In CKEditor5, I tried implementing custom element to convert model to view for editing. Then, editable element(#ckeditor/ckeditor5-engine/src/view/editableelement) in container element(#ckeditor/ckeditor5-engine/src/view/containerelement) is focused on the parent container element and can not be edited.
For example, if it is implemented as follows:
.toElement(new ContainerElement('div', {}, [new EditableElement('h4')]));
The result of actual editing dom after inserting 'myElement' and keydown "abc". (I hope inputting text of "abc" to h4 tag but...)
<br data-cke-filler="true">
I also tried using widget for applying contenteditable attribute.
But, text couldn't be entered in h4.
<div class="ck-widget" contenteditable="false">
<h4 class="ck-editable" contenteditable="true">
<br data-cke-filler="true">
Is this bug, or I made mistake understanding of container element?
[Additional details]
I am assuming to make a widget plugin for ranking list.
First, the ranking list is structured by <ol> and <li> tags because of having multiple items.
I solved that by defining two schema such as "rankingList" and "rankingListItem",
so I realized dynamic elements using nested model elements.
const item1 = new ModelElement('rankingListItem');
const item2 = new ModelElement('rankingListItem');
const model = new ModelElement('rankingList', {}, [item1, item2]);
// and insert
Next, the item of ranking list has link, image, title and note.
Therefore, the ranking list item has the following DOM structure:
<ol><!-- apply toWidget -->
<a href="link[editable]">
<img src="image[editable]">
I expect the view element is the following:
const {ref, src, title, notes} = data; // how to get data?
const view = new ContainerElement('a', {ref}, [
new EmptyElement('img', {src}),
new EditableElement('h3', {}, new Text(title)),
new EditableElement('p', {}, new Text(title)),
// maybe incorrect ...
In conclusion, I want to use editable view not to break defined DOM tree.
How can I realize it?
Thank you for describing your case. It means a lot for us at the moment to know how developers are using the editor and what are your expectations.
Unfortunately, this looks like a very complex feature. It also looks like it would need custom UI (to edit link url and image src -- unless they do not change after added to the editor). It seems that you struggle with two problems:
position mapping between the model and the view,
nested editables.
First, to answer your question about EditableElement - it seems to be correct to use them for h3 and p elements.
However, such complex feature needs custom converters. Converter builders (which you used) are dedicated to being used in simple cases, like element-to-element conversion, or attribute-to-attribute conversion.
Behind the nice API, build converter is a function factory, that creates one or multiple functions. Those are then added as callbacks to ModelConversionDispatcher (which editor.editing.modelToView is an instance of). ModelConversionDispatcher fires a series of events during the conversion, which is a process of translating a change in the model to the view.
As I've mentioned, you would have to write those converting functions by yourself.
Since this is too big of a subject for a detailed and thorough answer, I'll just briefly present you what you should be interested in. Unfortunately, there are no guides yet about creating custom converters from scratch. This is a very broad subject.
First, let me explain you from where most of your problems come from. As you already know, the editor has three layers: model (data), view (DOM-like structure) and DOM. Model is converted to view and view is rendered to DOM. Also, the other way, when you load data, DOM is converted to view and view is converted to model. This is why you need to provide model-to-view converter and view-to-model converter for your feature.
The important piece of this puzzle is engine.conversion.Mapper. Its role is to map elements and positions from model to view. As you already might have seen, the model might be quite different than the view. Correct position mapping between those is key. When you type a letter at caret position (in DOM), this position is mapped to model and the letter is inserted in the model and only then converted back to the view and DOM. If view-to-model position conversion is wrong, you will not be able to type, or really do anything, at that place.
Mapper is pretty simple on its own. All it needs is that you specify which view elements are bound to which model elements. For example, in the model you might have:
<listItem type="bulleted" indent="0">Foo</listItem>
<listItem type="bulleted" indent="1">Bar</listItem>
While in the view you have:
If the mapper knows that first listItem is bound with first <li> and the second listItem is bound with second <li>, then it is able to translate positions correctly.
Back to your case. Each converter has to provide data for Mapper. Since you used converter builder, the converters build by it already do this. But they are simple, so when you provide:
.toElement(new ContainerElement('div', {}, [new EditableElement('h4')]));
it is assumed, that myElement is bound with the <div>. So anything that is written inside that <div> will go straight to myElement and then will be rendered at the beginning of myElement:
Assuming that you just wrote x at <h4>, that position will be mapped to myElement offset 0 in the model and then rendered to view at the beginning of <div>.
As you can see, in your case, it is <h4> which should be bound with myElement.
At the moment, we are during refactoring phase. One of the goals is providing more utility functions for converter builders. One of those utilities are converters for elements which have a wrapper element, like in that "div + h4" case above. This is also a case of image feature. The image is represented by <image> in model but it is <figure><img /></figure> in the view. You can look at ckeditor5-image to see how those converters look like now. We want to simplify them.
Unfortunately, your real case is even more complicated because you have multiple elements inside. CKE5 architecture should be able handle your case but you have to understand that this is almost impossible to write without proper guides.
If you want to tinker though, you should study ckeditor5-image repo. It won't be easy, but this is the best way to go. Image plugin together with ImageCaption are very similar to your case.
<image alt="x" src="y">
<figure class="image">
<img alt="x" src="y" />
While in your case, I'd see the model somewhere between those lines:
<rankItem imageSrc="x" linkUrl="y">
And I'd make the view a bit heavier but it will be easier to write converters:
<li contenteditable="false">
<a href="y">
<img src="x" />
<span class="data">
<span class="title" contenteditable="true">Foo</span>
<span class="notes" contenteditable="true">Bar</span>
For rankTitle and rankNotes - base them on caption element (ckeditor5-image/src/imagecaption/imagecaptionengine.js).
For rankItem - base it on image element (ckeditor5-image/src/image/).
Once again - keep in mind that we are in the process of simplifying all of this. We want people to write their own features, even those complicated ones like yours. However, we are aware of how complex it is right now. That's why there are no docs at the moment - we are looking to change and simplify things.
And lastly - you could create that ranking list simpler, using Link plugin and elements build with converter builder:
rankList -> <ol class="rank">,
rankItem -> <li>,
rankImage -> <img />,
rankNotes -> <span class="notes">,
rankTitle -> <span class="title">.
However, it will be possible to mess it up because the whole structure will be editable.
<rankImage linkHref="" />
Where "Foo" and "Bar" also have linkHref attribute set.
<ol class="rank">
<img src="" />
<span class="title">Title</span>
<span class="notes">Foo</span>
Something like this, while far from perfect, should be much easier to write as long as we are before the refactor and before writing guides.
Of course you will also have to provide view-to-model converters. You might want to write them on your own (take a look at ckeditor5-list/src/converters.js viewModelConverter() -- although yours will be easier because it will be flat, not nested list). Or you can generate them through converter builder.
Maybe it will be possible to use the approach above (simpler) but use contentEditable attribute to control the structure. rankList would have to be converted to <ol> with contentEditable="false". Maybe you could somehow use toWidget for better selection handling, for example. rankNotes and rankTitle would have to be converted to element with contentEditable="true" (maybe use toWidgetEditable()).
In the following markup, what is the best BEM approach?
<footer role="footer">
<footer class="footer__inner">
<div class="footer__left">© Some text</div>
<div class="footer__right">Some text</div>
OR this?:
<footer role="footer">
<footer class="footer__inner">
<div class="footer__inner__footer__left">© Some text</div>
<div class="footer__inner__footer__right">Some text</div>
Or none of them are right and you know a better way?
You want to have clean reusable blocks. Ask yourself which part you might want to reuse.
Multi level nesting of blocks are frowned upon. And that's for a good reason. In case of reusability there should only be one block as root reference. Everything below that one block is, from a bem syntactic point of view, simply an element of that block. Not a sub-block, not a sub element, but only an element.
So, BEM doesn't care about your HTML structure. It's much more a question of what purpose a block or an element has.
I can't really tell from your example what the purpose of your nested footers might be, but it looks to me as if you consider the role attribute of your outer footer element as part of BEM-naming. But it's not. Keep in mind the idea of separation of concerns. role="footer" is HTML semantic. You should not use it as BEM naming reference because you might want to change that HTML attribute one day and then your BEM semantic would go up in smoke.
So, here's what I would do.
Let's say you want your outer footer to be the reusable element then you might want to name your classes like this (just as an example):
<footer class="footer" role="footer">
<footer class="footer__textbox">
<div class="footer__text footer__text--left"> <!-- left as modifier -->
<div class="footer__text footer__text--right"> <!-- right as modifier -->
Now you can take your footer and use it in any appropriate section of the page and anyone reading your code can get grasp an idea about the purpose of this css structure.
First variant looks fine for me.
Second is wrong as you shouldn't reflect DOM structure in class names. See
Markup suggest by LongHike is also good.
<a><img src="../photos/vacances01.jpg"></a>
<a><img src="../photos/vacances02.jpg"></a>
i would like to create a loop to read all the images in the file called vacances01, vacances02...
and famille01, famille02...
with for exemple the possibility to defina a part the word "vacances", or "famille", or "cars"....
like i specify a word which go after '../photos/' then it loops the numbers with 'i++' and it write at the end '.jpg'
and it generate that in loops :
<a><img src="../photos/vacances01.jpg"></a>
do you understand me ?
thank you in advance, my level is not very high
First of you have to understand that HTML is not a programming language in the way you think it is. HTML is, as the name suggests, a markup lanuage, used for designing websites. The "i++" is used in languages like C++ and Java. JavaScript could be used for such a task. How, I do not know.
Using Nokogiri, I want to fetch the part of the paragraph that comes after the <span> tags.
I am no regex hero, and it is the only thing that I need to discover before I can move forward. The only constant in the list is the | symbol, and the ugly way is to get the whole thing and split and join it I guess. Hopefully, there is a smarter, more elegant way!
<strong>I don't care about </strong>
this I do care about
</p></li> ...
If your HTML is that simple, then this will work:
require 'nokogiri'
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(<<EOT)
<strong>I don't care about </strong>
this I do care about
</p></li> ...
EOT'p').children.last # => #<Nokogiri::XML::Text:0x3ff1995c5b00 "\nthis I do care about\n">'p').children.last.text # => "\nthis I do care about\n"
Parsing HTML and XML is really a matter of looking for landmarks that can be used to find what you want. In this case, <span> is OK, but getting the content you want based on that isn't quite as easy as looking up one level, to the <p> tag, grabbing its content, the children, selecting the last node in that list, which is text node containing the text you want.
The reason using the <span> tag is not the way I'd go is, if the HTML formatting changes, the number of nodes between <span> and your desired text could change. Intervening text nodes containing "\n" could be introduced for the formatting of the source, which would mess up a simple indexed lookup. To work around that, the code would have to ignore blank nodes and find the one that wasn't blank.
I am no regex hero...
And you shouldn't try to be with HTML or XML. They're too flexible and can confound regular expressions unless you're dealing with extremely trivial searches on very static HTML, which isn't very likely in the real internet unless you're scanning abandoned pages. Instead, learn and rely on decent HTML/XML parsers, that can reduce a page into a DOM, making it easy to search and traverse the markup.
Within my custom cell there are 2 span-elements.
<span class="FormElement">
<span class="customelement" id="code" name="code">BER01_CN_045_002</span>
Is there a way to avoid this?
See the demo, I am talking about cell "code".
I think, that you should don't spend your time in such kind of code optimization. Like I tried to explain in my previous answer the first <span> will be inserted by jqGrid for all form elements having the option edittype:'custom'. The second <span> you inserted yourself in the code of your custom formatter. It is permitted to have nested <span> elements like to have nested <div> elements. I recommend you better to follows the jqGrid standard code as trying to make any kind of optimization which nobody will see at the end except you.
Moreover if you look more in the HTML code of your page generated by jqGrid you will see that the form itself (the form with id="FrmGrid_grid" in your example) are placed inside of <span>. In the same way in the code of the column headers you will also find <span class="s-ico"> which has another two <span> elements as the children. Would you like to try to "optimize" also the code? So I repeat my advice just to hold jqGrid standards and not trying to optimize such small pieces of code like nested <span> elements.