How can I put an instance of an object as session attribute in a Spring MVC project? - spring

I am working on a Spring MVC application and I have the following problem.
I have this RegistrazioneInfo class that contains some information inserted into a form by the user:
public class RegistrazioneInfo {
#Size(min=16, max=16)
private String codiceFiscale;
String gRecaptchaResponse;
public String getCodiceFiscale() {
return codiceFiscale;
public void setCodiceFiscale(String codiceFiscale) {
this.codiceFiscale = codiceFiscale;
public String getgRecaptchaResponse() {
return gRecaptchaResponse;
public void setgRecaptchaResponse(String gRecaptchaResponse) {
this.gRecaptchaResponse = gRecaptchaResponse;
Then I have this controller class:
public class RegistrazioneController extends BaseController {
private RegistrazioneInfo registrazioneInfo;
that contains some methods handling request towards some resources.
Ok, my problem is that I want to use an instance of the previous RegistrazioneInfo class as session attribute by the use of the #SessionAttributes Spring annotation as shown here:
My problem is, in the previous example do something like this:
public class EditPetForm {
// ...
So what exactly is pet? I think that it is something like an id that identify the object that have to be used as a session attribute or something like this. How can I say to put an instance of my RegistrazioneInfo as session attribute?

#SessionAttributes is declared in a Controller Class (#Controller), so on the class level.
Pet is an Bean Object that persist in HttpSession

From the documentation:
This will typically list the names of model attributes which should be transparently stored in the session or some conversational storage, serving as form-backing beans. Declared at the type level, applying to the model attributes that the annotated handler class operates on.
(emphasis is mine)
Also note that, as indicated in the documentation, you should not use that for "non temporary" elements.


Spring HATEOAS recursive representation model processors?

I have a question concerning the representation model processors of Spring HATEOAS. We are experimenting to process models before serializing them to the client. Our use case is to enrich the imageUrl field of UserModel objects at runtime, as we have to build the URL based on values from a config bean (AWS S3 bucket URL differs for DEV / PROD setup).
public class UserModel {
// ...
private String imageUrl;
Therefore, we create a UserProcessor to implement this:
public class UserProcessor implements RepresentationModelProcessor<EntityModel<UserModel>> {
private final ConfigAccessor configAccessor;
public UserProcessor(ConfigAccessor configAccessor) {
this.configAccessor = configAccessor;
public EntityModel<UserModel> process(EntityModel<UserModel> model) {
if (model.getContent() != null)
// do the enrichment and set "imageUrl" field
return model;
This works perfectly if we have a controller method like this:
public EntityModel<UserModel> getCurrentUser(#AuthenticationPrincipal Principal principal) {
UserModel user = ... // get user model
return EntityModel.of(user);
However, we are struggling now with the enrichment whenever a UserModel is referenced in another model class, e.g., the BookModel:
public class BookModel {
private String isbn;
// ...
private EntityModel<UserModel> user; // or "private UserModel user;"
A controller method returning type EntityModel<BookModel> only applies the processor for its type, but not for types that are referenced. It seems the processors are not applied recursively.
Is this intentional or are we doing something wrong?
Thanks for any input and help,
I encountered the same issue and I resolved it by manually assembling resources, in your case that would be implementing RepresentationModelAssembler of the BookModel and then manually invoking the processor on the userModel object that is inside the book.
Make the outer resource a representation model
First consider the BookModel to extend RepresentationModel so that you can manually add links and assemble inner resources (which you would like for the EntityModel<UserModel> object)
public class BookModel extends RepresentationModel<BookModel> {...}
Write a model assembler
Now write the assembler that takes your book entity and transforms it into a representation model or a collection of these models. You will implement here what EntityModel.of(...) does for you automagically.
public class BookModelAssembler implements RepresentationModelAssembler<Book, BookModel> {
private UserProcessor userProcessor;
public BookModel toModel(Book entity) {
var bookModel = new BookModel(entity) // map fields from entity to model
// Transform the user entity to an entity model of user
var user = entity.getUser();
EntityModel<UserModel> userModel = EntityModel.of(user);
userModel = userProcessor.process(userModel);
return bookModel;
I might be going out on a limb but I suppose the reason for this is that the processors get invoked when an MVC endpoint returns a type that has a registered processor, which in the case of embedded types is not invoked. My reasoning is based on the docs for RepresentationModelProcessor, which states that processor processes representation models returned from Spring MVC controllers.

Can I "inject" values from message resources into model objects before implicit Jackson serialisation?

I have a REST API built with Spring Boot / Spring MVC, using the implicit JSON serialization via Jackson.
Now, just before the implicit serialization, I would like to "inject" some UI texts from message resources into the objects that Jackson converts into JSON. Is there some neat, simple way to do this?
As a much simplified example, below I'd like to set Section title to a user-visible value, based purely based on its SectionType.
(Sure, I could hardcode the UI texts in SectionType, but I'd rather keep them separate, in resource files, because it's cleaner, and they might be localised at some point. And I can't autowire MessageSource in the entities / model objects which are not Spring-managed.)
public class Entry {
// persistent fields omitted
public List<Sections> getSections() {
// Sections created on-the-fly, based on persistent data
public class Section {
public SectionType type;
public String title; // user-readable text whose value only depends on type
public enum SectionType {
public String getUiTextKey() {
return String.format("section.%s", name());
Somewhere in a #RestController:
#RequestMapping(value = "/entry/{id}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public Entry entry(#PathVariable("id") Long id) {
return service.findEntry(id);
UI texts that I'd like to keep separate from code (
section.MAIN=Main Section
section.FOO=Proper UI text for the FOO section
section.BAR=This might get localised one day, you know
And what I'd like to do in a Spring-managed service/bean somewhere (using Messages, a very simple helper wrapping a MessageSource):
section.title = messages.get(section.type.getUiTextKey())
Note that if I call entry.getSections() and set the title for each, it will not affect the JSON output, since the Sections are generated on the fly in getSections().
Do I have to go all the way to custom deseriazation, or is there a simpler way to hook into the model objects just before they get serialized by Jackson?
Sorry if the question is unclear; I can try to clarify if needed.
As I said in the comment you can write an Aspect around every controller method that returns Section.
I wrote a simple example. You have to modify it with the message source.
public class HomeController {
public Person index(){
Person person = new Person();
return person;
public class MyAspect {
#Around("execution(public Person com.example..*Controller.*(..))")//you can play with the pointcut here
public Object addSectionMessage(ProceedingJoinPoint pjp) throws Throwable {
Object retVal = pjp.proceed();
Person p = (Person) retVal; // here cast to your class(Section) instead of Person
p.setAge(26);//modify the object as you wish and return it
return p;
Since the aspect is also a #Component you can #Autowire in it.

jsp useBean spring instance null

Why the different results?
is controller code
is jsp:useBean code ( .tag file )
I know that an instance generated by the spring is available throughresource.
Thank you for your help.
1) controller
public class CounselController {
private CounselDAO counselDAO;
#RequestMapping(value="/list", method=RequestMethod.GET)
public string list() {
counselService.getList(); // **Working !!**
public class HealthQnATodayTAG {
private CounselDAO counselDAO;
public HealthQnATodayTAG() {
counselService.getList(); // **Did Not Working !!**
Your custom Tag is not a Spring managed bean and so resources will never be injected. You need to load the Model attribute in your controller, set it as a model attribute with required scope and then:
[1] pass it as a parameter to your Tag.
<x:myTag list="${list}"/>
[2] Have your custom Tag extend javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.TagSupport which will give you a reference to the PageContext and from which you can then get a handle on the Model attribute.

Spring MVC : Common param in all requests

I have many controllers in my Spring MVC web application and there is a param mandatoryParam let's say which has to be present in all the requests to the web application.
Now I want to make that param-value available to all the methods in my web-layer and service-layer. How can I handle this scenario effectively?
Currently I am handling it in this way:
... controllerMethod(#RequestParam String mandatoryParam, ...)
and, then passing this param to service layer by calling it's method
public class MyControllerAdvice {
public void myMethod(#RequestParam String mandatoryParam) {
// Use your mandatoryParam
myMethod() will be called for every request to any controller in the net.myproject.mypackage package. (Before Spring 4.0, you could not define a package. #ControllerAdvice applied to all controllers).
See the Spring Reference for more details on #ModelAttribute methods.
Thanks Alexey for leading the way.
His solution is:
Add a #ControllerAdvice triggering for all controllers, or selected ones
This #ControllerAdvice has a #PathVariable (for a "/path/{variable}" URL) or a #RequestParam (for a "?variable=..." in URL) to get the ID from the request (worth mentioning both annotations to avoid blind-"copy/past bug", true story ;-) )
This #ControllerAdvice then populates a model attribute with the data fetched from database (for instance)
The controllers with uses #ModelAttribute as method parameters to retrieve the data from the current request's model
I'd like to add a warning and a more complete example:
Warning: see JavaDoc for if no name is provided to the #ModelAttribute annotation (better to not clutter the code):
The default model attribute name is inferred from the declared
attribute type (i.e. the method parameter type or method return type),
based on the non-qualified class name:
e.g. "orderAddress" for class "mypackage.OrderAddress",
or "orderAddressList" for "List<mypackage.OrderAddress>".
The complete example:
public class ParentInjector {
public void injectParent(#PathVariable long parentId, Model model) {
model.addAttribute("parentDTO", new ParentDTO(parentId, "A faked parent"));
public class ChildResource {
public ChildDTO getOne(#ModelAttribute ParentDTO parent, long childId) {
return new ChildDTO(parent, childId, "A faked child");
To continue about the warning, requests are declaring the parameter "#ModelAttribute ParentDTO parent": the name of the model attribute is not the variable name ("parent"), nor the original "parentId", but the classname with first letter lowerified: "parentDTO", so we have to be careful to use model.addAttribute("parentDTO"...)
Edit: a simpler, less-error-prone, and more complete example:
public #interface ProjectDependantRestController {
* The value may indicate a suggestion for a logical component name,
* to be turned into a Spring bean in case of an autodetected component.
* #return the suggested component name, if any
String value() default "";
#ControllerAdvice(annotations = ParentDependantRestController.class)
public class ParentInjector {
public ParentDTO injectParent(#PathVariable long parentId) {
return new ParentDTO(parentId, "A faked parent");
public class ChildResource {
public ChildDTO getOne(#ModelAttribute ParentDTO parent, long childId) {
return new ChildDTO(parent, childId, "A faked child");

spring interface as #ModelAttribute param

I have UsersController with method:
#RequestMapping(value={"/new"}, method=RequestMethod.GET)
public String showCreationForm(#ModelAttribute User user){
return "user_registration_form";
which displays registration form. I want to keep modularity (would be nice to use this controller in some other project) in my project so User is an interface and there is its implementation - UserImpl. The problem is that Spring cannot instatiate User interface. Is there a way to configure spring to use some default implementation of User?
You can provide an object to be populated with request data using #ModelAttribute-annotated method:
public User createUser() {
return new UserImpl();
Create a simple class that implements the interface minimally. It is the same idea as an interface, but it is a class. It does not contain any of your logic or validation or anything else. It is just the simplest implementation of the interface, call it UserSimple, and it implements your interface. It is called a Data Transfer Object.
public class UserSimple implements User {
String name;
String address;
//getters and setters only
Add a converter that copies the real properties of the UserImpl into the UserSimple.
public class ImplToSimpleConverter
implements Converter<UserImpl, UserSimple> {
public UserSimple convert(UserImpl source) {
UserSimple target = new UserSimple();
BeanUtils.copyProperties(source, target);
return target;
Use UserSimple in the handler.
#RequestMapping(value={"/new"}, method=RequestMethod.GET)
public String showCreationForm(#ModelAttribute UserSimple user){
return "user_registration_form";
This allows you to keep the code generic. Adding a different converter is all you would have to do to use the same class in a different application.
