Stretching words and quotation scoping - factor-lang

To play at Stretch the word, I've defined the following words, to try to work at the problem via the same method as this answer:
USING: kernel math sequences sequences.repeating ;
IN: stretch-words
! "bonobo" -> { "b" "bo" "bon" "bono" "bonob" "bonobo" }
: ascend-string ( string -- ascending-seqs )
dup length 1 + iota [ 0 swap pick subseq ] map
[ "" = not ] filter nip ;
! expected: "bonobo" -> "bonoobbooo"
! actual: "bonobo" -> "bbbooonnnooobbbooo"
: stretch-word ( string -- stretched )
dup ascend-string swap zip
dup first swap last
[ = ] curry [ dup ] dip count
] map last ;
stretch-word is supposed to repeat a character in a string by the number of times it's appeared up to that position in the string. However, my implementation is repeating all instances of the 1string it gets.
I have the feeling this is easily implementable in Factor, but I can't quite figure it out. How do I make this do what I want?

Hm... not a great golf, but it works...
First, I made a minor change to ascend-string so it leaves the string on the stack:
: ascend-string ( string -- string ascending-seqs )
dup length 1 + iota [ 0 swap pick subseq ] map
[ "" = not ] filter ;
So stretch-word can work like this:
: stretch-word ( string -- stretched )
ascend-string zip ! just zip them in the same order
first2 over ! first2 is the only golf I could make :/
[ = ] curry count ! same thing
swap <array> >string ! make an array of char size count and make it a string
] map concat ; ! so you have to join the pieces
I think the problem was using repeat to do the job.

: ascend-string ( string -- seqs )
"" [ suffix ] { } accumulate*-as ;
: counts ( string -- counts )
dup ascend-string [ indices length ] { } 2map-as ;
: stretch-word ( string -- stretched )
[ counts ] keep [ <string> ] { } 2map-as concat ;
"bonobo" stretch-word print
indices length could also be [ = ] with count


Initializing a matrix using a list with a string in it

Here is my code:
extensions [matrix]
sources-own[keyword1 keyword2 keyword3 keyword4 extrinsic-fitness visits]
to setup
ask source 0 [
set keyword1 (matrix:from-row-list [["cat"][2]])
Now, when I click on SETUP and inspect "source 0", it shows the matrix to be initialized as the following:
{{matrix: [ [ 0 ][ 2 ] ]}}
Try as I might, I cannot get it to accept the string "cat" in place of the "0" in the first column.
OK, I got it.
A matrix in Netlogo can only hold numbers. One needs to use a "list" instead.

How to refactor code using partial application of quotations?

How can I use existing combinators to refactor this code so that regex will become argument to be partially applied and resulting quotation will have same identical stack effects as ls (x -- )?
USING: io.directories locals sequences accessors math
prettyprint kernel io.directories.hierarchy
combinators.short-circuit regexp
IN: flac
:: job ( step path -- )
[ [ step call ] each ]
; inline
:: lsc ( x c -- ) x c call [ x . ] when ; inline
:: ls ( x -- )
[ {
[ directory? ]
[ name>> directory-tree-files
[ ".*[.]flac" <regexp> matches? ]
filter length 0 =
First of all, in the original code, it looks like x is a directory-entry. If x is required to stay as a directory-entry, then it is impossible to refactor out the regex as an argument, after all there's nowhere to put it! If x is allowed to change to, say a string with the regex embedded, or a collection or object, you can then make the regex part of the single argument -- x.
The following solution assumes x can be changed into a tuple object with "dir-entry" and "regex" as slots:
:: ls ( x -- )
[ dir-entry>> directory? ].
dir-entry>> name>> directory-tree-files
[ [ x regex>> <regexp> matches? ] any? ] [ drop x dir-entry>> ] when .
] smart-when* ;

Evaluating code blocks in Rebol3

I'm trying to improve the Sliding Tile Puzzle example by making the starting positions random.
There's a better way to do this--"It is considered bad practice to convert values to strings and join them together to pass to do for evaluation."--but the approach I took was to try to generate Rebol3 source, and then evaluate it. I have it generating correctly, I think:
random/seed now
arr: random collect [ repeat tilenum 9 [ keep tilenum ] ]
hgroup-data: copy {}
repeat pos 9 [
curtile: (pick arr pos)
append hgroup-data either curtile = 9
[ reduce "x: box tilesize gameback " ]
[ rejoin [ { p "} curtile {" } ] ]
if all [(pos // 3) = 0 pos != 9] [ append hgroup-data " return^/" ]
print hgroup-data
...outputs something like:
p "4" x: box tilesize gameback p "5" return
p "3" p "7" p "1" return
p "2" p "8" p "6"
...which if I then copy and paste into this part, works correctly:
view/options [
hgroup [
] [bg-color: gameback]
However, if I try to do it dynamically:
view/options [
hgroup [
] [bg-color: gameback]
...(also print hgroup-data, do hgroup-data, and load hgroup-data), I get this error:
** GUI ERROR: Cannot parse the GUI dialect at: hgroup-data
...(or at: print hgroup-data, etc., depending on which variation I tried.)
If I try load [ hgroup-data ] I get:
** Script error: extend-face does not allow none! for its face argument
** Where: either if forever -apply- apply init-layout make-layout actor all foreach do-actor unless -apply- apply all build-face -apply- apply init-layout make-layout actor all foreach do-actor if build-face -apply- apply init-layout make-layout actor all foreach do-actor unless make-face -apply- apply case view do either either either -apply-
** Near: either all [
word? act: dial/1
block? body: get dial...
However, if I use the syntax hgroup do [ hgroup-data ], the program runs, but there are no buttons: it appears to be somehow over-evaluated, so that the return values of the functions p and box and so on are put straight into the hgroup as code.
Surely I'm missing an easy syntax error here. What is it?
First, I would say it's better to construct a block directly, instead of constructing a string and converting it to a block. But if you really want to do that, this should do the trick:
view/options compose/only [
hgroup (load hgroup-data)
] [bg-color: gameback]

How do backspace and delete work in CKEditor?

How do the backspace and delete keys work in CKEditor? If I have an iframe in the editable area, and have my cursor next to it, hitting backspace/delete deletes the iframe/removes its HTML code from there.
What I was unable to get was where is the code for this behavior? Where on hitting backspace the range is shrunken to the iframe and it was removed.
Please point me in the right direction of where this happens in the source code.
There is something about delete
But i don't about that behavior
var FCKEnterKey = function( targetWindow, enterMode, shiftEnterMode, tabSpaces )
this.Window = targetWindow ;
this.EnterMode = enterMode || 'p' ;
this.ShiftEnterMode = shiftEnterMode || 'br' ;
// Setup the Keystroke Handler.
var oKeystrokeHandler = new FCKKeystrokeHandler( false ) ;
oKeystrokeHandler._EnterKey = this ;
oKeystrokeHandler.OnKeystroke = FCKEnterKey_OnKeystroke ;
oKeystrokeHandler.SetKeystrokes( [
[ 13 , 'Enter' ],
[ SHIFT + 13, 'ShiftEnter' ],
[ 8 , 'Backspace' ],
[ CTRL + 8 , 'CtrlBackspace' ],
[ 46 , 'Delete' ]
] ) ;
this.TabText = '' ;
// Safari by default inserts 4 spaces on TAB, while others make the editor
// loose focus. So, we need to handle it here to not include those spaces.
if ( tabSpaces > 0 || FCKBrowserInfo.IsSafari )
while ( tabSpaces-- )
this.TabText += '\xa0' ;
oKeystrokeHandler.SetKeystrokes( [ 9, 'Tab' ] );
oKeystrokeHandler.AttachToElement( targetWindow.document ) ;

Keeping quotations as tuple members in Factor

I want to keep a quotation as a member of a tuple in Factor. But when I try to execute 'call' on it I get the error 'cannot apply call to a run-time computed value'. Note that marking the functions as 'inline' does nothing.
Sample code:
USING: accessors kernel ;
IN: stackoverflow
TUPLE: quottuple quot ;
C: <quottuple> quottuple
: call-quot ( quottuple -- result )
quot>> call ; inline
: main ( -- )
[ 1 ] <quottuple>
call-quot drop ;
MAIN: main
The answer is the 'call(' word. That word requires you to specify the stack effect of the quotation, but as a result the quotation doesn't need to be known at compile time.
USING: accessors kernel ;
IN: stackoverflow
TUPLE: quottuple quot ;
C: <quottuple> quottuple
: call-quot ( quottuple -- result )
quot>> call( -- result ) ;
: main ( -- )
[ 1 ] <quottuple>
call-quot drop ;
MAIN: main
