Embedded Google doc pdf on Mac and safari displaying message second page onward Whoops! There was a pro-blem loading this page - macos

I have embedded pdf file in google doc viewer in my application using below code.
<iframe src="http://docs.google.com/gview?url=http://infolab.stanford.edu/pub/papers/google.pdf&embedded=true" style="width:600px; height:500px;" frameborder="0"></iframe>
When displaying pdf in iframe on mac machine safari browser then only first page is displayed properly and from second page onward it display "Whoops! There was a problem loading this page " this message.
This problem occurs only mac machine safari browser. On mac chrome and firefox working fine. I am using MAC OSx10.8.5(12F45) and safari version 6.0.5
But same working fine on another mac machine as OS x Yosemite Version 10.10.2, Safari Browser version 8.0.3
Is problem is with OS version or safari browser version or google doc viewer and what is it? How to solve this issue?


Safari on OSX keep showing mobile version

My website under OSX macbook is showing only the mobile version of the website : WebSite
So i check the website : www.lpfilmfest.org on windows under Safari and there is no problem but on Safari under OSX i still have the mobile version of the website.
Any ideas to solve this?
Thanks in advance
So i found out that with this below it works :
html, body {height:100%;overflow:auto}
aside {min-height:700px;height:auto} /* which is the container for sidebar which could be Fixed position on desktop and notebook computer - line 166

Download Safari 8 for Windows

I'm trying to find Safari 8 for Windows as I am programming a website and I want to see if it all works properly in the Safari browser.
I got Windows 8 and the Application Server and the database both run locally on my PC right now.
Is there a way to test the website on Safari 8 without having a Mac or iPhone?
Latest version of Safari for Windows was 5.1.7, then they discontinued the Windows version.
But if you want to test how your website renders under Safari, you can use online emulators like Browserstack.

In Google Chrome some web pages, the font changes for no apparent reason

I found this bug in Google Chrome that I cannot explain.
The fonts that is loaded for a text sometimes changes for some reason by itself.
Here is a screenshot of the initial font when the web page loads:
Here is what I see after a while:
When I start scrolling on the page the font returns to normal.
Does anybody knows what is going on?
Also I have seen this happening on many other websites. And even on my own web pages.
I am using Google Chrome Version 31.0.1650.57, and I am on a Mac OS X 10.9.
The screenshot come from the DropBox documentation web site.
It is a known Chrome bug and will supposedly be fixed in Chrome 33: https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=236298

uploadify: Firefox browser does not display upload file button

I am using uploadify component (http://www.uploadify.com) in ASP.NET MVC 3. uploadify works fine with all browser (IE 8, Google Chrome). However, Mozilla Firefox does not display upload file button.
I have spent almost one day to troubleshoot and I still have not solution. Could you give some idea?
I just got a new computer and installed firefox (V8.0.1) yesterday. I've just experienced a similar issue (i.e. not seeing the uploadify button in firefox, though I do in chrome - both in the site I'm developing and http://www.uploadify.com/demos/). Using firefox I've browsed to http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/plugincheck/. There I'm told "For your safety, Firefox has disabled your outdated version of Flash. Please upgrade to the latest version.". I've upgraded the version of Flash and now when I visit the uploadify demo page I can see the "Select Files" button, as expected.
Install adobe flash player...it will work properly....

Why the set of plugins can be different between Safari and WebView component?

Our Mac desktop application embeds WebView component from WebKit framework.
Inside WebView we host Flash Player where we render UI.
As far as I know, Safari uses WebKit/WebView to display the content.
We were expecting Safari to host the same WebView component our application hosts.
In other words, if Flash plugin is installed in Safari, than Flash will be available in our WebView.
Unfortunately this appeared to be wrong for one of our users.
On his Mac, Flash runs flawlessly in Safari, but our WebView displays "Missing Plugin" message in place of Flash Player.
Mac OS X 10.5.8
Why this can happen?
Is it possible Safari to use a different WebView (or WebView settings) than our application is using?
I would appreciate any advice that would help us to find the source of the problem.
I have asked the user to run a small script that prints a set of plugins installed for Safari and for our WebView.
There are around 20 plugins installed in Safari, including Flash Player.
But there are only 3 plugins installed for our WebView.
Here they are:
Java Plug-In 2 for NPAPI Browsers
Switchable Java Plug-In for WebKit
RealPlayer Plugin.plugin
Is it possible Safari to use a different WebView (or WebView settings) than our application is using?
Yes, very much so. A WebView is simply a class, and Safari uses one instance of such a class, which doesn't get modified for a plug-in. The Flash plug-in is installed for the browser (as in, Safari keeps track of where it is installed and looks for it as necessary). Cocoa's WebView doesn't get modified whenever a plug-in is installed—that could lead to all sorts of issues.
