NSBezierPath: How to control numbers of segments with LineDashStyle ? - xcode

I want to draw a square, with NSBezierPath. The border of square must to be discontinue so i use dashStyle, but I don't have any control on numbers of segments created.
On Apple documentation the explanation is a bit vague. They said that "When setting a line dash pattern, you specify the width (in points) of each successive solid or transparent swatch".
So i think, I need a way to get the length of a curved bezier.
Does anyone have an idea how i can achive that ?

extension NSBezierPath {
var lenght:Double {
let flattenedPath = self.bezierPathByFlatteningPath
let segments = flattenedPath.elementCount
var lastPoint:NSPoint = NSZeroPoint
var point:NSPoint = NSZeroPoint
var size :Double = 0
for i in 0...segments - 1 {
let e:NSBezierPathElement = flattenedPath.elementAtIndex(i, associatedPoints: &point)
if e == .MoveToBezierPathElement {
lastPoint = point
} else {
let distance:Double = sqrt(pow(Double(point.x - lastPoint.x) , 2) + pow(Double(point.y - lastPoint.y) , 2))
size += distance
lastPoint = point
return size
With this extension i get the "approximative" length of a bezier. After that, everything is simple:
let myPath = NSBezierPath(roundedRect:myRect, xRadius:50, yRadius:50)
let pattern = myPath.length / (numbersOfSegments * 2) // we divide the length to double of segments we need.
myPath.setLineDash([CGFloat(pattern),CGFloat(pattern)], countL:2 , phase: 0)


Algorithm for tiling video views

Im making an app with video chat, and need to layout the participants in a zoom/teams like screen, filling a rectangle completely. Im locking the rotation to landscape, so I expect most video will be around 16/9 aspect ration, but this CAN be cropped, so its just something to aim for.
So given n tiles and an x times y rectangle, return a list of n rectangles with position and size which will together fill completely the outer rectangle.
Hoping someone knows about an algorithm which can do this while preserving aspect ratio as good as possible!
(I tried making a simple algorithm just progressively adding a column or a row, depending on which will make tiles aspect ratio match 16/9 closest, until there is enough sub-tiles, and then "joining" unused tiles afterwards, but it came out more complex and not as good as I hoped for...)
public static List<Tile> GetTilePartitionResult(
double width, double height,
int partitions, double preferredAspectRatio = 16d/9d)
var columns = 1;
var rows = 1;
var lastAddedRow = false;
while (columns * rows < partitions)
// Find out if we should add a row or a column
var rowAddedAspect = GetAspectRatio(width, height, rows + 1, columns);
var columnAddedAspect = GetAspectRatio(width, height, rows, columns + 1);
var rowAddedDiffFromIdeal = Math.Abs(preferredAspectRatio - rowAddedAspect);
var columnAddedDiffFromIdeal = Math.Abs(preferredAspectRatio - columnAddedAspect);
if (rowAddedDiffFromIdeal < columnAddedDiffFromIdeal)
lastAddedRow = true;
lastAddedRow = false;
// Since after adding the "last" divider we might have an excess number of cells
// So trim the "other" dimension until there is just enough tiles
if (lastAddedRow)
while (((columns - 1) * rows) >= partitions) columns--;
while (((rows - 1) * columns) >= partitions) rows--;
// Assume we have the optimal grid/column setup, now distribute
// the tiles over this grid
var tileHeight = height / rows;
var tileWidth = width / columns;
var tiles = new List<Tile>();
for (var row = 0; row < rows; row++)
for (var column = 0; column < columns; column++)
var newTile = new Tile
Height = tileHeight,
Width = tileWidth,
XOffSet = column * tileWidth,
YOffSet = row * tileHeight,
GridX = column,
GridY = row
// Was this the last tile:
if (tiles.Count == partitions)
// Yes -> check if there is free space on this column
var extraColumns = columns - 1 - column;
if (extraColumns > 0)
// this extra space can be used in 2 ways,
// either expand current tile with, or expand
// height of previous row columns(the cells that are "above" the empty space)
// We decide which is best by choosing the resulting aspect ratio which
// most closely matches desired aspect ratio
var newWidthIfExpandingHorizontally = newTile.Width + (extraColumns * tileWidth);
var newHeightIfExpandingVertically = height * 2;
var aspectRatioIfExpandingHorizontally =
GetAspectRatio(newWidthIfExpandingHorizontally, height, 1, 1);
var aspectRationIfExpandingVertically =
GetAspectRatio(width, newHeightIfExpandingVertically, 1, 1);
if (Math.Abs(aspectRatioIfExpandingHorizontally - preferredAspectRatio) <
Math.Abs(aspectRationIfExpandingVertically - preferredAspectRatio))
// TODO: Should consider widening multiple "right" places tiles
// and move some down if extra cells > 1 .... Next time...
newTile.Width = newWidthIfExpandingHorizontally;
// Find all tiles in previous row above empty space and change height:
var tilesToExpand = tiles.Where(t => t.GridY == row - 1 && t.GridX > column);
foreach (var tile in tilesToExpand)
tile.Height = newHeightIfExpandingVertically;
// Nothing else to do on this column(we filled it...)
return tiles;
P.S. My code is in C#, but this is really a generic algorithm-question...

2d circle rect collision and reflection doesnt work

I have game with map built by rectangles, darker rectangles (named "closed") mean its place where balls should be able to move, ball should reflect from the lighter rectangles(named "open") border. In future I'll add more balls and they will reflect from each other.
The problem is with new Vector after collision.
I force function circleRectGetCollisionNormal() to return vector(-1,0) what i think its normal for this case (ball is moving in right direction).
Ball is starting with degrees and change it simply to vector, this reflection worked for 45 degrees but when I change angle to 10 degrees ball moved into lighter rectangles(named "open").
Here is how it looks like (Picture)
I'm doing like this:
1-check if ball collided with lighter rectangle,
2-if it collided, I want to change direction so I return vector, for example for right side of ball colliding with rectangle return [-1,0] (I think its normal of vertical line, and its pointing left direction).
3-calculate new ball move Vector from this equation: newMoveVector = oldMoveVector − (2 * dotProduct(oldMoveVector, normalVector) * normalVector)
Here is code for each step:
circleRect(circlePos, circleSize, rectPos, rectSize) {
//its rectRect collision but it doesnt matter because reflection surface is always horizontal or vertical
let r1 = {
left: circlePos.x - circleSize.x/2,
right: circlePos.x + circleSize.x/2,
top: circlePos.y - circleSize.y/2,
bottom: circlePos.y + circleSize.y/2
let r2 = {
left: rectPos.x,
right: rectPos.x + rectSize.x,
top: rectPos.y,
bottom: rectPos.y + rectSize.y
return !(r2.left > r1.right ||
r2.right < r1.left ||
r2.top > r1.bottom ||
r2.bottom < r1.top);
isOnOpenTile(pos: Vector, size: Vector) {
let openTiles = this.getTiles('open');
let result = false;
openTiles.forEach(element => {
if( this.circleRect(pos,size,element.pos,element.size) ){
result = element;
return result;
circleRectGetCollisionNormal(c, r) {
if(c.pos.y <= r.pos.y - (r.size.y/2)) return new Vector(0,-1);
//Hit was from below the brick
if(c.pos.y >= r.pos.y + (r.size.y/2)) return new Vector(0,1);
//Hit was from above the brick
if(c.pos.x < r.pos.x) return new Vector(1,0);
//Hit was on left
if(c.pos.x > r.pos.x) return new Vector(-1,0);
//Hit was on right
return false;
getNewMoveVector(moveVector, normalVector) {
normalVector = this.normalize(normalVector);
let dot = (moveVector.x * moveVector.y) + (normalVector.x * normalVector.y);
let dotProduct = new Vector(dot, dot);
return moveVector.sub(dotProduct.mult(normalVector).mult(new Vector(2,2)));
normalize(v) {
let length = Math.sqrt((v.x*v.x) + (v.y*v.y));
return new Vector(v.x/length,v.y/length);
And here is main function for this
getMoveVectorOnCollision(circle) {
let coll = this.isOnOpenTile( circle.pos, circle.size );
if( coll != false) {
let vector = this.circleRectGetCollisionNormal(circle, coll);
return this.getNewMoveVector(circle.moveVector, vector);
} else return false;
Object Vector always contain 2 values all of function (mult, sub, div, add) work like here.
sub(vector: Vector) {
return new Vector(this.x - vector.x, this.y - vector.y);
Please give me advice, actual solution or tell about different way to do this reflection. I wasted more than 3 days trying to solve this, I have to move on.
Yor dot product calculation is erroneous. Change these lines:
let dot = (moveVector.x * moveVector.y) + (normalVector.x * normalVector.y);
let dotProduct = new Vector(dot, dot);
by this one line:
let dotProduct = (moveVector.x * normalVector.x + moveVector.y * normalVector.y);
Note that dotProduct is scalar value, not vector, so you have to make vector for subtraction as
subvec.x = 2 * dotProduct * normalVector.x
subvec.y = 2 * dotProduct * normalVector.y
return moveVector.sub(subvec);

pixijs very slow in mobile compared to css

I'm testing PIXIjs for a simple 2D graphics, basically I'm sliding tiles with some background color and borders animation, plus I'm masking some parts of the layout.
While it works great in desktops it's really slower than the same slide+animations made with pure css in mobile devices (where by the way I'm using crosswalk+cordova so the browser is always the same)
For moving tiles and animating color I'm calling requestAnimationFrame for each tile and I've disabled PIXI's ticker:
ticker.autoStart = false;
This slowness could be due to a weaker GPU on mobiles? or is just about the way I use PIXI?
I'm not showing the full code because is quite long ~ 800 lines.
The following is the routine I use for each tile once a slide is captured:
const animateTileBorderAndText = (tileObj, steps, _color, radius, textSize, strokeThickness, _config) => {
let pixiTile = tileObj.tile;
let s = 0;
let graphicsData = pixiTile.graphicsData[0];
let shape = graphicsData.shape;
let textStyle = pixiTile.children[0].style;
let textInc = (textSize - textStyle.fontSize) / steps;
let strokeInc = (strokeThickness - textStyle.strokeThickness) / steps;
let prevColor = graphicsData.fillColor;
let color = _color !== null ? _color : prevColor;
let alpha = pixiTile.alpha;
let h = shape.height;
let w = shape.width;
let rad = shape.radius;
let radiusInc = (radius - rad) / steps;
let r = (prevColor & 0xFF0000) >> 16;
let g = (prevColor & 0x00FF00) >> 8;
let b = prevColor & 0x0000FF;
let rc = (color & 0xFF0000) >> 16;
let rg = (color & 0x00FF00) >> 8;
let rb = color & 0x0000FF;
let redStep = (rc - r) / steps;
let greenStep = (rg - g) / steps;
let blueStep = (rb - b) / steps;
let paintColor = prevColor;
let goPaint = color !== prevColor;
let animate = (t) => {
if (s === steps) {
textStyle.fontSize = textSize;
textStyle.strokeThickness = strokeThickness;
//pixiTile.tint = color;
if (!_config.SEMAPHORES.slide) {
_config.SEMAPHORES.slide = true;
PUBSUB.publish(_config.SLIDE_CODE, _config.torusModel.getData());
return true;
if (goPaint) {
r += redStep;
g += greenStep;
b += blueStep;
paintColor = (r << 16) + (g << 8) + b;
textStyle.fontSize += textInc;
textStyle.strokeThickness += strokeInc;
pixiTile.beginFill(paintColor, alpha)
pixiTile.drawRoundedRect(0, 0, h, w, rad + radiusInc * (s + 1))
return requestAnimationFrame(animate);
return animate();
the above function is called after the following one, which is called for each tile to make it slide.
const slideSingleTile = (tileObj, delta, axe, conf, SEM, tilesMap) => {
let tile = tileObj.tile;
let steps = conf.animationSteps;
SEM.slide = false;
let s = 0;
let stepDelta = delta / steps;
let endPos = tile[axe] + delta;
let slide = (time) => {
if (s === steps) {
tile[axe] = endPos;
tilesMap[tileObj.row][tileObj.col] = tileObj;
return tileObj.onSlideEnd(axe == 'x' ? 0 : 2);
tile[axe] += stepDelta;
return requestAnimationFrame(slide);
return slide();
For each finger gesture a single column/row (of NxM matrix of tiles) is slided and animated using the above two functions.
It's the first time I use canvas.
I red that canvas is way faster then DOM animations and I red very good review of PIXIjs, so I believe I'm doing something wrong.
Can someone help?
In the end I'm a complete donk...
The issue is not with pixijs.
Basically I was forcing 60fps! The number of steps to complete the animation is set to 12 that implies 200ms animation at 60FPS (using requestAnimationFrame) but in low end devices its going to be obviously slower.
Css animation works with timing as parameter so it auto adapt FPS to devices hardware.
To solve the issue I'm adapting the number of steps during animations, basically if animations takes longer than 200ms I just reduce number of steps proportionally.
I hope this could be of help for each web developer used to css animation who have just started developing canvas.

Openlayers 3 pan map always to the left

I am developing an app where I get a user location from the server and I display it on the map.
I am also provided with an angle so I can display in which direction the user is looking.
There is also a possibility to open a sidepanel for some more information. In this situation I have to move the map center left which I do like this.
var center = map.getView().getCenter();
var pan = ol.animation.pan({
duration: 500,
source: (center)
if (isSidePanelVisible) {
center[0] += 1000;
} else {
center[0] -= 1000;
This works great while the user is "looking" north but not when I rotate the map by an angle. Is there a quick way to pan the map always left by a certain amount regardles of angle?
You could use ol.Map.html#getPixelFromCoordinate to convert the center to pixel coordinates, do your calculation and then convert back to real coordinates with ol.Map.html#getCoordinateFromPixel:
var view = map.getView();
var center = view.getCenter();
var centerInPx = map.getPixelFromCoordinate(center);
var newCenterInPx = [centerInPx[0] - 100, centerInPx[1]];
var newCenter = map.getCoordinateFromPixel(newCenterInPx);
To pan left , right , bottom , top , you can use the following code :
panMap(direction: string) {
let newCenterInPx;
let center = map.getView().getCenter();
let centerInPx = map.getPixelFromCoordinate(center);
switch (direction) {
case 'left': newCenterInPx = [centerInPx[0] - 100, centerInPx[1]]; break;
case 'right': newCenterInPx = [centerInPx[0] + 100, centerInPx[1]]; break;
case 'top': newCenterInPx = [centerInPx[0], centerInPx[1] - 100]; break;
case 'bottom': newCenterInPx = [centerInPx[0], centerInPx[1] + 100]; break;
var newCenter = map.getCoordinateFromPixel(newCenterInPx);

SceneKit: orient one node toward another in 3Dspace

I need to orient one node to point its Z-axis at another node in 3D. Yeah, the perfect job for the LookAtConstraint. And for most of my work LookAt is fine. But when I apply LookAt to a particular node, I can no longer animate that node's translation with SCNAction. Picture a hydrogen atom leaving a molecule as it ionizes. The orientation is needed to properly rotate the bond (a cylinder) bewteen the hydrogen and an oxygen atom on the molecule.
I can orient the bond FROM the oxygen TO the hydrogen and animate. But this disorients most of the other bonds which were getting by just fine with LookAt's.
I gave this a mighty try before realizing it answers a somewhat different question:
Calculate rotations to look at a 3D point?
I had a similar issue with a project. What I eventually realized was that I need to use multiple constraints. One for translation (movement) and the other using the look at constraint.
I would move the object and then apply the look at constraint; in this case, it was a camera following an objects being moved using actions. Code snippet follows:
let targetNodeConstraint = SCNLookAtConstraint(target: someObject)
targetNodeConstraint.gimbalLockEnabled = true
let followObjectConstraint = SCNTransformConstraint(inWorldSpace: true, withBlock: { (node, matrix) -> SCNMatrix4 in
let transformMatrix = SCNMatrix4MakeTranslation(
self.someObject.position.x - 1.0,
self.someObject.position.y, self.someObject.position.z + 1.0)
return transformMatrix
// Position the object behind the other object & rotate it to
roadCamera.constraints = [followObjectConstraint, targetNodeConstraint]
The important thing to note is the order in which the constraints are added to the object using an array. In the code above, I am ignoring the current matrix before I apply a transform matrix (I should re-write this code someday)
The complete source code of this "experiment" is on GitHub as I try things out.
Hopefully, this is helpful.
My solution here. Deal with situation that node continuously translate in space and should always toward a position.
func yew(_ node:SCNNode, toPosition position:SCNVector3) -> Float
var eularAngle = SCNVector3Zero
let tranform = node.transform
var forward = GLKVector3Make(tranform.m31, tranform.m32, tranform.m33)
var toWard = GLKVector3Make(position.x - node.position.x, position.y - node.position.y, position.z - node.position.z)
forward = GLKVector3Normalize(GLKVector3Make(forward.x, 0, forward.z))
toWard = GLKVector3Normalize(GLKVector3Make(toWard.x, 0, toWard.z))
var dotProduct = GLKVector3DotProduct(forward,toWard)
dotProduct = (dotProduct > 1) ? 1 : ((dotProduct < -1) ? -1 : dotProduct)
var yew = acos(dotProduct)
if yew < 0 {
//toward is clockwise of forward
let isCW = GLKVector3CrossProduct(forward, toWard).y < 0
if isCW {
yew = -yew
eularAngle.y = yew
node.eulerAngles = SCNVector3Make(eularAngle.x + wrapperNode.eulerAngles.x,
eularAngle.y + wrapperNode.eulerAngles.y,
eularAngle.z + wrapperNode.eulerAngles.z)
return yew
func pitch(_ node:SCNNode, toPosition position:SCNVector3) -> Float{
var eularAngle = SCNVector3Zero
let tranform = node.transform
var toWard = GLKVector3Make(position.x - node.position.x, position.y - node.position.y, position.z - node.position.z)
var forward = GLKVector3Make(tranform.m31, tranform.m32, tranform.m33)
forward = GLKVector3Normalize(forward)
toWard = GLKVector3Normalize(toWard)
var dotProduct = GLKVector3DotProduct(forward,toWard)
dotProduct = (dotProduct > 1) ? 1 : ((dotProduct < -1) ? -1 : dotProduct)
var pitch = acos(dotProduct)
//toward is clockwise of forward, if right vector of model and crossProfuct.x has same direction
let crossProduct = GLKVector3CrossProduct(forward, toWard)
let isCW = (crossProduct.x <= 0) != (tranform.m11 <= 0)
if isCW {
pitch = -pitch
eularAngle.x = pitch
node.eulerAngles = SCNVector3Make(eularAngle.x + node.eulerAngles.x,
eularAngle.y + node.eulerAngles.y,
eularAngle.z + node.eulerAngles.z)
return pitch
func orient(_ node:SCNNode, toPosition position:SCNVector3) {
self.yew(node, toPosition: position)
self.pitch(node, toPosition: position)
