Creating a comma separated array in bash - bash

I have a file with contents as the following .
I need to create array like this
How can I do that ?

The should help you :
sed -r "s/^|$/'/g" file | echo "(`paste -d, -s`)"
I'm using sed to add ' in start & end of each line, then concatenate the content using paste and enclosing it with parenthesis using echo.

You can use the following:
while read line; do printf "'$line',"; done < file | sed 's/^/(/;s/,$/)\n/'
The while loop gets the content and enclose it between brackets.
s/^/(/ is adding a ( at the beginning of the string.
s/,$/)\n/ is replacing the last , by a ) and a cariage return.


Unix sed command - global replacement is not working

I have scenario where we want to replace multiple double quotes to single quotes between the data, but as the input data is separated with "comma" delimiter and all column data is enclosed with double quotes "" got an issue and the same explained below:
The sample data looks like this:
So, the output would be:
tried below approach to get the resolution, but only first occurrence is working, not sure what is the issue??
sed -ie 's/,"",/,"NULL",/g;s/""/"/g;s/,"NULL",/,"",/g' inputfile.txt
replacing all ---> from ,"", to ,"NULL",
replacing all multiple occurrences of ---> from """ or "" or """" to " (single occurrence)
replacing 1 step changes back to original ---> from ,"NULL", to ,"",
But, only first occurrence is getting changed and remaining looks same as below:
If input is :
the output is coming as:
But, the output should be:
You may try this perl with a lookahead:
perl -pe 's/("")+(?=")//g' file
Where input is:
cat file
("")+: Match 1+ pairs of double quotes
(?="): If those pairs are followed by a single "
Using sed
$ sed -E 's/(,"",)?"+(",)?/\1"\2/g' input_file
In awk with your shown samples please try following awk code. Written and tested in GNU awk, should work in any version of awk.
awk '
' Input_file
Explanation: Simple explanation would be, setting field separator and output field separator as , for all the lines of Input_file. Then traversing through each field of line, if a field is NOT NULL then Globally replacing all 1 or more occurrences of " with single occurrence of ". Then printing the line.
With sed you could repeat 1 or more times sets of "" using a group followed by matching a single "
Then in the replacement use a single "
sed -E 's/("")+"/"/g' file
For this content
$ cat file
The output is
sed s'#"""#"#' file
That works. I will demonstrate another method though, which you may also find useful in other situations.
#!/bin/sh -x
cat > ed1 <<EOF
cp file stack
cat stack | tr ',' '\n' > f2
ed -s f2 < ed1
cat f2 | tr '\n' ',' > stack
rm -v ./f2
rm -v ./ed1
The point of this is that if you have a big csv record all on one line, and you want to edit a specific field, then if you know the field number, you can convert all the commas to carriage returns, and use the field number as a line number to either substitute, append after it, or insert before it with Ed; and then re-convert back to csv.

convert a file content using shell script

Hello everyone I'm a beginner in shell coding. In daily basis I need to convert a file's data to another format, I usually do it manually with Text Editor. But I often do mistakes. So I decided to code an easy script who can do the work for me.
The file's content like this
to this:
The script should ignore the first line and print the second and third values separated by '>'
I'm half way there, and here is my code
#while Loops
while IFS=\" read t1 t2 t3
test $i -eq 1 && ((i=i+1)) && continue
echo $t1|cut -d\, -f2 | { tr -d '\n'; echo \>$t2; }
done < $1
The problem in my code is that the last line isnt printed unless the file finishes with an empty line \n
And I want the echo to be printed inside a new CSV file(I tried to set the standard output to my new file but only the last echo is printed there).
Can someone please help me out? Thanks in advance.
Rather than treating the double quotes as a field separator, it seems cleaner to just delete them (assuming that is valid). Eg:
$ < input tr -d '"' | awk 'NR>1{print $2,$3}' FS=, OFS=\>
If you cannot just strip the quotes as in your sample input but those quotes are escaping commas, you could hack together a solution but you would be better off using a proper CSV parsing tool. (eg perl's Text::CSV)
Here's a simple pipeline that will do the trick:
sed '1d' data.txt | cut -d, -f2-3 | tr -d '"' | tr ',' '>'
Here, we're just removing the first line (as desired), selecting fields 2 & 3 (based on a comma field separator), removing the double quotes and mapping the remaining , to >.
Use this Perl one-liner:
perl -F',' -lane 'next if $. == 1; print join ">", map { tr/"//d; $_ } #F[1,2]' in_file
The Perl one-liner uses these command line flags:
-e : Tells Perl to look for code in-line, instead of in a file.
-n : Loop over the input one line at a time, assigning it to $_ by default.
-l : Strip the input line separator ("\n" on *NIX by default) before executing the code in-line, and append it when printing.
-a : Split $_ into array #F on whitespace or on the regex specified in -F option.
-F',' : Split into #F on comma, rather than on whitespace.
perldoc perlrun: how to execute the Perl interpreter: command line switches

How do I read a line and set it as a intager withouth its brackets

I have written a script which reads a line in a text and gives the text as output. The text is only a number but it is in brackets. Because of that I can't set it as a intager. How do I make scripot to read the file without brackets or make it delete the brackets afterwards?
My script so far:
P=`cat /sys/devices/platform/applesmc.768/light`
echo "$P"
P=`cat /sys/devices/platform/applesmc.768/light`
P=`cat /sys/devices/platform/applesmc.768/light | tr -d '()'`
to delete all ( and ) or shorter
P=`tr -d '()' < /sys/devices/platform/applesmc.768/light`

How do I replace text using a variable in a shell script

I have a variable with a bunch of data.
file = garbage.txt //iiuhdsfiuhdsihf]sdiuhdfoidsoijsf
What I would like to do is replace the ] charachter in file with text. I've tried using sed but I keep getting odd errors.
output should be:
Just need to escape the ] character with a \ in regex:
sed "s/\(.*\)\]\(.*\)/\1$text\2/" file > file.changed
or, for in-place editing:
sed -i "s/\(.*\)\]\(.*\)/\1$text\2/" file
sed "s/\(.*\)\]\(.*\)/\1$text\2/" <<< "iiuhdsfiuhdsihf]sdiuhdfoidsoijsf"
# output => iiuhdsfiuhdsihfABCDEFGHIJKsdiuhdfoidsoijsf
There is always the bash way that should work in your osx:
filevar=$(cat file)
echo "${filevar/]/$text}" #to replace first occurence
echo "${filevar//]/$text}" #to replace all occurences
In my bash i don't even have to escape ].
By the way, the simple sed does not work?
$ a="AA"
$ echo "garbage.txt //iiuhdsfiuhdsihf]sdiuhdfoidsoijsf" |sed "s/]/$a/g"
garbage.txt //iiuhdsfiuhdsihfAAsdiuhdfoidsoijsf

Append index variable at the end of each line

I am trying to append an index variable at the end of each line of a file that I have. However I dont want to lose the escape characters that I have in the textFile and thus cannot echo into the file again.
Here's what I tried:
while read p; do
echo $tempCom >> otherFile.txt
done < result.txt
What I am after:
"asdasdasdasdasdasd\ asdasd/asda"
"qweqweqweqweqweqwe\ qweqwe/qweq"
"asdasdasdasdasdasd\ asdasd/asda" 1
"qweqweqweqweqweqwe\ qweqwe/qweq" 2
Note that indexVar is an index that is stored elsewhere and does not necessarily correspond to the line that its being appended to.
Your problem is very likely a quoting problem. Observe the IFS= and the -r option in the read statement too.
while IFS= read -r p
printf '%s\n' "$tempCom" >> otherFile.txt # Observe the quotes
done < result.txt
If you just want to append the line number to the end why not use awk?
awk '{print $0, "\t", NR}' < file.txt
EDIT 1: It sounds like you want to use paste then (assuming you want to just join line by line)
paste file1.txt file2.txt > fileresults.txt
EDIT 2: You can use sed then:
sed "s|$|${indexVar}|" input
Use the -r option of the read command, so that the backslashes are preserved.
while read -r p; do
