Liberty profile + MQ Client + Security exit - jms

In liberty, we are connecting to a MQ server.
We need to specify a "securityExit" on "jmsActivationSpec/properties.wmqJms".
Q: How to setup the jar that implements that security exit? We tried to put it in:
then add "classloader commonLibraryRef="global" in the "enterpriseApplication" tag
without success...
I have the feeling that we need to reference "global" from the "jmsActivationSpec" definition (similar to the "jdbcDriver libraryRef="global"" inside the dataSource tag) but ther is no tag for that
Everything works fine if we disable the security exit on the server side and do not specify the "securityExit" attribute in server.xml

That doesn't sound right. The securityExit and securityExitInit (data) should be specified in the same property file as the channelName.
If you are using an MQ JNDI then it would be:
define qcf(qcfClient) qmgr(MY.QMGR) channel(TEST.CHL) hostname(MYHOSTNAME) port(1414) transport(CLIENT) SECEXIT( SECEXITINIT(somedata)


Websphere 8.5 with Spring-5

Is Websphere 8.5.5 compatible with Spring 5? The Validation API referenced in spring5 (validation-api 5) is resulting in MethodNotFound exception.. Any pointers/patch available to get this solved - short of upgrading to Websphere 9?
Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:
(loaded from
file:/opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/plugins/javax.j2ee.validation.jar by
called from class
(loaded from file:../spring-context-5.0.2.RELEASE.jar by
The method javax/validation/Configuration.getDefaultParameterNameProvider was added in Bean Validation 1.1, so that indicates the Spring Validator you are using is attempting to use the Bean Validation 1.1 API. According to
As of Spring 5.0, this class requires Bean Validation 1.1+
WebSphere 8.5.5 provides Bean Validation 1.0 and did not add support for Bean Validation 1.1 until version 9.0. So, you'll either need to use Spring 4.x or WebSphere 9.x.
The above answer is not correct. You can run Spring 5 in WebSphere 8.5. This may not be the perfect solution for your situation, but this will get you on the correct path.
1.) Provide your Bean Validation 1.1 JAR
Here is a sample of the Maven dependency.
2.) Add the following a deployment.xml file to the following location in your EAR file.
3.) In the contents of your deployment.xml file, you must set the classloaderMode to PARENT_LAST. You must also modify this code to use the correct WAR file name.
Here is a sample...
<appdeployment:Deployment xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:appdeployment="" xmi:id="Deployment_1422578178899">
<deployedObject xmi:type="appdeployment:ApplicationDeployment" xmi:id="ApplicationDeployment_1422578178899" startingWeight="10" warClassLoaderPolicy="SINGLE">
<modules xmi:type="appdeployment:WebModuleDeployment" xmi:id="WebModuleDeployment_1422578178899" startingWeight="10000" **uri="myApp.war"** **classloaderMode="PARENT_LAST"**/>
<classloader xmi:id="Classloader_1422578178899" **mode="PARENT_LAST"**/>
#rob-breidecker is correct, this is possible even though WebSphere 8.5.5 provides Bean Validation 1.0. To do this, you need to change the classloader of your application.
To do that via the UI, go to Applications -> WebSphere enterprise applications -> Your Application -> Class loading and update detection and change the Class loader order to be Classes loaded with local class loader first (parent last). This "causes the class loader to attempt to load classes from its local class path before delegating the class loading to its parent.".
If you are deploying an EAR and want this change to propagate to inner applications, you can either change WAR class loader policy to Single class loader for application or change the class loader of the individual war (in the EAR click Manage Modules -> Your Module then change Class loader order).
As long as you provide a version of validation-api (I used 2.0.1.Final), you should get passed the above issue.
The following script will apply the above settings (replace app_name with the name of your application): (credit)
dep = AdminConfig.getid('/Deployment:app_name/');
depObject = AdminConfig.showAttribute(dep, 'deployedObject');
AdminConfig.modify(depObject, [['warClassLoaderPolicy', 'SINGLE']]);
classldr = AdminConfig.showAttribute(depObject, 'classloader');
AdminConfig.modify(classldr, [['mode', 'PARENT_LAST']]);
I though at some point it was impossible to do this, but finally, I found a solution, you can use spring 5.X and Boot 2.X with WebShpre 8.5 using the below Steps, just make sure that you project is compatible with:
1- Bean Validation
2- Servelt 3.1
1- Create a custom folder on you server for example /opt/custom/lib/spring5 and upload below jars to this folder
a. jakarta.el-3.0.4.jar
b. jakarta.validation-api-2.0.2.jar
2- Create a new shared library in WebSphere as below
a. Go to environment -> shared library
b. Chose the scope to node and server
c. Click on New and fill the value with below
i. Name: spring5
ii. Class path: /opt/custom/lib/spring5
iii. Enable checkbox “use an isolated class loader for this shared library”
3- Restart the server
4- Go to Enterprise Application Click on the application (WAR/EAR)
5- Go To shared library reference add assign it to you application (WAR/EAR)
6- Go to Enterprise Application Click on the application (WAR/EAR)
7- Choose Classes loaded with local class loader first (parent last)
8- Restart the server
In case someone still needs a solution, the only way it worked for me was to change the file
from 5.x to use the logic from 4.x

What activation config properties do I really need for MDB to listen to remote queue in JBoss 5 using default jms-ra.rar

I'm trying to understand what config properties do I really need to make an MDB deployed on JBoss 5 process messages from a queue set up on a remote JMS provider. I'm planning to configure the activation spec using the ejb-jar.xml, and I wan't to configure only what I really need, not more. My understanding is that the allowed config for the spec is configured in the ra.xml in use. If I look for the ra.xml from jms-ra.rar I can see the below inbound-resourceadapter element
only the destination property is mandatory. In my case this destination is remote, therefore I did configure a JMSProviderLoader with the necessary JNDI properties and also a connection factory that references this JMSProviderLoader, both in a new [myprovidername]-ds.xml file I added to deploy.
I cannot understand how if I only add a destination will the MDB know it is from that specific remote JMS provider, I do see that the outbound-resourceadapter element from ra.xml specifies the below:
<description>The jndi name of the provider of connection factories</description>
But judging from the word outgoing, this would not apply to inbound flows.
In summary, to enable an MDB to listen, do I only need destination? If so, how does it know what JMS provider this is from given that I could have multiple providers with same destination name?
The magic comes with the Activation Spec that is configured in the inbound-resourceadapter:
Looking into the source shows, that java:/DefaultJMSProvider is hard set as default for the providerAdapterJNDI, so this one is used automagically, same as explicitly configured for the outbound part.
So you only need a destination as mandatory property because all else has a viable default in JmsActivationSpec.
As long as you name your own JMSProviderLoader to be the "Default" one in your *-ds.xml, everything works fine:
<attribute name="ProviderName">DefaultJMSProvider</attribute>
Otherwise you would have to set the according attribute explicitly in your activation spec for the MDB.

Configuring env-entry values in WebSphere Liberty?

In WAS Full Profile you can change the values for env-entries defined in an application's web.xml file while and after deployment. Is there any such feature in WebSphere Liberty profile?
Sample env-entry:
<description>Some Config String</description>
<env-entry-value>Dev-Value to be replaced in Production during deployment</env-entry-value>
This env-entry is injected with an #Resource(name = "MyConfigString") annotation.
The infocenter for IBM Worklight (which runs on Liberty) describes a way using jndiEntry elements in server.xml . I tried this on Liberty but it does not work and still injects the default value from web.xml.
Has anybody found a working way to configure env-entry values in Liberty?
The Liberty profile doesn't currently support configuring bindings without modifying the ibm-*-bnd.xml files in the application. As a workaround, you can use:
#Resource(lookup="MyConfigString") the application and:
<jndiEntry jndiName="MyConfigString" value='"xyz"'/> server.xml as described in the knowledge center.

Add authoraization in Jmeter load testing with JMeter jms point to point queue

I am using jmeter jms point to point queue for load testing.
But I am getting the following error:
javax.naming.NamingException: Failed to create remoting connection [Root exception is java.lang.RuntimeException: Authentication failed: all available authentication mechanisms failed]
I am using jmeter 2.11 version
I add user name and password in jndi properties. But still it is not working. Here is the configuration i am using:
QueueConnectionFactory: RemoteConnectionFactory
initial context factory: org.jboss.naming.remote.client.InitialContextFactory
url : remote://localhost:4447
JNDI Prpperties:
username: ..............
password: ...........
Your Jndi properties seem wrong, check this:
Login / password props are :
The identity of the principal for authenticating the caller to the service. For more information, see the Java API documentation for javax.naming.Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL.
The credentials of the principal for authenticating the caller to the service. For more information, see the Java API documentation for javax.naming.Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS.
I have encountered similar problem while using jmeter for solace, hope this help to someone having similar issue.
For solace jms testing need to use jndi properties since there is no place holder for VPN name. JNDI properties file will look something like this:
Solace_JMS_VPN=<VPN Name><br><username><br><password>
Here the jndi properties has to be packaged as a jar file and placed in the jmeter lib folder in order to be picked at runtime.
jar cvf my-jndi-properties.jar
Hope this helps.

Overriding the default session manager with embedded tomcat 7 java

I am trying to override the tomcat session manager with an embedded tomcat.
These are the steps preformed in-order to load the context.xml that defines the manager entity.
Context context = tomcat.addWebapp(contextPath, appBase);
File configFile = new File ("D:\\context.xml");
The session manager seems to be recognized as it's constructor is being invoked but the startInternal() method is never invoked and the session manager being used is the old tomcat session manager.
The weird thing is that when defining the same configuration in a non embedded tomcat, the session manager is being overridden without problems.
Would appriciate any help on the subject.
Non embedded tomcat uses server.xml and embedded tomcat does not uses server.xml file rather we need to pass the arguments in the method.
