Chef update certain user's .bashrc - ruby

I'm trying to update certain users .bashrc JAVA_HOME environment variable after installing JDK. I get this strange error that I don't understand. Here's the block of code in question.
node['etc']['passwd'].each do |user, data|
only_if {data['uid'] > 9000}
jdk_dir_array = Dir.entries('/usr/java/').select {|entry| File.join('/usr/java/',entry) and !(entry =='.' || entry == '..') }
jdk_dir_name = jdk_dir_array.shift
file ="#{data['dir']}/.bashrc")
file.search_file_replace( /JAVA_HOME=.*/,"JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/#{jdk_dir_name}")
The error I'm getting is this:
No resource or method named `only_if' for `Chef::Recipe "install_jdk"'
I don't understand why it thinks "only_if" is a method of the recipe when I declare it inside of the node.each block.
i should point out that if I put this in a ruby_block and hardcode the path to a single user's home directory the code works as expected. I'm trying to update multiple users and that's where I'm stumped.

only_if is a method you use on a resource, not in either a recipe or inside the block of a ruby_block. What you want is something more like like:
node['etc']['passwd'].each do |user, data|
ruby_block "edit #{user} bashrc" do
only_if { data['uid'] > 9000 }
block do
jdk_dir_array = Dir.entries('/usr/java/').select {|entry| File.join('/usr/java/',entry) and !(entry =='.' || entry == '..') }
jdk_dir_name = jdk_dir_array.shift
file ="#{data['dir']}/.bashrc")
file.search_file_replace( /JAVA_HOME=.*/,"JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/#{jdk_dir_name}")
I really recommend not doing this though. Check out the line cookbook for a more refined way to approach this, or consider having Chef manage the whole file via a template resource.


Only_if with Loop in Ruby_block to pass Foodcritic FC022

I've been trying to figure out the better approach to use condition inside a ruby_block to avoid FC022 rulewhen the code gets evaluated by Foodcritic.
FC022: Resource condition within loop may not behave as expected
The code of mine is as follows
ruby_block 'file configuration' do
block do
files = [
files.each do |f|
file =
file.insert_line_if_no_match('something', 'something')
only_if { ::File.exist?(f) }
Removing only_if will pass FC022 rule in Footcritic.

Unable to set node attribute in runtime and reference it in chef template

I am getting template error due to backend.key=<%= node['key']%> used in source doesn’t have a value while running shellout.
Error : Chef::Mixin::Template::TemplateError - undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass
I have a ruby block to get the output of the file cat /tmp/key.txt and assigning as a node value.
Ruby block :
ruby_block "Get_key" do
block do
#tricky way to load this Chef::Mixin::ShellOut utilities
Chef::Resource::RubyBlock.send(:include, Chef::Mixin::ShellOut)
command = 'cat /tmp/key.txt'
command_out = shell_out(command)
node.set['key'] = command_out.stdout
action :create
Erb :
backend.key=<%= node['key']%>
There is no need to shell_out to read the contents of a file. Try this instead:
ruby_block "Get_key" do
only_if { node['key'] == "" }
block do
node.set['key'] ='/tmp/key.txt')
But I think your actual problem is somewhere else. The error message indicates that node is nil within your template, which is pretty unusual.
So either I am blind and you really have some typo in the posted template line, or you simplified your code example in such a way that it hides your error. I assume your real template looks more like
backend.key=<%= node['foo']['key']%>
and foo not being an array. Check that.
Please don't use this pattern. It's slow and puts extra data in your node object which takes up space and RAM and makes you search index sad. What you want is this:
template "whatever" do
# Other stuff ...
variables my_file: lazy {'/tmp/key.txt') }
That will delay the read until converge time.

How do you update an environment variable using Ruby and Chef?

I know how to set the variables for both user and machine.
The problem arises when I try to add to the PATH. Currently my code will overwrite what is in the PATH.
execute 'set java_home2' do
command "setx -m PATH2 \"D:\\Home"
*only_if {"PATH2" == " "}*
This currently ensures that the PATH will only run if there is no PATH. When the only_if is removed the problem of overwriting arises.
I am now able to modify the system variable but cannot work out how to do the same with the user variables
env 'path addition' do
key_name "PATH"
value (ENV["PATH"] + ";D:\\Home\\Apps\\variable")
From the question, it looks like you are trying to add PATH on windows server. In that case you can use windows cookbook resource called windows_path for such operation:
windows_path 'C:\Sysinternals' do
action :add
I can't speak for specifics in chef, but in ruby, you can access environment variables with the ENV hash. So for PATH, you could do the following:
ENV["PATH"] = ENV["PATH"].split(":").push("/my/new/path").join(":")
That will update your PATH for the duration of the program's execution. Keep in mind that:
This will only update PATH for your ruby script, and only temporarily. Permanently changing your PATH is more complicated and dependent on OS.
This code assumes you're using linux. In windows, the PATH delimiter is ; instead of :, so you should update the code accordingly.
I found the answer:
#Append notepad to user PATH variable
registry_key "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Environment" do
$path_name = ""
subkey_array = registry_get_values("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Environment", :x86_64)
subkey_array.each{ |val|
case val[:name].include?("PATH")
when true
$path_name = val[:data]
print "\n The User PATH is: #{$path_name}"
when false
print ':'
values [{
:name => "PATH",
:type => :string,
:data => "#{$path_name};D:\\Home\\Apps\\Notepad++\\Notepad++"
action :create
#add a guard to prevent duplicates
not_if {
This code when ran from the CMD line will print the current User PATH variables, then it will append D:/Home/Apps/Notepad++/Notepad++ IF it is not currently in the PATH. If it already exists then this will be skipped.

How do I create directory if none exists using File class in Ruby?

I have this statement:, 'w+') { |f| f.write(builder.to_html) }
some_path = "somedir/some_subdir/some-file.html"
What I want to happen is, if there is no directory called somedir or some_subdir or both in the path, I want it to automagically create it.
How can I do that?
You can use FileUtils to recursively create parent directories, if they are not already present:
require 'fileutils'
dirname = File.dirname(some_path)
Edit: Here is a solution using the core libraries only (reimplementing the wheel, not recommended)
dirname = File.dirname(some_path)
tokens = dirname.split(/[\/\\]/) # don't forget the backslash for Windows! And to escape both "\" and "/"
1.upto(tokens.size) do |n|
dir = tokens[0...n]
Dir.mkdir(dir) unless Dir.exist?(dir)
For those looking for a way to create a directory if it doesn't exist, here's the simple solution:
require 'fileutils'
FileUtils.mkdir_p 'dir_name'
Based on Eureka's comment.
directory_name = "name"
Dir.mkdir(directory_name) unless File.exists?(directory_name)
How about using Pathname?
require 'pathname'
some_path = Pathname("somedir/some_subdir/some-file.html")
Based on others answers, nothing happened (didn't work). There was no error, and no directory created.
Here's what I needed to do:
require 'fileutils'
response = FileUtils.mkdir_p('dir_name')
I needed to create a variable to catch the response that FileUtils.mkdir_p('dir_name') sends back... then everything worked like a charm!
Along similar lines (and depending on your structure), this is how we solved where to store screenshots:
In our env setup (env.rb)
screenshotfolder = "./screenshots/#{"%Y%m%d%H%M%S")}"
Before do
#screenshotfolder = screenshotfolder
And in our hooks.rb
screenshotName = "#{#screenshotfolder}/failed-#{scenario_object.title.gsub(/\s+/,"_")}-#{"%Y%m%d%H%M%S")}_screenshot.png";
#browser.take_screenshot(screenshotName) if scenario.failed?
embed(screenshotName, "image/png", "SCREENSHOT") if scenario.failed?
The top answer's "core library" only solution was incomplete. If you want to only use core libraries, use the following:
target_dir = ""
Dir.glob("/#{File.join("**", "path/to/parent_of_some_dir")}") do |folder|
target_dir = "#{File.expand_path(folder)}/somedir/some_subdir/"
# Splits name into pieces
tokens = target_dir.split(/\//)
# Start at '/'
new_dir = '/'
# Iterate over array of directory names
1.upto(tokens.size - 1) do |n|
# Builds directory path one folder at a time from top to bottom
unless n == (tokens.size - 1)
new_dir << "#{tokens[n].to_s}/" # All folders except innermost folder
new_dir << "#{tokens[n].to_s}" # Innermost folder
# Creates directory as long as it doesn't already exist
Dir.mkdir(new_dir) unless Dir.exist?(new_dir)
I needed this solution because FileUtils' dependency gem rmagick prevented my Rails app from deploying on Amazon Web Services since rmagick depends on the package libmagickwand-dev (Ubuntu) / imagemagick (OSX) to work properly.

how to store the name of nested files in a variable and loop through them in rake

I have the following rake file to create a static version of my sinatra app,
stolen from
class View
attr_reader :permalink
def initialize(path)
filename = File.basename(path)
#permalink = filename[0..-6]
view_paths = Dir.glob(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'views/pages', '*.haml'))
ALL_VIEWS = {|path| }
task :build do
def dump_request_to_file url, file
Dir.mkdir(File.dirname(file)) unless, 'w'){|f| f.print #request.get(url).body}
static_dir = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'public')
require 'sinatra'
require 'c4eo'
#request =
ALL_VIEWS.each do |view|
puts view
dump_request_to_file("/#{view.permalink}", File.join(static_dir, view.permalink+'.html'))
ALL_VIEWS is now an array containing all the Haml files in the root of my 'views/pages' directory.
How do I modify ALL_VIEWS and the dump_request_to_file method to cycle through all the subdirectories in my views/pages directory?
My views directory looks a bit like this:
If it makes life a lot easier, I could have all my files named index.haml, inside directories.
To cycle through all subdirs, change 'views/pages' to 'views/pages/**'
The double splats tells it to search recursively, you can see it in the docs at
Note that I haven't looked thoroughly at your use case, but preliminarily it appears that you may have trouble generating a permalink. When I checked the results, I got:
[#<View:0x1010440a0 #permalink="hound">,
#<View:0x101044078 #permalink="index">,
#<View:0x101044000 #permalink="hound">,
#<View:0x101043f88 #permalink="index">,
#<View:0x101043f10 #permalink="references">,
#<View:0x101043e98 #permalink="do_find">,
#<View:0x101043e20 #permalink="index">,
#<View:0x101043da8 #permalink="README">]
Which were generated from these files:
And it looks like you create the link with:
File.join(static_dir, view.permalink+'.html')
So you can see that in this case, that would create three files like static_dir/index.html
A fairly obvious solution is to include the relative portion of the link, so it would become
EDIT: In regards to addressing how to find the relative url, this seems to work
class View
attr_reader :permalink
def initialize( root_path , path )
root_path = File.expand_path(root_path).sub(/\/?$/,'/')
path = File.expand_path path
filename = path.gsub root_path ,
raise "#{path} does not appear to be a subdir of #{root_path}" unless root_path + filename == path
#permalink = filename[0..-6]
view_paths = Dir.glob(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'views/pages/**', '*.haml'))
ALL_VIEWS = { |path| 'views/pages' , path }
require 'pp'
I'm not all that keen on the [0..-6] thing, it only works if you know your file has a suffix and that it is five characters long. But I'm going to leave it alone since I don't really know how you would want to handle the different future situations I might anticipate (ie generate an html from the haml and serve that up, now you have two files index.html and index.haml, which, after you remove their extensions, are both just index. Or styles.css which loses part of its filename when you attempt to remove its extension by pulling in [0..-6]
