UnityVs Multiple Visual Studio 2015 instances - visual-studio

I'm using Visual Studio Community Edition 2015 with Unity. The UnityVS plugin is installed. The editor configured in Unity is Visual Studio 2015.
When I open a file in Unity it opens a new Visual Studio instance. I have tried via Asset -> Open C# project, double click file, click on Open button, etc.
How do I configure Unity (or Visual Studio) to keep a single instance?

You no londer need UnityVS for the latest Unity version. I can't remember which version UnityVS is no longer requred but I will suggest you try the following below.
Uninstall Visual Studio
Uninstall Unity
Restart Computer.
Install the latest Unity version from here.
Visual Studio should automatically install too. Make sure it is selected during Unity installation.
Don't install UnityVS or anyother plugin. It should work out of the box.


Visual Studio 2015 Select unity instance window empty

When pressing the 'Attach to Unity" button on visual studios, i get an empty 'Select Unity Instance' window instead of visual studios connecting to the unity editor and starting a debug session.
I've tried the following fixes from around the web trying to resolve this issue to no avail.
Re-install Unity
Re-install VS 2015
Update Visual Studio 2015 Tools for Unity (V
Rebuild Solution files
Checked Solution properties for debug and build
Toggled between MonoDevelop and VS in unity's preferences (affects both VS 2015 & VS 2017 installs.)
Can't run editor in Admin mode due to IT...
Uninstalling the 'Get Xamarin' extension for VS
Rebooted system multiple times
Ensured that Unity.exe is still Unity.exe and has not been renamed
The odd thing is that this functionality used to work and i can generate builds and deployment packages just fine.
I'm targeting the UWP platform and HoloLens under SDK version 10.0.14393.0
Download the UnityDownloadAssistant, once the Assistant has been installed select the Visual studio 2017 Community edition and install that, its free . Don`t struggle with 2015 versions of visual studio.

Xamarin option disappeared from new projects

I have successfully installed xamarin, i created one application by it, after i installed visual c++, framework 4.5 and repaired the visual studio one time during the installation, Xamrin option disappeared from new projects.
Ok, Open the visual studio click on Help->About Microsoft Visual studio
check. Is there xamarin is available or not, if not go to control panel and update the visual studio.

Error when installing Visual Studio 2015 Tools for Unity 5.3.1f1

I have both Unity 5.3.1f1 and Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Community edition properly installed and running (I've been using them separately for a while now). However, now that I try to install Visual Studio 2015 Tools for Unity, the installation process crashes giving me the following error:
"Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Tools for Unity Setup Wizard ended
prematurely because of an error. Your system has not been modified. To
install this program at a later time, run Setup Wizard again. Click
the Finish button to exit the Setup Wizard".
Of course, I already restarted my computer. I even uninstalled Visual Studio and Unity and then installed them again (that is really painful by the way). Nothing changes.
Can anyone help me on? I don't even know how to get support for something on the boundary like the Visual Studio Tools for Unity.
Here is a screen capture of the error:
From unity 5.2 and up i guess you don't need Visual Studio Tools for Unity as Unity from version 5.2 has native support for Visual Studio (same applies on 5.3.1f1).
i use Unity and visual studio with the tools
a link that can be helpful on what i said:
Native support for VSTU 2.1 in Unity 5.2

How to install Xamarin for Visual Studio 2015 when Visual Studio 2013 is installed too?

I install both Visual Studio 2013 and 2015. I need install Xamarin for VS 2015. But I can't do it because by default it's installing for VS 2013.
I think the link below may assist you:
first, uninstall everything related to xamarin.
second, open vs2015 and create new andriod project
third, when project is created you'll see instructions to downloading xamarin.
Download the xamarin installer for vs2015, install it, after installation - open vs2015 and see the newly added projects.

How do I use TypeScript within Visual Studio 2013?

I am looking to use TypeScript within Visual Studio 2013. For some reason, however, I cannot create a project. Instead, Visual Studio only allows me to be directed to a web page which tells me to install a plugin.
After I've installed the plugin, as well as rebooting my computer a few times; still no dice.
Uninstall all typescript items from Programs and Features in your control panel. Then reinstall this plugin : http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=34790
Make sure visual studio is closed throughout uninstall/install process. After the install start visual studio.
