prolog here. The same could be achieved by using ISO predicates exclusively.)

Evaluating an algebraic expression

This is a test review question that I am having trouble with. How do you write a method to evaluate an algebraic expression with the operators plus,
minus and times. Here are some test queries:
simplify(Expression, Result, List)
?- simplify(plus(times(x,y),times(3 ,minus(x,y))),V,[x:4,y:2]).
V = 14
?- simplify(times(2,plus(a,b)),Val,[a:1,b:5]).
Val = 12
?- simplify(times(2,plus(a,b)),Val,[a:1,b:(-5)]).
Val = -8 .
All I was given were these sample queries and no other explanation. But I am pretty sure the method is supposed to dissect the first argument, which is the algebraic expression, substituting x and y for their values in the 3rd argument (List). The second argument should be the result after evaluating the expression.
I think one of the methods should be simplify(V, Val, L) :- member(V:Val, L).
Ideally there should only be 4 more methods... but I'm not sure how to go about this.
Start small, write down what you know.
simplify(plus(times(x,y),times(3 ,minus(x,y))),V,[x:4,y:2]):- V = 14.
is a perfectly good start: (+ (* 4 2) (* 3 (- 4 2))) = 8 + 3*2 = 14. But then, of course,
simplify(times(x,y),V,[x:4,y:2]):- V is 4*2.
is even better. Also,
simplify(minus(x,y),V,[x:4,y:2]):- V is 4-2.
simplify(plus(x,y),V,[x:4,y:2]):- V is 4+2.
simplify(x,V,[x:4,y:2]):- V is 4.
all perfectly good Prolog code. But of course what we really mean, it becomes apparent, is
simplify(A,V,L):- atom(A), getVal(A,L,V).
simplify(C,V,L):- compound(C), C =.. [F|T],
maplist( simp(L), T, VS), % get the values of subterms
calculate( F, VS, V). % calculate the final result
simp(L,A,V):- simplify(A,V,L). % just a different args order
etc. getVal/3 will need to retrieve the values somehow from the L list, and calculate/3 to actually perform the calculation, given a symbolic operation name and the list of calculated values.
Study maplist/3 and =../2.
(not finished, not tested).
OK, maplist was an overkill, as was =..: all your terms will probably be of the form op(A,B). So the definition can be simplified to
V is V1 + V2. % we add, for plus
% fill in the blanks
V is V1 - V2. % we subtract, for minus
% fill in the blanks
V is .... . % for times we ...
V = .... . % if A is a number, then the answer is ...
and the last possibility is, x or y etc., that satisfy atom/1.
So the last call from the above clause could look like retrieve(x,V,[x:4, y:3]), or it could look like retrieve(y,V,[x:4, y:3]). It should be a straightforward affair to implement.

prolog function returning memory locations instead of values

just started programming with prolog and I'm having a few issues. The function I have is supposed to take a value X and copy it N number of times into M. My function returns a list of N number of memory locations. Here's the code, any ideas?
duple(N,_,M):- length(M,Q), N is Q.
duple(N,X,M):- append(X,M,Q), duple(N,X,Q).
Those are not memory adresses. Those are free variables. What you see is their internal names in your prolog system of choice. Then, as #chac pointed out (+1 btw), the third clause is not really making sense! Maybe you can try to tell us what you meant so that we can bring light about how to do it correctly.
I'm going to give you two implementations of your predicate to try to show you correct Prolog syntax:
duple1(N, X, L) :-
length(L, N),
maplist(=(X), L).
Here, in your duple1/3 predicate, we tell prolog that the length of the resulting list L is N, and then we tell it that each element of L should be unified with X for the predicate to hold.
Another to do that would be to build the resulting list "manually" through recursion:
duple2(0, _X, []).
duple2(N, X, [X|L]) :-
N > 0,
NewN is N - 1,
duple1(NewN, X, L).
Though, note that because we use >/2, is and -/2, ie arithmetic, we prevent prolog from using this predicate in several ways, such as:
?- duple1(X, Y, [xyz, xyz]).
X = 2,
Y = xyz.
This worked before, in our first predicate!
Hope this was of some help.
I suppose you call your predicate, for instance, in this way:
?- duple(3,xyz,L).
and you get
L = [_G289, _G292, _G295] ;
ERROR: Out of global stack
If you try
?- length(X,Y).
X = [],
Y = 0 ;
X = [_G299],
Y = 1 ;
X = [_G299, _G302],
Y = 2 ;
X = [_G299, _G302, _G305],
Y = 3 ;
X = [_G299, _G302, _G305, _G308],
Y = 4 .
you can see what's happening:
your query will match the specified *M*, displaying a list of M uninstantiated variables (memory locations), then continue backtracking and generating evee longer lists 'til there is stack space. Your second rule will never fire (and I don't really understand its purpose).
A generator is easier to write in this way:
duple(N,X,M) :- findall(X,between(1,N,_),M).
?- duple(3,xyz,L).
L = [xyz, xyz, xyz].

how to solve when the number of variables in the goal/query varies - Prolog Constrain Solver

Here's a snippet on the classic SENDMORY crypt-arithmetic problem solutiong using prolog constraint solving mechanism-
:- lib(ic).
sendmore(Digits) :-
Digits = [S,E,N,D,M,O,R,Y],
Digits :: [0..9],
S #\= 0,
M #\= 0,
1000*S + 100*E + 10*N + D
+ 1000*M + 100*O + 10*R + E
#= 10000*M + 1000*O + 100*N + 10*E + Y,
Now, to execute this, I would send a goal/query like this:
?- sendmore(Digits).
And that would return me the possible solutions for the digits.
Now, my question is, I do not want to sort of "hard-code" the variables (like S,E,N,...) this way, but the goal/query would give the number of variables. For example, if the query I pass is something like:
?- sendmore(S,E,N,D,M).
then, it should compute only the values of SENDM and assume that the other variables are not applicable, and hence assign 0 to those variables and then proceed with the computation. And the next time I query, I may pass a different number of variables in the query.. like example:
?- sendmore(S,N,D,M,O,Y).
and the program should compute likewise.
What I am trying to achieve is a more generalised problem solver for the above scenario. Any directions on this is really appreciated. I am quite new to prolog,and am using ECLIPSE constraint solver.
Thank You.
Here are 2 ideas:
You can define sendmore() with different numbers of parameters, which would call the "real" version with the missing ones filled in. But you couldn't have different versions with the same NUMBER of parameters but DIFFERENT ones (since Prolog matches args to parameters by position).
You could expand/complicate your list format to allow the specification of which parameters you are passing; something line [(s,S),(e,E),(n,N),(d,D),(m,M)] for your middle example. A little tedious, but gives you the flexibility you seem to want.
Normally, variables in a goal and variables in a clause head are matched by their positions, not their names. So a call ?- sendmore0([S,E,N,D,M]). should be implemented as:
sendmore0([S,E,N,D,M]) :- sendmore([S,E,N,D,M,_,_,_]).
However, this would mean that you would need to implement this for every possible combination.
If you really want to implement what you describe, then you need to give the variable stable names. In ECLiPSe, you can do this with the library var_name. It's quite a hack, though...
:- lib(var_name).
sendmore0(L) :-
build_arg(["S","E","N","D","M',"O","R","Y"], L, A),
build_arg([], _, []) :- !.
build_arg([H|T], L, [HA|HT]) :-
match_arg(L, H, HA),
build_arg(T, L, HT).
match_arg([], _, _). % or use 0 as last argument if you want
match_arg([H|T], Base, A) :-
get_var_name(H, S),
A = H
match_arg(T, Base, A)
Then you can call sendmore0/1 with a shorter list of variables. Don't forget to set the variable names!
?- set_var_name(S, "S"), set_var_name(E, "E"), sendmore0([S, E]).
S = 9
E = 5
Yes (0.00s cpu, solution 1, maybe more)
Disclaimer: this is not what stable names are for. They are meant for debugging purposes. If Joachim ever sees this, he'll give me a sharp clip round the ears...
