Update Haskell Package on Windows - windows

How do you update a pre-installed Haskell package (for example, the System.Directory package) on Windows? I've tried simply telling cabal to install it but it encountered an error while doing so.
The package has a '.configure' script. This requires a Unix compatibility toolchain such
as MinGW+MSYS or Cygwin.
cabal: Error: some packages failed to install:
directory- failed during the configure step. The exception was:
ExitFailure 1
I presume there is an easy way of doing this within cabal. Failing this, where do the various files in the .tar.gz available off Hackage for a pre-installed package go? Thanks in advance.

Current versions of ghc and the haskell platform ship with an msys distro. Adding a few lines (in the instructions) to the cabal config file allows cabal to take advantage of this, in after which you can build packages with custom configure scrips (such as network or old-time) just fine.


Installing Aubit4GL via a source package

please tell me how to install Aubit4gl using a source package in windows i.e. I'm looking for windows commands equivalent for ./configure and make install. I can install binary but I particularly want to install from a source package for certain purposes.
Compiling from source on windows is a particularly complicated process involving mingw and collecting all the dependencies etc.
You're much better off grabbing one of the pre-compiled binaries.
I'd be interested to know what the "certain purposes" are that make compiling from source (for windows) a requirement.

Trouble installing hmatrix through MSYS2 on Windows 10

I've been trying to install hmatrix on my (64-bit) Windows 10 computer; after searching through and trying many possible solutions (including the instructions under "Windows" and "Alternative Windows Build" given here), I decided to pursue the course of action given on this Reddit thread.
However, when I type in the command
cabal install hmatrix -fopenblas --extra-lib-dir=${c:\msys64\mingw64\bin} --extra-include-dir=${c:\msys64\mingw64\include}
into the MSYS2 shell, the following log is given:
Resolving dependencies...
Configuring hmatrix-
Failed to install hmatrix-
Build log ( C:\Users\Christian\AppData\Roaming\cabal\logs\hmatrix- ):
Configuring hmatrix-
cabal.exe: Missing dependency on a foreign library:
* Missing C library: libopenblas
This problem can usually be solved by installing the system package that
provides this library (you may need the "-dev" version). If the library is
already installed but in a non-standard location then you can use the flags
--extra-include-dirs= and --extra-lib-dirs= to specify where it is.
cabal: Leaving directory 'C:\msys64\tmp\cabal-tmp-4244\hmatrix-'
cabal.exe: Error: some packages failed to install:
hmatrix- failed during the configure step. The exception was:
ExitFailure 1
However, when I check the directory c:\msys64\mingw64\bin, I see that libopenblas.dll is right there; I don't know why cabal can't seem to find it.
Any insight into why this is not working or what to do?
The files libopenblas.dll.a and libopenblas.a are in the directory c:\msys64\mingw64\lib. Is it possible I need to somehow include this directory as well? (If I do, how would I do that?)
I also downloaded the files in Alex Vorobiev's comment below and put them in c:\msys64\mingw64\bin if they are .dlls or c:\msys64\mingw64\lib if they are .libs. The header files were already contained in c:\msys64\include\openblas.
I tried several variations on the command in the original post after making these changes, including switching \bin with \lib and switching \include with \include\openblas, but all of them still give the same error.
I'm a bit suspicious about the
if os(windows)
if flag(openblas)
extra-libraries: libopenblas
in the cabal file, could you unpack it and remove the "lib" part? If that doesn't work please post a log with -v3 output. I've seen quite a few people with troubles installing this package. So could you also open a ticket on the GHC bug tracker if this doesn't work (and CC me "Phyx-")?
Secondly, you never said which version of GHC you're using. 8.0.1 should have far less trouble (and won't need the hack to get it working in GHCi) since the runtime linker has been overhauled and should be much better on Windows. 8.0.2 will likely include the new import libraries support as well.

Installing GTK3 on Haskell Platform 7.10.2a for Windows

Has anyone succeeded in installing gtk2hs on Windows? I am using Haskell Platform 7.10.2a on Windows 10, both 64-bit, and tried running "cabal install gtk3", but it failed on the gio package with error message:
gcc.exe: error: unrecognized option '-pthread'
(Edit extra note: next line of error message below)
compiling dist\build\System\GIO\File\FileAttribute_hsc_make.c failed (exit code 1)
It appears that the gcc in the mingw subfolder in the Haskell Platform package is a little outdated. Is there any way to update this subfolder? The only clue I found on the Internet is the link below, which does not seem to offer any solution:
(Edit: version of gcc seems unrelated. '-pthread' switch appears to be invalid for gcc when run under Windows, it's only valid in Linux, see this link, but I have no idea why GHC/GTK3 is using -pthread and no idea how to change this to -mthread http://mingw-users.1079350.n2.nabble.com/pthread-vs-mthreads-td7114500.html)
Before running cabal, I installed GTK+ on Windows using MSYS2.
I have installed gtk2hs on Linux easily with no issues at all.
Update: Also got GTK3 (bundle from below) running a Windows 10 64 bit device.
The additional step I had to accomplish was to include the libintl.def and
libintl.dll.a from an older bundle into the lib folder. I obtained those two files from a GTK2.x bundle, i.e. https://download.gnome.org/binaries/win64/gtk+/2.22/gtk+-bundle_2.22.1-20101229_win64.zip.mirrorlist, otherwise cabal was complaining about the missing C library intl. To sum up:
1) Obtain a GTK3 x64 bundle from the link http://www.tarnyko.net/dl/gtk.htm.
2) Obtain the missing files libintl.def and libintl.dll.a from an older
bundle, i.e. GTK2 (link from above) and include them in the lib folder.
3) Install glib first, run cabal install glib. Ensure that you have administrator privileges and GTK3/bin is on your PATH variable. Additionally,
you can set LIB and INCLUDE pointing to the GTK/lib and GTK/include folder respectively (might not be necessary).
4) Run cabal install gtk3 finally. You may use the flag --global.
(Tested on Windows 10, 64-Bit, Haskell Platform 8.x)
Installation steps for Windows 7, 64-Bit: (Original Post)
I figured it out how to install GTK3 on Windows7 (64 bit) when running
Haskell Platform 7.10.3. Therefor, I had to accomplish following steps:
Download the gtk3 64-bit bundle from http://www.tarnyko.net/dl/gtk.htm (personally I have used the 3.6 version of it)
Download the gtk3 binding https://hackage.haskell.org/package/gtk3 (0.14.5)
Install the dependencies separately. This encompasses the libraries gio, glib and pango (not cairo in my case). (cabal install package-name)
Adjust the gtk3.cabal file. I have removed following lines (all are within 5 lines):
if os(darwin)
cpp-options: -D__attribute__(A)=
-DWIN32 (just that one flag)
extra-libraries: kernel32
Adjust the gtk.h file (comes with the gtk3 bundle, include\gtk-3.0\gtk) I have defined following macros BEFORE the include operation of #include :
define GDK_VERSION_3_0 (G_ENCODE_VERSION (3, 0))
Add the path of the MinGW and gtk3 folders bin, include, lib to the PATH variable.
Run cabal install gtk3.cabal
Following tricks also helped me (command line parameters):
--with-gcc="path to gcc.exe"
To be honest, this was more luck than knowledge. Took me several hours
to find a workaround. I had the same troubles with the gtk2 bindings for haskell. (Installing gtk2hs failure)

Is there any package management system for MinGW+MSYS?

I am trying to compile some open source libraries in MinGW+MSYS. During the configure phase, I kept seeing some 3rd party libraries are missing.
For now, my solution is to download the source of the missing libraries and follow the GNU build process to compile and install them into my MinGW environment.
Is there any package management system for MinGW+MSYS to install packages easily? Just like apt-get.
I tried the mingw-get for the missing package. But it reports the error below.
mingw-get is the (closest equivalent to apt-get) package manager for MinGW and MSYS. However, it can only manage packages which are actually available for MinGW and/or MSYS, (either because a MinGW developer has built and packaged them, or a member of the MinGW user community has contributed them).
Arbitrarily guessing what packages may be available, and even what their correct package names may be, is unlikely to be productive. Run mingw-get in its GUI mode, (if it's properly installed, just running mingw-get without arguments should start it in this mode), to see a list of packages which are actually available; if you don't see any likely candidates for what you are looking for, then it doesn't (yet) exist. In that case, you will need to either find a non-MinGW alternative build, or build it yourself, from source. (If you choose the latter option, and your build is successful, then you may wish to consider contributing it to MinGW.org).
This works for me as a "package manager".
Install MSYS2. It comes with a package manager called pacman.

using stackage on windows

I am trying to use stackage on windows. I cloned the git repo, ran cabal install --only-dependencies, cabal configure, cabal build. Everything works
then dist\build\Stackage\stackage.exe select
Loading Haskell Platform
Loading package database
Narrowing package database
Printing build plan to build-plan.log
Checking for bad versions
authenticate-oauth- (FP Complete <michael#fpcomplete.com> #yesodweb) cannot use:
- RSA-2.0 -- ==1.2.*
threepenny-gui- (FP Complete <michael#fpcomplete.com>) cannot use:
- aeson- -- ==0.6.*
stackage.exe: Conflicting build plan, exiting
the readme mention *.sh scripts like ./patching/scripts/create-tarballs.sh. I tried but failed to run them with cygwin. Are they important?
How can I use stackage on windows?
edit I was able to run the ./patching/scripts/create-tarballs.sh script using msys. But now the error message is:
Loading Haskell Platform
Loading package database
stackage.exe: Missing cabal file "MFlow-0.3.3/MFlow.cabal" in tarball: "patching/tarballs\\MFlow-0.3.3.tar.gz"
I checked the archive: the cabal file is inside.
Windows users are not recommended to install stackage by Haskell Platform installer due to some limitation:
On Windows, it does not provide a complete environment (missing MSYS).
By placing a large number of packages in the global package database, Haskell Platform installations are more easily corrupted.
The choice of package versions conflicts with the needs of many commonly used packages.
Some of the package versions included with the platform have known and severe bugs, and cannot be reliably upgraded.
As for solution to overcome, uninstall the Haskell platform first, then install minghc for windows by the following link: https://github.com/fpco/minghc#readme
Open command prompt run cabal update and cabal install alex happy.
Finally, install stackage.
Update 2015
A new tool has been developed by Commercial Haskell group for project development -- Stack, it can be install along with the latest Haskell Platform (7.10.2).
Features include:
Installing GHC automatically, in an isolated location.
Installing packages needed for your project.
Building your project.
Testing your project.
Benchmarking your project.
I have tried it for haskell web project, it works smoothly.
