Display images on Joomla - joomla

I just can't seem to display my images in Joomla. Here is an example of my code:
<a href="/img/Zaalvoetbaltornooi SKLA 2.jpg" rel="shadowbox"><img src="/img/Zaalvoetbaltornooi SKLA 2.jpg" width="200px" height="250px" alt="Fuif SLKA" id="eventskla" />
As you can see it also uses shadowbox which doesn't work. Here is a screenshot of my folders:
And a screenshot of templateDetails.XML:
Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? Options in Joomla wrong or wrong code?

I found it: I used the 'normal' way of coding but the code you have to use is this one:
<img src="<?php echo $this->baseurl; ?>/templates/<?php echo $this->template; ?>/images/myimage.png" alt="Custom image" class="customImage" />
Then simply change the map and image (e.g. /img/base.jpg) you're using in Joomla.

Just as a friendly tip, I like to create a variable called "tpath", which is the path to the template. It makes the paths I have to write in the template much shorter. I just create the variable in the Head like so:
$tpath = $this->baseurl.'/templates/'.$this->template;
Now all you have to do to write a template URL is:
href="<?php echo $tpath; ?>/...


HTML:Image won’t display

My image won’t display for no reason. I am a noob but I can’t figure it out. The image loads from the url so I know it’s not that. So I’m pretty sure it’s my problem with the coding.
<img src=https://www.dropbox.com/s/rm27v6s4nj885qu/IMG_0071.PNG?dl=0
Your URL is pointing to non-image resource. It's actually pointing to an HTML document.
In URL, change www by dl and remove ?dl=0.
This is valid image URL :
Alternatively, you can replace dl=0 to raw=1. This is also valid image URL:
Not always required but as a good practice I'll suggest using quotes for values. Also as mentioned in comments seperate attributes from each other with white space.
<img src="https://dl.dropbox.com/s/rm27v6s4nj885qu/IMG_0071.PNG"
height="300" width="250"/>
<img src="https://www.dropbox.com/s/rm27v6s4nj885qu/IMG_0071.PNG?raw=1" height="300" width"250"/>
source : Mickel's Tutorial
I hope, you must use the url of image, But you are referring the url preview pane of dropbox.
It is the actual url for image.
You also need some improvisation with your code, as below
<img src="https://uc215f04ebb05efbc98d874fefb2.previews.dropboxusercontent.com/p/thumb/AA767gGwgVfZ9rVS7PJbtIOR3eQsWN4mrXjNjVJH3JKjhI5eE7JOd-eQJwydUx1gPkpE3zkAnMSN3-1KEtFN86x-CdWnREg0mQ6hm7APBCuifux1ECDivRuLkrikn1sY_r20EmBWucKHyy-Ps5VPB8ehkUB6x0y9kSb3QzYpP8fOo7IeyR6IaCYZ66mxrJiUiUtzTAV3ddESpRV7lSRaumsSyVPc4k1RbUBS3-_JDnP8Qv6M42x2g7bZDy9vdhhIOZaO585_XQHegapCJ-8bnwLGt-VEy9nud0avi_gzMSpXxx3EXt_NYTWMfFqfstb2HFMVb7WK7jxkSRSX5eE5ck3Q0bdEPAKp1aPnClU2KqI-OgUea6ApGp4G0H4Q3l3UyOjfomtn-SndAAaUzPbaU1HK/p.png?fv_content=true&size_mode=5" height="300" width="250" />
It will work without any issue. You are not referring proper url that the actual issue.
Also, keep tag properties in quote "" if required.
<img src="url" height="200" width="300" />

Processwire Add css class to page

I there a possibility to add a classname to a page?
I can't figure out how to implement such feature or if it already exists.
I'm using Processwire 3.0.42.
Put something like this in your template where the body is:
<body class="<?php echo $page->template->name; ?>">
That will give your page body tag a class equal to page template name.
You can add a page title in the same way.
<body class="<?php echo $page->name; ?>">
Don't be worried about adding a class to every page. The overhead of doing this is negligible.
If you wish to add a different class you would need to add a field to your template and append it to the code above.
As always in ProcessWire, everything is under your control. Alternatives to #ivangretsky's perfectly good answer would include-
Simply include a conditional in your template file. (This doesn't scale well if you need to add other classes to other pages using the same template.)
$bodyClass = '';
if($page->id == 1021) $bodyClass = 'my-class';
<body class="<?php echo $bodyClass; ?>">
NB Using $page->id is better than $page->name, for example, as the ID doesn't change while the name could.
You could also add a field to the page template definition. Add a field called something like 'Body Class'. Then use the content of that field in your template file.
<body class="<?php echo $page->body-class; ?>">
This will scale better than my other suggestion, and there are options in the ProcessWire backend to hide or partially hide the field during normal use if you don't want users messing with its value.
One 'gotcha' from the CSS spec to be aware of is that CSS identifiers, including class names and IDs cannot start with a digit, so you cannot just use $page->id.
There are lot of options and it depends on your needs and maybe imagination :-).
You can use page name, template name, page id, or maybe combination.
<body class="<?php echo $page->template->name; ?> page-id-<?php echo $page->id; ?>">
// Output
<body class="your-template-name page-id-1234">
This way you can target template, page, or both.
Or, as mentioned by #ivangretsky, you can add custom field to page. And again, you can combine this aproach with template name, etc.
It depends on your needs and what you want to achieve.
Using $page->id is better than $page->name, as the ID doesn't change while the name could. #DaveP

Joomla's jdoc:include style

i am new in Joomla.
i found this code in my Template:
<jdoc:include type="modules" name="search" style="xhtml">
but i do not understand , whats this style="xhtml" refer ?
in my other joomla template , i see below code:
<jdoc:include type="modules" name="footer" style="e4jstyle">
so, whats this style means ? i change this style name, but didn't see any change.
Please, can anyone explain this code?
This is known as module chrome and it's an easy way to wrap extra html around the module output so you can style the front-end result. There are a number of different options, here's one reference to get you started: http://docs.joomla.org/Standard_Module_Chromes
It's not on the list above, but one I like to use for Joomla 3 is style="html5"
This will get you started if you want to roll your own module styles: http://docs.joomla.org/Applying_custom_module_chrome
Good luck!

Show intro-image and extra fields in Smart Search results in Joomla

I´m using Joomla Smart Search in my website and I´m want to show intro-image and some extrafields from the article in the search results.
Joomla Smart Search removes any html tags and I want to prevent to do this extra fields
in www\plugins\finder\content open content.php
then search for getListQuery , at the end of ->select list add ->select('a.images AS image'); save & close the file
in www\components\com_finder\views\search\tmpl open default_result.php
then search for class="result-title after the tag add these lines:
<?php $image=json_decode($this->result->image); ?>
<?php $aimage=$image->image_intro; ?>
<div class="search-img">
<a href="<?php echo JRoute::_($route); ?>">
<img src="/<?php echo $aimage; ?>" >
save & close
dont forget to purge & reindex the smart search
Smart search plugins say which fields should be indexed. You could replace some of the smart search plugins with ones of your own.
I have found a solution, not absolutly like I wanted but it works. The solution shows the intro-text and all inside the "read more" of the article in the search results (images, links and everything you want).
This solution was found here http://forum.joomla.org/viewtopic.php?p=2324152 and says something like this:
"You'll need to create a layout override for the components/com_finder/views/search /tmpl/default_result.php layout file using the steps described at http://docs.joomla.org/Understanding_Output_Overrides Once you've created the layout override, you should change"
<?php echo JHtml::_('string.truncate', $this->result->description, $this->params->get('description_length', 255)); ?>
in the layout file to:
<?php echo $this->result->summary; ?>
The location should be templates/template_name/html/com_finder/search/default_result.php
actually there is a very easy solution.
K2 saves the images based on the md5 hash of the id.
adding this:
<div class="search-img">
<img src="<?php echo JURI::base().'media/k2/items/cache/'.md5("Image".$this->result->id).'_M.jpg'; ?>" />
to the html override of the default_result.php will display the according k2 items (here in medium resolution)

echoing a image in view page from DB

i'm using Ci and i have a form that saves image in a folder. The name of the image is saved in my DB. I want to echo this image.i can retrieve the image name from Db but when i'm echoing this the image it is not showing. I think my controller and model is working fine but there is something wrong with my view.
the part where i'm echoing the image:
<img src="<?php echo base_url();?>uploads/$info[0]->image"></img>
info is the array where the information from the DB(like image name) is saved.
I cannot find my mistake.please help.
I think it's because you're using $info[0]->image outside the PHP tags.
It should be like this:
<img src="<?php echo base_url().'uploads/'.$info[0]->image; ?>" />
One more mistake is how you write the HTML tag IMG
