JMeter treating "${COOKIE_[cookiename]}" as a string - jmeter

I have looked at numerous examples of setting properties from cookies, and they all seem to be indicate that using a BeanShell PostProcessor, I should be able to do the following, given a cookie named 'FOO'.
props.put( "fooCookie", "${COOKIE_FOO}" );
However, when I try to write that value to the console, as you see here...
print( props.get( "fooCookie" ) );
... the value is always the string ${COOKIE_FOO} as if the dollar/curly bracket notation is not being parsed.
I feel like I must be missing something painfully obvious here, but after several hours of fighting this, I am bringing it to the experts. Any advice would be appreciated.
EDIT: Adding a bit more detail. This is the layout of my test plan
Test Plan
User Defined Variables
HTTP Cookie Manager
HTTP Request Defaults
Login Thread (setup)
[page request - login POST]
HTTP Header Manager
BeanShell PostProcessor
[more page requests]
And I do indeed have set in the jmeter.bat file that I am launching it with.

Do you have HTTP Cookie Manager in your test plan? If not, you need to have that.
You also need to set the in the file which you can find in JMETER_HOME/bin folder.
${COOKIE_FOO} will return the actual cookie value.

Check that your ${COOKIE_FOO} variable is really set using Debug Sampler and View Results Tree listener combination. Your code is OK so my expectation is that the variable is not set.
Those who suggest using Beanshell where it is possible to handle the situation using JMeter built-in test elements should probably consider quitting IT. There are:
__setProperty() function to put something to JMeter Properties
__P() and/or __property() function to read something from them
See How to Use Variables in Different Thread Groups guide for real-life example.


what container we can use for global and environment variables in Jmeter for API testing

I am trying to use Jmeter for API automation testing.
But Jmeter hasn't provided any separate containers for global and environment variables similarly like SOAP-UI and Postman.
I tried to use property file which also shared among all the JSR223 throughout the project but property having many others keys too and I haven't got any option by which I can delete key which been initiated once. Moreover, I can update the value too which seems most preferable to use
Below code I am using to set and get the values
props.put("shubhamKey", "shubhamValue")
I can also update it using same key
props.put("shubhamKey", "shubhamNewValue")
But as I said we can't delete key once initiated and it seems dangerous to delete from properties as it has many other keys too which may be required by Jmeter internally
After seeing too many things I have seen "User Defined Variables" where I can specify my key-value pairs. I am able to get the value using below code:
But I am not able to set the value using below code:
neither I got any option by which I further update it or delete it.
so Is there any feasible thing to store variables in Jmeter which can be easily created/deleted/updated using the code and can even call by other containers like HTTP Request.
Moreover I also want a container which preserve the values so the next iteration and next time (any time like other day) it will start with latest values
User Parameters
Any workaround will be helpful and appreciated in advance
As for me, I'm using a JSR223 Sampler at the begining of every Thread.
And for me it works:
Firstly you can delete properties by using:
And if you use specific prefix/suffix it shouldn't effect JMeter internally.
User Defined Variables isn't the best way to handle dynamic values, it's used for static variables
Note that all the UDV elements in a test plan - no matter where they are - are processed at the start.
But you can set variable by string or variable or function, e.g:
For defining variables during a test run, see User Parameters which use similar assignments.

Get the path of an HTTP Request from another component

I am trying to let JMeter crowl my website to ensure a realistic stress test. I was able to extract the URLs from the home page and iterate on them. So I have a regular expression feeding a ForEach loop.
Now I am not able to let an HTTP Request take the output of the loop (Defined as a variable with a name) as its path.
Is there a general approach to setting the path of such a request. JMeter is taking something like:
set in the path of the request as a string and is not replacing it with the actual value.
Given your Regular Expression Extractor and ForEach Controller configurations are correct everything should work fine. If you need any assistance with this provide the following screenshots:
Regular Expression Extractor configuration
Debug PostProcessor or Debug Sampler output in the View Results Tree listener showing several generated JMeter Variables
ForEach Controller configuration
HTTP Request sampler configuration (i.e. where do you put the variable)
Be aware that you can mimic crawling the site more easily using HTML Link Parser the relevant configuration would be as simple as
See How to Spider a Site with JMeter - A Tutorial to learn more about simulating websites crawling.

How to parameterized request if getting recorded script like this.? See details

How to parameterize request if I am getting something similar to the following for login POST request in body data tab.
It's generally easy to correlate when we are getting in Parameters TAB, but in cases how we can proceed? For all further requests - it's the similar case.
I tried to switch to Parameters TAB, but it says that it can not be converted to that format.
So How we can proceed?
The same way, just substitute hard-coded (recorded) values with the relevant JMeter Variables directly in the request body like:
The most commonly used for parameterization test element is CSV Data Set Config, however other options exist.

JMeter - Using cookie field as variable

have been looking into JMeter recently. I need to get an authentication string from a cookie and use it when posting a request to a different path. The Auth string changes each time the login page is hit.
Is there a way in JMeter to use one cookie for all paths in a test when the paths are different?
Path to Get Cookie:
Path: /some/login/path
Use the cookie value:
Path: /somewhere/different
I have set the below JMeter properties to be able to use Cookies as needed.
When I run the samplers the result for the request to /somewhere/different
Returns [no cookies]
I can see the cookie data present in the Request when the path is /some/login/path
I have tried defining a User-Defined cookie but I need to get the auth string first to use it in the different path.
When I do this I can see the cookie data added to the request to /somewhere/different but the var is not being set. I don't think this is the right way to solve the challenge.
To get the auth string first I tried to use the Controller "User defined Variables" to store the cookie value and pass it back to the Cookie Manager- this did not work.
And I looked at using the RegEx extractor to get the value so I could use it but I'm not sure that this can be used to get cookie values?
My understanding is that you cannot use more than one cookie manager per Thread group. As I type this I realize that the solution might be that I must use separate threads and pass the cookie value from one thread to another.
Apologies if the question is framed poorly first time here, signed up to ask after searches didn't turn up a solution. If you need more info/screens of my JMeter set up for any of the scenarios I tried above I'll add them. And thank you.
I'm afraid you won't be able to manipulate cookies using built-in JMeter features, you'll need to go deeper and invoke JMeter API methods from scripting test elements.
For instance:
Add a Beanshell PostProcessor as a child of the first request
Put the following code into the PostProcessor(s) "Script" area:
import org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.control.Cookie;
import org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.control.CookieManager;
CookieManager manager = ctx.getCurrentSampler().getCookieManager();
for (int i = 0; i < manager.getCookieCount(); i++) {
Cookie cookie = manager.get(i);
if (cookie.getName().equals("your_cookie_name")) {
Cookie newCookie = cookie;
Change your_cookie_name and /your/new/path as per your requirements
It will create a new one with the different path. JMeter's HTTP Cookie Manager doesn't allow 2 cookies with the same name so the old one has to be removed.
CookieManager class JavaDoc
JMeterContext class JavaDoc
How to Use BeanShell: JMeter's Favorite Built-in Component guide - overview of scripting, extra information on pre-defined variables, "cookbook" with some examples.

Jmeter - pause when response assertion triggers?

I've got a Jmeter test up and running on an API I'm building.
The API returns this if it gets overloaded:
What I'd like to do is have JMeter also PAUSE if it gets that result.
I already have set up a Response Assertion that captures these errors. It seems like this should be a simple thing to set up, but I'm not seeing it. I see that I can add an If Controller, but that only works with Javascript vars.
Do I need to add a Regular Expression Extractor, grab that 'failure' as 'type' variable, and then add that to the If Controller?
Seems a little over-complicated?
Am I missing something?
Try to use BeanShell Timer to handle this situation.
allows scripting so you can program timer behavior how you need;
has access to jmeter context - via ctx variable - so you can handle ResponseCode condition.
Here you can find good article with example how to use.
And here - how to access beanshell variables and handle response code.
Your condition will be something like this one:
if (prev.getResponseCode().equals("500") == true) {
. . .
PLEASE NOTE: script used in BeanShell Timer should return value is used as the number of milliseconds to wait.
Another question is what the reason to do this.
If you have load/stress-test scenario then these results are something you should get during your tests and analyze then.
If you have kind of "functional" test-scenario so you have to handle this situation in more general way, adding any kind of properly configured timer to each sampler - to avoid overload or simulate "real-life" scenario.
Am I missing something?
