Recovering from Consul "No Cluster leader" state - mesos

I have:
one mesos-master in which I configured a consul server;
one mesos-slave in which I configure consul client, and;
one bootstrap server for consul.
When I hit start I am seeing the following error:
2016/04/21 19:31:31 [ERR] agent: failed to sync remote state: rpc error: No cluster leader
2016/04/21 19:31:44 [ERR] agent: coordinate update error: rpc error: No cluster leader
How do I recover from this state?

Did you look at the Consul docs ?
It looks like you have performed a ungraceful stop and now need to clean your raft/peers.json file by removing all entries there to perform an outage recovery. See the above link for more details.

As of Consul 0.7 things work differently from Keyan P's answer. raft/peers.json (in the Consul data dir) has become a manual recovery mechanism. It doesn't exist unless you create it, and then when Consul starts it loads the file and deletes it from the filesystem so it won't be read on future starts. There are instructions in raft/ Note that if you delete raft/ it won't read raft/peers.json but it will delete it anyway, and it will recreate raft/ The log will indicate when it's reading and deleting the file separately.
Assuming you've already tried the bootstrap or bootstrap_expect settings, that file might help. The Outage Recovery guide in Keyan P's answer is a helpful link. You create raft/peers.json in the data dir and start Consul, and the log should indicate that it's reading/deleting the file and then it should say something like "cluster leadership acquired". The file contents are:
[ { "id": "<node-id>", "address": "<node-ip>:8300", "non_voter": false } ]
where <node-id> can be found in the node-id file in the data dir.

If u got raft version more than 2:
"id": "e3a30829-9849-bad7-32bc-11be85a49200",
"address": "",
"non_voter": false
"id": "326d7d5c-1c78-7d38-a306-e65988d5e9a3",
"address": "",
"non_voter": false
"id": "a8d60750-4b33-99d7-1185-b3c6d7458d4f",
"address": "",
"non_voter": false

In my case I had 2 worker nodes in the k8s cluster, after adding another node the consul servers could elect a master and everything is up and running.

I will update what I did:
Little Background: We scaled down the AWS Autoscaling so lost the leader. But we had one server still running but without any leader.
What I did was:
I scaled up to 3 servers(don't make 2-4)
stopped consul in all 3 servers.sudo service consul stop(you can do status/stop/start)
created peers.json file and put it in old server(/opt/consul/data/raft)
start the 3 servers (peers.json should be placed on 1 server only)
For other 2 servers join it to leader using consul join 10.201.8.XXX
check peers are connected to leader using consul operator raft list-peers
Sample peers.json file
"id": "306efa34-1c9c-acff-1226-538vvvvvv",
"address": "10.201.n.vvv:8300",
"non_voter": false
"id": "dbeeffce-c93e-8678-de97-b7",
"address": "10.201.X.XXX:8300",
"non_voter": false
"id": "62d77513-e016-946b-e9bf-0149",
"address": "10.201.X.XXX:8300",
"non_voter": false
These id you can get from each server in /opt/consul/data/
[root#ip-10-20 data]# ls
checkpoint-signature node-id raft serf
[root#ip-10-1 data]# cat node-id
Some useful commands:
consul members
curl http://ip:8500/v1/status/peers
curl http://ip:8500/v1/status/leader
consul operator raft list-peers
cd opt/consul/data/raft/
consul info
sudo service consul status
consul catalog services

You may also ensure that bootstrap parameter is set in your Consul configuration file config.json on the first node:
# /etc/consul/config.json
"bootstrap": true,
or start the consul agent with the -bootstrap=1 option as described in the official Failure of a single server cluster Consul documentation.


problemin connecting apache superset running inside docker container to Kylin

I have a running apache-superset inside a docker container that i want to connect to a running apache-kylin (Not inside docker ).
I am recieving the following error whenever i test connection with this alchemy URI : 'kylin://ADMIN#KYLIN#local:7070/test ':
[SupersetError(message='(builtins.NoneType) None\n(Background on this error at:', error_type=<SupersetErrorType.GENERIC_DB_ENGINE_ERROR: 'GENERIC_DB_ENGINE_ERROR'>, level=<ErrorLevel.ERROR: 'error'>, extra={'engine_name': 'Apache Kylin', 'issue_codes': [{'code': 1002, 'message': 'Issue 1002 - The database returned an unexpected error.'}]})]
"POST /api/v1/database/test_connection HTTP/1.1" 422 -
superset_app | 2021-07-02 18:44:17,224:INFO:werkzeug: - - [02/Jul/2021 18:44:17] "POST /api/v1/database/test_connection HTTP/1.1" 422 -
You might need to check your superset_app network first.
use docker inspect [container name] i.e.
docker inspect superset_app
in my case, it is running in superset_default network
"Networks": {
"superset_default": {
Next, you need to connect your kylin docker container to this network i.e.
docker network connect superset_default kylin
kylin is your container name.
Now, your superset_app and kylin container has been exposed within the same network. You can docker inspect your kylin container
docker inspect kylin
and find the IPAddress
"Networks": {
"bridge": {
"superset_default": {
"IPAddress": "",
In superset you can now connect your kylin docker container
We have hosted Dremio and Superset on an AKS Cluster in Azure and we are trying to connect Superset to the Dremio Database(Lakehouse) for fetching some dashboards. We have installed all the required drivers(arrowflight, sqlalchemy_dremio and unixodc/dev) to establish the connection.
Strangely we are able not able to connect to Dremio from the Superset UI using the connection strings:
Here’s the error:
(builtins.NoneType) None\n(Background on this error at:", "error_type": "GENERIC_DB_ENGINE_ERROR", "level": "error", "extra": {"engine_name": "Dremio", "issue_codes": [{"code": 1002, "message": "Issue 1002 - The database returned an unexpected error."}]}}]
However, while trying from inside the Superset pod, using this python script [here][1] 5, the connection goes through without any issues.
PS - One point to note is that, we have not enabled SSL certificates for our hostnames.

Unable to bootstrap nomad cluster with multi-region setup "Error bootstrapping: Unexpected response code: 500 (No path to region)"

I am trying to setup Nomad ACL among a multi region and multi datacenter cluster,
In server stanza I added the below on all server nodes
server {
enabled = true
bootstrap_expect = 2
encrypt = "XXX-same-on-all-servers-XXX"
authoritative_region = "HOME-DC"
server_join {
retry_join = ["server1", "server2", "server3"]
acl {
enabled = true
After I restart all the servers on tailing the logs this is what I get
2021-02-01T11:38:04.156Z [WARN] nomad.rpc: no path found to region: region=HOME-DC
2021-02-01T11:38:04.157Z [ERROR] nomad: failed to fetch namespaces from authoritative region: error="No path to region"
And this is I get if I run
nomad acl bootstrap -address=$NOMAD_ADDR
Error bootstrapping: Unexpected response code: 500 (No path to region)
On the docs I see it asks you to set the replication_token value of the acl stanza, but I am not clear on how to do it, Does it has to be generated somehow like the encrypt token? If yes then how? Reference
authoritative region: authoritative_region is not required and should be removed. After removing it, run nomad acl bootstrap will success.
non-authoritative regions:
authoritative_region is always required.
replication_token is required too, replication_token could be your authoritative's bootstrap token, or create another token from for less capabilities.

kafka.common.KafkaException: Failed to parse the broker info from zookeeper from EC2 to elastic search

I have aws MSK set up and i am trying to sink records from MSK to elastic search.
I am able to push data into MSK into json format .
I want to sink to elastic search .
I am able to do all set up correctly .
This is what i have done on EC2 instance
wget /usr/local -P ~/Downloads/
tar -zxvf ~/Downloads/confluent-oss-3.1.2-2.11.tar.gz -C ~/Downloads/
sudo mv ~/Downloads/confluent-3.1.2 /usr/local/confluent
After that i have modified kafka-connect-elasticsearch and set my elastic search url
The producer sends message like below fomrat
"data": {
"RequestID": 517082653,
"ContentTypeID": 9,
"OrgID": 16145,
"UserID": 4,
"PromotionStartDateTime": "2019-12-14T16:06:21Z",
"PromotionEndDateTime": "2019-12-14T16:16:04Z",
"SystemStartDatetime": "2019-12-14T16:17:45.507000000Z"
"metadata": {
"timestamp": "2019-12-29T10:37:31.502042Z",
"record-type": "data",
"operation": "insert",
"partition-key-type": "schema-table",
"schema-name": "dbo",
"table-name": "TRFSDIQueue"
I am little confused in how will the kafka connect start here ?
if yes how can i start that ?
I also have started schema registry like below which gave me error.
/usr/local/confluent/bin/schema-registry-start /usr/local/confluent/etc/schema-registry/
When i do that i get below error
[2019-12-29 13:49:17,861] ERROR Server died unexpectedly: (
kafka.common.KafkaException: Failed to parse the broker info from zookeeper: {"listener_security_protocol_map":{"CLIENT":"PLAINTEXT","CLIENT_SECURE":"SSL","REPLICATION":"PLAINTEXT","REPLICATION_SECURE":"SSL"},"endpoints":["CLIENT:/
Please help .
As suggested in answer i upgraded the kafka connect version but then i started getting below error
ERROR Error starting the schema registry (
io.confluent.kafka.schemaregistry.exceptions.SchemaRegistryInitializationException: Error initializing kafka store while initializing schema registry
Caused by: Timed out trying to create or validate schema topic configuration
... 5 more
Caused by: java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException
at org.apache.kafka.common.internals.KafkaFutureImpl$SingleWaiter.await(
at org.apache.kafka.common.internals.KafkaFutureImpl.get(
... 7 more
First, Confluent Platform 3.1.2 is fairly old. I suggest you get the version that aligns with the Kafka version
You start Kafka Connect using the appropriate connect-* scripts and properties located under bin and etc/kafka folders
For example,
/usr/local/confluent/bin/connect-standalone \
/usr/local/confluent/etc/kafka/ \
If that works, you can move onto using connect-distributed command instead
Regarding Schema Registry, you can search its Github issues for multiple people trying to get MSK to work, but the root issue is related to MSK not exposing a PLAINTEXT listener and the Schema Registry not supporting named listeners. (This may have changed since versions 5.x)
You could also try using Connect and Schema Registry containers in ECS / EKS rather than extracting in an EC2 machine

How to use Marathon health check command mode?

I am running docker containers on mesos / marathon. I wanted to implement health checks, basically want to run a health check script. My question is, will the health check command be run on the container itself or does it run on the slave? It probably is container level since this is per application health check, so kind of obvious, but I would like to confirm it. Didn't find any relevant documentation that says where it is run.
I did try an echo to /tmp/testfile via the command, which I see on the slave. This means it runs on the slave? Just need confirmation. Any more information is useful
The short answer is: it depends. Long answer below : ).
Command heath checks are run by the Mesos docker executor in your task container via docker exec. If you run your containers using the "unified containerizer", i.e., in case of docker containers without docker daemon, things are similar, with the difference there is no docker exec and Mesos executor simply enters the mnt namespace of your container before executing the command health check (see this doc). HTTP and TCP health checks are run by the Marathon scheduler hence not necessarily on the node where your container is running (unless you run Marathon at the same node with Mesos agent, which is probably you should not be doing). Check out this page.
Now starting with Mesos 1.2.0 and Marathon 1.3, there is a possibility to run so-called Mesos-native health checks. In this case, both HTTP(S) and TCP health checks run on the agent where your container is running. To make sure the container network can be reached, these checks enter the net namespace of your container.
Mesos-level health checks (MESOS_HTTP, MESOS_HTTPS, MESOS_TCP, and COMMAND) are locally executed by Mesos on the agent running the corresponding task and thus test reachability from the Mesos executor. Mesos-level health checks offer the following advantages over Marathon-level health checks:
Mesos-level health checks are performed as close to the task as possible, so they are are not affected by networking failures.
Mesos-level health checks are delegated to the agents running the tasks, so the number of tasks that can be checked can scale horizontally with the number of agents in the cluster.
Limitations and considerations
Mesos-level health checks consume extra resources on the agents; moreover, there is some overhead for fork-execing a process and entering the tasks’ namespaces every time a task is checked.
The health check processes share resources with the task that they check. Your application definition must account for the extra resources consumed by the health checks.
Mesos-level health checks require tasks to listen on the container’s loopback interface in addition to whatever interface they require. If you run a service in production, you will want to make sure that the users can reach it.
Marathon currently does NOT support the combination of Mesos and Marathon level health checks.
Example usage
"path": "/api/health",
"portIndex": 0,
"protocol": "HTTP",
"gracePeriodSeconds": 300,
"intervalSeconds": 60,
"timeoutSeconds": 20,
"maxConsecutiveFailures": 3,
"ignoreHttp1xx": false
or Mesos HTTP:
"path": "/api/health",
"portIndex": 0,
"protocol": "MESOS_HTTP",
"gracePeriodSeconds": 300,
"intervalSeconds": 60,
"timeoutSeconds": 20,
"maxConsecutiveFailures": 3
or secure HTTP:
"path": "/api/health",
"portIndex": 0,
"protocol": "HTTPS",
"gracePeriodSeconds": 300,
"intervalSeconds": 60,
"timeoutSeconds": 20,
"maxConsecutiveFailures": 3,
"ignoreHttp1xx": false
Note: HTTPS health checks do not verify the SSL certificate.
or TCP:
"portIndex": 0,
"protocol": "TCP",
"gracePeriodSeconds": 300,
"intervalSeconds": 60,
"timeoutSeconds": 20,
"maxConsecutiveFailures": 0
"protocol": "COMMAND",
"command": { "value": "curl -f -X GET http://$HOST:$PORT0/health" },
"gracePeriodSeconds": 300,
"intervalSeconds": 60,
"timeoutSeconds": 20,
"maxConsecutiveFailures": 3
"protocol": "COMMAND",
"command": { "value": "/bin/bash -c \\\"</dev/tcp/$HOST/$PORT0\\\"" }
Further Information:

kafka HDFS connector connecting to private IP instead of hostname in multi-DC setup

I have 2 clusters:
one in house with confluent (3.0.0-1)
one in AWS, with hadoop (hdp 2.4)
I am trying to use the hdfs connector to write from confluent to hadoop.
Long story short: the connector tries to connect to a private IP of the hadoop cluster instead of using the hostname. On the in-house cluster, /etc/hosts has been updated to resolve the internal hadoop hostnames to the relevant public IP.
I am using the distributed connector, I have a bunch of connector JSON files as follow:
"name": "sent-connector",
"connector.class": "io.confluent.connect.hdfs.HdfsSinkConnector",
"tasks.max": "1",
"topics": "sent",
"hdfs.url": "hdfs://ambari:8020",
"hadoop.conf.dir": "/etc/hadoop/conf",
"hadoop.home": "/usr/hdp/current/hadoop-client",
"flush.size": "100",
"hive.home": "/usr/hdp/current/hive-client",
"hive.conf.dir": "/etc/hive/conf",
"partitioner.class": "io.confluent.connect.hdfs.partitioner.HourlyPartitioner",
"path.format": "'year'=YYYY/'month'=MM/'day'=dd/'hour'=HH/",
"locale": "C",
"timezone": "UTC",
"": "2000"
and the worker is defined as such:
bootstrap.servers=<eth0 IP of the server>:9092
A few notes:
/kafka-connect exists on hdfs, world-writeable
The 3 topics (*.storage.topic) do exist
I have one worker running on each (3) servers with kafka broker (there is a schema registry, rest API and zookeeper server as well on all brokers)
I have set dfs.client.use.datanode.hostname to true, and this property is set up on the client in $HADOOP_HOME/hdfs-site.xml
I see that the subdirectories of /kafka-connect are created as well as hive metadata. When I start the connector, the message is:
INFO Exception in createBlockOutputStream (org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSClient:1471) 60000 millis timeout while waiting for channel to be ready for connect. ch : java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[connection-pending remot
at org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSOutputStream.createSocketForPipeline(
at org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSOutputStream$DataStreamer.createBlockOutputStream(
at org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSOutputStream$DataStreamer.nextBlockOutputStream(
at org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSOutputStream$
INFO Abandoning BP-429601535- (org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSClient:1364)
INFO Excluding datanode (org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSClient:1368)
[rince and repeat with other datanodes]
Any idea on how to fix this? It looks like confluent receives the IP directly, not a hostname.
