How to Solve ORA-12560: TNS protocol adapter error - oracle

I have tried restarting multiple times the services but I failed. Because of this error I cant install oracle apex.

Try sys as sysdba. Look at this tutorial.


"ORA-12154:TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified" on Mac in SQL Developer

Connecting through Oracle SQL Developer(version using wallet files(cwallet.sso and ewallet.p12) we are getting the following error “ORA-12154:TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified “when we test the connection via Advanced connection type in SQL Developer. We are using “jdbc:oracle:oci:/#NAME”. We are able to connect using SQLPLUS using “sqlplus /#NAME”. This is on a Mac(High Sierra) with the Instant Client Version
We have the TNSNAMES.ora and SQLNET.ora files configured and the wallet is set and working fine with SQLPLUS.
Is there anything we should look at to troubleshoot this further? Or any workarounds you might suggest?
Same advice I gave on the OTN forums -
make sure SQL Developer is reading the TNSNAMES file you think it is.
show tns
connect hr/oracle#orcl -- execute in a sqlworksheet with F5
TNS Lookup locations
1. USER Home dir
Location used:
Available TNS Entries
Connection created by CONNECT script command disconnected
If that fails, try EZCONNECT syntax
connect hr/oracle#server:port/SID
Also, there is a TNS connection type you can use. If OCI is enabled in preferences, your connection will be 'thick' and use sqlnet and tnsnames ora files.

Oracle 11g Enterprise Manager Login Fail Internal Error has Occured

I have installed Oracle 11g on my Windows 10 machine. I followed all preinstallation requirements.
When trying to log in to the Enterprise manager via this link:
I get the error:
Internal Error has occurred. Check the log file for details.
I have found log files and it looks like this is the relevant entry:
2017-09-17 07:36:53,631 [MetricCollector:HOMETAB_THREAD600:60] ERROR rt.DbMetricCollectorTarget _getAllData.344 - java.lang.NullPointerException
at oracle.sysman.emSDK.emd.comm.EMDClient.getURL(
at oracle.sysman.emSDK.emd.comm.EMDClient.getConnection(
at oracle.sysman.emSDK.emd.comm.EMDClient.getConnection(
at oracle.sysman.emSDK.emd.comm.EMDClient.getResponseForRequest(
at oracle.sysman.emSDK.emd.comm.EMDClient.getMetrics(
at oracle.sysman.emo.perf.metric.rt.DbHomeTab._getAllData(
at oracle.sysman.emo.perf.metric.rt.DbHomeTab.getData(
at oracle.sysman.emo.perf.metric.eng.MetricCached.collectCachedData(
at oracle.sysman.emo.perf.metric.eng.MetricCollectorThread._collectCachedData(
I have tried to set the unique name in environment variables, I thought maybe Java was the problem so I updated my JDK to 8. I am still getting the same error, and my SQL Plus will not open, as soon as I put in the correct credentials it closes. Also I have configured a Listener and tested, test was successful.
I managed to fix the issue, turns out it was a time zone issue. The DB time zone and computer time zone were different. Thus the DB Console would not start and was giving the error "EM daemon is not running".
I fixed it by following instructions here.
Also note before I did that I completely uninstalled Oracle and reinstalled it. There were some issues on that install that were causing SQL not to run. But the above is what fixed the Internal Error I was getting.
Make sure the SYSMAN database user is not locked.
select username, account_status from dba_users where username = 'SYSMAN';
If the account status is not OPEN then
alter user SYSMAN account unlock;
Try restarting dbconsole
$ emctl stop dbconsole
$ emctl start dbconsole

Spfile and Pfile not created during installtion of Oracle 11g

I need your help concerning an issue with oracle 11g installation, i installed it while connected to a domain account (and still connected to it), after installation complete and a reboot i tried to startup Oracle using windows command line:
>sqlplus /nolog
>connect sys /as sysdba
After the startup command i get the following error:
ORA-01078: failure in processing system parameters
ORA-01565: error in identifying file ORA-27041: unable to open file
When i manually went to spfile and file locations, i didn't find anyone of them.
now i am looking for a method to generate of create these files without having to reinstall Oracle 11g. Any ideas please?
PS : i have windows 10.
Thanks in advance
Problem solved, while looking for pfile i was looking for something like PFile.ora, have just found that it is named init.ora, sounds stupid but yeah :D

How can I solve "Got minus one from a read call" in oracle sql developer?

When I run the sql developer and set the all data,click the connect but i get this error:
Status : Failure -Test failed: IO Error: Got minus one from a read call
I am beginner in Oracle. How can I solve that error?
I use 64-bit Windows7 and oracle 12c.
In my case the error is connected to a problem about the client's (SQL Developer) ojdbc8 driver and the Oracle 19.3 docker container. The solution for me was to set a system property on the client -- you can do it within the JDBC connection string):
This is the thread that lead me to the answer.
The cause of the error is described here:
You can also solve this problem by dissabling OOB on server side in the sqlnet.ora:
Another workaround is to use the ojdbc7 driver.
Hope this helps some of us.
From your inputs in the dialog, you are using port 5500. That port is what is used for EM Express. It answers to HTTPs traffic only. So in this case the -1 error message means the protocol negotiation failed. SQLDEV is trying to talk SQL*NET to something listening for HTTPs.
The port you are looking for is 1521 if it wasn't altered. If it was check the $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/listener.ora for the proper port number.
You need set "tcp.validnode_checking = no" or comment this parameter in sqlnet.ora file then restart listener on db server and test again.
Try it.
I got the same issue but following steps worked for me, it seems Gaurav also has shared it already:
1.Go to the folder where you have installed the database (Like: F:\app)
2.Here you will be able to see many folders, go to product\11.2.0("your databse version")\dbhome_1\NETWORK\ADMIN
3.find listener.ora file and open as text file
4.Check for the port number in that file
5.Now provide that port number while doing connection in sql developer.
Seems you have enabled ACL on the listener.
You can follow these steps to avoid the error:
1. Go to directory $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin
2. Modify sqlnet.ora file with following parameter:
tcp.validnode_checking = no
3. If you don't want to disable this, you can put the machine names as follows:
tcp.invited_nodes=(machine1, machine2)
3. Bounce the listener.
Hope that helps
Ensure the DB is up and running and you can connect locally AS SYSDBA to the database using Oracle binaries owner (usually oracle:oinstall Unix / Linux user). If it does not work, probably you encounter a different problem.
Check privileges of an Oracle file on Unix / Linux host where database is running:
ls -ltr oracle
-rwxr-xr-x 1 oracle oinstall 136803483 Mar 16 20:32 oracle
Change permissions as below:
chmod 6751 oracle
ls -ltr oracle
-rwsr-s--x 1 oracle oinstall 136803483 Mar 16 20:32 oracle
Most of the answers out there for this problem point to using the wrong PORT number in your connection options, or similar. In my case, after a couple hours of searching, the reason showed to be something else.
Mind which user you are using when starting Oracle listener. You should do it with the oracle user, not as root. Otherwise you end up with listener files being created as e.g. user deamon group root instead of user oracle group dba. This in turn leads to:
TNS-12555: TNS:permission denied
TNS-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error
TNS-00525: Insufficient privilege for operation
Linux Error: 1: Operation not permitted
To check whether this is the case, go to
and list all files (ls -la). If you find out some of the s#* files being created by a root-group user, stop the listener (lsnrctl stop), delete the above files as root and restart the listener as oracle user.
Unfortunately sqldeveloper doesn't show the full stack-trace when reading "Got minus one from a read call". I could find the problem thanks to switching to SQL-Squirrel.
In my case, I was given wrong host and port. I typed "tnsping yourServiceName" in command line in window 10. It returns a different host and port, then I used the correct one in sql developer and it worked.
In my case, it happened when I was using Docker with Oracle 19C.
The workaround is to find the listener.ora file, change 'PORT' and restart the container, ORACLE DB, listener.
It is presumed to be an error that occurred when the host tried to access TCP because it was already LISENT (HOST) by another process.
(When accessing Docker, consider that in most cases, you are accessing localhost.)
I changed the port to 1523, and all the problems were solved.
Try to do what the link , or check listener directory permission, or use command /dbhome/bin/relink all
Connection name: HR_ORCL
Username: HR ,
Password: hr ,
Connection type : local,
Click on connect.
It will work.
Actually, It is not database specific issue. it is related to port value generated by database during your installation. To overcome on this issue, please follow below.
Go to the folder where you have installed the database (Like: F:\app)
Here you will be able to see many folders, go to product\11.2.0("your databse version")\dbhome_1\NETWORK\ADMIN
find listener.ora file and open as text file
Check for the port number in that file
Now provide that port number while doing connection in sql developer.
Hope it will resolve your issue.

How to start Oracleserciceorcl if it not available in services.msc

I'm getting
ora-12560: TNS:Protocol Adapter Error
while trying to lo-gin to Oracle 11g. I did not find OracleServiceORCL file in services.msc. How to start this service? Please help me.
As far as i know this won't create a problem. If the service is already available it will throw error.
