cocos2d js - cannot load a frame of a spritesheet - loading

I have a game where I use spritesheet animations. Some images do load and some don't and I wonder why.
On those that don't, I'm getting:
$ #image.png does not exist
I use TexturePacker to create the images.
I've tried using smaller images, less images, less textures but I'm still unable to load certain images.
Could it be the names? I'm using pngs:
EDIT: I use free TexturePacker (with free featues) for all of my sprites and it works for some images and for some it doesn't.


Working PDF artwork for textures in SpriteKit

SK is supposed to be able to support vector artwork as long as it's in valid PDF format. But what the heck is "valid"?
I found a simple SVG and converted it to PDF using I put it in an xcassets, set the scale to Single Scale, and off it went.
Then I got another SVG, converted it to PDF using, put it into the same xcassets, set the scale to Single Scale and got:
Error loading image resource: "tank"
The PDF seems perfectly ok, it loads fine in Preview and Gapplin and I can't see any difference between it any the one that does work.
Does anyone know how to debug this?

Effect on existing images after changing JPEG quality (GD toolkit) in Drupal 7

On our Drupal 7 website with thousands of images, JPEG quality in GD toolkit was set at 100%.
This caused well-optimized images to be 150-200% larger if 'image styles' were used instead of 'original images'. But we need to use styles to keep images ratio consistent. CSS 'object-fit' is not an option for cross-browser reasons.
What will happen to the quality of existing images if we reduce quality to 60%?
Update: As far as I tested it should not have any effect on the existing images
(New) image style image (thumbnail) is generated if old one is not found. There is no point of re-generating thumbnails every time they are displayed since it would required too much server/resources.
If you want some thumbnail regenerated it should be enough to just delete thumbnail file. Next time it's called it will be generated again.
There is also a module for that:
Check on this thread to see other options:

Using Zwoptex - Getting a Plist

I want to create a plist from a SpriteSheet using Zwoptex, I've got the spriteSheet(1 Png file with all the sprites I need) and I would like the Plist to be showed as If there were many frames. (I dragged a sprite sheet with 3x4 sprites in it) but I don't have the individual sprites to drag them, do you by any chance know any program that will cut the spritesheet for me to drag them into Zwoptex or is there a way that Zwoptex can Identify each sprite in the sheet? And get the frames like this
HumanUp3..etc etc
instead of
* ...etc
Thanks for your time!!
AlfredSpriteUnlocker can help you extract images from your spritesheet.
Here is tool: SpriteSheet-Unpacker
This works for png sheet. For pvr, just open source and change .png to .pvr
You need to extract the sprites from png then import those sprites to Zwoptex.
I can recommend this software for your problem, but first I would suggest to check video of this software and then go for it.

How do I generate mipmap .png and model .obj files for LibGDX?

I'm playing a bit with LibGDX (OpenGL ES 2.0 wrapper for Android).
I found some sample code which used prepared files to load models and mipmap textures for them, e.g., at it reads .obj file for the model and RGB565 format .png file to apply a mipmapped texture to it.
What is the best / easiest way for me to create these files?
I understand .obj files are generated by a bunch of tools (I installed Blender, Wings3D and Kerkythea so far), but which ones will be the most user friendly for someone unfamiliar with 3D modelling?
But more importantly, how do I produce a .png file with the mipmapped texture? The .png I looked at ( ) seems to include different textures for each of the faces, probably created with some tool. I browsed through the menus for the 3 tools I have installed but didn't find an option to export such a .png file. What am I missing?

Best practices for creating thumbnails with GAE's Image API

For each photo in my datastore, I'm creating 3 thumbnails (small, medium, and large). I'm having a hard time figuring out what API functions to use on the original photos to get a balance between quality and file size for the thumbnails. The file size for the thumbs always seems to be too large.
GAE's Image API has many options for images (such as im_feeling_lucky(), converting from PNG to JPEG, and adjusting JPEG quality) and I'd like to know what functions to use and in which order to achieve the optimal setting for these thumbnails.
The easiest way to do this is simply to use get_serving_url to get a public URL for a scaled version of the image you can use as a thumbnail. This removes the need for you to create and separately store thumbnailed images.
