Custom popup using bootstrap modal in Kendo scheduler - kendo-ui

I tried to custom popup by using bootstrap modal for Kendo Scheduler. But my problem is i cant get the day and time for double click the cell.

To get the exact star/end time of the clicked slot you can simply pass the clicked element to the slotByElement method of the Scheduler. Demo is available in the provided link.


Kendo UI Angular filter menu automatically closes when selecting a time in kendo timepicker

I recently started working with Kendo UI grid with Angular.
After some testing I discovered the lack of timepicker filter menu component and decided to make my own.
The problem is when I use the Kendo UI timepicker in the template and choose a time, the filter menu automatically closes.
Here is a stackblitz to reproduce the issue:
A small note: The reason I extended the DateFilterMenuComponent in my custom TimeComponent is that I have the same operators as date related values which is okay and to gain easy access to other common filter properties (example logic operators).
Can someone help me out with the menu not closing when a time is selected?
So far I tried the following:
On the timepicker I tried
(click)="$event.preventDefault(); $event.stopPropagation()"
That results into the timepicker not closing but the filter menu still closes.
I found the answer after contacting Telrik support, they pointed me to
The problem is that the timepicker is being rendered in the body/root component and the filter menu is (by default) configured to close when a user clicks outside the filter menu content.
Here is the documentation mixed with my problem fixed in stackblitz:

How to bind the event Kendo grid PopUp mode?

My requirement i want to do the calculation in Kendo Grid While Clicking the Add New Record or Edit in Popup mode. Currently i am not able to catch the Kendo Grid Popup event.
But i can able to catch the event outside using html on chaning event. It's working but i need to add the this functionality in inside grid like how we are binding event/methode to save, remove ,cancel.
I tried using change event but it is working inline of the grid but it's not working in popup mode. Please look at my Dojo link.
Acutally i am generating grid on the fly(dynamically). So i have to bind the event before Creating/rendering.
Anyone help me to achieve.
DataGrid edit event is fired when user opens row edit on popup editor and also when creating new row.

Pass additional data to kendoui popup

i need know to how to pass additional data to a create popup in kendo grid control.
I need to pass an ID from a external controler, for example:
I have a kendo treeview, when i click on the create button from the grid, i need the ID of the selected node in the kendo treeview to use them in the popup create window. i cant display the treeview in the popup window, so i need use this way to finish the page.
im using mvc4 and the kendo ui controls.
How can i do this??

Need to disable the button present in the bottom of jqGrid dynamically

Currently, I am working on mvc2 project which has a view containing three dropdown controls. I am also using jqGrid for displaying the data in the application. The jQGrid is displayed with buttons called Add,Edit,Search in the footer section. I need to disable and enable the Search button dynamically. If the user selects any item from dropdown1 and dropdown2 then I need to disable the Search button and in case the user selects any item from dropdown3 then I need to enable the Search button.
I am new to jQGrid implementation. Can anyone help me with some sample code to handle the above functionality.
Thanks & Regards,
Santosh Kumar Patro
I would recommend you to read the answer and another one. The answers shows how one can hide/show or enable/disable buttons from the navigator bar. You can use onSelectRow or beforeSelectRow callback to disable/enable/hide/show the navigator buttons dynamically.

Ordering issue in modal window

I have a problem with a component that loads in to a modal window. I am using the Alpha User Points system and it has a component that gives you a full list of yous site's users. It also gives you the ability to order by username, by points etc. If I use it outside of modal window it works fine. If I use it in to modal window, ordering don't work!!! When I put my mouse over table's headers, outside of modal window gives this...javascript:tableOrdering('aup.referreid','asc','');In to modal window I see this...javascript:tableOrdering('aup.referreid','asc','');?ml=1 Using Firebug, I remove this ?ml=1 and it works into modal also!!! So the question is, why in to modal window gives this ?ml=1, what is this? And how will I remove it?
Well here is the answer... I use the Modalizer extension of I was loading my component through modalizer's modal box, this is why I had this issue. So, if anyone use Modalizer to popup components and have the same problem with me, just go to modalizer's Plugin Manager, find the option Convert Links inside Window and disable it!!! But, after this, if you want to add link in to modal window and you don't want to show-up the whole front page but only the component or what ever this is, you have to add at the end of the link this &ml=1.
