mvn dependency:purge-local-repository fails in multi-module project - maven

We have a maven project structure like this:
A depends on B
Both have various dependencies on other libs
Building this with mvn clean install works fine, but when we try to prune all dependencies as described here with
mvn dependency:purge-local-repository
We get an error saying that it can't resolve the dependency to B:jar:snapshot-version:
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:2.10:purge-local-repository (default-cli) on project A: Failed to refresh project dependencies for: A:jar:4.0.1-SNAPSHOT: required artifacts missing:
[ERROR] B:jar:6.0-5
My current interpretation is that during an actual build B gets build first and can get resolved, but during the purge nothing gets build so the resolution fails. But the project is there and its dependencies should get purged. How can I fix this?
doesn't seem to change anything.

While it doesn't seem to be the exact issue referenced by #Tunaki the example in there let me try this:
mvn dependency:purge-local-repository -DreResolve=false
Which got rid of the exception but failed to actually reload the dependency I had problems with. At which point I came across this answer which made me try
mvn dependency:purge-local-repository -DreResolve=false -DactTransitively=false
which solved the problem although it seems to requesting the opposite of what I wanted to achieve :-/

This looks like a bug with the maven-dependency-plugin (JIRA issue MDEP-405) introduced by a regression in Maven 3.0.4.
From Paul Gier's comment:
I think the reason this happens is because in order to determine the full set of transitive dependencies to delete, the poms need to be available. If the poms were already resolved in the previous module, Maven won't re-resolve them again and just fails. So the dependency doesn't have a problem with the file already being deleted from the local repo, but the maven dependency resolution code fails when trying to resolve the same file twice in the same build.
You might try the build with Maven 3.0.3 because there was a change in this in Maven 3.0.4:
This is linked to the regression MNG-5366, that is currently unresolved.
I don't see any real work-around apart from downgrading Maven.


Maven transitive dependency not found. Leads to build error

I'm trying to build a Java project with Maven. My pom.xml includes mainly dependencies, some of which have their own transitive depedencies.
When I run 'mvn compile' most dependencies are loaded fine, but some of the transitive ones are not found, giving the warning "[WARNING] The POM for artifact_name is missing, no dependency information available". This leads to the Maven compile to fail.
The logs show, that the dependencies have been searched from Maven and Jboss public repositories.
What can I do in this situation, when a transitive dependency is not found?
How can I determine what dependency requires this transitive dependency? Command 'mvn dependency:tree' does not work, as it ends in build failure
Thanks in advance!
EDIT: I decided to delete all changes made to the pom.xml and downloaded the original one. After that the warnings with the transitive dependencies went away. So it seems that the issue was possibly with the syntax or some other change in the pom.xml.
I decided to delete all changes made to the pom.xml and downloaded the original one from our repository. After that the warnings with the transitive dependencies went away. So it seems that the issue was probably with the syntax or some other change in the pom.xml

Building Valkyrie RCP

I'm trying to build Valkyrie RCP from the 1.2 release. According to their instructions, it should be easy: "Just clone the repository, and then use a mvn install command."
However, when I try the command, I get the following error:
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project valkyrie-rcp-core: Could not
resolve dependencies for project dk.navicon:valkyrie-rcp-core:jar:1.2:
Failure to find com.l2fprod:l2fprod-common-all:jar:7.3 in was cached in the local
repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the update
interval of central has elapsed or updates are forced -> [Help 1]
I can see that l2fprod-common-all-7.3.jar is included in the dependencies folder but Maven seems to be unaware of that. How should I resolve this problem?
Actually, it's now possible to build it using Gradle, which doesn't have the dependency issues . Also, there's a dependencies folder with batch scripts to install the missing dependencies if you still wish to use Maven.
As of 2.0 Valkyrie RCP will use Gradle.
The problem is that the given version of that dependency does not exist in Maven Central only older versions.
They would probably suggest you do a mvn install first on the file in the dependencies folder, then.
Try go down in deps and do a
mvn install -DgroupId=com.l2fprod -DartifactId=l2fprod-common-all -Dversion=7.3 -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=l2fprod-common-all-7.3.jar
That would get you past that point locally.
After that re-execute your project build with a -Uoption.
Long term is to find the artifact and include it in a repository that is searchable from your maven settings or project profile.

How to find out which maven artifact/plugin is requesting for the download of a no longer available dependency

I was compiling an "old" open sourced project, while encountered this problem:
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project .... Can not transfer artifact x:y:z from ...
the artifact x:y:z is not found from all repositories defined in the project pom.xml.
After looked up the effective pom.xml, I could not find any references to x:y:z.
How can I find out which artifact or plugin is requesting a missing dependency without analyze all transitive dependencies?
If you use eclipe - you can see dep tree like this: open pom.xml and tick "Dependency Hierarchy" tab.
Also you can try to use mvn dependency:tree but I am not totally sure that it will work if some of your deps are missing.
UPDATE: seems like both eclipse and dependency:tree require sucessfull artifact resolution to work whch is not your case.
In this case I guess you're left with 3 opttions:
clean your cache (wipe everything under ~/.m2/repository), run your build and do occurence search (search for something like "problematic-artifact-id") on files in your ~/.m2/repository. One or couple of the artifacts should reference the problematic artifact in their pom. This should give you a hint.
clean your cache and run your build with -X switch. This will put maven in verbosity mode and you should find some hints about what might reference dead dependency (point your attention on download order, what artifacts got resolved, check dependencies of resolved artifacts in their poms)
dumb as hell - comment/uncomment deps in your pom and see what causes the mentioned error.

Maven POM error - POM is missing

I am trying to build a maven project. My other team members are able to build it without issues. I get the following errors:
[WARNING] The POM for org.hectorclient:hector-core:jar:1.0-3 is missing, no dependency information
[WARNING] The POM for org.hectorclient:hector-test:jar:1.0-3 is missing, no dependency information
Then the build fails with the error: Could not resolve dependencies for the project XYZ. What could be possibly going wrong?
Surely the jar is missing from your .m2 local repository.
Assuming the dependency is written in the pom.
What I suggest:
Case: When you have internet
fire mvn install that will follow your POM.xml and it will download all the necessary jars.
then fire mvn compile to build.
Case: You are having restricted internet connection that is restricting / no Internet
Take the repository + POM from other machine that is compiling successfully
then fire mvn -o compile
I assume it will solve your case.
#Vaibs You are correct. Adding to your answer:
"Check the settings.xml of yours and the others. If you are not able to download the dependencies from internet like the one you mentioned due to some reason then you will need to set up maven somewhere else and and fire "mvn install" there to get the latest dependencies and put those .m2 into yours."

Maven 3 dependency resolution fails until maven-metadata-local.xml files are deleted [maven-invoker-plugin related]

In one of my Maven projects, dependency resolution will succeed once, then fail for later build attempts:
[WARNING] The POM for commons-logging:commons-logging:jar:1.1.1 is missing, no dependency information available
[WARNING] The POM for commons-httpclient:commons-httpclient:jar:3.1 is missing, no dependency information available
[WARNING] The POM for javax.mail:mail:jar:1.4.4 is missing, no dependency information available
…and so on, until I delete the maven-metadata-local.xml files corresponding to the failing artifacts (e.g. ~/.m2/repository/commons-logging/commons-logging/maven-metadata-local.xml). After those files are deleted, the next mvn invocation proceeds properly; the metadata files are restored by that invocation (presumably as part of the process of checking my upstream repositories/mirrors for updated artifacts), and I am again presented with the above errors until I again delete the metadata files.
This impacts multiple projects, though it appears to be limited to a particular set of dependencies. I suppose I could go nuclear and blow away my local repo, but I'd like to understand what the problem is.
Update: It looks like it's the maven-invoker-plugin (which these builds are using for general-purpose integration testing) that is producing these maven-metadata-local.xml files. I'm not using an integration-testing-only local repo as described here, simply because doing so causes the re-downloading of all transitive dependencies (unless you want to maintain an integration-specific settings.xml file!!!). I've used the invoker plugin with a variety of other projects in this way with good results -- certainly never encountering a wedged local repository in the process like this.
Update 2 OK, this is repeatable, even after starting with a completely fresh local repository. This is on OS X, Java 1.6.0_24 with Maven 3.0.3; note that Maven 2.2.1 does NOT exhibit this problem.
Here's one of the projects in question: the 1.3.0-compat branch of rummage. To reproduce:
> mvn clean test
# no error -- can run this and other builds that don't involve maven-invoker-plugin all day w/o problems
> mvn clean integration-test
# FAIL: "Could not resolve dependencies", with warnings as noted above
> mvn clean test
# FAIL: "Could not resolve dependencies", with warnings as noted above
Once the local repository is borked (by the generation of the maven-metadata-local.xml files, AFAICT), no builds will get past the dependency resolution stage.
Running mvn -X reveals lines like this for each artifact that is later apparently not found:
[DEBUG] Verifying availability of /Users/chas/.m2/repository/javax/mail/mail/1.4.4/mail-1.4.4.jar from []
Of course, /Users/chas/.m2/repository/javax/mail/mail/1.4.4/mail-1.4.4.jar et al. does exist, as does /Users/chas/.m2/repository/javax/mail/mail/1.4.4/mail-1.4.4.pom. Totally puzzled. At this point, I'm assuming this is a bug in Maven 3 (or some underlying library), now that I see that 2.2.1 is clean.
Update 3 Bug report filed with Maven project.
This issue is resolved in aether 1.12, one rev above the aether 1.11 library that ships with Maven 3.0.3. Replacing aether 1.11 with 1.12 in one's Maven install results in expected behaviour (as noted in the bug I filed). Here's hoping Maven 3.0.4 is released with aether 1.12 ASAP. :-)
you do not mention what you may have tried, so maybe you didn't try this one: adding the -U option to force update ? (tho maybe this -U option is only relevant for SNAPSHOTs ...)
I've seen similar errors caused by corrupted files in my local repository. For example, if a download failed partway through, or a file in a remote repository changed after I downloaded it. Deleting the affected directories under ~/.m2 fixed it.
