JavaFXPorts jfxmobile Eclipse: Missing Gradle Tasks in Gradle Tasks View - javafxports

In Eclipse, I am using the jfxmobile-plugin within an gradle project which uses gradle 2.9. In the Gradle tasks view are some tasks missing like: android or androidinstall.
Only by changing the gradle version to 2.2 the missings tasks are visible.
My question is:
What have I to do in order to see the missing tasks in the gradle task view in eclipse for my project without changing the gradle version to 2.2 and keep it by 2.9?

I think you may have been using the built in Gradle Task window from Eclipse. This window doesn't show all the tasks with higher versions of gradle wrapper.
There is a different Gradle window that shows all the tasks. Select Window->Show View->Other and click on Gradle (STS) and select Gradle Tasks. That window will show all the tasks available with the plugin.
If you don't find it, you may want to install it from here.


Gradle Composite Build: How to configure Tasks for all included builds

I am new to gradle composite builds. I have a multi-project build that uses precompiled script plugins in order to have tasks configured for all projects that include the plugin. Now I want to port that functionality to a composite build setup.
The screenshots below show how the current multi-project build works:
This java precompiled script plugin (/buildSrc/.../java-conventions.gradle.kts) configures the "JavaCompile" tasks (i.e. sourceCompatability, targetCompatability...).
This kotlin precompiled script plugin imports the java conventions plugin and configures the "KotlinCompile" tasks.
Applying the the kotlin conventions plugin to project "test" automagically sets up my project with the proper "JavaCompile" and "KotlinCompile" configuration as shown above.
I have read the official docs and tutorials on gradle composite builds. Still, I dont know the proper way how to do this with composite builds. Do I have to write standalone plugins for this? If so, can you provide a POC code snippet? Any advice is greatly appreciated!

How to run a single file in Netbeans with Gradle?

I ported our project to gradle.
Everything runs fine, also debug.
However, sometimes I'd like to start a specific main belonging to a given class, which is different from the mainClass specified in Gradle.
How can I achieve something like that without having to modify manually everytime build.gradle?
Right click -> Run still executes the gradle mainClass..
What version of NetBeans are you running?
NetBeans 11.3 (with built-in Gradle support, not the external plugin), runs the selected file when you use the context menu as described.
It appears to inject a "runSingle" task into the Gradle project to accomplish this.

Gradle Task Groups not visible in Gluon Project

When I create a new Gluon Project with the Eclipse Gluon Plugin(2.3.0), the Gradle Tasks View (Buildship) only shows the group 'other', where all tasks get listed.
Calling gradle tasks on the command line, shows all groups as expected, as well as when I create a new Gradle Project without the plugin.
Furthermore the Executions View doesn't show anything
(Gradle STS Integration for Eclipse is also installed)

How to elegantly build selected parts of a project

I have a project where I ideally wanted to be able to write something like this:
gradle build
gradle build -Pparts=part1,part5
Where the first command builds the whole project with a core part and all other parts. The second command builds the core part and selectively part1 and part5.
What I ended up with was splitting it up into subprojects and configuring them in the root build.gradle like this:
I can now do
gradle pack
gradle pack -Pparts=part1,part5
Which is fine but there are two problems at least that I would like to have solved:
I have to write a made up command instead of gradle build, which I care about because it`s open source, and I should not have to explain that.
With subprojects in Eclipse at least it`s very cumbersome to get it to build from Eclipse and develop effectively even when running 'gradle eclipse'. I ended up importing each subproject as a project which is pretty awful.
If I would solve this problem again starting from scratch what would the most elegant solution be?
Considering what you describe I would definitely go for a multi project set-up, this solves problem one as there are default ways to call only certain subprojects. More about multi-project build can be found here and a more specific StackOverflow question about executing tasks of subprojects can be found here.
I do not recognize the issues you describe in problem two. The integration in Eclipse works just fine after I installed the Gradle Integration for Eclipse Eclipse plugin from Springsource (although I have some JUnit issues). After you installed the Eclipse plugin just do the following to import the projects:
Apply the eclipse plugin to your Gradle build files.
In Eclipse open the 'Import' dialog by opening. By clicking File -> Import...
Choose Gradle Project as import source (located under the 'Gradle' category).
The 'Import Gradle Project' dialog will pup-up. Select the folder the root project is located in as root folder. Click Build Model. This should display the root project and it's subprojects. Select which project you want to import (probably all). Specify your 'Import Options' (I select everything except of the 'Use hierarchical project names'-option). Optionally add the projects to a working set. Than click Finish. The project should have been correctly imported.

Android Intellij edit Gradle tasks

How to edit those Gradle tasks or create my new Gradle tasks. I have googled but cannot find enough information.
These are Gradle Tasks, I want to create here new Gradle Tasks or is there any way I can edit (change code) and see code of these tasks?
