add parameter to Laravel Accessor - laravel

I have an accessor that is defined like that:
public function getNameAttribute($name)
return trans($name);
Now, I would like to add parameters to my translation, so I would like to have something like that:
public function getNameAttribute($name)
return trans($name, ['age' => $age]);
Is it possible? How should I define accessor, and how should I call send the param?
EDIT 1: Here are my model attributes:
protected $fillable = [
And here is how I get $age variable inside my model:
public function getAgeString()
$ageCategoryText = '';
$ageCategories = [
0 => trans('core.no_age'),
1 => trans('core.children'),
2 => trans('core.students'),
3 => trans('core.adults'),
4 => trans('core.masters'),
5 => trans('core.custom')
if ($this->ageCategory != 0) {
if ($this->ageCategory == 5) {
$ageCategoryText = ' - ' . trans('core.age') . ' : ';
if ($this->ageMin != 0 && $this->ageMax != 0) {
if ($this->ageMin == $this->ageMax) {
$ageCategoryText .= $this->ageMax . ' ' . trans('core.years');
} else {
$ageCategoryText .= $this->ageMin . ' - ' . $this->ageMax . ' ' . trans('core.years');
} else if ($this->ageMin == 0 && $this->ageMax != 0) {
$ageCategoryText .= ' < ' . $this->ageMax . ' ' . trans('core.years');
} else if ($this->ageMin != 0 && $this->ageMax == 0) {
$ageCategoryText .= ' > ' . $this->ageMin . ' ' . trans('core.years');
} else {
$ageCategoryText = '';
} else {
$ageCategoryText = $ageCategories[$this->ageCategory];
return $ageCategoryText;

You have 2 options,
If you want to get as attribute name a message translated, you can try this:
public function getNameAttribute($name)
return trans($name, ['age' => $this->getAgeString()]);
If you want a translate as additional field you can use Mutator adding an append to your model:
protected $appends = array('nameWithAge');
and define the method to get the name
public function getNameWithAgeAttribute()
return trans($this->attributes['name'], ['age' => $this->getAgeString()]);
This will do to nameWithAge an attribute more of the model and you can access it as such.


multiple voyager browse blade laravel

i have Product Model and it have bread in voyager and everything is ok.
Products have publisher_id column if null == main else int(id of publisher).
i want create multiple browse blade but one of those is default voyager blade
and another where('publisher_id','!=',null)
to show .
how to created it with route ?
thanks .
fixed with resource route
Route::resource('products/index/publisher', VoyagerProductPublisherController::class);
Route::resource('products/index/notaccept', VoyagerProductPublisherNotAcceptController::class);
and then in controllers index function write query
public function index(Request $request)
// GET THE SLUG, ex. 'posts', 'pages', etc.
$slug = \request()->segment(3);
// GET THE DataType based on the slug
$dataType = Voyager::model('DataType')->where('slug', '=', $slug)->first();
// Check permission
$getter = 'paginate';
$search = (object)['value' => $request->get('s'), 'key' => $request->get('key'), 'filter' => $request->get('filter')];
$searchNames = [];
if ($dataType->server_side) {
$searchNames = $dataType->browseRows->mapWithKeys(function ($row) {
return [$row['field'] => $row->getTranslatedAttribute('display_name')];
$orderBy = $request->get('order_by', $dataType->order_column);
$sortOrder = $request->get('sort_order', $dataType->order_direction);
$usesSoftDeletes = false;
$showSoftDeleted = false;
// Next Get or Paginate the actual content from the MODEL that corresponds to the slug DataType
if (strlen($dataType->model_name) != 0) {
$model = app($dataType->model_name);
$query = $model::select($dataType->name . '.*');
if ($dataType->scope && $dataType->scope != '' && method_exists($model, 'scope' . ucfirst($dataType->scope))) {
// Use withTrashed() if model uses SoftDeletes and if toggle is selected
if ($model && in_array(SoftDeletes::class, class_uses_recursive($model))) {
$usesSoftDeletes = true;
if ($request->showSoftDeleted && $request->showSoftDeleted == 1) {
$showSoftDeleted = true;
$query = $query->onlyTrashed();
// If a column has a relationship associated with it, we do not want to show that field
$this->removeRelationshipField($dataType, 'browse');
if ($search->value != '' && $search->key && $search->filter) {
$search_filter = ($search->filter == 'equals') ? '=' : 'LIKE';
$search_value = ($search->filter == 'equals') ? $search->value : '%' . $search->value . '%';
$searchField = $dataType->name . '.' . $search->key;
if ($row = $this->findSearchableRelationshipRow($dataType->rows->where('type', 'relationship'), $search->key)) {
$row->details->model::where($row->details->label, $search_filter, $search_value)->pluck('id')->toArray()
} else {
if ($dataType->browseRows->pluck('field')->contains($search->key)) {
$query->where($searchField, $search_filter, $search_value);
$row = $dataType->rows->where('field', $orderBy)->firstWhere('type', 'relationship');
if ($orderBy && (in_array($orderBy, $dataType->fields()) || !empty($row))) {
$querySortOrder = (!empty($sortOrder)) ? $sortOrder : 'desc';
if (!empty($row)) {
$dataType->name . '.*',
'joined.' . $row->details->label . ' as ' . $orderBy,
$row->details->table . ' as joined',
$dataType->name . '.' . $row->details->column,
'joined.' . $row->details->key,
$dataTypeContent = call_user_func([
$query->orderBy($orderBy, $querySortOrder)->where('publisher_id','!=',null),
} elseif ($model->timestamps) {
$dataTypeContent = call_user_func([$query->latest($model::CREATED_AT)->where('publisher_id','!=',null), 'paginate'], request()->perPage ?? 10);
} else {
$dataTypeContent = call_user_func([$query->orderBy($model->getKeyName(), 'DESC')->where('publisher_id','!=',null), $getter]);
// Replace relationships' keys for labels and create READ links if a slug is provided.
$dataTypeContent = $this->resolveRelations($dataTypeContent, $dataType);
} else {
// If Model doesn't exist, get data from table name
$dataTypeContent = call_user_func([DB::table($dataType->name)->where('publisher_id','!=',null), $getter]);
$model = false;
// Check if BREAD is Translatable
$isModelTranslatable = is_bread_translatable($model);
// Eagerload Relations
$this->eagerLoadRelations($dataTypeContent, $dataType, 'browse', $isModelTranslatable);
// Check if server side pagination is enabled
$isServerSide = isset($dataType->server_side) && $dataType->server_side;
// Check if a default search key is set
$defaultSearchKey = $dataType->default_search_key ?? null;
// Actions
$actions = [];
if (!empty($dataTypeContent->first())) {
foreach (Voyager::actions() as $action) {
$action = new $action($dataType, $dataTypeContent->first());
if ($action->shouldActionDisplayOnDataType()) {
$actions[] = $action;
//Define showCheckboxColumn
$showCheckboxColumn = false;
if (Auth::guard('admin')->user()->can('delete', app($dataType->model_name))) {
$showCheckboxColumn = true;
} else {
foreach ($actions as $action) {
if (method_exists($action, 'massAction')) {
$showCheckboxColumn = true;
// Define orderColumn
$orderColumn = [];
if ($orderBy) {
$index = $dataType->browseRows->where('field', $orderBy)->keys()->first() + ($showCheckboxColumn ? 1 : 0);
$orderColumn = [[$index, $sortOrder ?? 'desc']];
// Define list of columns that can be sorted server side
$sortableColumns = $this->getSortableColumns($dataType->browseRows);
$view = 'voyager::bread.publisher';
if (view()->exists("voyager::$slug.publisher")) {
$view = "voyager::$slug.publisher";
return Voyager::view($view, compact(
// in controller two
public function index(Request $request)
// GET THE SLUG, ex. 'posts', 'pages', etc.
$slug = \request()->segment(3);
// GET THE DataType based on the slug
$dataType = Voyager::model('DataType')->where('slug', '=', $slug)->first();
// Check permission
$getter = 'paginate';
$search = (object)['value' => $request->get('s'), 'key' => $request->get('key'), 'filter' => $request->get('filter')];
$searchNames = [];
if ($dataType->server_side) {
$searchNames = $dataType->browseRows->mapWithKeys(function ($row) {
return [$row['field'] => $row->getTranslatedAttribute('display_name')];
$orderBy = $request->get('order_by', $dataType->order_column);
$sortOrder = $request->get('sort_order', $dataType->order_direction);
$usesSoftDeletes = false;
$showSoftDeleted = false;
// Next Get or Paginate the actual content from the MODEL that corresponds to the slug DataType
if (strlen($dataType->model_name) != 0) {
$model = app($dataType->model_name);
$query = $model::select($dataType->name . '.*');
if ($dataType->scope && $dataType->scope != '' && method_exists($model, 'scope' . ucfirst($dataType->scope))) {
// Use withTrashed() if model uses SoftDeletes and if toggle is selected
if ($model && in_array(SoftDeletes::class, class_uses_recursive($model))) {
$usesSoftDeletes = true;
if ($request->showSoftDeleted && $request->showSoftDeleted == 1) {
$showSoftDeleted = true;
$query = $query->onlyTrashed();
// If a column has a relationship associated with it, we do not want to show that field
$this->removeRelationshipField($dataType, 'browse');
if ($search->value != '' && $search->key && $search->filter) {
$search_filter = ($search->filter == 'equals') ? '=' : 'LIKE';
$search_value = ($search->filter == 'equals') ? $search->value : '%' . $search->value . '%';
$searchField = $dataType->name . '.' . $search->key;
if ($row = $this->findSearchableRelationshipRow($dataType->rows->where('type', 'relationship'), $search->key)) {
$row->details->model::where($row->details->label, $search_filter, $search_value)->pluck('id')->toArray()
} else {
if ($dataType->browseRows->pluck('field')->contains($search->key)) {
$query->where($searchField, $search_filter, $search_value);
$row = $dataType->rows->where('field', $orderBy)->firstWhere('type', 'relationship');
if ($orderBy && (in_array($orderBy, $dataType->fields()) || !empty($row))) {
$querySortOrder = (!empty($sortOrder)) ? $sortOrder : 'desc';
if (!empty($row)) {
$dataType->name . '.*',
'joined.' . $row->details->label . ' as ' . $orderBy,
$row->details->table . ' as joined',
$dataType->name . '.' . $row->details->column,
'joined.' . $row->details->key,
$dataTypeContent = call_user_func([
$query->orderBy($orderBy, $querySortOrder)->where('accept',0),
} elseif ($model->timestamps) {
$dataTypeContent = call_user_func([$query->latest($model::CREATED_AT)->where('accept',0), 'paginate'], request()->perPage ?? 10);
} else {
$dataTypeContent = call_user_func([$query->orderBy($model->getKeyName(), 'DESC')->where('accept',0), $getter]);
// Replace relationships' keys for labels and create READ links if a slug is provided.
$dataTypeContent = $this->resolveRelations($dataTypeContent, $dataType);
} else {
// If Model doesn't exist, get data from table name
$dataTypeContent = call_user_func([DB::table($dataType->name)->where('accept',0), $getter]);
$model = false;
// Check if BREAD is Translatable
$isModelTranslatable = is_bread_translatable($model);
// Eagerload Relations
$this->eagerLoadRelations($dataTypeContent, $dataType, 'browse', $isModelTranslatable);
// Check if server side pagination is enabled
$isServerSide = isset($dataType->server_side) && $dataType->server_side;
// Check if a default search key is set
$defaultSearchKey = $dataType->default_search_key ?? null;
// Actions
$actions = [];
if (!empty($dataTypeContent->first())) {
foreach (Voyager::actions() as $action) {
$action = new $action($dataType, $dataTypeContent->first());
if ($action->shouldActionDisplayOnDataType()) {
$actions[] = $action;
//Define showCheckboxColumn
$showCheckboxColumn = false;
if (Auth::guard('admin')->user()->can('delete', app($dataType->model_name))) {
$showCheckboxColumn = true;
} else {
foreach ($actions as $action) {
if (method_exists($action, 'massAction')) {
$showCheckboxColumn = true;
// Define orderColumn
$orderColumn = [];
if ($orderBy) {
$index = $dataType->browseRows->where('field', $orderBy)->keys()->first() + ($showCheckboxColumn ? 1 : 0);
$orderColumn = [[$index, $sortOrder ?? 'desc']];
// Define list of columns that can be sorted server side
$sortableColumns = $this->getSortableColumns($dataType->browseRows);
$view = 'voyager::bread.notaccept';
if (view()->exists("voyager::$slug.notaccept")) {
$view = "voyager::$slug.notaccept";
return Voyager::view($view, compact(
thanks for view .

Undefined offset:0 at HandleExceptions->handleError

I have a page which is used to search the users. If I searched an existing user, the page will redirect to my wanted page. If the user is not existing, a message must be shown. But for me the message is not showing. I know may be this is a simple error, but it's not working for me. I am using Laravel 5.8.
Error is:
Undefined offset: 0
in ClientsController.php (line 344)
at HandleExceptions->handleError.
Here is my controller:
public function getMerchantDetails() {
$user = $_GET['user'];
$mid = $_GET['mid'];
$activity = "User $user has searched this merchant";
//This is for Activity Log Capturing. Added user variable
DB::insert("INSERT INTO activitylog (mid,activity) values ('$mid','$activity')");
//Activity ends here
$mobile = $_GET['mobile'];
$email = $_GET['email'];
$m = '';
if ($mobile != '') {
$m = " AND primary_number = '" . $mobile . "' ";
$e = '';
if ($email != '') {
$e = " AND email = '" . $email . "' ";
$i = '';
if ($mid != '') {
$i = " AND mid = '" . $mid . "' ";
if ($m == '' && $e == '' && $i == '') {
// print_r($m);
// die();
return response()->json(array('data' => ''), 200);
} else {
$res = DB::select(DB::raw("SELECT * FROM clients WHERE 1=1 " . $m . $e . $i . " LIMIT 1"));
if (!$res) {
//$res_config = DB::select( DB::raw("SELECT * FROM configuration WHERE code = 'PERL_SEARCH_MERCHANT'") );
$perl_path = DB::select(DB::raw("SELECT * FROM configuration WHERE code = 'PERL_PATH'"));
$perl_output = exec($perl_path[0]->description . ' -merchant_id ' . $mid . ' -mobile ' . $mobile . ' -email ' . $email);
$r = json_decode($perl_output, true);
if ($r['status'] == 'success') {
if ($r['id'] != '') {
$res = DB::select(DB::raw("SELECT * FROM clients WHERE id = " . $r['id']));
} else {
$res[0]['id'] = '';
return response()->json(array('data' => $res[0]), 200); (line 344)
My Ajax code:
"url": '{!! route('clients.fetchMerchantDetails') !!}',
async: true,
type: "GET",
data: {
mobile: mobile,
email: email,
mid: mid,
success: function (response) {
var data =
clientEditUrl = clientEditUrl.replace(':id',;
window.location = clientEditUrl;
$('.searchOutputDiv').html('<h3>No merchant found!</h3>');

Magento 1.9 change custom option value depending on stock number

I have custom code that determines if a custom code value exists and if it does to select this option over the default sort order option in the product config.
What I am wanting to do is further add logic that if the product sku starts with "F" then it will show the default sort order value for that product.
The custom code is in this file..
Here is the code in question
// Set Default for the following cases:
// Ring Size for Men = T, Women = M
// Price for Custom Option is $0 and is the last, unless defaulted by Men or Women.
// if ($_value->getTitle() == 'M' && $isFemale) {
// $select->setValue($_value->getOptionTypeId());
// }
// else if ($_value->getTitle() == 'T' && $isMale) {
// $select->setValue($_value->getOptionTypeId());
// }
// else if ($_value->getPrice() == 0.0000 && $hasNoPrice && !$isFemale && !$isMale) {
// $select->setValue($_value->getOptionTypeId());
// }
if ($_value->getTitle() == 'M') {
else if ($_value->getTitle() == 'T') {
This code is ok as is.. but what I am wanting to add to the statements is that if the Stock code starts with 'F' then assign the default value.
something like
if ($sku_code == 'F') {
where this will show the default sort order value for the option..
I just cant seem to get this working.
Any help coding this and you get instant kudos and good Karma!
update Here is full code from Select.php
* Magento
* This source file is subject to the Open Software License (OSL 3.0)
* that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE.txt.
* It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL:
* If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to
* obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email
* to so we can send you a copy immediately.
* Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade Magento to newer
* versions in the future. If you wish to customize Magento for your
* needs please refer to for more information.
* #category Mage
* #package Mage_Catalog
* #copyright Copyright (c) 2013 Magento Inc. (
* #license Open Software License (OSL 3.0)
* Product options text type block
* #category Mage
* #package Mage_Catalog
* #author Magento Core Team <>
class Mage_Catalog_Block_Product_View_Options_Type_Select
extends Mage_Catalog_Block_Product_View_Options_Abstract
* Return html for control element
* #return string
public function getValuesHtml()
$_option = $this->getOption();
$configValue = $this->getProduct()->getPreconfiguredValues()->getData('options/' . $_option->getId());
$store = $this->getProduct()->getStore();
if ($_option->getType() == Mage_Catalog_Model_Product_Option::OPTION_TYPE_DROP_DOWN
|| $_option->getType() == Mage_Catalog_Model_Product_Option::OPTION_TYPE_MULTIPLE) {
$require = ($_option->getIsRequire()) ? ' required-entry' : '';
$extraParams = '';
$select = $this->getLayout()->createBlock('core/html_select')
'id' => 'select_'.$_option->getId(),
'class' => $require.' product-custom-option'
if ($_option->getType() == Mage_Catalog_Model_Product_Option::OPTION_TYPE_DROP_DOWN) {
// ->addOption('', $this->__('Please Select'));
} else {
$select->setClass('multiselect'.$require.' product-custom-option');
// This is a very specific case for Ring Size
// $isMale = $isFemale = $hasNoPrice = false;
// foreach ($_option->getValues() as $_value) {
// if ($_value->getTitle() == 'I' && $_value->getPrice() == 0.0000) {
// $isFemale = true;
// }
// else if ($_value->getTitle() == 'M' && $_value->getPrice() == 0.0000) {
// $isMale = true;
// }
// if ($_value->getPrice() == 0.0000) {
// $hasNoPrice = true;
// }
// }
foreach ($_option->getValues() as $_value) {
$priceStr = $this->_formatPrice(array(
'is_percent' => ($_value->getPriceType() == 'percent'),
'pricing_value' => $_value->getPrice(($_value->getPriceType() == 'percent'))
), false);
$_value->getTitle() . ' ' . $priceStr . '',
array('price' => $this->helper('core')->currencyByStore($_value->getPrice(true), $store, false))
// Set Default for the following cases:
// Ring Size for Men = T, Women = M
// Price for Custom Option is $0 and is the last, unless defaulted by Men or Women.
// if ($_value->getTitle() == 'M' && $isFemale) {
// $select->setValue($_value->getOptionTypeId());
// }
// else if ($_value->getTitle() == 'T' && $isMale) {
// $select->setValue($_value->getOptionTypeId());
// }
// else if ($_value->getPrice() == 0.0000 && $hasNoPrice && !$isFemale && !$isMale) {
// $select->setValue($_value->getOptionTypeId());
// }
//not sure about this line
if ($sku_code[0] == 'F') {
else if ($_value->getTitle() == 'M') {
else if ($_value->getTitle() == 'T') {
if ($_option->getType() == Mage_Catalog_Model_Product_Option::OPTION_TYPE_MULTIPLE) {
$extraParams = ' multiple="multiple"';
if (!$this->getSkipJsReloadPrice()) {
$extraParams .= ' onchange="opConfig.reloadPrice()"';
if ($configValue) {
return $select->getHtml();
if ($_option->getType() == Mage_Catalog_Model_Product_Option::OPTION_TYPE_RADIO
|| $_option->getType() == Mage_Catalog_Model_Product_Option::OPTION_TYPE_CHECKBOX
) {
$selectHtml = '<ul id="options-'.$_option->getId().'-list" class="options-list">';
$require = ($_option->getIsRequire()) ? ' validate-one-required-by-name' : '';
$arraySign = '';
switch ($_option->getType()) {
case Mage_Catalog_Model_Product_Option::OPTION_TYPE_RADIO:
$type = 'radio';
$class = 'radio';
if (!$_option->getIsRequire()) {
$selectHtml .= '<li><input type="radio" id="options_' . $_option->getId() . '" class="'
. $class . ' product-custom-option" name="options[' . $_option->getId() . ']"'
. ($this->getSkipJsReloadPrice() ? '' : ' onclick="opConfig.reloadPrice()"')
. ' value="" checked="checked" /><span class="label"><label for="options_'
. $_option->getId() . '">' . $this->__('None') . '</label></span></li>';
case Mage_Catalog_Model_Product_Option::OPTION_TYPE_CHECKBOX:
$type = 'checkbox';
$class = 'checkbox';
$arraySign = '[]';
$count = 1;
foreach ($_option->getValues() as $_value) {
$priceStr = $this->_formatPrice(array(
'is_percent' => ($_value->getPriceType() == 'percent'),
'pricing_value' => $_value->getPrice($_value->getPriceType() == 'percent')
$htmlValue = $_value->getOptionTypeId();
if ($arraySign) {
$checked = (is_array($configValue) && in_array($htmlValue, $configValue)) ? 'checked' : '';
} else {
$checked = $configValue == $htmlValue ? 'checked' : '';
$selectHtml .= '<li>' . '<input type="' . $type . '" class="' . $class . ' ' . $require
. ' product-custom-option"'
. ($this->getSkipJsReloadPrice() ? '' : ' onclick="opConfig.reloadPrice()"')
. ' name="options[' . $_option->getId() . ']' . $arraySign . '" id="options_' . $_option->getId()
. '_' . $count . '" value="' . $htmlValue . '" ' . $checked . ' price="'
. $this->helper('core')->currencyByStore($_value->getPrice(true), $store, false) . '" />'
. '<span class="label"><label for="options_' . $_option->getId() . '_' . $count . '">'
. $_value->getTitle() . ' ' . $priceStr . '</label></span>';
if ($_option->getIsRequire()) {
$selectHtml .= '<script type="text/javascript">' . '$(\'options_' . $_option->getId() . '_'
. $count . '\').advaiceContainer = \'options-' . $_option->getId() . '-container\';'
. '$(\'options_' . $_option->getId() . '_' . $count
. '\').callbackFunction = \'validateOptionsCallback\';' . '</script>';
$selectHtml .= '</li>';
$selectHtml .= '</ul>';
return $selectHtml;
maybe I don't understand right but you want to see if the sku_code starts with "f"?
if ($sku_code == 'F') {
if (strpos($sku_code, 'F') === 0) {
Or perhaps:
if (substr($sku_code, 0, 1) === 'F') { $select->setValue($configValue); }
Hope it helps :)

How i can pass the third parameter into the form validation callback function which is field name?

here is the validation code :
public function registration () {
// -- code
$this->form_validation->set_rules('password', 'Password', 'required|callback__check_length[6,10]');
function _check_length($input, $min, $max)
$length = strlen($input);
if ($length <= $max && $length >= $min)
return TRUE;
elseif ($length < $min)
$this->form_validation->set_message('_check_length', 'Minimum number of characters is ' . $min);
return FALSE;
elseif ($length > $max)
$this->form_validation->set_message('_check_length', 'Maximum number of characters is ' . $max);
return FALSE;
it is giving me error :
Message: Missing argument 3 for Person::_check_length(), called in C:\wamp64\www\abc\system\libraries\Form_validation.php on line 744 and defined
You can do so by exploding the 2nd param. CI doesn't seem to support 3 params in function args for form validation rules:
public function _check_length($input, $minmax) {
$minmax = explode(',', $minmax);
$min = $minmax[0];
$max = $minmax[1];
$length = strlen($input);
if ($length <= $max && $length >= $min) {
return TRUE;
} elseif ($length < $min) {
$this->form_validation->set_message('_check_length', 'Minimum number of characters is ' . $min);
return FALSE;
} elseif ($length > $max) {
$this->form_validation->set_message('_check_length', 'Maximum number of characters is ' . $max);
return FALSE;
You also don't have to have your own function to do this. You can simply use min_length[x] and max_length[x] rules.

error reading db in joomla

While i run a component i am getting 500 - An error has occurred error reading db in joomla.
My configuration file is perfect.
I don't know what else to change..
Any guidance will be helpful
Thanks in advance...
//No direct acesss
defined('_JEXEC') or die();
class DealsModelDeals extends JModel {
function getDeals(){
$db = $this->getDBO();
$db->setQuery('SELECT * from #__todaysdeal');
$deals = $db->loadObjectList();
if ($deals === null)
JError::raiseError(500, 'Error reading db');
return $deals;
function getDeal($id){
$query = ' SELECT * FROM #__todaysdeal '. ' WHERE id = '.$id;
$db = $this->getDBO();
$deal = $db->loadObject();
if ($deal === null)
JError::raiseError(500, 'Deal with ID: '.$id.' not found.');
return $deal;
* Method that returns an empty greeting with id 0
* #access public
function getNewDeal(){
$dealTableRow =& $this->getTable('deals');
return $dealTableRow;
* Method to store a greeting in the DB
* #access public
function saveDeal($deal)
//Parameter not necessary because our model is named DealsModelDeals (used to ilustrate that you can specify an alternative name to the JTable extending class)
$dealTableRow =& $this->getTable('deals');
//print_r($_FILES); exit;
// Bind the form fields to the todaysdeal table
if (!$dealTableRow->bind($deal)) {
JError::raiseError(500, 'Error binding data');
// Make sure the deal record is valid
if (!$dealTableRow->check()) {
JError::raiseError(500, 'Invalid data');
// Insert/update this record in the db
if (!$dealTableRow->store()) {
$errorMessage = $dealTableRow->getError();
JError::raiseError(500, 'Error binding data: '.$errorMessage);
$id = $dealTableRow->id;
$file = $_FILES['dealImage'];
$id = $dealTableRow->id;
if ((($_FILES["dealImage"]["type"] == "image/gif") || ($_FILES["dealImage"]["type"] == "image/jpeg") || ($_FILES["dealImage"]["type"] == "image/pjpeg")) && ($_FILES["dealImage"]["size"] < 150000))
if ($_FILES["dealImage"]["error"] > 0)
echo "Return Code: " . $_FILES["dealImage"]["error"] . "<br />";
if (file_exists("components/com_deals/dealImages/" . $_FILES["dealImage"]["name"])) {
$_FILES["dealImage"]["name"] . " already exists. ";
} else {
move_uploaded_file($_FILES["dealImage"]["tmp_name"], "components/com_deals/dealImages/" .$id."_".$_FILES["dealImage"]["name"]);
echo "Stored in: " . "dealImages/" . $_FILES["dealImage"]["name"];
$dealImage = $_FILES['dealImage']['name'];
$dealImage .= (!empty($_FILES['dealImage']['name'])) ? ' ' . $_FILES['dealImage']['name'] : '';
$query = "UPDATE #__todaysdeal SET dealImage='".$id."_".$_FILES['dealImage']['name']."' WHERE id='".$id."'";
$db = $this->getDBO();
//If we get here and with no raiseErrors, then everythign went well
function deleteDeals($arrayIDs)
$query = "DELETE FROM #__todaysdeal WHERE id IN (".implode(',', $arrayIDs).")";
$db = $this->getDBO();
if (!$db->query()){
$errorMessage = $this->getDBO()->getErrorMsg();
JError::raiseError(500, 'Error deleting Deals: '.$errorMessage);
function dealsUploadPhoto($file, $id)
$config = & JComponentHelper::getParams('com_deals');
$allowed = array('image/pjpeg', 'image/jpeg', 'image/jpg', 'image/png', 'image/x-png', 'image/gif', 'image/ico', 'image/x-icon');
$pwidth = $config->get('pwidth');
$pheight = $config->get('pheight');
$maxsize = $config->get('maxsize');
if($file['size'] > 0 && ($file['size'] / 1024 < $maxsize)){
if(!file_exists(JPATH_SITE . DS. 'images' . DS . 'deals'))
if(mkdir(JPATH_SITE . DS . 'images' . DS . 'deals')) {
JPath::setPermissions(JPATH_SITE . DS . 'images' . DS . 'deals', '0777');
if(file_exists(JPATH_SITE . DS . 'images' . DS . 'index.html')) {
copy(JPATH_SITE . DS . 'images' . DS . 'index.html', JPATH_SITE . DS . 'images' . DS . 'deals/index.html');
if($file['error'] != 0){
tpJobsMsgAlert('Upload file photo error.');
exit ();
if($file['size'] == 0){
$file = null;
if(!in_array($file['type'], $allowed)) {
$file = null;
if ($file != null){
$dest = JPATH_SITE.DS.'images'.DS.'deals'.DS.$id.'.jpg';
$del = unlink($dest);
$soure = $file['tmp_name'];
$uploaded = JFile::upload($soure,$dest);
$fileAtr = getimagesize($dest);
$widthOri = $fileAtr[0];
$heightOri = $fileAtr[1];
$type = $fileAtr['mime'];
$img = false;
switch ($type)
case 'image/jpeg':
case 'image/jpg':
case 'image/pjpeg':
$img = imagecreatefromjpeg($dest);
case 'image/ico':
$img = imagecreatefromico($dest);
case 'image/x-png':
case 'image/png':
$img = imagecreatefrompng($dest);
case 'image/gif':
$img = imagecreatefromgif($dest);
return false;
$curr = #getimagesize($dest);
$perc_w = $pwidth / $widthOri;
$perc_h = $pheight / $heightOri;
if(($widthOri<$pwidth) && ($heightOri<$height))
if($perc_h > $perc_w)
$pwidth = $pwidth;
$pheight = round($heightOri * $perc_w);
$pheight = $pheight;
$pwidth = round($widthOri * $perc_h);
$nwimg = imagecreatetruecolor($pwidth, $pheight);
imagecopyresampled($nwimg, $img, 0, 0, 0, 0, $pwidth, $pheight, $widthOri, $heightOri);
imagejpeg($nwimg, $dest, 100);
if($file['size'] / 1024 > $maxsize){
dealsMsgAlert('Size of file photo is too big. Maximum size".$maxsize." KB');
exit ();
function dealsMsgAlert($msg)
if (!headers_sent())
echo "<script> alert('".$msg."'); window.history.go(-1); </script>\n";
$out = ob_get_contents();
echo $out;
echo "<script> alert('".$msg."'); window.history.go(-1); </script>\n";
The problem that causes the red screen with 500 Error is happening because you are raising an exception if the requested quote is does not exist. You should not use JError::raiseError().
Use one of the following instead:
// This will set error to the model. You can get the errors from
// the model by your controller $model->getErrors() and output them to the screen.
$this->setError('ERROR MESSAGE GOES HERE');
// This will output errors to the screen right the way
JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage('ERROR MESSAGE GOES HERE', 'message');
Model already has _db property, you do not need to get db into variable. You can access it like this $this->_db. You can read about Joomla Model class here.
Also within your model you are using
$db = $this->getDBO();
$db->setQuery('SELECT * from #__todaysdeal');
$deals = $db->loadObjectList();
Model has simplified method to load list of object, like so
$deals =& $this->_getList('SELECT * from #__todaysdeal');
