Membership.ValidateUser always return false on when published on IIS - membership-provider

Membership.ValidateUser methods works on development server but when we publish the same code on IIS it always returns false even if we give valid user credentials.
Please see below code from config:
<add name="membershipProvider" type="System.Web.Security.SqlMembershipProvider, System.Web, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a" connectionStringName="AspMemberShip" applicationName="Service"/>
I have also seen few posts on this but none of them helped me, any help is appreciated!

we have to give applicationName in config same as we have in aspnet_applications table.
below post helped me :
ASP.NET Membership.ValidateUser() always return "false"


How to allow a DELETE method with IIS Express and Web API?

I am trying to send a delete request to my Web API service via Fiddler and am getting back a 405 "Method not allowed" error.
I have read extensively about removing the "WebDAV" module in web.config and similar suggestions (WebDAV is not enabled in my applicationhost.config anyway), but nothing I have tried has worked.
My service is currently running on IIS Express 10 (launching from Visual Studio). I do have this in my web.config file:
<add name="ExtensionlessUrlHandler-Integrated-4.0" path="*." verb="*" type="System.Web.Handlers.TransferRequestHandler"
I would have thought the verb="*" piece would have allowed DELETE, but it does not seem to work.
One other note - when I inspect the response in Fiddler, under the Security heading it says: Allow: GET, POST.
I am not sure where that "Allow" parameter is being set (I am new to Web API).
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Please let me know what other information you need from me and I will add it.
Thank you!
Just reproduced this by creating a new webapi project [targeting .net framework 4.7.1]
Through Fiddler, I can hit the DELETE endpoint without any changes to web.config.
Please make sure to use correct endpoint including the id parameter.
e.g http:localhost:xxxx/api/values/id // please include the id and xxxx is port number.
If http:localhost:xxxx/api/values is used without id , I get the same result 405 Method Not Allowed
Hope this helps.
You can modify the IIS Express applicationHost.config in the %userprofile%\documents\IISExpress\config folder.  To enable PUT and DELETE for extensionless Urls scroll down to the bottom of the IIS Express applicationHost.config file and look for a handler entry that starts with: <add name="ExtensionlessUrl-Integrated-4.0".... In the "verb" attribute add PUT and DELETE so the "verb" attribute looks like:  verb="GET,HEAD,POST,DEBUG,PUT,DELETE"
Update your web config like this
<validation validateIntegratedModeConfiguration="false"/>
<modules runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="true">
<remove name="WebDAVModule"/> <!-- ADD THIS -->

Strange Configuration Error in web.config

I am getting the following error in my WebApi application:
An error occurred during the processing of a configuration file required to service this request. Please review the specific error details below and modify your configuration file appropriately. Parser Error Message: Unrecognized attribute 'MaxCachedResults'. Note that attribute names are case-sensitive.
This is my roleManager entry in web.config and as you can see I am not specifying the MaxCachedResults attribute, although I did add this initially, I removed it so it's no longer being used and I'm not sure where it's picking this up from.
<roleManager enabled="true" defaultProvider="MyRoleProvider" cacheRolesInCookie="false">
<clear />
<add name="MyRoleProvider" type="SiteWorksAPI.RoleProviders.MyRoleProvider, SiteWorksAPI" connectionStringName="SiteWorks" applicationName="/" />
The error happens when I call var resp = await _httpClient.GetAsync(resourceUri) and inspecting resp.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result displays a 'Configuration Error' HTML page with the above error message.
I have tried all of the following with any success:
Rebooted my PC
Recycled the application pools
Restarted IIS
Cleared down the Tempoary ASP.NET directory
Does anyone know what's going on here?
It seems that Castle Windsor was caching an older copy of the web.config file. After changing the caching options on the WebRequestHandler I was able to get the HttpClient to pick up the new web.config file.

elfinder with MVC 3 and IIS 7

Im trying to use elfinder in my MVC 3 application and using this .NET connector
: for elfinder. And this connector works with http handler configured in section in WebConfig. For example:
for url like :
i have a handler in web config
<add verb="*" path="elfinder.connector" type="ElFinder.Connector.Connector" />
and in global.asax.cs routes.IgnoreRoute("elfinder.connector");to ignore this url in "Controller/Action" routing.
When im running this code in VisualStudio localhost all works fine but on IIS 7 i have an 404 error.
May be IIS have custom config for httphandlers? some checkbox need to be checked :)
Any idea?
I received the same error because I didn't have read permissions on the directory. You must give, at least, read permission to see the folders and files.
Hope it helps. Regards.

Html.Telerik().StyleSheetRegistrar() output file generating 404 message on asset.axd

I'm using the Telerik controls form MVC and they work great in my work/home dev environments, and in the work prod environment, but when I tried to deploy to my home prod environment (IIS7) I get a problem.
I've added the axd mime type, but wan't sure what else to do.
I read a post suggesting adding a handler, but wasn't sure if I'm setting that wrong or I'm just looking in the wrong direciton.
if you're on IIS7 make sure you add the handler to the <system.webServer><handlers> section:
<add name="MyName" path="MyName.axd" verb="*" type="NameSpace.Class, Assembly" />
I added: <add name="ScriptRegistrar" path="Access.axd" verb="*" type="Telerik.Web.Mvc.UI.ScriptRegistrar, Version=v2.0.50727" />
To enable web resource combining with the Telerik Extensions you need to register the WebAssetHttpHandler in your webconfig:
<add name="AssetHandler" preCondition="integratedMode" verb="GET,HEAD" path="asset.axd" type="Telerik.Web.Mvc.WebAssetHttpHandler, Telerik.Web.Mvc"/>
<add verb="GET,HEAD" path="asset.axd" validate="false" type="Telerik.Web.Mvc.WebAssetHttpHandler, Telerik.Web.Mvc"/>
This handler enables you to use the Combine, Compress, and Cache features of the Script and StyleSheet Registrars. You can learn more and see additional config details in the Telerik online docs:

'Username cannot be found' after modifying provider element

I am having trouble hitting the ASPNETDB.MDF database. It actually works fine until I add some code to the web config. This is the code I added that prevents me from connecting...
<membership defaultProvider="CustomizedProvider">
<add name="CustomizedProvider"
I added it because I wanted to take advantage of the password constraints it affords. That said, the name of the connection string hasn't changed and no code change. But when I try to log in its telling me that the username cannot be found. I should ntoe that I am using the same un and pw which, by the way, meet these new constraints.
This is an ASP.NET 4.0 application
There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with the syntax, if the connection string name is correct then are you sure the application name is correct? This should be the application name in the database (defaults to '/') not the name of your application in visual studio.
