Where in clause using linq - linq

trying to convert a query which has 2 levels of where in clauses to linq and getting some errors. Can anybody help me on this?
Original Query:
select id
from student
where suId
in (select suId
from subjects
where cid
in (select id
from chapters
where chapter='C203'))
LINQ query:
var query = (from s in dc.students
let subs = (from su in dc.subjects
where su.cid == Convert.ToInt32(from c in dc.Chapters
where c.chapter == 'Ç203'
select c.id) //Single chapter id will be returned
select su.suid)
where subs.Contains(s.sid)
select s.id).ToArray();
Am getting below 2 errors while compiling app
'System.Linq.IQueryable' does not contain a definition for 'Contains' and the best extension method overload 'System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Contains(System.Linq.ParallelQuery, TSource)' has some invalid arguments
Instance argument: cannot convert from 'System.Linq.IQueryable' to 'System.Linq.ParallelQuery'

Since Linq is lazy-loading everything you don't need to cram everything into a single statement; you can do something like this:
var chapterIds = dc.Chapters
.Where(c => c.Chapter == "C023")
.Select(c => c.Id);
var subjectIds = dc.Subjects
.Where(s => chapterIds.Contains(s.Cid))
.Select(s => s.Suid);
var students = dc.Students
.Where(s => subjectIds.Contains(s.Suid))
.Select(s => s.Sid)
This way you can debug each subquery by looking at what it returns.
However, looking at your original select you can rewrite the whole thing as a Join and get rid of the bugging issue:
var students = dc.Chapters.Where(c => c.Chapter == "C023")
c => c.Id,
s => s.Cid,
(chapter, subject) => subject)
subj => subj.Suid,
student => student.Suid,
(subj, st) => st.Sid)


Where, Group by and Sum specific column in LINQ

I have this SQL query that gives the result I want. Please help me convert this to LINQ.
SELECT skill, sum (skillLevel)
FROM ReportView
WHERE jobTitle = 'Graphic Designer'
GROUP BY skill
The query gives the result as below.
skill (No column Name)
Photoshop 10
Illustrator 8
I have tried this but I get anonymous type errors.
var results = db.ReportViews
.Where(x => x.jobTitle == "Graphic Designer")
.GroupBy(x => x.skill)
.Select(y =>
skill = y.Select(x => x.skill),
skillLevel = y.Sum(s => s.skillLevel)

Entity Framework LINQ Multiple Column Count(Distinct)

I'm not entirely sure how to translate the following SQL into LINQ Fluent API. Any help would be great
select count(distinct thread.Id) as ThreadCount, count(distinct segment.Id) as SegmentCount
from Segment
inner join SegmentCommunicator as SegmentCommunicator
on Segment.Id = SegmentCommunicator.SegmentId
inner join Thread
on Thread.Id = Segment.ThreadId
where SegmentCommunicator.CommunicatorId in (94, 3540, 6226, 10767, 20945)
Currently, I know how to do this in 2 queries but for the life of me I can't figure out how to condense down into one. Any help would be much appreciated
var aggregate1 = _threadProvider
.SelectMany(t => t.Segments)
.Where(s => s.SegmentCommunicators.Any(sc => communicatorIds.Contains(sc.CommunicatorId)))
.Select(s => s.ThreadId)
var aggregate2 = _threadProvider
.SelectMany(t => t.Segments)
.Where(s => s.SegmentCommunicators.Any(sc => communicatorIds.Contains(sc.CommunicatorId)))
.Select(s => s.Id)
You can use one "base" query but the two distinct counts will be separate queries, hydrating the query once with as small of a data set as possible:
var query = _threadProvider
.SelectMany(t => t.Segments)
.Where(s => s.SegmentCommunicators.Any(sc => communicatorIds.Contains(sc.CommunicatorId)))
.Select(s => new {s.ThreadId, s.Id})
var aggregate1 = query.Select(s => s.ThreadId)
var aggregate2 = query.Select(s => s.Id)
You might be able to use GroupBy to do it in one query:
var query = _threadProvider
.SelectMany(t => t.Segments)
.Where(s => s.SegmentCommunicators.Any(sc => communicatorIds.Contains(sc.CommunicatorId)))
.GroupBy(s => 1)
.Select(g => new
ThreadCount = g.Select(s => s.ThreadId.Distinct().Count()),
SegmentCount = g.Select(s => s.Id.Distinct().Count()),
but I doubt that the underlying query provider will support it (at best it will turn it into two sub-queries).
Note that neither query will likely perform as fast as the raw SQL, since SQL can optimize the query before returning the results to Linq.

NHibernate Fetch / ThenFetch for joined siblings

I have the following (simplified) hierarchy of entities:
I would like to fetch everything in a single query, if possible.
Currently I have the following:
Session.Query<RootClass>().Where(/*some expressions here*/)
.Fetch(v => v.DescriptorClass)
.Fetch(v => v.SomeChild).ThenFetch(v => v.SomeGrandChild)
.Fetch(v => v.SomeChild).ThenFetch(v => v.DescriptorClass);
it works fine but it creates an SQL query with two joins on SomeChild. Obviously, I have to get rid of that second Fetch(v => v.SomeChild) but I cannot find how to do it.
I tried:
Session.Query<RootClass>().Where(/*some expressions here*/)
.Fetch(v => v.DescriptorClass)
.Fetch(v => v.SomeChild).ThenFetch(v => v.SomeGrandChild)
.ThenFetch(v => v.DescriptorClass); //<- wrong, tries to find DescriptorClass on SomeGranchild
Session.Query<RootClass>().Where(/*some expressions here*/)
.Fetch(v => v.DescriptorClass)
.Fetch(v => v.SomeChild).ThenFetch(v => v.SomeGrandChild)
.Fetch(v => v.DescriptorClass); //<- wrong, loads the same DescriptorClass of RootClass, not on SomeChild
How do I tell NHibernate to create a single join on SomeChild and then fetch SomeGrandChild and DescriptorClass of SomeChild?
For this type of query, switch to using the LINQ query syntax instead of lambdas as it gives you more control and typically outputs more efficient and cleaner SQL.
Take a look at the sample below and notice how I am able to reference the Customer entity multiple times by using the alias 'c'.
var customers =
from c in session.Query<Customer>()
from a in c.Addresses
from pn in c.PhoneNumbers
where c.Status == "Active"
&& a.City == "Dallas"
&& pn.AreaCode == "972"
select c )
This will result in the following SQL using NHibernate:
customer0_.CustomerId as Customer1_135_0_,
customer0_.Status as Customer1_135_1_
Customer customer0_
CustomerAddresses customeraddr1_
ON customer0_.CustomerId=customeraddr1_.CustomerId
CustomerPhoneNumbers customerphon2_
ON customer0_.CustomerId=customerphon2_.CustomerId
customer0_.Status='Active' /* #p0 */
AND customeraddr1_.City = 'Dallas' /* #p1 */
AND customerphon2_.AreaCode = '972' /* #p2 */;

Linq expression for left join and filter for the inner table

I want to know how to make Linq expression that has the same effect as these SQL query
SELECT item.*, priceforitem.*
LEFT JOIN priceforitem
ON priceforitem.ItemID = item.ItemID
AND priceforitem.PriceID = ?PriceID
I already make it using the Method query but I don't know if it will produce the same result
db.PriceForItems.Where(pi => pi.PriceID == id),
i => i.ItemID,
pi => pi.ItemID,
(i, pi) => new { Item = b, Prices = pi })
a => a.Prices.DefaultIfEmpty(),
(i, pi) => new
ItemID = i.Item.ItemID,
Code = i.Item.Code,
Name = i.Item.Name,
PriceForItemID = pi.PriceForItemID,
Price = pi.Price
and then after thinking for awhile i shorten it like this
i => db.PriceForItems.Where(
pi => pi.PriceID == id
&& pi.ItemID = i.ItemID).DefaultIfEmpty(),
(i, pi) => new
ItemID = i.Item.ItemID,
Code = i.Item.Code,
Name = i.Item.Name,
PriceForItemID = pi.PriceForItemID,
Price = pi.Price
I am new to Linq, and I don't know which is better and how to convert it to Linq query statement.
First of all your sql query. It is effectively and inner join because the where condition will filter out all rows where data from priceforitem is null. If you do want to convert same query to linq you can do it like
from i in db.Items
join p in db.PriceforItems on
i.ItemId equals p.ItemId into tempvals
from t in tempvals.DefaultIfEmpty()
where t.PriceId == id
select new{i.ItemId, ..., t.PriceId, t...., t....}
I mostly write linq queries instead of expressions where they are more readable to me. If you still want to get an expression, you can write a valid linq query and paste it into Linqpad and it will give the result as well as lambda expression of your query.

Complex Linq Collection Query

I have this DB diagram and want to make a query to find all UserLists in a given region. RegionId is supplied.
So I can get all the departments by this code (may not be the best way..):
var region = context.Regions.Find(regionId);
IEnumerable<Department> departments = region.Areas
.SelectMany(a => a.Workplaces)
.SelectMany(w => w.Departments);
The Account can have many UserLists, and an Account can be linked to many Departments. Can someone formulate a queryto achieve this please?
for completeness the final code was:
List<UserList> query2 = context.Regions.Where(r => r.RegionId == regionId)
.SelectMany(r => r.Areas)
.SelectMany(a => a.Workplaces)
.SelectMany(w => w.Departments)
.SelectMany(d => d.AccountsAllowedToPost)
.SelectMany(da => da.Lists).ToList();
You can use the let syntax (or the .Select method) to navigate the ManyToOne relationship.
var query =
from r in context.Regions
where r.RegionId == regionId
from a in r.Areas
from w in a.Workplaces
from d in w.Departments
from da in d.DepartmentAccounts
let acc = da.Account
from u in acc.UserLists
select u;
var query2 = context.Regions.Where(r => r.RegionId == regionId)
.SelectMany(r => r.Areas)
.SelectMany(a => a.Workplaces)
.SelectMany(w => w.Departments)
.SelectMany(d => d.DepartmentAccounts)
.Select(da => da.Account)
.SelectMany(acc => acc.UserLists);
