How to properly include mdi into Angular2 webpack - include

Could you please help me with step by step guide (or link if you know of some) on how to include material design icons into angular2 webpack?
I did install it through both npm install mdi (one resource I've found was mentioning it like this) and npm install material-design-icons (from I also tried it through dependencies.
But that's not enough. As I understand it I have to also say to webpack that he should use it. But I don't know how and I cant find anything about it.
So right now I'm using it like this:
<link rel='stylesheet' href=''>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="//">
But that's not how I want to do it.
Any advice would be appreciated.

I hope you'd have found the answer now, but if not follow these instruction
Install material design icon via npm: npm install mdi --save
I hope you might be using angular-cli. If so open angular-cli.json and in the "styles" array add
"styles": [
Next in the addons add the fonts as follows
"addons": [
Stop the console and ng server. To test this works, add this to a component and check. <i class="mdi mdi-sitemap mdi-24px">
If it works, then you've successfully added mdi icons to angular 2 project


Why vue-cli understand I've installed vue-cli-plugin-vuetify and vuetify-loader?

When I create a fresh vue-cli project via this command
vue create hello-word
and this command to install vuetify
vue add vuetify
Then I saw my git changes like this
Two new dependencies have been installed in package.json.
At first glance, I thought vue.config.js has specified using these two, but it's content only have these code.
module.exports = {
"transpileDependencies": [
So, how does vue-cli know I've installed this new vuetify loader?
Does it automatically pick those up?
After running vue add vuetify choose Vuetify 3 if you are using Vue 3:
vuetify-loader is a treeshaking plugin for Webpack. It gets installed automatically when you install Vuetify using "vue add vuetify".
So, vuetify-loader is used by Webpack for treeshaking the Vuetify components to only include the ones that you imported in your app. This way Webpack should be able to lower your build size by importing only the required components, and not all the Vuetify components.
See Vuetify Treeshaking
And this is the vuetify-loader project on Github

Argon design not rendering in laravel. How to extract it from node modules using mix?

I have installed argon design system using npm. And inside the head tag, I have added links from the documentation. But I want to extract it from node modules using mix. And run in webpack so that it renders styles. Please, someone, help with a detailed answer.
import the argon js file (in bootstrap.js for example if you're using the default laravel boilerplate) after popper, jquery and bootstrap:
and the css file (in app.scss if you're using it):
#import "~argon-design-system-free/assets/css/argon-design-system.css";
if you want the nucleo icons import then before the css file:
#import "~argon-design-system-free/assets/css/nucleo-icons.css";

Does vue-native support working with SCSS?

I'm trying to use SCSS to style my elements in vue-native project. I just created a fresh project and ran it with Expo and it ran just fine. Then in my App.vue I tried to change <style> to <style scoped lang='scss'> and my app crashed.
I didn't find anything about SCSS in vue-native documentation. So I tried to follow the vue.js docs, I installed sass-loader with npm install -D sass-loader sass, installed fibers... and my app couldn't compile.
So does vue-native support working with SCSS at all? And if it does - how? What did I do wrong?
Vue native is just a wrapper for React Native. React Native doesn't support CSS or SCSS as it has its own StyleSheet system as you are writing native code and styling.
In response to your comment, vue native compiles css-like styles to react native styling, so you can still use vue-native instead of directly writing JS!

How to allow edit *.Vue component in Laravel

Please I have not work with Vue before, please can anyone help me? I have Laravel code with Vue. I want to edit *.vue component such as navbar.vue but when add or remove anything and save there is no action in html (in browser)
Install and configure webpack to compile you vue files. If its already install, then do npm run watch to compile vue files to see your changes

How to add Semantic-UI LESS to Codeigniter 3.x

I want to know how to use Semantic-UI to codeigniter 3.x as frontend framework.
I want to use LESS and not css. thanks
First, it is important to understand that LESS is a CSS pre-compiler that extends the CSS language with features that allows creation of CSS that is more maintainable, themeable and extendable. But ultimately it creates CSS files that are used exactly the same as any other CSS file in a website.
In CodeIgniter you use Semantic-UI created assets the same way as any other CSS (or javascript) files by using a <link> tag.
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="semantic/dist/semantic.min.css">
<script src="semantic/dist/semantic.min.js"></script>
The CSS classes are used in "view" files exactly the same way any other CSS defined class. For instance, the following would put a button styled by Semantic-UI into a CodeIgniter "view" file.
<button class="ui button">Follow</button>
So, the short answer to your question is that you use Semantic-UI in CodeIgniter the same way any other frontend framework that produces CSS and Javascript.
How to use the tools required to customize Semantic-UI is way beyond the scope of what is a "good" question on Stackoverflow.
If you want to customize and build your own version of the UI, you have a steep learning curve ahead. You can start your learning on Semantic-UI's Getting Started page and on the Learn Semantic website.
I have done Semantic UI integration on my CodeIgniter based application starter:
For compilation of your own visual themes you need to install locally on your development machine node.js, less.js, postcss/cssnano, they should be able to start from command line.
See the configuration file platform/common/config/less_compile.php there you can define by example your own visual theme. Also, have a look at the already created themes, you will see how to add your common Semantic UI customizations and your theme-specific styles.
add css link in your header and js in your footer
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">
<script type=""></script>
