Renames numbered files using names from list in other file - shell

I have a folder where there are books and I have a file with the real name of each file. I renamed them in a way that I can easily see if they are ordered, say "00.pdf", "01.pdf" and so on.
I want to know if there is a way, using the shell, to match each of the lines of the file, say "names", with each file. Actually, match the line i of the file with the book in the positiĆ³n i in sort order.
<name-of-the-book-in-the-1-line> -> <book-in-the-1-position>
<name-of-the-book-in-the-2-line> -> <book-in-the-2-position>
<name-of-the-book-in-the-i-line> -> <book-in-the-i-position>
I'm doing this in Windows, using Total Commander, but I want to do it in Ubuntu, so I don't have to reboot.
I know about mv and rename, but I'm not as good as I want with regular expressions...
for i in `ls -v |grep -Ev '(|names.txt)'`; do
read name
mv "$i" "$name.pdf"
echo "$i" renamed to "$name.pdf"
done < names.txt
names.txt: (line count must be the exact equal to numbered files count)
name of first book
ls -v returns naturally sorted file list
grep excludes this script name and input file to not be renamed
we cycle through found file names, read value from file and rename the target files by this value
For testing purposes, you can comment out the mv command:
#mv "$i" "$name"
And now, simply run the script:

This loops through names.txt, creates a filename based on a counter (padding to two digits with printf, assigning to a variable using -v), then renames using mv. ((++i)) increases the counter for the next filename.
while IFS= read -r line; do
printf -v fname "%02d.pdf" "$i"
mv "$fname" "$line"
done < names.txt


How to delete files with different extensions according to a specific condition?

Although there are several quite similar questions I could not apply the answer to my problem:
I have a lot of txt-files with a corresponding tsv-file of the same name but with different extensions, for example
$ ls myDirectory
file1.tsv (empty)
file2.tsv (not empty)
Only if the tsv-file is empty, I would like to delete both files. If the tsv-file is not empty, I would like to keep both files. Like so:
$ ls myDirectory
Alternatively, I would like to delete both corresponding files if and only if a specific string is not contained in the txt-file? (In case that is easier.)
How can that be done with a shell script?
Loop over tsv files. Check the existence of the corresponding txt file, if it's there but the tsv is empty, remove them.
#! /bin/bash
for tsv in *.tsv ; do
txt=${tsv%.tsv}.txt # Corresponding txt file.
[[ -f $txt ]] || continue # Skip tsv if txt doesn't exist.
if [[ ! -s $tsv ]] ; then # If tsv is empty
rm "$tsv" "$txt" # remove both.
The alternative can be implemented in a similar way, just use a different condition in the if-clause:
if ! grep -q "$search" "$txt" ; then
where $search contains the regex you want to search for.

Use bash to replace substring in filename with a new substring based on pairwise (old,new) values in a .csv file

I have a directory containing hundreds of image files, each named differently, such as:
I have created a changenames.csv file containing two columns with oldstring in the first column and newstring in the second such as:
These strings are currently in quotation marks, as shown.
I would like to invoke a bash command or .sh script from the command line to replace each oldstring substring with each newstring substring in the directory's filenames (not within file contents), such that the directory newly contains files called:
instead of the original files.
I have tried various solutions such as and How to find and replace part of filenames from list without success.
For example, I have tried invoking the following within the directory with the files:
while read line
IFS=',' read -a names <<< "${line}"
for file in `find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "*${names[0]}*"`; do
rename "s/${names[0]}/${names[1]}/" *
done < ${inputfile}
using the command line command changenames.csv.
This produces no error but makes no changes to the filenames.
I have also tried this solution which generated an error in which #echo was not a recognised command.
Thank you in advance for any help.
You need to strip the double quotes off at first. The code tries to find
files such as *"cat"* which do not exit.
Moreover you do not need to execute the find command. You are not
using the variable file at all.
Would you please try the following:
while IFS=',' read -r old new; do
old=${old//\"/} # remove leading and trailing double-quotes
new=${new//\"/} # same as above
rename "s/$old/$new/" *
done < "$1"
The IFS=',' read -a names <<< "${line}" does not remove " from the input. Your filenames do not have " in them, so you have to remove them too.
Backticks ` are discouraged. Don't use them. Use $(....) instead.
"for file in `" is as bad as for file in $(cat) - it's a common bash antipattern. Don't use it - you will have problems with elements with spaces or tabs. Use while IFS= read -r line to read something like by line.
There is a problem with rename, there are two common versions of rename - GNU rename and perl rename. Your script seems to aim the perl version - make sure it is the one installed.
Let rename do the rename - there is no need for for file in find here.
If you do while read line and then IFS=, read <<<"$line" is duplicating the work, just do while IFS=, read -a names; do from the beginning.
So you could do:
# split the input on ','
while IFS=',' read -r pre post; do
# remove quotes
# do the rename
rename "s/${pre}/${post}/" *
done < ${inputfile}
I think I would do the following script that uses sed:
# find all files in a directory
find . -maxdepth 1 -type f |
# convert filenames into pairs (filename,new_filename) separated by newline
sed "
# hold the line in hold space
# replace the characters as in the other file
# generate from "abc","def" -> s"abc"def"g
sed 's#"\([^"]*\)","\([^"]*\)"#s"\1"\2"g#' changenames.csv
# switch pattern and hold space
# append the line
# remove the line if substitute is the same
" |
# outputs two lines per each filename:
# one line with old filename and one line with new filename
# so just pass that to mv
xargs -l2 echo mv -v
and a one liner:
find . -maxdepth 1 -type f | sed "h;$(sed 's#"\([^"]*\)","\([^"]*\)"#s"\1"\2"g#' changenames.csv);x;G; /^\(.*\)\n\1$/d" | xargs -l2 echo mv -v
With the following recreation of files structure:
touch abdogf.png abcatf.png abhorsef.png
cat <<EOF >changenames.csv
The script outputs on repl:
mv -v ./abdogf.png ./abwooff.png
mv -v ./abcatf.png ./abmiaowf.png
mv -v ./abhorsef.png ./abneighf.png

bash to update filename in directory based on partial match to another

I am trying to use bash to rename/update the filename of a text file in /home/cmccabe/Desktop/percent based on a partial match of digits with another text file in /home/cmccabe/Desktop/analysis.txt. The match will always be in either lines 3,4,or 5 of this file. I am not able to do this but hopefully the 'bash` below is a start. Thank you :).
text file in /home/cmccabe/Desktop/percent - there could be a maximum of 3 files in this directory
text file in /home/cmccabe/Desktop/analysis.txt
status: complete
id names:
desired result in /home/cmccabe/Desktop/percent
for filename in /home/cmccabe/Desktop/percent/*.txt; do echo mv \"$filename\" \"${filename//[0-9]-[0-9]/}\"; done < /home/cmccabe/Desktop/analysis.txt
Using a proper Process-Substitution syntax with a while-loop,
You can run the script under /home/cmccabe/Desktop/percent
# ^^^^ needed for associative array
# declare the associative array
declare -A mapArray
# Read the file from the 3rd line of the file and create a hash-map
# as mapArray[00-0000]=00-0000_Last-First and so on.
while IFS= read -r line; do
done < <(tail -n +3 /home/cmccabe/Desktop/analysis.txt)
# Once the hash-map is constructed, rename the text file accordingly.
# echo the file and the name to be renamed before invoking the 'mv'
# command
for file in *.txt; do
echo "$file" ${mapArray["${file%%_*}"]}"_${file#*_}"
# mv "$file" ${mapArray["${file%%_*}"]}"_${file#*_}"
This is another similar bash approach:
while IFS="_" read -r id newname;do
#echo "id=$newid - newname=$newname" #for cross check
oldfilename=$(find . -name "${id}*.txt" -printf %f)
[ -n "$oldfilename" ] && echo mv \"$oldfilename\" \"${id}_${newname}_${oldfilename#*_}\";
done < <(tail -n+3 analysis)
We read the analysis file and we split each line (i.e 00-0000_Last-First) to two fields using _ as delimiter:
Then using this file id we read from file "analysis" we check (using find) to see if a file exists starting with the same id.
If such a file exists, it's filename is returned in variable $oldfilename.
If this variable is not empty then we do the mv.
tail -n+3 is used to ignore the first three lines of the file results.txt
Test this solution online here

How do change all filenames with a similar but not identical structure?

Due to a variety of complex photo library migrations that had to be done using a combination of manual copying and importing tools that renamed the files, it seems I wound up with a ton of files with a similar structure. Here's an example:
2009-05-05 - 2009-05-05 - IMG_0486 - 2009-05-05 at 10-13-43 - 4209 - 2009-05-05.JPG
What it should be:
2009-05-05 - IMG_0486.jpg
The other files have the same structure, but obviously the individual dates and IMG numbers are different.
Is there any way I can do some command line magic in Terminal to automatically rename these files to the shortened/correct version?
I assume you may have sub-directories and want to find all files inside this directory tree.
This first code block (which you could put in a script) is "safe" (does nothing), but will help you see what would be done.
while IFS= read -r file
name="$(basename "$file")"
[[ "$name" =~ ^($datep)\ -\ $datep\ -\ ([^[:space:]]+)\ -\ $datep.*[.](.+)$ ]] || continue
dir_of_file="$(dirname "$file")"
target="$dir_of_file/$date - $imgname.$ext"
echo "$file"
echo " would me moved to..."
echo " $target"
done < <(find "$dir" -type f)
Make sure the output is what you want and are expecting. I cannot test on your actual files, and if this script does not produce results that are entirely satisfactory, I do not take any responsibility for hair being pulled out. Do not blindly let anyone (including me) mess with your precious data by copy and pasting code from the internet if you have no reliable, checked backup.
Once you are sure, decide if you want to take a chance on some guy's code written without any opportunity for testing and replace the three consecutive lines beginning with echo with this :
mv "$file" "$target"
Note that file names have to match to a pretty strict pattern to be considered for processing, so if you notice that some files are not being processed, then the pattern may need to be modified.
Assuming they are all the exact same structure, spaces and everything, you can use awk to split the names up using the spaces as break points. Here's a quick and dirty example:
for file in /path/to/files/*; do
unset output #clear variable from previous loop
output="$(echo $file | awk '{print $1}')" #Assign the first field to the output variable
output="$output"" - " #Append with [space][dash][space]
output="$output""$(echo $file | awk '{print $5}')" #Append with IMG_* field
output="$output""." #Append with period
#Use -F '.' to split by period, and $NF to grab the last field (to get the extension)
output="$output""$(echo $file | awk -F '.' '{print $NF}')"
From there, something like mv /path/to/files/$file /path/to/files/$output as a final line in the file loop will rename the file. I'd copy a few files into another folder to test with first, since we're dealing with file manipulation.
All the output assigning lines can be consolidated into a single line, as well, but it's less easy to read.
output="$(echo $file | awk '{print $1 " - " $5 "."}')""$(echo $file | awk -F '.' '{print $NF}')"
You'll still want a file loop, though.
Assuming that you want to convert the filename with the first date and the IMG* name, you can run the following on the folder:
for file in *
printf "mv '$file' '"
printf '%s' $(cut -d" " -f1,4,5 <<< "$file")
printf "'.jpg"
done | sh

Write a shell script that replaces multiple strings in multiple files

I need to search through many files in a directory for a list of keywords and add a prefix to all of them. For example, if various files in my directory contained the terms foo, bar, and baz, I would need to change all instances of these terms to: prefix_foo, prefix_bar, and prefix_baz.
I'd like to write a shell script to do this so I can avoid doing the search one keyword at a time in SublimeText (there are a lot of them). Unfortunately, my shell-fu is not that strong.
So far, following this advice, I have created a file called "replace.sed" with all of the terms formatted like this:
The terminal command it suggests to use with this list is:
sed -f replace.sed < old.txt > new.txt
I was able to adapt this to replace instances within the file (instead of creating a new file) by setting up the following script, which I called
#!/bin/sh -e
in=${1?No input file specified}
mv $in ${bak=.$in.bak}
"$#" < $bak > $in
Putting it all together, I ended up with this command:
~/ old.txt sed -f replace.sed
I tried this and it works, for one file at a time. How would I adapt this to search and replace through all of the files in my entire directory?
for f in *; do
[[ -f "$f" ]] && ~/ "$f" sed -f ~/replace.sed
In a script:
files=`ls -1 your_directory | egrep keyword`
for i in ${files[#]}; do
cp ${i} prefix_${i}
This will, of course, leave the originals where they are.
