Using Two IDEs ( xCode and VS 2015) for one project - xcode

I am struggling to get this right..
I do alot of work on my laptop using xCode.
My desktop is a win10 machine using VS.
I am using git on my mac but only using it on one machine.
I would like to use both machines to edit and commit to my assignments, etc.
My question is how may I accomplish this...I have exhausted google searches and
get more confused than anything, and I am sure this is simple.
When I create an xCode project, I will create multiple targets
as there might be 2 or 3 problems per assignment.
Xcode then creates a project file, etc.
When I go to my windows PC, if I go into VS and clone the repo,
there is not a compatible project file ( obviously, as its not xCode).
What is the simplest way to accomplish this? Keep in
mind I am a beginner with git.
Also, if I use a gitignore file and put it in the repo after the
repo has already had commits, will it drop and delete the
now ignored files moving forward?
Thanks in advance.


Moving Xcode project onto another machine - How do I handle files referenced from outside the project folder?

thanks for taking a look.
I had bought the cheapest Mac Mini I could so that I could do some iOS dev, and my project has outgrown it. So I bought a MacBook Pro! It's awesome, uploading my parse cloud code took 15-20 minutes on the mini, and is instantaneous on the MBP.
However, I'm having trouble getting my Xcode project to build. Some of my frameworks are red in the Project Navigator, and I notice that their paths are /Users/[account name]/Documents/Downloads/[framework files]. It looks like on my mini I had created references instead of copying the files into my project.
I know it's against protocol here, but I haven't attempted much out of fear of breaking something. I have tried some googling, but I haven't found any relevant info. I may just be searching the wrong stuff, so feel free to mark this as duplicate and send me on the right path.
I'm using github to host a private repo for the project. What steps should I take to properly move the necessary files into my project folder, re-push the project to github, and pull back onto the other machine?
I am not going to be working from the mini anymore, at least on this project, so if it's easier to copy the file over the the MBP, put it in the project folder, and change the reference or something similar, I can do that. And I haven't made any changes to the code on the MBP, just worked on resetting up signing identities / provisioning profiles. I can always pull the project again if something gets mucked up there, but I'm nervous about changing stuff on the mini, breaking stuff, and not being able to build out my project at all.
Any tips on moving forward before I try stuff myself? Again, sorry that this breaks protocol for posting, I just want to avoid breaking my project... this isn't something a simple undo could fix, and I can't risk losing the entire project because of something stupid.
I would do this:
make sure all your projects are in source code control and committed -- good practice.
backup MacBook Pro (time machine), just in case.
copy the external dependencies over to new MacBook Pro in a way that makes sense.
one by one, delete the red frameworks and re-add them to the projects. Your choice as to copy vs reference.
Afterwards, I'd consider migration to something like Cocoapods for management of dependencies. I say consider because that's exactly the state I'm in - considering this option.
This should move you forward fairly safely. Best of luck!

Git Merge Conflict in xCode

I'm using (for the first time) Git as a source control of my iOS project. We are two persons working on this project. Everything was ok until the day that we modified the same file (different methods and lines).
So when I want to commit my modification xcode tell me to pull first, because my co-worker already committed his work. when I pulled I lost my local modifications.
To face this problem, what are the steps to make ?
You'd be better off using a feature branch workflow.
This will allow you and your colleague to work on the same files with fairly little fuss. Share branches at your own risk!

Xcode Git Bad Instructions

I was attempting to connect xcode and github(complete noob at this) and followed these instructions and for some reason I couldn't get it to work.
It requires you to go to the folder you stored your projects then start the commands. Now whenever I make a project in that same folder the xcode option to create a local git repository on this computer is grayed out. I can create a project anywhere else in my computer and I get the option.
I just created a new folder right next to it and moved my projects there but I don't like the idea of having changed some settings and not know how to reverse them. Tell me how to reverse them? Or at least what it is I did with each command?
Also if anyone has a solid guide of how to connect Xcode 5 to github it would be greatly appreciated. Most of the internet's information is on Xcode 4/4.5. The best one I could find is what messed up my local git options.

Share Xcode project between multiple developers

I have a project and I want to work with another developer on the same project. I'm looking for a way to share the project between us, so that we can work on it parallel at the same time. I need it to work locally, without using an internet connection.
I'm a part of a 2-3 iOS developers team so I can give you a few tips from my experience on collaborating (we use git, I'm assuming you know a bit about. if not, read this), after you get the hang of it here are my thoughts -
Try to make as little change as you can to your project pbx file simultaneity, It'll result in a conflict almost every time
Don't be scared of branches, we're using them all the time, if you two are planning to work on different features of the same product try to do it in different branches
We had serious problems with storyboards and collaboration - like pbx their content change even on open and merging those changes can be very tiring
You already have Git available to you inside of XCode. You can share your code and work on it on the same time using "branching" mechanisms.
Bitbucket has excellent FREE private mode where you and 5 other people can share a Git repository. There are easy-to-use tutorials available on their site. I would highly suggest using that.
I would steer away from using SVN, there are better tools for what you are looking for.
Why don't you use SVN ?
You can configure SVN in Xcode for doing this. Also you can use Git.
Configuring Xcode to use subversion
Git Source Control With Xcode
Check this question How to set up an SCM in Xcode?.
There you will get links about how to setup SCM for xcode

Can Xcode ask / react to file changes outside of the IDE?

Is there are means whereby if files are altered outside of Xcode, that a warning in can be shown to ask if you want to refresh the file? This feature is available in Visual Studio, for example.
As a temporary solution, were working on source files in a Dropbox folder.
Although growl notifies us that some files has changed, Xcode doesn't know about these changes.
No, Xcode won't do that, and since there's no support for plugins you're pretty much stuck with that behavior. Some suggestions:
Create a local git repository (Xcode can do this for you when you create the project, I don't know if you can do it once it is created.
Use another IDE, like AppCode (this isn't even a solution, just came to me and I decided to add it).
With a version control system you can see the little 'M' on edited files, browse changes, etc. But since you wrote that this is a temporary solution I bet you already know this.
