please guide me how to handle windows popups using jmeter.
Whether jmeter can handle windows based alerts or not.
I have tried to google it, but couldnt found.
Depending on what popups do you see.
If it is JavaScript alert like:
You shouldn't be worrying about it as JMeter doesn't execute client-side JavaScript however it's HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder proxy is capable of recording and replaying associated requests (if any)
If it is modal dialog like:
It means that your application uses external authentication provider, i.e.:
Basic HTTP Authentication
All thee above types can be handled by JMeter's HTTP Authorization Manager. See the following reference articles:
How to Use HTTP Basic Authentication in JMeter
Windows Authentication with Apache JMeter
Is it possible to pass Keys.TAB or Keys.Slash using Jmeter HTTP request through a groovy script?
As per JMeter project main page:
JMeter is not a browser, it works at protocol level. As far as web-services and remote services are concerned, JMeter looks like a browser (or rather, multiple browsers); however JMeter does not perform all the actions supported by browsers. In particular, JMeter does not execute the Javascript found in HTML pages. Nor does it render the HTML pages as a browser does (it's possible to view the response as HTML etc., but the timings are not included in any samples, and only one sample in one thread is ever displayed at a time).
So if pressing tab or slash triggers a network request to your server - you can mimic it by sending the corresponding HTTP Request via HTTP Request sampler. You can check whether pressing a key generates network activity by looking at "Network" tab of your browser developer tools
If pressing a key doesn't generate a HTTP request - you won't be able to test this scenario using JMeter, you will need a real browser driven by the browser automation framework like Selenium. JMeter can be integrated with Selenium via WebDriver Sampler
I am trying to do a load test using JMeter for the first Time.
My approach is to test each page one by one.
The main page is like http://localhost:8180/myapp/ hardcoded the credentials)
I am able to reach this page without any problem.
I created a HTTP request component and able to see the response without any issue.
In the main page there is a button which populates the report, in the browser , the url is like
But when i create a HTTP request it is reaching but shows the security error page in the 'Response
Data' as Due to security reasons, we still recommend you to close this window.
can someone guide me how to test the other pages without these security errors. This is a struts2 Web application.
No matter what technology is being used under the hood of the web application you're testing you should stick to one simple rule:
Well-behaved JMeter test must send exactly the same requests as real browser
It includes:
Same number/sequence/nature of the HTTP Requests
Same HTTP Headers (including Cookies)
any dynamic values need to be properly correlated
Once JMeter will send the same requests as real browser does it should receive the same responses. So just use a 3rd-party sniffer tool like Fiddler or Wireshark to capture the requests originating from browser and JMeter and amend JMeter's configuration until the requests start looking exactly the same. This should resolve your issue.
Solved the issue by adding HTTP Cookie Manger and
set Cookie Policy as Standard
click HTTP Cookie Manager
and click save icon on the top.
Thanks #Dimitri T and #Roman C for their valuable suggestion.
I'm facing a problem when writing a JMeter test plan.
The goal is to test an OpenXava based application.
I perform the request with firefox then I try to copy the headers, parameters and cookies in my HTTP request sampler (thus in JMeter).
There are a lot of parameters (36) sent when trying to login. I copied all of them.
However, I can't make it work.
The HTTP response seems useless. It's nearly the same I get when sending a wwrong password with Firefox :
throw 'allowScriptTagRemoting is false.';
var s0={};
Do you have a clue about what is happening ? Should I try to test the login page with another method ?
Why don't you just record your flow using JMeter's HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder and your browser.
Set up JMeter Proxy Server
Set up your browser to use JMeter as the proxy
Perform the test scenario in the browser - JMeter should capture the requests under the Recording Controller
Perform correlation if required. If your application is deployed in the Internet you might get benefit of cloud-based proxy service which can perform automated detection of dynamic parameters and generating the relevant code to extract the values and substitute recorded hard-coded parameters with the variables
Don't forget to add HTTP Cookie Manager to your Test Plan - it deals with cookies and cookie-based authentication
How to conduct performance testing of my web service? The service displays a page, then the login form in the user's Personal account. It is necessary to enter and display the user's personal account. The service uses meteorjs. To display the personal account is necessary to emulate a browser. jmeter as I understand it is not suitable for this test. He(jmeter) is not able to emulate the browser can't request the js script on the client. Can you recommend tools for such testing? And how conduct ?
Well-behaved JMeter test can do whatever browser does (from protocol-level perspective). JMeter will not execute client-side JavaScript, neither it will render the response, however if JavaScript generates a HTTP request - JMeter can even record it using HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder (or you can manually create this request by adding relevant HTTP Request sampler)
So the options are:
If your request is ad-hoc (i.e. periodic or on-demand) you can use HTTP Request sampler to mimic it
If your request is asynchronous (AJAX) you can go for one of the techniques described in the How to Load Test AJAX/XHR Enabled Sites With JMeter article or use Parallel Controller plugin
And finally you can use JMeter for kicking off real browser instances using either WebDriver Sampler or JSR223 Sampler
One of the services I gonna test using Jmeter has complex authorization mechanism that requires some CS-based steps (JavaScript). So, to set up a session, I have to use WebDriver as Jmeter can't (and actually shouldn't) process JS.
I do it in the following way: at the beginning of each thread I open the resource in real browser (via Jmeter WebDriver plugin), complete authorization, store browser cookies that was set up by server and then use these cookies to generate load using standard Jmeter logic within defined HTTP-session.
This schema works fine and I successfully use it in different load tests.
But now the service I test requires not only cookies but also some important parameters that browser sends in POST as a part of authorization process. To prove that my requests belong to the same session, I should extract some sensitive parameters not from response (it can be easily done) but from request.
I can't find these values stored anywhere in DOM and it seems like these values are generated by JS attached to response page.
So, my question is: is there a way to capture parameters from request sent by WebDriver?
I understand that all requests done by browser initiated in Jmeter are not visible to it. And the only idea I see is to use Jmeter request recorder dynamically:
Open browser window.
Define Jmeter as a proxy for this browser.
Capture requests sent by browser in Jmeter using recorder.
Somehow extract sensitive data from requests.
Use the data to generate load.
Any ideas appreciated. Thanks in advance!
Solved the issue by running local proxy server (BrowserMob Proxy project) using BeanShell sampler. I retarget the WebDriver Sampler to this proxy, perform required actions using browser, then store captured data in HAR format and process it (extract required data from requests). Then just store valuable request parameters in variables (or properties) and use them in a regular way in HTTP sampler to generate load. Hope it can help anyone else in future.