Minimum Length for Domain Name - domain-name

I need to make validation for domain name length in my PHP programming. Can you please suggest me min and max length required for domain name. I tried to find out in google but I am unable to find out proper solution for it.

According to this resource you can find websites with single letter and com. I hope that will help you.

The max limit is set out here
Label limit 63 characters (strings between periods)
Name limit 255 characters (total of the strings combined together)

Minimum Domain Name Length Is 3 Characters and Maximum of 63. Hosting for 1 or 2 characters only is too expensive and you might not want it for its not yet open for public use.


IP substring search when IP is stored as an integer

Let's say I have a lot of IPv4s stored as integers (specifically, in a relational database) and I want to do a substring search on them given a string representation of an IP.
For example, a user types in 12.3 and expects that they get back results such as,,,
If the IP were a string, I could just do a plain substring search. It might not be efficient but it is at least simple to implement and understand. But because I can't readily change it into a string at the moment, I don't see any efficient (in terms of CPU cycles, memory, and also my development/implementation time) way of doing this, but maybe I am just missing something.
You aren't missing anything.
For example try to turn 12.3 into a series of ranges. In whichever octet the 12 is in, there will be 3 options (12, 112, 212). In whichever octet the 3 is in there will be 2 options (3 and 30-39). That's 6 range per combination of preceding octets.
But the preceding octets? We have 1 + 256 + 256*256 depending whether 0, 1 or 2 octets precede your start.
That's a grand total of 3 * 2 * (1 + 256 + 256*256) = 394758 ranges of numbers you have to search in. It is unlikely that doing that many index searches will be faster than scanning everything.
Incidentally the worst case would be 1.2. In that case you'd have had 17 * 3 * (1 + 256 + 256*256) = 3355443 range lookups to do!
If they want this badly enough, you need to do a full text search on strings.
Anything other than some pre-processing, indexing, caching in that case sounds too inefficient (and very hard to implement) to me.
Here are a few ideas:
Look into creating a custom index, if possible, that enables you do string search.
Add an automatic field to the table that represents the ip as a string and enable you to string search. Add a corresponding index of course.
If you can't or don't want to change the schema of that table, create another one with string representations of the rows in your ip table and corresponding foreign keys that map to the primary keys of the ip table.
If you don't want or can't edit that database at all, create an external key/value store/database where the keys are string representations of the ips and values hold the corresponding records of the ip table in the (now) external database or point to it.
In any case, I don't think searching in that table with its current form (integer) is feasible (both performance-wise and implementation complexity-wise) considering your requirements.

How to generate a 4-digit validation code according to latitude & longitude information?

My application needs this feature:
User A can upload his location information and get ADD CODE which is
generated on server.
User B can input ADD CODE and also has to upload his location
information. Only when userA and userB is close enough and ADD CODE
is matched can they finally be friends.
Before calculating distance and comparing ADD CODE, I will check
whether their city number(unique for each city) is same. In other
words, I have to make sure that in each city, ADD CODE won't
conflict with another at the same time(or few minutes).
Of course, a 4-digit number won't satisfy all possibilities, but is there a way to generate this 4-digit number to satisfy this feature as much as possible?
Assuming this sequence happens within a limited period of time (and not that an Add code is valid for all-time):
Your 4-digit number doesn't need to be globally unique, it only needs to be unique within this window of time. So, with that observation, maintain a table of Add codes, when they were issued and for what location. Generate them randomly ensuring they aren't already in the table. Periodically remove any Add codes that have expired.
Provided you never have more than 10,000 users simultaneously trying to connect with each other this will work.
If you need more than that consider allowing duplicates in the table but using the lat/long to ensure that the same Add code is never allocated to any point within 2x the max distance allowed for pairing.
Is there a way to generate this 4-digit number to satisfy this feature as much as possible?
Yes. There are probably millions of possible ways to generate a 4-digit number (where almost all of them are awful and don't satisfy most of the requirements); and if you sort them in order of how much they satisfy, then one of them must satisfy the feature as much as possible.
The real question is, how awful and unsatisfactory would "as much as possible" be?
If you assume 4 decimal digits; then you're limited to 10000 locations or 10000 unique users. That's unlikely to be enough for anything good.
If you assume 4 hexadecimal digits; then you're limited to 65536 locations or 65536 unique users. That's better but still not enough.
So.. what if you used "base 1234567"? In this case a 4-digit number has 2323050529221952581345121 permutations. The surface of the Earth is about 510.1 million square kilometers, so this would be enough to encode a location very precisely (probably within a few meters?).

regular expression for creating email

I am new in programming. I need to know the regular expression for creating of email
which is the length of username. Maximum number of characters. Minumum number of characters
which is the length of domain. Maximum number of characters. Minumum number of characters
which is the length of extension. Maximum number of characters. Minumum number of characters
Characters commonly accepted in every part of the email address
This is my expression regular
/^([a-z 0-9_\.-]{3,10})#([\da-z\.-]+)\.([a-z\.]{2,6})$/
I'd like improve this
If you are looking to create this from scratch start with reading the RFC for email
Otherwise either stick to something simple like you have or use a gem that has already walked through that document.

What is the maximum length of a display name in an email address

According to the question "What is the maximum length of a valid email address?", the maximum length of the address is 254. But I like to know what would be the maximum length of the display name:
Display Name <>
Following this link the size is unlimited but practically according this link the size would be 72 characters. But I believe this answer is a bit outdated? What would be reasonable limit for today?
If you ask the maximal length allowed by the specs (the normative source is RFC5322 as of current_timestamp) then, indeed, there is no limit, since folding allows you to have an unlimted length of any field (while still respecting the advised 78 [or the larger 998] character limit).
Practical limit is a very subjective question, since "practical" would be the length which is fully displayed by "most" clients and environments; now that's pretty hard to calculate.
I would say the upper limit of practicality would be the total length of 78 characters from the "From:" header up to the last ">" character of the email address, since longer ones may probably break up while displaying in almost all environments, which would give you around 40 characters to use even for longer email addresses.
Most clients, however, probably expects to display around 20-25 characters under normal circumstances.
These are all displayed characters and not the actual length in bytes of a whatever way encoded address (especially for long utf-8 codes).

YouTube URL algorithm?

How would you go about generating the unique video URL's that YouTube uses?
YouTube uses Base64 encoding to generate IDs for each video.Characters involved in generating Ids consists of
(A-Z) + (a-z) + (0-9) + (-) + (_). (64 Characters).
Using Base64 encoding and only up to 11 characters they can generate 73+ Quintilian unique IDs.How much large pool of ID is that?
Well, it's enough for everyone on earth to produce video every single minute for 18000 years.
And they have achieved such huge number by only using 11 characters (64*64*64*64*64*64*64*64*64*64*64) if they need more IDs they will just have to add 1 more character to their IDs.
So when video is uploaded on YouTube they basically randomly select from 73+ Quintilian possibility and see if its already taken or not.if not use it otherwise look for another one.
Refer to this video for detailed explanation.
Using some non-trivial hashing function. The probability of collision is very low, depending on the function, the parameters and the input domain. Keep in mind that cryptographic hashes were specifically designed to have very low collision rates for non-random input (i.e. completely different hashes for two close-but-unequal inputs).
This post by Jeff Attwood is a nice overview of the topic.
And here is an online hash calculator you can play with.
There is no need to use a hash. It is probably just a quasi-random 64 bit value passed through base64 or some equivalent.
By quasi-random, I mean it is just a one-to-one mapping with the counting integers, just shuffled.
For example, you could take a monotonically increasing database id and multiply it by some prime near 2^64, then base64 the result. If you did not want people to be able to guess, you might choose a more complex mapping or just pick a random number that is not in the database yet.
Normal base64 would add an equals at the end, but in this case it is implied because the size is known. The character mapping could easily be something besides the standard.
Eli's link to Jeff's article is, in my opinion, irrelevant. URL shortening is not the same thing as presenting an ID to the world. Instead, a nicer way would be to convert your existing integer ID to a different radix.
An example in PHP:
$id = 9999;
//$url_id = base_convert($id, 10, 26+26+10); // PHP doesn't like this
$url_id = base_convert($id, 10, 26+10); // Works, but only digits + lowercase
Sadly, PHP only supports up to base 36 (digits + alphabet). Base 62 would support alphabet in both upper-case and lower-case.
People are talking about these other systems:
Random number/letters - Why? If you want people to not see the next video (id+1), then just make it private. On a website like youtube, where it actively shows any video it has, why bother with random ids?
Hashing an ID - This design concept really stinks. Think about it; so you have an ID guaranteed by your DBM software to be unique, and you hash it (introducing a collision factor)? Give me one reason why to even consider this idea.
Using the ID in URL - To be honest, I don't see any problems with this either, though it will grow to be large when in fact you can express the same number with fewer letters (hence my solution).
Using Base64 - Base64 expects bytes of data, literally anything from nulls to spaces. Why use this function when your data consists of a number (ie, a mix of 10 different characters, instead of 256)?
You can use any library or some languages like python provides it in standard library.
import secrets
id_length = 12
random_video_id = secrets.token_urlsafe(id_length)
You could generate a GUID and have that as the ID for the video.
Guids are very unlikely to collide.
Your best bet is probably to simply generate random strings, and keep track (in a DB for example) of which strings you've already used so you don't duplicate. This is very easy to implement and it cannot fail if properly implemented (no duplicates, etc).
I don't think that the URL v parameter has anything to do with the content (video properties, title, description etc).
It's a randomly generated string of fixed length and contains a very specific set of characters. No duplicates are allowed.
I suggest using a perfect hash function:
Perfect Hash Function for Human Readable Order Codes
As the accepted answer indicates, take a number, then apply a sequence of "bijective" (or reversible) operations on the number to get a hashed number.
The input numbers should be in sequence: 0, 1, 2, 3, and so on.
Typically you're hiding a numeric identifier in the form of something that doesn't look numeric. One simple method is something like base-36 encoding the number. You should be able to pull that off with one or another variant of itoa() in the language of your choice.
Just pick random values until you have one never seen before.
Randomly picking and exhausting all values form a set runs in expected time O(nlogn): What is O value for naive random selection from finite set?
In your case you wouldn't exhaust the set, so you should get constant time picks. Just use a fast data structure to do the duplication lookups.
