laravel use field in Eloquent model from another table - laravel

I have a model named "User". I want "Password" field from Eloquent from another table, and when user calls the user::all() method, all selected fields from different tables come in the result.
How can i do that?
Results are not displayed in with() .

my problem solved by using $appends in Eloquent model .
my code :
class User extends Eloquent {
protected $table = 'user';
protected $attributes = ['password'];
protected $appends = ['password'];
public function getPasswordAttribute()
return $this->getPAsswordMethod();

Your question is extremely board and borderline unanswerable but I will give you a board solution.
You are able to establish relationships to other tables via the Model objects you create. Lets pretend you have a Password table which belongs to the User.
User model:
public function password()
return $this->hasOne(Password::class, 'FK', 'PK');
You can now do User::with('password')->get(['FieldName']); and this will give you all of the passwords which have the above relationship to a user.


laravel eloquent migrations

In laravel eloquent relationship, is it still necessary to make migration even though there's an existing database? beginners here.
I create a one-to-one eloquent relationship inside my model to get the specific column from another table's record and fetch to the datatable, but it did not work.
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories\HasFactory;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
class Directorystatus extends Model
use HasFactory;
protected $table = 'user_status';
protected $fillable = ['status_id' , 'status_xtitle'];
public function userbasic() {
return $this->belongsTo(directorybasic::class,'user_xusern','status_xuser');
class Directoryuser extends Model
use HasFactory;
protected $table = 'user_basic';
protected $primaryKey = 'user_id';
protected $fillable = ['user_id' , 'user_xusern' , 'user_xfirtname' ,'user_xmiddlename','user_xlastname'];
public function userstatus() {
return $this->hasOne(directorystatus::class,'user_xusern','status_xuser');
No. Migrations are not necessary. Defining relationships on both sides is also not necessary, if you don't need them both. (You can have only belongsTo, without having hasOne or hasMany in the opposite model.)
First, make sure you are using the right object (Directorystatus::class / Directoryuser:class - I see they're not capitalized in your code). The next param is the foreign key, meaning the column which points to a model's primary key. The third param is optional and is used only if the primary key is not id.
For example if you have a column status_xuser in the table user_status, which contains a user_id from user_basic table, you should define it like this:
public function userbasic() {
return $this->belongsTo(Directoryuser::class,'status_xuser','user_id');
And in order to use this relationship, when you retrieve a model from the db, for example, you should call on it the same way your relationship function is named.
$status = Directorystatus::find(1);
$user = $status->userbasic();
I would also suggest you name your classes in camelCase, because it's the accepted practice (in Laravel especially).

Laravel Eloquent, filtering from pivot table column

I need to filter the active clients from a route using Eloquent.
I'm working with a third party database that I can't modify. In my project I have two models: Cliente(client) and Ruta(route), which have a many to many relationship, so I added the belongsToMany relationship in my models.
The only column I'm interested from the pivot table is called DESACTIV, which tells me if a Client is deactivated for a Route.
Ruta model:
class Ruta extends Model
protected $connection = 'mysql2';
protected $table = 'truta';
protected $primaryKey = 'CODIRUTA';
public function clientes(){
return $this->belongsToMany(Cliente::class, 'tcpcarut', 'CODIRUTA', 'CODICLIE')->withPivot('DESACTIV');
Cliente model:
class Cliente extends Model
protected $connection = 'mysql2';
protected $table = 'tcpca';
protected $primaryKey = 'CODICLIE';
public function rutas(){
return $this->belongsToMany(Ruta::class, 'tcpcarut', 'CODICLIE', 'CODIRUTA')->withPivot('DESACTIV');
What I need is to get the active (or non deactivated) Clients given a specific Route.
I have done it on my controller like this:
$miRuta = Ruta::where('CODIRUTA','=',$ruta)->first();
$clientes = array();
foreach ($miRuta->clientes as $cliente){
if ($cliente->DESACTIV == 0){
array_push($clientes, $cliente->NOMBCLIE);
echo end($clientes)."<br/>";
And it works fine, but I don't think it's elegant. I know this can be archieved through Eloquent, I'm just to noob at it and don't know how to do it.
Maybe I could add the filter on the clientes method on my Ruta model, so it would return only the active Clients.
Or maybe It could be best to add a method on the Cliente model, like isDeactivated
I know it sounds like I know what I'm talking about but I need someone to hold my hand on this, I'm just too noob with Eloquent :/. Examples would be much appreciated.
You can use the wherePivot method to constrain a relationship based on values in the pivot table. You just need to add the following to your Ruta model
public function desactivClientes() {
return $this->clientes()->wherePivot('DESACTIV', 0);
And then you just have to modify the rest of your code a bit to use the constrained relationship. I'm also adding a null check because if this function does return null, which can happen if your table doesn't have a record where CODIRUTA matches whatever is in $ruta, then it will likely throw a fatal error trying to call a method on a non-object.
$miRuta = Ruta::where('CODIRUTA','=',$ruta)->first();
$clientes = array();
if ($miRuta !== null) {
$clientes = $miRuta->desactivClientes()->pluck('NOMBCLIE');

Relationships and querying related models

I am trying to work out if I have done something correctly. I have a Department Model. A Department can have many DepartmentObjectives. I have also set up the inverse. So this relationship is fine.
I then have a User Model. A User can have many User Objectives, this is set up fine. In my user_objectives table however, there is a link to a department Objective
So a user objective is linked to a department objective. Is this something I need to specify within my models? So should my UserObjectives model have
class UserObjectives extends Model
use SoftDeletes;
protected $table = 'user_objectives';
protected $guarded = [];
public function user()
return $this->belongsTo('App\User');
public function departmentObjectives()
return $this->belongsTo('App\DepartmentObjectives');
For some reason it seems a bit strange doing this. Anyways, when I create a user objective currently, a department objective is selected and I store the id to the department objective. So within my view I can do something like this
And that will display the id of the department objective it is related too. How can I get the name of the department objective?
Any adivce appreciated
Change this
In your view you can call
{{ $objective->departmentObjectives->name }}
Assuming you have named the name field name.

working with m:m relationships in eloquent outside laravel

I have been able to set up a m:m relationship in eloquent outside laravel and retrieve records but I have no idea how to add a new record as you dont create the pivot table in the code.
If these are my classes, how would i add a new instance to the M:M relationship between author and publisher?
include 'eloquent_database.php';
class Publisher extends Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model {
public $timestamps = false;
protected $table = 'publisher';
protected $primaryKey = 'publisher_id';
public function authors (){
return $this->belongsToMany('Author', 'author_publisher', 'publisher_id', 'author_id');
class Book extends Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model {
public $timestamps = false;
protected $table = 'book';
protected $primaryKey = 'book_id';
public function author() {
//related table name, pk in current table,
return $this->belongsTo('Author', 'author_id');
// Create the company model
class Author extends Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model {
public $timestamps = false;
protected $table = 'author';
protected $primaryKey = 'author_id';
public function books()
//related table, fk IN related table,
return $this->hasMany('Book', 'author_id');
public function publishers (){
return $this->belongsToMany('Publisher', 'author_publisher', 'author_id', 'publisher_id');
I would also need to know how to delete one too. I have seen this documentation but i dont really follow it
Id really appreicate an exxample of how to add and delete a new instance. Also onine there seeems to be so many different versions its hard to find which docs to follow as the code i have works but i didnt get it from the docs - just trial and error
Thanks a lot in advance
in repsonse to Rays comment i do have a pivot table in the database called author_publisher with author id and publisher id but i have no idea how to work with this pivot table. Do i have to create a class for it? I dont really understand
Here is a reference to said table in the code above
return $this->belongsToMany('Author', 'author_publisher', 'publisher_id', 'author_id');
When having a M:M relationship, make sure you have a table that translates the relationship between author and publisher. An example table could be composed of entries including both author_id and publisher_id. From what you have provided, you lack such a table.
There's another case if you do not have such a table. In order for such a M:M relationship to work, the author table must contain a column called "publisher_id" for simplicity. Likewise the publisher table must contain a column called "author_id". Then in the author model, return $this->hasMany('Publisher', 'author_id') and in the publisher model, return $this->hasMany('Author', 'publisher_id'). You should get the correct answer.

Laravel 4 - Display username based on ID

I have a posts and a users table.
In the posts table, i have a posts_author which is the ID of the user from the users table.
Is there an easy way to display the email address of the user, which is in the users table?
As long as you've set your relationships up it should just be a simple query.
Look at the one to many relationships.
(1 User, Multiple posts)
Remember to set the inverse of the relationship up also
If your model has the right relationships then should be as simple as $post->author->email().
You must tweak the author relationship because Eloquent assumes the key will be named author_id.
// Post
public function author() {
return $this->belongsTo('Author', 'posts_author');
// Author
public function posts() {
return $this->hasMany('Post');
Remember to use eager loading in case you are retrieving emails from more than one post object, or you will end up with n+1 queries.
Providing that you've configured the relationships properly, it should be pretty easy.
Post Model:
class Post extends Eloquent
protected $table = 'posts';
public function author()
return $this->belongsTo('User', 'posts_author');
Then User Model:
class User extends Eloquent
protected $table = 'users';
public function posts()
return $this->hasMany('Post', 'posts_author');
Then when loading the post you can do the following.
$post = Post::with('author')->find($id);
This will tell Eloquent to join on the users table and load the user data at the same time. Now you can just access all of the user information like this:
// etc etc
Obviously this is just a skeleton, but the assumption is that you have the rest setup.
